Conservative Host Has Brilliant Solution For Poor School Kids - Call CPS

Yes, I'm a teacher also, and I know teachers who have fostered and even adopted students who were in need of families. If I said that "all" foster families are evil, I must have not been quite awake. Tell me the post number, and I'll correct that.

I know that it is common that adults who report having been abused as children say that the abuse happened in a foster home.

Having a child taken away without a court order by a CPS worker with a gimme degree in social work is a frightening possibility that could happen to any parent who has a conflict with a neighbor, or a school, or anyone else willing to make a false report of child abuse. The fact that any children are abused in foster homes, turns that possibility from frightening to terrifying.

I agree completely.

At least two, and preferably three adults should be on duty at all times to monitor the children and each other. Allowing couple's to have control over other people's children with no supervision is asking for trouble. Crazy finds crazy and we all know couples who have resulted from that. Nothing prevents those couples from becoming foster parents.

As an aside

I'm beginning to think social workers as a whole are....very soft, and not at all too...bright. Sorry, I said it.
Yeah by force.

You are forced to pay taxes if you weren't forced to pay taxes you wouldn't pay them
Taxes by nature aren't voluntary. We are either taxed, or we aren't. Not everyone has a problem with paying taxes.

Why don't you criticize my charitable giving while you're at it? It flies in the face of your argument. ;)

Parent substance use and parent experience of an SUD can have negative effects on children. Children with a parent who has an SUD are more likely than children who do not have a parent with an SUD to have lower socioeconomic status and increased difficulties in academic and social settings and family functioning.1 Children having a parent with an SUD are at risk of experiencing direct effects, such as parental abuse or neglect, or indirect effects, such as fewer household resources.

Children Living with Parents Who Have a Substance Use Disorder
Yes because everyone who is born into poverty has junkies for parents right?

You don't understand the psychological effects of poverty.

Are you really that naïve to believe that a child born into poverty has the same chances as some middle class kid in the suburbs?

Red herring arguments aren't doing you any favors, first. And of course a child born to poor parents, perhaps struggling with serious issues, has a much tougher go than other children. I would never say differently; this has been my life these 30 years.
I actually lived on the streets for almost 3 years as a teenager.

I was orphaned at 14 and stuck in a foster home with an abusive asshole so I left and took care of myself. I got out but I was lucky most people aren't.

I spent many nights cold and hungry and sometimes the only thing I had to eat in a day was a couple candy bars I could pocket so tell me how does a 15 year old kid get a job to get himself out of poverty? He sells weed at least that's what I did.

But I suppose that was just my moral failure of doing what I needed to do to survive.

This is breathtaking.

But I don't think anyone thinks it was your fault. Sometimes poverty isn't--certainly never the children or teens. But sometimes adults are poor because they spend all their money on drugs. That doesn't mean they should starve on the streets. But their choices do affect their socioeconomic status. Right?
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Red herring arguments aren't doing you any favors, first. And of course a child born to poor parents, perhaps struggling with serious issues, has a much tougher go than other children. I would never say differently; this has been my life these 30 years.
We play the hand were dealt. That's life on planet earth.
When I was in HS (1950's) our cafeteria offered a 5-meal ticket for $1.35 or 35 cents per individual meal. The food was great, and you could usually have 'seconds' as well.

What did the black kids in the other school get?
certainly there can be. emergency orders…like when mom and dad are busted for running a meth lab and they need to do something with the kids…so a full hearing can happen later but an order is needed and can come from a magistrate
Not in Texas, unfortunately.


What did the black kids in the other school get?
We did have one predominately black school but I didn't know anything about it. Our own black students got what the rest of us got. The few black fellow students we had were very popular and were very good academically.
So what?

The point is that if you weren't forced to pay taxes you would not pay them
Taking credit for something you are forced to do is kind of stupid.

I voted for and I support paying for this. Is English your second language?
This is breathtaking.

But I don't think anyone thinks it was your fault. Sometimes poverty isn't--certainly never the children or teens. But sometimes adults are poor because they spend all their money on drugs. That doesn't mean they should starve on the streets. But their choices do affect their socioeconomic status. Right?
You know as well as I do that most people think people are poor through some fault of their own, some moral failing. and completely disregard that facts that poverty is not really a choice anyone would make.

And if every adult who perpetuates poverty was a child that was born into poverty who's fault is it that they can't pull themselves out because they never had the same chances that people who never experienced poverty did?

I got lucky and got out but I could have just as easily ended up stuck.

And the funny thing is that it wasn't public education, the foster system or some government program that gave me a shot. It was one good man who owned a diner who gave me a chance and saved my life.
I've never understood the "free school lunch" thing. Don't the parents get food stamps?

If the litter isn't being fed, CPS should be called

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