Conservative Host Has Brilliant Solution For Poor School Kids - Call CPS

If there is a starving child going to school then if follows that their family must also be starving. Calling in CPS could ensure that not only the child but the family gets help. How is that being 'stingy?'
You can call other folks who do not try to make a case for abuse.
You can call other folks who do not try to make a case for abuse.
Why would CPS call a legitimately starving family abusive? If the family is REALLY letting their children go hungry they should be investigated. I agree that trusting CPS may be questionable but what other group would you call?
Why would CPS call a legitimately starving family abusive? If the family is REALLY letting their children go hungry they should be investigated. I agree that trusting CPS may be questionable but what other group would you call?
A food bank
I remember the RW mocking the Left who said that Conservatives only cared about kids until they were born. Then Kids didn’t matter
Those of us on/in the Right care about innocent and proper life ONLY. Lives that are neither proper nor innocent deserve no protection at all.
A food bank
Why? Food banks are already available to needy folks. The family could have accessed a food bank without having the food bank call them....Unless, of course, they were unable or refusing to go and get food in which case CPS might be a better choice.
Many DID starve back then.
Not if the family took care of them. Farmers had multigenerational from kids to the great grandparents, all pitching in to keep the farm going. But today, as we see from the Marxists, if you are a victim then Uncle Sugar will take care of you. As long as they can steal other people's money.
I’m not sure you all have considered this. Right now, there has to be an abusive or dangerous environment before CFS can take a child. But if we start to take children for any old reason we can think of. Have you really thought it through?

A woman from CFS shows up. Sees posters on the wall lionizing Trump. Decides the parents are unsuitable and takes the kids to prevent them being brainwashed.

It will never happen you say? Are you sure? Start moving the threshold on when you can take a kid and you will see it.
I’m not sure you all have considered this. Right now, there has to be an abusive or dangerous environment before CFS can take a child. But if we start to take children for any old reason we can think of. Have you really thought it through?

A woman from CFS shows up. Sees posters on the wall lionizing Trump. Decides the parents are unsuitable and takes the kids to prevent them being brainwashed.

It will never happen you say? Are you sure? Start moving the threshold on when you can take a kid and you will see it.
I dont understand, I though democrats eliminated poverty years ago....was the great society just another lefty lie
I dont understand, I though democrats eliminated poverty years ago....was the great society just another lefty lie
Just as Society continues to strive for the day when a person is not judged by the color of his skin, we are striving to improve the lives of everyone.
I see some of the same people condemning free school lunches that loudly proclaim the US is a Christian nation.

Pick one. You can't have it both ways!
You have it backwards. It's starts with the nuclear family. You want to replace that with government.
Yeah all those kids born into poverty were just flawed morally.

You people don't know what it's like to endure crushing poverty.

I don't, and I thank God for it. My parents were married, not on substances, and my dad had a good job. So I had a great start. That had nothing to do with me, but it DID have a lot to do with the choices my parents made.

The problem is that liberals want to say any notice of home life among impoverished children is "judgmental". It's not judgmental; it's facts. Children do better in the homes of their married, biological parents who are sober and can hold a job. How is this even controversial?

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