Conservative revolt paralyzes US House for second day

Most news stories are correct. You are the one listening to Tucker's propaganda saying the media is always wrong. Great way to get viewers when you're the only one in the room supposedly telling the truth.
This might not be the right forum, but you're fucking stupid.
Oh! I just done found out you're FakeyJakey, so I will give you everything that comes with that. :p
Well would appear that the wheels are coming off the GOP bus. Where's the impeachment? Any impeachment, right?
It would appear, that once again, the Repubs would rather fight with themselves..while the Left consolidates its gains and looks to 2024...while licking their chops~

The U.S. House of Representatives was paralyzed for a second day on Wednesday as Speaker Kevin McCarthy struggled to quell a revolt by hardline Republicans, raising questions about the party's ability to advance its agenda in Washington.
McCarthy said he felt "blindsided" after a group of conservatives derailed their own party's effort to block new environmental regulations on household gas stoves but predicted the two sides would resolve their differences.
"We'll work through this, and we'll even be stronger," he told reporters.
But the chamber remained in a holding pattern, as Republican McCarthy's leadership team scheduled and then canceled another attempt to advance the legislation.
The hardliners have vowed to use "procedural tools" to slow legislation until McCarthy agrees to their terms, raising questions about whether McCarthy was at risk of losing his post.
Those hardliners were among the House Republicans who opposed McCarthy's election as speaker in January until he agreed to concessions that make it easy to challenge his leadership.

They were also among the 71 Republicans who opposed the compromise debt ceiling legislation passed last week. They maintain that McCarthy and his leadership team did not cut spending deeply enough, ignored their input and retaliated against at least one of their members.
They're making sure McCarthy doesn't become a Pelosi.
Republicans do tend to fight it out among themselves where Democrats are in lockstep. It's both good and bad.
Look, $31T and counting is unsustainable.

I totally agree with this, which is why I thought McCarthy won. He knows that the debt will grow, which will put more pressure on the Dems to cut spending. The American public probably would agree with spending cuts, and if he can kick the can down the road without agreeing to a tax increase, that puts pressure on the Dems to bend, not the GOP. Shit, he might even get the so-called centrists to agree that in order to save SS and Medicare, we need to raise the age of eligibility.
Most news stories are correct. You are the one listening to Tucker's propaganda saying the media is always wrong. Great way to get viewers when you're the only one in the room supposedly telling the truth.
What do you mean by most? I don’t think they’re over 50% which by any measure would mean most.

Smollett? Did they nail that one?

Bubba Wallace? Nope.

Nick Sandman? Surely not he’s rich and retired from the media payoffs.

Rittenhouse? Surely they got that…NVM. Our next millionaire in the US.

Michael Brown? I mean hands up don’t… fuck, it never happened.

Russia, for sure that one. It went on for years, has to be accurate. Nope.

Trayvon! 100% accu…bullshit. Fuck.

Feel free to add some.
Yes, Democrats in the house allow no dissent from their hive-mind, top-down insistence on lock-step conformity in all things while the republicans have individuals who happen to have their own ideas.

How interesting that the op champions the more fascistic point of view rather than the more libertarian.
What do you mean by most? I don’t think they’re over 50% which by any measure would mean most.

Smollett? Did they nail that one?

Bubba Wallace? Nope.

Nick Sandman? Surely not he’s rich and retired from the media payoffs.

Rittenhouse? Surely they got that…NVM. Our next millionaire in the US.

Michael Brown? I mean hands up don’t… fuck, it never happened.

Russia, for sure that one. It went on for years, has to be accurate. Nope.

Trayvon! 100% accu…bullshit. Fuck.
John Doe=JakeStarkey. Yessir!

Post from that revelation.
Feel free to add some.
What do you mean by most? I don’t think they’re over 50% which by any measure would mean most.

Smollett? Did they nail that one?

Bubba Wallace? Nope.

Nick Sandman? Surely not he’s rich and retired from the media payoffs.

Rittenhouse? Surely they got that…NVM. Our next millionaire in the US.

Michael Brown? I mean hands up don’t… fuck, it never happened.

Russia, for sure that one. It went on for years, has to be accurate. Nope.

Trayvon! 100% accu…bullshit. Fuck.

