Conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
offered Gingrich one million dollars to drop out of the race.

I wonder who Savage is for?- haven't listened to him for a while - Ron Paul would be my guess.
Dont know. Savage is weired about such things. I haven't listened for a few years my self .

I haven't listened to Savage since sometime in October.

Before Gingrich's surge.

Know he doesn't like Romney.

I may tune into his show tommorrow to find out if he is for anybody.
offered Gingrich one million dollars to drop out of the race.

I wonder who Savage is for?- haven't listened to him for a while - Ron Paul would be my guess.

He has had Ron Paul on his show a few times. So he might support him. He knows Gingrich isn't the right guy for the job. And i agree 100%.
He said he'd prefer Romney over Newt and Obama, because he could then at least sleep at night.
Tonight he had Donald Trump on his show and was going to ask him why he would consider running 3rd party and allow Obama to win (his words). I didn't listen to rest of show.
offered Gingrich one million dollars to drop out of the race.

I wonder who Savage is for?- haven't listened to him for a while - Ron Paul would be my guess.
He had endorsed Cain but that was before he imploded.
offered Gingrich one million dollars to drop out of the race.

I wonder who Savage is for?- haven't listened to him for a while - Ron Paul would be my guess.

Savage is at odds with Paul's foreign policy. From what I can guess he doesn't support anyone, but would be much happier not to have Obama.
He said he'd prefer Romney over Newt and Obama, because he could then at least sleep at night.
Tonight he had Donald Trump on his show and was going to ask him why he would consider running 3rd party and allow Obama to win (his words). I didn't listen to rest of show.

One of the areas I disagree with him on. My desire to see Obama get kicked out doesn't trump my desire to get a good person into office. I don't really care if someone splits the conservative vote, so long as I have someone that I feel comfortable voting for (ie. not Trump)
Some say just let Obama win in 2012 - then GOP holds on to the WH and Conress for next 30 years starting in 2016.

But who wants to be the sacrificial lamb for the GOP in 2012????
offered Gingrich one million dollars to drop out of the race.

I wonder who Savage is for?- haven't listened to him for a while - Ron Paul would be my guess.

He is for the true conservative in the race and that is Mitt Romney and if people, including talk radio hosts and fox news would actually do their OWN research as Michael Savage and Ann Coulter have done they would know it. But ohhhhhhhhhhhh no, they just repeat a fallacy and promote the Anti- Mitt nut cases.

" A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put it's pants on."
Winston Churchill
offered Gingrich one million dollars to drop out of the race.

I wonder who Savage is for?- haven't listened to him for a while - Ron Paul would be my guess.

Savage is at odds with Paul's foreign policy. From what I can guess he doesn't support anyone, but would be much happier not to have Obama.

He supports Romney and has stated as much.
offered Gingrich one million dollars to drop out of the race.

I wonder who Savage is for?- haven't listened to him for a while - Ron Paul would be my guess.

I have not listened to him a lot. But from what I remember I think he might have issues with Paul's Foreign Policy but probably loves everything else about him.
Dont know. Savage is weired about such things. I haven't listened for a few years my self .

I haven't listened to Savage since sometime in October.

Before Gingrich's surge.

Know he doesn't like Romney.

I may tune into his show tommorrow to find out if he is for anybody.

He knows Newt can't beat Obama, he supports Romney because he knows that Romney can beat Obama, no way he would ever be for Ron Paul as Ron Paul is a nut case who would put us in such a weakened state of defense that we would have terrorists roaming our streets and blowing up our elementary schools. The dude is flipping nuts. Freedom is not free.
offered Gingrich one million dollars to drop out of the race.

I wonder who Savage is for?- haven't listened to him for a while - Ron Paul would be my guess.

He is for the true conservative in the race and that is Mitt Romney and if people, including talk radio hosts and fox news would actually do their OWN research as Michael Savage and Ann Coulter have done they would know it. But ohhhhhhhhhhhh no, they just repeat a fallacy and promote the Anti- Mitt nut cases.

" A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put it's pants on."
Winston Churchill

My opinion:
Mitt is not the most conservative in the race... that would be Santorum or Bauchmann.

I do know that Dr. Savage had dinner with Mitt Romney a while back.

Romney is not my 1st choice though.

BTW.... Trump is a joke and I will be highly pissed if Ron Paul or Trump run on a 3rd party ticket.
There should be a rule.. if you participate in Republican debates.... you run as a Republican. No if &'s or buts.....

Ron Paul followers are idiots too!
Some say just let Obama win in 2012 - then GOP holds on to the WH and Conress for next 30 years starting in 2016.

But who wants to be the sacrificial lamb for the GOP in 2012????

I'm voting for Obama next year. I want to give the jackass another four years to further cripple this country. Another four years of MORE unemployment and MORE failed "economic stimulus packages" and MORE national debt and MORE kissing up to China and MORE coddling of enviro-nazis and labor union thugs, etc., etc., etc., should be enough to cause massive civil unrest and a huge AWAKENING of the "silent majority".

Some say just let Obama win in 2012 - then GOP holds on to the WH and Conress for next 30 years starting in 2016.

But who wants to be the sacrificial lamb for the GOP in 2012????

I'm voting for Obama next year. I want to give the jackass another four years to further cripple this country. Another four years of MORE unemployment and MORE failed "economic stimulus packages" and MORE national debt and MORE kissing up to China and MORE coddling of enviro-nazis and labor union thugs, etc., etc., etc., should be enough to cause massive civil unrest and a huge AWAKENING of the "silent majority".


The GOP House majority should be able to minimize Obamas damage should he get (notice I said "get" not "win") another term.
The GOP House majority should be able to minimize Obamas damage should he get (notice I said "get" not "win") another term.

'If' he should 'get' another term.... there is no way it will be done above board.

He is a train wreck of a president!
If anyone other than Romney is nominated, Obama wins easily and constitutionally. End of story.

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