Conservative objection to immigrants echoes Nazi propaganda


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Reports of diseased immigrant children mirror Nazi propaganda - Cafe Con Leche Republicans

"In an effort to create justification for the deportation of these children without granting refugee status, many of these reporters are echoing propaganda tactics eerily reminiscent of the Nazi campaign against European Jews during World War II.

A far more insidious technique employed by writers in anti-immigrant press, however, takes a page out of the Nazi propaganda handbook. It involves using legitimate examples of sick immigrant children with various ailments, some serious, and depicting it as far more widespread and dangerous than it actually is.

The “filthy, disease-ridden immigrant” stereotype isn’t particularly new, and while this hysteria over a case of lice may be tearing up social media, its inspiration in Nazi propaganda seems to escape the recollection of those engaging in it. The mere idea that both anti-immigrant stories and Nazi propaganda used identical tactics of lice infestation to demonize their targets should give modern writers pause.

Joseph Goebbels, the minister of propaganda for the Third Reich during World War II, waged a campaign to dehumanize Jews in their occupied lands, to ultimately justify their isolation, incarceration, and eventual extermination. That included spreading the idea that Jews carried dangerous diseases. “A recurrent theme in Nazi antisemitic propaganda was that Jews spread diseases,” the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum stated in an online educational essay about the Nazi propaganda machine. It stated that the Nazis would use reports of sickness or outbreak to justify isolating Jews in ghettos and ultimately disposing of them."

etc etc
My objection to illegal immigration and giving them amnesty is that it rewards people for breaking the law, while those who spent the effort and money to become legal immigrants are pushed back in the line.

It's wrong.
Reports of diseased immigrant children mirror Nazi propaganda - Cafe Con Leche Republicans

"In an effort to create justification for the deportation of these children without granting refugee status, many of these reporters are echoing propaganda tactics eerily reminiscent of the Nazi campaign against European Jews during World War II.

A far more insidious technique employed by writers in anti-immigrant press, however, takes a page out of the Nazi propaganda handbook. It involves using legitimate examples of sick immigrant children with various ailments, some serious, and depicting it as far more widespread and dangerous than it actually is.

The “filthy, disease-ridden immigrant” stereotype isn’t particularly new, and while this hysteria over a case of lice may be tearing up social media, its inspiration in Nazi propaganda seems to escape the recollection of those engaging in it. The mere idea that both anti-immigrant stories and Nazi propaganda used identical tactics of lice infestation to demonize their targets should give modern writers pause.

Joseph Goebbels, the minister of propaganda for the Third Reich during World War II, waged a campaign to dehumanize Jews in their occupied lands, to ultimately justify their isolation, incarceration, and eventual extermination. That included spreading the idea that Jews carried dangerous diseases. “A recurrent theme in Nazi antisemitic propaganda was that Jews spread diseases,” the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum stated in an online educational essay about the Nazi propaganda machine. It stated that the Nazis would use reports of sickness or outbreak to justify isolating Jews in ghettos and ultimately disposing of them."

etc etc

Illegal immigration is against the law in every country on this planet and rightly so. Enough said and there is nothing remotely connected to Nazism on this issue. We don't object to legal immigration no matter who they are. The Nazis wanted to exterminate anyone who wasn't like them. Once again you are a complete and utter idiot!
Reports of diseased immigrant children mirror Nazi propaganda - Cafe Con Leche Republicans

"In an effort to create justification for the deportation of these children without granting refugee status, many of these reporters are echoing propaganda tactics eerily reminiscent of the Nazi campaign against European Jews during World War II.

A far more insidious technique employed by writers in anti-immigrant press, however, takes a page out of the Nazi propaganda handbook. It involves using legitimate examples of sick immigrant children with various ailments, some serious, and depicting it as far more widespread and dangerous than it actually is.

The “filthy, disease-ridden immigrant” stereotype isn’t particularly new, and while this hysteria over a case of lice may be tearing up social media, its inspiration in Nazi propaganda seems to escape the recollection of those engaging in it. The mere idea that both anti-immigrant stories and Nazi propaganda used identical tactics of lice infestation to demonize their targets should give modern writers pause.

Joseph Goebbels, the minister of propaganda for the Third Reich during World War II, waged a campaign to dehumanize Jews in their occupied lands, to ultimately justify their isolation, incarceration, and eventual extermination. That included spreading the idea that Jews carried dangerous diseases. “A recurrent theme in Nazi antisemitic propaganda was that Jews spread diseases,” the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum stated in an online educational essay about the Nazi propaganda machine. It stated that the Nazis would use reports of sickness or outbreak to justify isolating Jews in ghettos and ultimately disposing of them."

etc etc

Illegal immigration is against the law in every country on this planet and rightly so. Enough said and there is nothing remotely connected to Nazism on this issue. We don't object to legal immigration no matter who they are. The Nazis wanted to exterminate anyone who wasn't like them. Once again you are a complete and utter idiot!

You always acknowledge idiots? I usually just ignore them.
Reports of diseased immigrant children mirror Nazi propaganda - Cafe Con Leche Republicans

"In an effort to create justification for the deportation of these children without granting refugee status, many of these reporters are echoing propaganda tactics eerily reminiscent of the Nazi campaign against European Jews during World War II.

A far more insidious technique employed by writers in anti-immigrant press, however, takes a page out of the Nazi propaganda handbook. It involves using legitimate examples of sick immigrant children with various ailments, some serious, and depicting it as far more widespread and dangerous than it actually is.

