Conservative Grandma


Jan 16, 2011
Saying hello to likeminded adults...I live in Oregon, Married to my best friend, 17 grandchildren, love playing on the net...Nuff for now....
Why thank you very much....Soon as I find my way around here I will get with the program...Looks like a good forum..
Hi Linnie! Welcome to the board. I hope you're wearing your big girl pants. We play rough... but we's generally good people.
Saying hello to likeminded adults...I live in Oregon, Married to my best friend, 17 grandchildren, love playing on the net...Nuff for now....

Welcome lucky lady Linnie :) I know that luck as well :razz:
Saying hello to likeminded adults...I live in Oregon, Married to my best friend, 17 grandchildren, love playing on the net...Nuff for now....

This is just SO TOTALLY UNFAIR. I have seven granddogs and two grandchildren. Welcome anyway.
Thanks, everyone...yep my kids acted like rabbits...snicker...We had five kids and they each got right busy...
I can handle rough....Life would be boring as hell if we all agreed, wouldn't it?...

Grandogs?.....Cool...i love dogs....
Thanks, everyone...yep my kids acted like rabbits...snicker...We had five kids and they each got right busy...
I can handle rough....Life would be boring as hell if we all agreed, wouldn't it?...

Grandogs?.....Cool...i love dogs....

What does "conservative" mean?
Its just a handle...what does it mean to you?
I'm a repubican sorta....
Its just a handle...what does it mean to you?
I'm a repubican sorta....

Well, you asked, so don't get mad.

Pew Research shows only 6% of scientists are Republican. As a whole, the party seems pretty "anti education". They want to include "mysticism" with science.

The Republican Party is 90% white. The Party is based in the Confederate South and many Republicans in southern states want to celebrate the Confederacy.

Many state platforms are described as "conservative", but the worst is Texas. They want to make gay people "felons". Other states want to make sure gays can't adopt or have hospital rights to a partner. Some don't want gays "teaching".

Iraq, in their constitution, makes "Islam" the national religion and says all legislation is based on Islam (Article 2). This is why woman in Iraq have gone from "western style clothes" and professional jobs to "burkas" and unemployed. Women's groups in Iraq say they had it better under Saddam, which is a terrible thing to say. Conservatives insist we "freed" them and now they can have the government they want. Only they never asked to be "free" and now they are enslaved by Islam. They hate our guts and are best friends with Iran. If that's not true, there when is "American Appreciation Day"?

Republicans leaders held millions of Americas hostage, threatening to block their unemployment unless nearly a trillion in tax breaks were given to millionaires and billionaires.

Conservatives worked with the Chamber of Commerce and China to move millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 and closed more than 40,000 American factories. They even gave seminars nationwide to teach companies how to outsource.

Republican and Conservative leaders have referred to the unemployed at "hobos and druggies". One Republican running for governor publicly stated that the poor were like animals. Feed them an they'll breed.

Conservatives in the Senate block the President from having subpoena power to keep the US from investigating BP. Of course, there was that famous apology to BP and that guy now heads the energy commission.

Well, time is short and I have to get back to work. I could go on for another hour or so.
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So, that picture is from the Esplanade near the Hawthorne bridge?

And you have met Rdean already. He rides the board's short bus, so you can't really call him representative of the liberals here.
Snicker...whatever...I take it you are one of those whining I wrong?

Oh yea, right wingers on this board call "truth" "whining". There is nothing I've said that I haven't supplied evidence and links to. It's why conservatives don't challenge me. They just call me names.

For instance, look at PEW Research. Right wingers insist PEW is wrong because the data shows only 6% of scientists are Republican. According to the right, it simply has to be more than a measly 6%. Then you begin to investigate. The fact that the Republican leadership works against education. They fact they want to include a "magically created" controversy about the foundation science for biology, botany and physiology and want to include mysticism as an alternative to real science.

The fact that the majority of Republicans view education as "just a piece of paper" and constantly put down education and call teaches and college professors, "Elitist" and other, worse names. Who wants to go to school when their parents teach them it's unnecessary or stupid?

Iraq. I especially love to discuss Iraq. I've linked to the new Iraqi Constitution which makes Islam the "national religion". Iraq has been such a disaster. Their woman now enslaved. They have a new Ayatollah. They are friends with Iran. They hate our guts. The American right sees Iraq as a great "success".

And the apology to BP. Do you feel we should apologize to BP because we want them to clean up their mess? That the oil spill in the gulf was an "oopsie" that could have happened to anyone? That middle class America should have to pay for it? The Republican leadership does. Remember, they "apologized". What that warranted?

So, this is where the truth becomes a "whine" to those on the right.

hydrocephalus giving you trouble again?
Right wingers are too delusional to see the mess their leadership has created for them. They'll find out, eventually. Then they blame it on Obama.

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