Conservative Host Has Brilliant Solution For Poor School Kids - Call CPS

Why would CPS call a legitimately starving family abusive? If the family is REALLY letting their children go hungry they should be investigated. I agree that trusting CPS may be questionable but what other group would you call?
You touched on the key problem of government. When government does more harm than good, as is often the case, what do you do? Go to the other government?

Of course, there is no "other government" by definition of Government: The entity with a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. Theoretically, there are agencies like the Inspector General for whatever that would investigate bad practice by CPS, but that's still just another government agency staffed by people with their own agendas. That agenda is not usuallly anything more than making it through each day without being embarassed and making it to retirement. Helping you is far down on their list of priorities.

CPS has a reputation for two things: going after parents who do not kowtow to them, and placing children in abusive foster homes far worse than the home they were taken from.
You touched on the key problem of government. When government does more harm than good, as is often the case, what do you do? Go to the other government?

Of course, there is no "other government" by definition of Government: The entity with a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. Theoretically, there are agencies like the Inspector General for whatever that would investigate bad practice by CPS, but that's still just another government agency staffed by people with their own agendas. That agenda is not usuallly anything more than making it through each day without being embarassed and making it to retirement. Helping you is far down on their list of priorities.

CPS has a reputation for two things: going after parents who do not kowtow to them, and placing children in abusive foster homes far worse than the home they were taken from.

And of course, it's a "tale as old as time"--conservatives do not think govt is a great solution to poverty, so Leftists think we just want all children to starve. Yeah yeah.
You touched on the key problem of government. When government does more harm than good, as is often the case, what do you do? Go to the other government?

Of course, there is no "other government" by definition of Government: The entity with a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. Theoretically, there are agencies like the Inspector General for whatever that would investigate bad practice by CPS, but that's still just another government agency staffed by people with their own agendas. That agenda is not usuallly anything more than making it through each day without being embarassed and making it to retirement. Helping you is far down on their list of priorities.

CPS has a reputation for two things: going after parents who do not kowtow to them, and placing children in abusive foster homes far worse than the home they were taken from.

In my experience, most people who choose to be foster families are incredibly selfless people who change the entire direction of their lives to help others.
Your experience, then, is not that of a child in an abusive foster home.
No, it has been of teachers I worked with who could not have children of their own who devoted their lives to helping children with no other hope or opportunity. Unbelievably selfless people who experienced the pain of taking in and eventually letting go of children they came to love. Don't judge the heroic by the evil exceptions.
No, it has been of teachers I worked with who could not have children of their own who devoted their lives to helping children with no other hope or opportunity. Unbelievably selfless people who experienced the pain of taking in and eventually letting go of children they came to love. Don't judge the heroic by the evil exceptions.

There are those too. And there are foster parents who just take in foster children for more money from the govt.
sorry about your experience but statistically, it’s uncommon.

sadly though when parents fail and then family fails…foster is the last option

I have thought for a while children would do better in staffed homes like orphanages, with good oversight.
Whoa! A sensible reply, by someone who actually knows what he's talking about.

We can imagine two 'extreme' cases:

(1) a parent (or, far less likely, parents) who, through no fault of their own, are unable to feed their children. They work -- or are unemployed although seeking work, or perhaps are disabled and cannot work -- they don't spend anything on luxuries -- but ... at the end of the day, they don't have enough money to buy food with.

(2) a parent who spends what money she gets on drugs and similar things. She's too drugged up or disorganized or pre-occupied with keeping her latest male happy, to do sensible shopping and preparation of food. In fact, she can't 'prepare' food, so buys more expensive already-cooked meals, or junk food.

Most Leftists think all hungry children come from parents like (1), most conservatives think they all come from parents like (2)

Since almost none of us have any direct experience with this demographic, nor have we read deeply about it, we're all just talking out of our ....

My position: school-supplied school uniforms for all kids; free school meals for all kids ... not just lunch, but breakfast and dinner, with the school being open before and after school hours, and adequately staffed for that. School opens at 7am and closes at 8pm.

This will make it easy for women to go to work. (Add good quality, free day care centers as well, for everyone.)

Fund it by selling some nukes and aircraft carriers etc to Japan and South Korea. Increase taxes if necessary.

Make it very easy for any school to leave the School District and set up as a Free School, like Michaela School in the UK, which takes ordinary kids, mainly non-white, and gets fantastic results academically. No special tricks, just real discipline.

Set up boarding schools in rural areas, far away from the inner city. Mix demographics: no 'mainly Black' or 'mainly Hispanic' schools. Have lots of military academies.

Pay teachers by 'value added' results, in reading, writing, arithmetic and History of Western Civilization.

Bar anyone who wants to teach Critical Race Theory, or Gender-Fluid-Queer Theory, from teaching, or even approaching within 500 meters of a school.
Also, teach the kids to be better parents when they marry and have children. Of course, this will be difficult as they will probably expect the state to feed their children as well while they are in school.
No, it has been of teachers I worked with who could not have children of their own who devoted their lives to helping children with no other hope or opportunity. Unbelievably selfless people who experienced the pain of taking in and eventually letting go of children they came to love. Don't judge the heroic by the evil exceptions.
Yes, I'm a teacher also, and I know teachers who have fostered and even adopted students who were in need of families. If I said that "all" foster families are evil, I must have not been quite awake. Tell me the post number, and I'll correct that.

you think it’s common that foster families are abusive?
I know that it is common that adults who report having been abused as children say that the abuse happened in a foster home.

Having a child taken away without a court order by a CPS worker with a gimme degree in social work is a frightening possibility that could happen to any parent who has a conflict with a neighbor, or a school, or anyone else willing to make a false report of child abuse. The fact that any children are abused in foster homes, turns that possibility from frightening to terrifying.

I have thought for a while children would do better in staffed homes like orphanages, with good oversight.
I agree completely.

At least two, and preferably three adults should be on duty at all times to monitor the children and each other. Allowing couple's to have control over other people's children with no supervision is asking for trouble. Crazy finds crazy and we all know couples who have resulted from that. Nothing prevents those couples from becoming foster parents.
I don't, and I thank God for it. My parents were married, not on substances, and my dad had a good job. So I had a great start. That had nothing to do with me, but it DID have a lot to do with the choices my parents made.

The problem is that liberals want to say any notice of home life among impoverished children is "judgmental". It's not judgmental; it's facts. Children do better in the homes of their married, biological parents who are sober and can hold a job. How is this even controversial?
Yes because everyone who is born into poverty has junkies for parents right?

You don't understand the psychological effects of poverty.

Are you really that naïve to believe that a child born into poverty has the same chances as some middle class kid in the suburbs?
Yeah all those kids born into poverty were just flawed morally.

You people don't know what it's like to endure crushing poverty.
I don't know what it's like to lose a limb either. Should I cut off my leg so I can understand the difficulties of those who have?
I don't know what it's like to lose a limb either. Should I cut off my leg so I can understand the difficulties of those who have?

I guess since you are incapable of intellectually trying to understand it that experiencing it might be the only way for you.
Are you really that naïve to believe that a child born into poverty has the same chances as some middle class kid in the suburbs?
Born into poverty doesn't mean one must remain in poverty. In my day there was no stigma as many were poor. Today the stigma is harder to overcome than poverty itself.

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