Conservative Host Has Brilliant Solution For Poor School Kids - Call CPS

What good are food stamps when all you can buy with them is shit food because there isn't a decent supermarket that isn't too far away to get to?
They would likely buy 'shit food' regardless. It is part of their culture.

The supermarket adjacent to the largest black neighborhood in my city has changed hands several times in recent years. It seems that shoplifting is so bad that they can't make a profit. The latest iteration is going to be supported by the city, elst it too would close for the same reason, as the shoplifting will certainly continue.

I have visited that store many times. They provided the same quality and variety of foods that all other supermarkets in the city provide. Given the generous SNAP allowance there is no good reason for hunger, and certainly no excuse for shoplifting. If a 'food desert' exists in that area of the city their own residents are responsible for creating it.
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The left has a cure for everything. Once a program is instituted they just keep throwing money at it and hope everything will turn out right. A parent who claims that they can't afford a baloney sandwich for his/her their child for lunch most likely has other problems related to substance abuse. lefties think everything is fine as long as the state bears the responsibility for raising and feeding kids.
Tell me out of 10000 people currently under the poverty line how many of them are there because of their "poor moral fiber"?
Kick this one around in your head. My daughter has chosen to live in poverty and is likely setting her daughter up for this lifestyle as well. She isn't an immoral person, she just has always rebelled against the established order of things and is willing to pay the price. I suspect there are many who have this attitude as well.
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Like serving Big Macs to your guests or something like that?
More like eating traditional 'soul food'. Tastes great but not really good for you.

I treat myself to a McChicken sandwich every now and then (usually on Wednesday). :)
I’m not sure you all have considered this. Right now, there has to be an abusive or dangerous environment before CFS can take a child. But if we start to take children for any old reason we can think of. Have you really thought it through?

A woman from CFS shows up. Sees posters on the wall lionizing Trump. Decides the parents are unsuitable and takes the kids to prevent them being brainwashed.

It will never happen you say? Are you sure? Start moving the threshold on when you can take a kid and you will see it.
Then maybe we should implement licensing and registration for potential parents before they’re allowed to have children.
Also, teach the kids to be better parents when they marry and have children. Of course, this will be difficult as they will probably expect the state to feed their children as well while they are in school.
Yes, in theory, classes on parenting wouldn't be out of place. The importance of discipline, of setting limits for your children, of teaching them that they should sometimes put aside self-interest in the interests of the society they live in... these things could be 'taught'. But they're not really the sort of subjects that can be 'taught', like algebra, or how to sew, or how to weld. They have to be lived, to be learned by example.

Proper parenting would come more or less naturally -- as it used to -- if we were not undergoing rapid cultural decay.

They learn in many schools, and certainly in many universities, that their society -- which we call a 'country' -- is not really worth sacrificing for. It's racist, homophobic, transphobic, colonialist, unfair.

A parallel development is that young people growing up now have little motivation to get married and start a family. The more intelligent young women want to have a career ... and having children is a career-wrecker. Men can get what they want from women without having to get married.

Black women who might want to get married cannot, because there are not enough responsible Black men for them to marry. And this situation is now spreading into the white working class.

And the economic situation for the bottom half of America has not helped. (What the Left have to say about this is not entirely wrong, by a long shot.)

This is not going to change. There is not going to be a turnaround. It will just have to play itself out, with patriots being prepared to rebuild at some point in the future, when our country finally comes apart.
sorry that article is from 2 years ago. The pandemic ended and the funding stopped

It had nothing to do with the pandemic. It started well before the pandemic and it continues today.

Distributing free breakfast and lunch to students since 2015

Do I need to break this sentence down for you?

Wood County Schools will offer FREE lunch to students at all 24 schools in the district for the 2022-23 school year through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).

Wood County Schools
I’m not sure you all have considered this. Right now, there has to be an abusive or dangerous environment before CFS can take a child. But if we start to take children for any old reason we can think of. Have you really thought it through?

