Conservative Host Has Brilliant Solution For Poor School Kids - Call CPS

Born into poverty doesn't mean one must remain in poverty. In my day there was no stigma as many were poor. Today the stigma is harder to overcome than poverty itself.

And did i say otherwise?

Why are you making shit up and arguing as if I said it?

I said you people think that being born into poverty is some sort of moral failing and yo don't realize the effects of crushing poverty on children.

People born into that kind of poverty do not have the same chances to succeed and if they don't succeed it isn't because of some moral failing.
I guess since you are incapable of intellectually trying to understand it that experiencing it might be the only way for you.
My family was poor growing up, but not the "crushing poverty" that you are using as the standard for argument.

Me at 11. Many wore hand-me-downs at that time. Did you ever have to dress like this? And were you ever a victim of "crushing poverty"?

Me, age 11.jpg
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And did i say otherwise?

Why are you making shit up and arguing as if I said it?

I said you people think that being born into poverty is some sort of moral failing and yo don't realize the effects of crushing poverty on children.

People born into that kind of poverty do not have the same chances to succeed and if they don't succeed it isn't because of some moral failing.
And I said much not all of poverty is caused by moral failing of individuals and government. You then changed it to suit your argument.
My family was poor growing up, but not the "crushing poverty" that you are using as the standard for argument.

Me at 11. Many wore hand-me-downs at that time. Did you ever have to dress like this?

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I actually lived on the streets for almost 3 years as a teenager.

I was orphaned at 14 and stuck in a foster home with an abusive asshole so I left and took care of myself. I got out but I was lucky most people aren't.

I spent many nights cold and hungry and sometimes the only thing I had to eat in a day was a couple candy bars I could pocket so tell me how does a 15 year old kid get a job to get himself out of poverty? He sells weed at least that's what I did.

But I suppose that was just my moral failure of doing what I needed to do to survive.
And I said much not all of poverty is caused by moral failing of individuals and government. You then changed it to suit your argument.
How much?

It's not even most.

Poverty is self perpetuating as those who are brought up in such conditions have fewer opportunities, sub par education and have to put up with people like you who tell them that it's probably because they are people of weak moral fiber.
Yes, I'm a teacher also, and I know teachers who have fostered and even adopted students who were in need of families. If I said that "all" foster families are evil, I must have not been quite awake. Tell me the post number, and I'll correct that.

I know that it is common that adults who report having been abused as children say that the abuse happened in a foster home.

Having a child taken away without a court order by a CPS worker with a gimme degree in social work is a frightening possibility that could happen to any parent who has a conflict with a neighbor, or a school, or anyone else willing to make a false report of child abuse. The fact that any children are abused in foster homes, turns that possibility from frightening to terrifying.

I agree completely.

At least two, and preferably three adults should be on duty at all times to monitor the children and each other. Allowing couple's to have control over other people's children with no supervision is asking for trouble. Crazy finds crazy and we all know couples who have resulted from that. Nothing prevents those couples from becoming foster parents.
not sure what state you live in but CPS needs a court order in my state
There are those too. And there are foster parents who just take in foster children for more money from the govt.
True. My father and stepmother did this. I was shocked as neither were good parents, and it didn't end well.
How much?

It's not even most.

Poverty is self perpetuating as those who are brought up in such conditions have fewer opportunities, sub par education and have to put up with people like you who tell them that it's probably because they are people of weak moral fiber.
I've only mentioned it here, never to someone's face. If some poor person is offended they can respond to me in this thread. ;)
I've only mentioned it here, never to someone's face. If some poor person is offended they can respond to me in this thread. ;)
Bullshit. You believe it so it shows in your behavior just like everyone's beliefs.
I guess since you are incapable of intellectually trying to understand it that experiencing it might be the only way for you.
I do understand it "intellectually". I don't fully understand the reality of it and cannot unless I experience it, "crushing poverty" that is.
It's Texas and here the removal can come first and the hearing later on.
certainly there can be. emergency orders…like when mom and dad are busted for running a meth lab and they need to do something with the kids…so a full hearing can happen later but an order is needed and can come from a magistrate
Bullshit. You believe it so it shows in your behavior just like everyone's beliefs.
My 'behavior', through taxes paid, supports programs for the poor. I also happily contribute to charities that aid the poor. It's my duty as a Christian and a privilege as one who is financially well-off. :)
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I’m not sure you all have considered this. Right now, there has to be an abusive or dangerous environment before CFS can take a child. But if we start to take children for any old reason we can think of. Have you really thought it through?

Sure, they want to expand the control of government over the people. Isn't this obvious? The answer isn't to help people, the answer is to control people through government coercion.

A woman from CFS shows up. Sees posters on the wall lionizing Trump. Decides the parents are unsuitable and takes the kids to prevent them being brainwashed.

It will never happen you say? Are you sure? Start moving the threshold on when you can take a kid and you will see it.

Some might be willing to accept that if it means they can resist helping others.

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