Conservative SCOTUS Justices FAIL: Backdoor Legislating by Marriage Attrition


OK, look at the graph you posted showing that gay marriage was one of the least important issues for voters...supposedly...

Then look at the poll at the top of this page: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 155 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

150 people voted on that poll here at USMB. It's one of the largest ever at USMB. A poll here at USMB is lucky to have a dozen responders. The thread has 33,000 of the most-viewed threads I've seen here. The answer that got 82% response doesn't just say "no" to "do you think churches should have to marry gays". The answer actually says "oh HELL no!". And as such would not be voted on by the LGBT faithful. They are if nothing else, excruciatingly careful on internet websites to paint nothing but a picture of total acceptance of their deviant sex cult in every single nook and cranny of human society. Their smoke-and-mirrors propaganda machine demands nothing less. Just to put to bed the argument going on there that somehow *suddenly* gays are all about supporting people's right to refuse them long as it's a church dontcha-know...

So on the one hand we have your poll that anyone could create using photoshop, or canvassing people in San Francisco or Boy's Town Chicago. On the other hand we have a real live poll here at USMB that one would have to create dozens of sock puppets in order to skew with "carefull canvassing". I think I'll buy into the data that reflects more oversight in how that data is collected...where people can actually see the questions asked and the subtle differences between "no" and "oh HELL NO!"... And the amount of interest in the topic [33,000 views] etc.

Which is more credible?

A nationwide poll conducted by Washington Post-ABC News?

Or a half assed biased "poll" with poorly worded slanted questions that is narrowly targeted to only provide the results you wanted?

I wasn't the only respondent in that thread who never clicked one of the options in your BS "poll" because you had failed to provide any option that reflected the views of the majority of Americans. That was confirmed by many of the other posters in that thread who commented on the lack of an option that reflected reality.

So your "data" is utterly worthless. You are not a professional pollster and you did not do a random sample canvass of the electorate and you have zero credibility as an analyst.

It is you who is distorting your own BS and pretending that it reflects reality. But the hard facts are that you are delusional if you believe that you have 82% of the nation supporting your homophobia. Not even your own fellow bigots are willing to make a political stand on the issue of gay marriage any longer.

The writing is on the wall and it spells "YOU LOST, GET OVER IT"!
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This "A nationwide poll conducted by Washington Post-ABC News? // Or a half assed biased "poll" with poorly worded slanted questions that is narrowly targeted to only provide the results your wanted?" clearly reveals the worthlessness of this OP.

OK, look at the graph you posted showing that gay marriage was one of the least important issues for voters...supposedly...

Then look at the poll at the top of this page: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 155 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

150 people voted on that poll here at USMB. It's one of the largest ever at USMB. A poll here at USMB is lucky to have a dozen responders. The thread has 33,000 of the most-viewed threads I've seen here. The answer that got 82% response doesn't just say "no" to "do you think churches should have to marry gays". The answer actually says "oh HELL no!". And as such would not be voted on by the LGBT faithful. They are if nothing else, excruciatingly careful on internet websites to paint nothing but a picture of total acceptance of their deviant sex cult in every single nook and cranny of human society. Their smoke-and-mirrors propaganda machine demands nothing less. Just to put to bed the argument going on there that somehow *suddenly* gays are all about supporting people's right to refuse them long as it's a church dontcha-know...

So on the one hand we have your poll that anyone could create using photoshop, or canvassing people in San Francisco or Boy's Town Chicago. On the other hand we have a real live poll here at USMB that one would have to create dozens of sock puppets in order to skew with "carefull canvassing". I think I'll buy into the data that reflects more oversight in how that data is collected...where people can actually see the questions asked and the subtle differences between "no" and "oh HELL NO!"... And the amount of interest in the topic [33,000 views] etc.
the idea you are trying to use a USMB message board poll as a fact is one of the saddest things i've ever seen on the internet.
the idea you are trying to use a USMB message board poll as a fact is one of the saddest things i've ever seen on the internet.

Yeah, it probably would be I agree. Except that it's one of the largest polls ever at one of the most visited political websites. It has 30,000+ views and 82% of the responders didn't answer just "no" to "should churches have to perform gay weddings"....they answered "oh HELL NO!". Which is something of course that gays engaged in propaganda on the net would NEVER even vote on, much less pick "oh HELL NO!"

Taking that altogether we can say that the poll is:

1. Important.

2. Popular

3. One of the most exposed political polls on political web chat sites

4. Having an 82% majority almost certainly not composed of gay advocates.

5. Has its mechanics exposed and not just some trite bar graph or some filtered conclusion such as "most Americans approve of gay marriage now"...suddenly...for no apparent reason....they just switched their idea on two dudes acting as mom and dad to little kids...overnight. You know, because that idea just suddenly became non-polarizing.