Feel free to add some.
Millions of news stories, and you select a mere handful, further proving my point. But lets just take the first one.....Smollett. The guy was trying to con everyone. What exactly did the news media get wrong? Eventually, they uncovered the truth.
"TrumpPanzees" That is a good one!:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Democracy? I thought we were a constitutional republic. Going off script is going to get you called a RINO! :biggrin:
We are a democratic republic... debate and bickering and posturing in the house and senate is the democracy part... to force lockstep groupthink in a party is what dems do.... watch and learn how democracy works without the strong arm of a Nancy Pelosi....
I can count 13 democrat state and even a federal house member who have switched parties this last 4 years from dem to republican... so things are improving....
Well would appear that the wheels are coming off the GOP bus. Where's the impeachment? Any impeachment, right?
It would appear, that once again, the Repubs would rather fight with themselves..while the Left consolidates its gains and looks to 2024...while licking their chops~

The U.S. House of Representatives was paralyzed for a second day on Wednesday as Speaker Kevin McCarthy struggled to quell a revolt by hardline Republicans, raising questions about the party's ability to advance its agenda in Washington.
McCarthy said he felt "blindsided" after a group of conservatives derailed their own party's effort to block new environmental regulations on household gas stoves but predicted the two sides would resolve their differences.
"We'll work through this, and we'll even be stronger," he told reporters.
But the chamber remained in a holding pattern, as Republican McCarthy's leadership team scheduled and then canceled another attempt to advance the legislation.
The hardliners have vowed to use "procedural tools" to slow legislation until McCarthy agrees to their terms, raising questions about whether McCarthy was at risk of losing his post.
Those hardliners were among the House Republicans who opposed McCarthy's election as speaker in January until he agreed to concessions that make it easy to challenge his leadership.

They were also among the 71 Republicans who opposed the compromise debt ceiling legislation passed last week. They maintain that McCarthy and his leadership team did not cut spending deeply enough, ignored their input and retaliated against at least one of their members.
Republicans have contempt for sound, responsible governance.
This is weird. As a Biden supporter, I was pretty sure that the debt deal was going to be his Waterloo and not McCarthy's. Any objective observer who isn't full-on MAGA-tard would see that McCarthy won that match.

Did MAGAs really think that taking credit for a default was the winning hand here? They're even more insane than I thought.

Default now, or hyperinflation later.

I know which one is worse.

Do you?
Well would appear that the wheels are coming off the GOP bus. Where's the impeachment? Any impeachment, right?
It would appear, that once again, the Repubs would rather fight with themselves..while the Left consolidates its gains and looks to 2024...while licking their chops~

The U.S. House of Representatives was paralyzed for a second day on Wednesday as Speaker Kevin McCarthy struggled to quell a revolt by hardline Republicans, raising questions about the party's ability to advance its agenda in Washington.
McCarthy said he felt "blindsided" after a group of conservatives derailed their own party's effort to block new environmental regulations on household gas stoves but predicted the two sides would resolve their differences.
"We'll work through this, and we'll even be stronger," he told reporters.
But the chamber remained in a holding pattern, as Republican McCarthy's leadership team scheduled and then canceled another attempt to advance the legislation.
The hardliners have vowed to use "procedural tools" to slow legislation until McCarthy agrees to their terms, raising questions about whether McCarthy was at risk of losing his post.
Those hardliners were among the House Republicans who opposed McCarthy's election as speaker in January until he agreed to concessions that make it easy to challenge his leadership.

They were also among the 71 Republicans who opposed the compromise debt ceiling legislation passed last week. They maintain that McCarthy and his leadership team did not cut spending deeply enough, ignored their input and retaliated against at least one of their members.
Oh gee....a party that doesn't march in lock-step and actually debates with each other!! I can understand how the leftist-radical controlled Democrat party would think the Republicans were 'paralyzed' and thought there was a 'revolt.' In the Democrat party, those things getcha politically burned.
Just so ya know...I'm not a Democrat.
But..when it comes to 'group think' I think the Right..especially the Trumpanzees....could give lessons.
Bidumbs march in lock step with blinders on. I'm not a Republican nor am I a Democrat.
What do you mean by most? I don’t think they’re over 50% which by any measure would mean most.

Smollett? Did they nail that one?

Bubba Wallace? Nope.

Nick Sandman? Surely not he’s rich and retired from the media payoffs.

Rittenhouse? Surely they got that…NVM. Our next millionaire in the US.

Michael Brown? I mean hands up don’t… fuck, it never happened.

Russia, for sure that one. It went on for years, has to be accurate. Nope.

Trayvon! 100% accu…bullshit. Fuck.

Feel free to add some.
Yup they get a lot of shit wrong.

They still have a WAY better record than you.
Its called democracy... I know you aren't used to it since your party has transformed into group think Authoritarians...
Yet another example of rightwing domestic terrorism – holding the People’s House hostage.

The right’s war on democracy continues.

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