The “filthy, disease-ridden immigrant” stereotype isn’t particularly new, and while this hysteria over a case of lice may be tearing up social media, its inspiration in Nazi propaganda seems to escape the recollection of those engaging in it. The mere idea that both anti-immigrant stories and Nazi propaganda used identical tactics of lice infestation to demonize their targets should give modern writers pause.

Joseph Goebbels, the minister of propaganda for the Third Reich during World War II, waged a campaign to dehumanize Jews in their occupied lands, to ultimately justify their isolation, incarceration, and eventual extermination. That included spreading the idea that Jews carried dangerous diseases. “A recurrent theme in Nazi antisemitic propaganda was that Jews spread diseases,” the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum stated in an online educational essay about the Nazi propaganda machine. It stated that the Nazis would use reports of sickness or outbreak to justify isolating Jews in ghettos and ultimately disposing of them."

etc etc

Illegal immigration is against the law in every country on this planet and rightly so. Enough said and there is nothing remotely connected to Nazism on this issue. We don't object to legal immigration no matter who they are. The Nazis wanted to exterminate anyone who wasn't like them. Once again you are a complete and utter idiot!

You always acknowledge idiots? I usually just ignore them.

So you ignore yourself?
You'll just throw up anything so you can dump on conservatives.

You know it's tough shit if these people don't want for the truth to get out. so they go around calling people Nazis

real nice. What haven't they called us...for sure they care more about Illegal immigrants than they do their own fellow country and women

lets call them Traitors
Only a couple more hours before the elementary schools dismiss for the day

For every hardworking Mexican immigrant we accept, we need to deport one Progressive. We'd be so far ahead
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Liberals are good at straw-man "arguments."

I know very few people who are 'anti-immigration." Even we Conservatives know that this country is mainly comprised of immigrants and descendants of immigrants, who bring culture and talents that enrich us all.

But that is not what the current discussion is about. The current discussion is about whether this country should be the toxic human waste dump of the world. Whether any pathetic bastard with a hard-luck story to tell should be permitted to come here, pitch a tent, and live the rest of their lives at the expense of the American taxpayers. I never signed on for that, and I won't.

By wiping away the distinction between "immigration" and "illegal immigration," liberals think they are "proving" that Conservatives are racists and bigots.

And Democrats (as opposed to Liberals) pretend to be compassionate in their constant campaign to eventually grant citizenship to all these displaced bastards, when all they really want is the perpetual votes of an army of people who are determined to live off the Gub'mint.

In contrast to previous generations of immigrants, who came here to prosper as AMERICANS, as opposed to displaced, Spanish-speaking Mexicans who just happen to live here.
That article was pure Saul Alinsky to cover up for the real Nazis (Democrat/Progressive with Obama as their leader) and what they are doing to us right now. People better wake the hell up they are selling YOU OUT right before your eyes

Fundamental Transformation of America: Getting Rid of the Country That Exists, Replacing it with a Foreign New One

By Paul Preston

Susan Payne and Ted Hayes will be guests on Agenda 21 Radio with Paul Preston Monday March 9, 2015 at 12:00 pm PST

For those of you who may have noticed your population demographics changing in your communities over the last several months then after reading and listening to this article you will realize you live in one of the “receiving communities” subsequently to be transformed (fundamentally, I suppose) into what are labeled “emerging immigrant communities” by the Obama administration.

I’ve noticed at my local market the influx of Spanish speaking families, whole family units grand parents, parents, children. Last week when I went to check out the cashier said that the store seems to be being taken over by Spanish speaking families. She went on to say it’s non stop as she sees new families every week.

This article explains the Obama administration’s new plan…“developing a country within a country.”

By Judi McLeod
Canada Free Press

The actual blueprint of the method of the madness of the Obama regime has been laid bare in White House plans to develop “A Country Within A country” of 15 Million “New Americans”, a story brought to light by Mark Levin’s interview with Susan Payne.

READ American Thinker Article: Obama Amnesty Plan: Legalize Foreigners, ‘Take Over the Host,’ ‘Push Citizens into the Shadows’ By Selwyn Duke

“Citizens Will Be Cast Into the Shadows”, warns Susan Payne, a contributor to WCBM, Baltimore and Co-Host of the Pat McDonough Radio Show. (Independent Sentinel, February 28, 2015)

Citizens about to be cast into the shadows is only courtesy of the natural order when the current administration in D.C. operates not on the way its own unsuspecting citizens presume, but on a long term in place, carefully mounted ‘Shadow Government’.

It was the ‘Shadow Government’ that built its own “civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the military”; a Shadow Government that gives us a false image as Barack Obama as president when ‘Shadow Woman’ Valerie Jarrett, for whom not a single vote was cast, is running the show.

Shocking as it all is, it’s really the uninterrupted cunning of Marxism at work to supplant the people of an entire country.

And now we have more to worry about than Obama’s own military advancing from the shadows while the original one has been gutted to an almost unrecognizable state, or dozens of czars having been put in place as far back as 2009—because the regime is now boldly working on supplanting the American population.

Thank Heavens for Mark Levin, who drags things out of the shadows into the antiseptic sunshine more than anyone on the patriot scene today.

Republicans and Democrats in the White House are not legalizing 13 to 15 million illegal immigrants for the sake of altruism. Frankensteins in the lab, they are working on the QT to build a “country within a country”.

all of it here:
Exposed Planned Subjugation of America s Population Agenda 21 Radio

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