A woman from CFS shows up. Sees posters on the wall lionizing Trump. Decides the parents are unsuitable and takes the kids to prevent them being brainwashed.

It will never happen you say? Are you sure? Start moving the threshold on when you can take a kid and you will see it.
Yes, this is similar to 'Red Flag' laws re. gun ownership. Forty years ago, it would have been considered unexceptional, no big deal,

But now, with growing polarization in America, these laws, which were meant to have nothing at all to do with politics, can be turned into political weapons. We've already seen this happen in the schools and universities, which are no longer non-partisan institutions.

A great shame, but it's just where we are.
well obvisouly there are some emergency situation like mom and dad got busted with a. meth lab and are arrested. you can’t just let the kids stay behind. We use a magistrate system, but sounds like texas has a little different system, but still has a hearing the very next business day
Yes, that sounds reasonable until you get home from work on Friday to see your wife crying on the porch and a county car taking your five and eight year old away because one of their teachers made an anonymous report and some case manager with an MA but no common sense decided it was an emergency.

That will be a sleepless weekend and there's no guarantee it will end on Monday. Allah help you if Monday is a holiday or if the case worker goes on maternity leave and CPS asks to delay the hearing.
Yes, that sounds reasonable until you get home from work on Friday to see your wife crying on the porch and a county car taking your five and eight year old away because one of their teachers made an anonymous report and some case manager with an MA but no common sense decided it was an emergency.

That will be a sleepless weekend and there's no guarantee it will end on Monday. Allah help you if Monday is a holiday or if the case worker goes on maternity leave and CPS asks to delay the hearing.
no there is no guarantee there will certainly be an investigation into the claims your child made
Most of the million or so prisoners are likely in poverty because of their poor moral fiber, as are most street drug addicts. Unmarried welfare moms with children from several different fathers are also in this category. Wholesale poverty is also evident in the black community as 70 percent of children are born out of wedlock, many to young people that have no means to support them or themselves.

Harsh winters, drought, disease, war, etc. would likely impoverish the entire tribe. Fossils of such peoples reveal injuries from battle, evidence of malnutrition and disease.
How many is most? And please give some evidence that most people in poverty are " street drug addicts"

And poverty is not possible when there is no economy of scale. Injuries and illness are not poverty those things affected the entire tribe equally there was not any few members of the tribe that suffered more than any others
They would likely buy 'shit food' regardless. It is part of their culture.

The supermarket adjacent to the largest black neighborhood in my city has changed hands several times in recent years. It seems that shoplifting is so bad that they can't make a profit. The latest iteration is going to be supported by the city, elst it too would close for the same reason, as the shoplifting will certainly continue.

I have visited that store many times. They provided the same quality and variety of foods that all other supermarkets in the city provide. Given the generous SNAP allowance there is no good reason for hunger, and certainly no excuse for shoplifting. If a 'food desert' exists in that area of the city their own residents are responsible for creating it.
No it's not.

It's forced upon them because there are no other sources of wholesome food in large areas ( the poorest areas) of the country.
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Kick this one around in your head. My daughter has chosen to live in poverty and is likely setting her daughter up for this lifestyle as well. She isn't an immoral person, she just has always rebelled against the established order of things and is willing to pay the price. I suspect there are many who have this attitude as well.
Answer the question.
It had nothing to do with the pandemic. It started well before the pandemic and it continues today.

Distributing free breakfast and lunch to students since 2015

Do I need to break this sentence down for you?

Wood County Schools will offer FREE lunch to students at all 24 schools in the district for the 2022-23 school year through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).

Wood County Schools
not universial
It had nothing to do with the pandemic. It started well before the pandemic and it continues today.

Distributing free breakfast and lunch to students since 2015

Do I need to break this sentence down for you?

Wood County Schools will offer FREE lunch to students at all 24 schools in the district for the 2022-23 school year through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).

Wood County Schools
not universial for all students….just the ones eligible…which frankly it’s sad your county waited til 2015 for that program

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