Conservative Host Has Brilliant Solution For Poor School Kids - Call CPS

You know as well as I do that most people think people are poor through some fault of their own, some moral failing. and completely disregard that facts that poverty is not really a choice anyone would make.

And if every adult who perpetuates poverty was a child that was born into poverty who's fault is it that they can't pull themselves out because they never had the same chances that people who never experienced poverty did?

I got lucky and got out but I could have just as easily ended up stuck.

And the funny thing is that it wasn't public education, the foster system or some government program that gave me a shot. It was one good man who owned a diner who gave me a chance and saved my life.
Don't base the whole subject of poverty and its consequences on your own personal experience. Take a broader view.
I've never understood the "free school lunch" thing. Don't the parents get food stamps?

If the litter isn't being fed, CPS should be called
If we learned the details of why some parents don't care for their children we would likely be outraged. Unfortunately, such details aren't available to the general public. The government keeps lots of information a secret as it might expose the lunacy of some of their programs.
I have a broader view because I KNOW what poverty is and I KNOW how it is perpetuated.
Can you agree that moral failings do play a big part in it? And do you have any ideas about dealing with it? Can you accept the fact that, as Jesus observed, "the poor you will always have with you"?
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If we learned the details of why some parents don't care for their children we would likely be outraged. Unfortunately, such details aren't available to the general public. The government keeps lots of information a secret as it might expose the lunacy of some of their programs.
Yep. I'm pretty sure there is a need to feed these kids because the single breeder is selling the food stamps to buy drugs or squandering it on potato chips, soda and junk food. So what can "the government" do with these "parents"? Can they remove tens of millions of children? Where would they put them? We don't have orphanages anymore
Can you agree that moral failings do play a big part in it? And do you have any ideas about dealing with it? Can you accept the fact that, as Jesus observed, "the poor you will always have with you"?
Define "big"

You like to use these vague and therefore meaningless descriptions.

And I don't need you pushing your religion on me so leave your gods out of the discussion

Societies create the poor underclass.

When humans were hunter gatherers there was no poverty why do you suppose that is?
Yep. I'm pretty sure there is a need to feed these kids because the single breeder is selling the food stamps to buy drugs or squandering it on potato chips, soda and junk food. So what can "the government" do with these "parents"? Can they remove tens of millions of children? Where would they put them? We don't have orphanages anymore
No kids are starving, and there are few complaints from taxpayers, so things seem to be working out.
Define "big"
You like to use these vague and therefore meaningless descriptions.
Easy to fill in the blanks. Just google, "Why poverty?" Much of what I've been saying will come up.
And I don't need you pushing your religion on me so leave your gods out of the discussion
An important historical figure made an astute observation. What's the problem?
Societies create the poor underclass.
That supports Jesus' observation.
When humans were hunter gatherers there was no poverty why do you suppose that is?
Do you have evidence for that assertion?

Ditto for you.

An important historical figure made an astute observation. What's the problem?

That supports Jesus' observation.

Can you prove that?
Tell me out of 10000 people currently under the poverty line how many of them are there because of their "poor moral fiber"?

And in a small tribal society with no monetary system there cannot be poverty
Yep again Shapiro is correct.

Starving your children is child abuse where CPS should be involved.

Just like you don't hand a little girl being raped by her mom's boyfriend a condom. You call the police. You don't give free food to starving children starved by their parents. You call CPS.
Starving your children is child abuse where CPS should be involved
But what would you do with them? Remember, there are TENS OF MILLIONS of them who probably should be removed from these homes. We don't have orphanages. I think we should, but we Don't

These homes are the breeding grounds for so many of the criminals we have today
Yep again Shapiro is correct.

Starving your children is child abuse where CPS should be involved.

Just like you don't hand a little girl being raped by her mom's boyfriend a condom. You call the police. You don't give free food to starving children starved by their parents. You call CPS.
What good are food stamps when all you can buy with them is shit food because there isn't a decent supermarket that isn't too far away to get to?
You have it backwards. It's starts with the nuclear family. You want to replace that with government.

That is all well and good. But how long will it take to recreate the "proper" nuclear family? Meanwhile, kids go hungry.
That is all well and good. But how long will it take to recreate the "proper" nuclear family? Meanwhile, kids go hungry.
Because the government isn't doing its job. It's making the easier, politically correct choice instead of really dealing with the problem. Ben Shapiro is right (as usual)

Maybe we should abort these kids the "parent" isn't feeding
Not in Texas, unfortunately.

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well obvisouly there are some emergency situation like mom and dad got busted with a. meth lab and are arrested. you can’t just let the kids stay behind. We use a magistrate system, but sounds like texas has a little different system, but still has a hearing the very next business day
Tell me out of 10000 people currently under the poverty line how many of them are there because of their "poor moral fiber"?
Most of the million or so prisoners are likely in poverty because of their poor moral fiber, as are most street drug addicts. Unmarried welfare moms with children from several different fathers are also in this category. Wholesale poverty is also evident in the black community as 70 percent of children are born out of wedlock, many to young people that have no means to support them or themselves.
And in a small tribal society with no monetary system there cannot be poverty
Harsh winters, drought, disease, war, etc. would likely impoverish the entire tribe. Fossils of such peoples reveal injuries from battle, evidence of malnutrition and disease.
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