Your spins are creative. But they are lies. And both sides of the aisle are going to discover that 82% is a very big number. And we know that the GOP is in on fostering this "dissolving traditional marriage by attrition" thing. Voters aren't impressed by conservatives laying down and pissing all over themselves, or doing some pre-election hanky panky BS that's ultimately going to change society forever....just so they can pack Congress.

Both sides are seriously misjudging how the middle views this and other weighty political topics that are just all dying from attrition because a bunch of rich narcissists are playing capture-the-flag on Capitol Hill and in the Halls of the Supreme Court.. Our nation now really does consist of two utterly fascist regimes at either end of the spectrum vying for total control of the country...basically a carte blanche dictatorship. And the bulk of us, the rest of us are in the middle pretty close to exploding. That makes for weird election know...while we still have the right to vote. Maybe that's next on the Supreme Court docket?

We certainly don't have the right to vote on gay marriage. Even though the Supreme Court just said we did in Windsor last year...
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And the answer to your poll was only to respect churches' private association, and it was not a rejection of marriage equality.

Sil has failed miserably on this OP.
the idea you are trying to use a USMB message board poll as a fact is one of the saddest things i've ever seen on the internet.

Yeah, it probably would be I agree. Except that it's one of the largest polls ever at one of the most visited political websites. It has 30,000+ views and 82% of the responders didn't answer just "no" to "should churches have to perform gay weddings"....they answered "oh HELL NO!". Which is something of course that gays engaged in propaganda on the net would NEVER even vote on, much less pick "oh HELL NO!"

Taking that altogether we can say that the poll is:

1. Important.

2. Popular

3. One of the most exposed political polls on political web chat sites

4. Having an 82% majority almost certainly not composed of gay advocates.

5. Has its mechanics exposed and not just some trite bar graph or some filtered conclusion such as "most Americans approve of gay marriage now"...suddenly...for no apparent reason....they just switched their idea on two dudes acting as mom and dad to little kids...overnight. You know, because that idea just suddenly became non-polarizing.

Your spins are creative. But they are lies. And both sides of the aisle are going to discover that 82% is a very big number. And we know that the GOP is in on fostering this "dissolving traditional marriage by attrition" thing. Voters aren't impressed by conservatives laying down and pissing all over themselves, or doing some pre-election hanky panky BS that's ultimately going to change society forever....just so they can pack Congress.

Both sides are seriously misjudging how the middle views this and other weighty political topics that are just all dying from attrition because a bunch of rich narcissists are playing capture-the-flag on Capitol Hill and in the Halls of the Supreme Court.. Our nation now really does consist of two utterly fascist regimes at either end of the spectrum vying for total control of the country...basically a carte blanche dictatorship. And the bulk of us, the rest of us are in the middle pretty close to exploding. That makes for weird election know...while we still have the right to vote. Maybe that's next on the Supreme Court docket?

We certainly don't have the right to vote on gay marriage. Even though the Supreme Court just said we did in Windsor last year...
taking that all together we can say the poll you made is completely irrelevant to anything ever period.
The poll: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 157 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The reaction to A&E trying to pull Duck Dynasty because Phil Robertson said he is against gay marriage:

“Absolutely astonishing” is how the Facebook administrators for the “Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty”described hitting 1 million “Likes” in less than 24 hours.
The page was established Wednesday to “show support for the freedom of speech of Americans,” and supported by people who agreed: “Unless Phil is reinstated to the show, we refuse to watch the A&E Channel!” less than 30 hours, the page has 1.3 million “Likes"... 8216 Absolutely astonishing 8217 Over 1.4M join 8216 Boycott A E 8217 Facebook page - BizPac Review

The Chic-Fil-A "it's OK to oppose gay marriage eat-in"



The only "fail" on this thread is the fail of conservative Justices not noting how many people they're creating apathy in for the GOP just weeks before a pivotal election...
That is not "tens of millions" and most certainly not "hundreds of millions" of voters.

It is just a bunch of disgruntled reactionaries like yourself that are becoming politically irrelevant as the demographics of this nation change.

You can't stop progress and you most certainly cannot deny your fellow Americans their equal rights under the law.
Disgruntled right reactonaries is right on.

And Jacksonian democracy can only negatively affect civil liberties through the national Amendment process.
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Disgruntled right reactonaries is right on.

And Jacksonian democracy can only negatively affect civil liberties through the national Amendment process.
And People's right to self rule against repugnant behaviors locally [civil and penal codes] via the blind justice of precedent + "equality" = a predictable disaster to the fundamental way states rule themselves.

Behaviors do not = race.
Oh, shut it, Sil.

The people disagree with you. The courts disagree with you. It is what it is.

You supported a failed OP for a very long time.

You are wrong. Period.
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Oh, shut it, Sil.

The people disagree with you. The courts disagree with you. It is what it is.

You supported a failed OP for a very long time.

You are wrong. Period.
You seem a little desperate to impart that message as "true". And your desperation is shared by your reliable cohorts on these topics.

Refer back to my post #67 above...
Sil, the desperation is on your part.

The irritation of your denial of what is legal fact, of course, remains my part.
Sil, the desperation is on your part.

The irritation of your denial of what is legal fact, of course, remains my part.
And yet here you are posting over and over and over and over "Sil has failed...this thread has failed...etc. etc." which shows your lack of confidence that it has ACTUALLY failed. Your actions betray your fears Jakey.. Does the information in post #67 keep you needing to "protest too much"?
...Which is more credible?

A nationwide poll conducted by Washington Post-ABC News?

Or a half assed biased "poll" with poorly worded slanted questions that is narrowly targeted to only provide the results you wanted?..

Depends on where and who you ask and who is taking the poll. If you're going to start a propaganda campaign like inarguably the LGBT campaign has been, you get started way back. As it happens, organized homosexuals first took over the APA back in the 1970s. That is documented and there are articles about its incremental demise. Likewise, if you're going to try to insert your culture into the existing one and try to stamp out religion and get to kids [read statements from actual gay activists about this], you do it first by getting in the minds of people. After that, the lawsuits are a mere formalty.

Enter GLAAD. Many of Hollywood's more conservative crew are very upset about the extrodinary inroads and power GLAAD has over programming now. And we see it in ever more and more and more permissive and explicit "gay friendly programming". Get a few rich childless gay guys dying of AIDS, willing their estates to organized activists. Hire a few lawyers...yada yada yada...milk public sympathy about "gay teen suicides" while you send out your memos to gays or purchased-gay sympathetic leaders in high places...the ones who just happened to be there or the ones strategically placed there [Jennings, Holder, etc.]. Begin clamping down on any and all thought processes and institutions that resist your advancements. Openly punish those who are wilfull and don't immediate submit to your threats and demands and alternating sympathy plays. Teach onlookers "by example" what will come their way if they resist.

And we have precisely where we are today. Neither political party will resist. Yet tens of millions of silent voters still are utterly disgusted with this cult taking over rational thought processes. And a "conservative" movement to assist-by-attrition and limbo. I wonder how many of the Justices would like to have been raised by the folks below in those pictures? To call and think of them as "mom and dad"? Because that's what they're sentencing scores of children, who knows how many into future generations by setting this first dark paving stone inadvertently by working some "midterm election manipulation". One wonders in the end if this is all worth it. Or how one can sleep putting children in obvious danger to the point of changing the fabric of society itself so radically in such a short period of time..all while hogtying the voters' ability to even slow it down to see what we're getting into with respect to the kids involved..

It's why I keep posting the pictures I do. I do it precisely to SHOCK the reader back into reality...the reality of what they are setting up perfectly to put children in danger under. If you sit back for a moment and realize you are nothing more than the end product of decades of careful planning and strategy for what is nothing more than a deviant sex cult, that you are nothing more than an end-of-the-movie "Brad and Janet" of a real life Rocky Horror Picture Show, that you are nothing more than a brainwashed sychophant of organized limitless debauchery, hypnotized away from your conservative mores, you may have enough of a moment of clarity to move back to your own thoughts. We can move back to our own thoughts about the situation without fear of persecution by the cult leaders. We can right this ship at the last minute to turn it away from the iceberg that 2/3rds of which none of us can see.

That's the "background" for your polling data. And once again, that splash of cold water that everyone needs in their face when remembering that marriage = rights to adopt CHILDREN into THIS mindset and cultural "pride" [mental illness]..





If you think after viewing these pictures that children belong as members of this "new social order" are already too far gone and you can just completely disregard what I've just said. There is no hope for you. You are one of the inmates now, assimilated into the asylum.
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Sil is now meeting the definition of insanity.

Repeating the same mistake over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
I see the usual bevy of gay militants spamming this thread. This thread isn't for you. You should go post elsewhere C Clayton, Deridio, Jake & mdk. How the lavender choir feels about the dissolving of democracy and legislation-by-attrition by the SCOTUS is interesting, but this is a thread for...well...they are mostly silent aren't they? Like usual, they won't say much. They'll just vote their anger at the polls.

Funny how fickle October can be...

I'll continue to post in any damn thread I see fit. Sorry about your luck. I can understand why you don't want us to respond to your ludicrous threads though. Consistently getting your lunch fed to you by us must be terribly difficult for you.

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