Conservative SCOTUS Justices FAIL: Backdoor Legislating by Marriage Attrition

I see the usual bevy of gay militants spamming this thread. This thread isn't for you. You should go post elsewhere C Clayton, Deridio, Jake & mdk. How the lavender choir feels about the dissolving of democracy and legislation-by-attrition by the SCOTUS is interesting, but this is a thread for...well...they are mostly silent aren't they? Like usual, they won't say much. They'll just vote their anger at the polls.

Funny how fickle October can be...
I see the usual bevy of gay militants spamming this thread. This thread isn't for you. You should go post elsewhere C Clayton, Deridio, Jake & mdk. How the lavender choir feels about the dissolving of democracy and legislation-by-attrition by the SCOTUS is interesting, but this is a thread for...well...they are mostly silent aren't they? Like usual, they won't say much. They'll just vote their anger at the polls.

Funny how fickle October can be...
you lost
What mob? SCOTUS is a mob? Steph would have been very happy with that "mob" ruling in her favor.
I see the usual bevy of gay militants spamming this thread. This thread isn't for you. You should go post elsewhere C Clayton, Deridio, Jake & mdk. How the lavender choir feels about the dissolving of democracy and legislation-by-attrition by the SCOTUS is interesting, but this is a thread for...well...they are mostly silent aren't they? Like usual, they won't say much. They'll just vote their anger at the polls.

Funny how fickle October can be...
you lost

Sil, you lost, and the vote in November won't mean anything about marriage equality.
It's funny how many posts y'all have to make to try to push that point forward "as true". I see now Plasmaball has joined the snow in "snow job".

The fact remains that the public knows SCOTUS leans conservative and therefore, their only conclusion can be ' we were screwed by conservatives on this one...children were screwed by conservatives on this one'. There's no other conclusion. And like I said, the hallmark of this demographic, unlike you whining babies, is their silence...until they reach the polls.

All those weird upsets in recent elections are coming from this "we've had it" demographic. And their numbers are in the 10s of millions..hundreds of millions potentially..
I see the usual bevy of gay militants spamming this thread. This thread isn't for you. You should go post elsewhere C Clayton, Deridio, Jake & mdk. How the lavender choir feels about the dissolving of democracy and legislation-by-attrition by the SCOTUS is interesting, but this is a thread for...well...they are mostly silent aren't they? Like usual, they won't say much. They'll just vote their anger at the polls.

Funny how fickle October can be...

This is a message board, Sil!

You don't get to censor what anyone else has to say about your homophobic rants.

If you don't want legitimate criticism go and start a blog and shut off all comments.

But as long as you are here you have to abide by USMB rules so stop whining and suck it up.
It's funny how many posts y'all have to make to try to push that point forward "as true". I see now Plasmaball has joined the snow in "snow job".

The fact remains that the public knows SCOTUS leans conservative and therefore, their only conclusion can be ' we were screwed by conservatives on this one...children were screwed by conservatives on this one'. There's no other conclusion. And like I said, the hallmark of this demographic, unlike you whining babies, is their silence...until they reach the polls.

All those weird upsets in recent elections are coming from this "we've had it" demographic. And their numbers are in the 10s of millions..hundreds of millions potentially..

All those weird upsets in recent elections are coming from this "we've had it" demographic. And their numbers are in the 10s of millions..hundreds of millions potentially..

BZZZT Wrong!


Gay marriage opponents don 8217 t have much fight in them - The Washington Post

Gay marriage opponents don’t have much fight in them

Nearly half of those who strongly oppose gay marriage (48 percent) say it's not even somewhat important to them.

While 30 percent of Americans say they strongly oppose gay marriage, if only half of them think it's even somewhat important to their vote, you can deduce that only about 15 percent of Americans feel passionately enough about the issue that it has any impact on their vote.
Silhouette said:

“I see the usual bevy of gay militants spamming this thread.”


You see facts of law destroying your failed 'argument,' an argument based on nothing but fear, ignorance, and hate.
It's funny how many posts y'all have to make to try to push that point forward "as true". I see now Plasmaball has joined the snow in "snow job".

The fact remains that the public knows SCOTUS leans conservative and therefore, their only conclusion can be ' we were screwed by conservatives on this one...children were screwed by conservatives on this one'. There's no other conclusion. And like I said, the hallmark of this demographic, unlike you whining babies, is their silence...until they reach the polls.

All those weird upsets in recent elections are coming from this "we've had it" demographic. And their numbers are in the 10s of millions..hundreds of millions potentially..
Baghdad sil..

OK, look at the graph you posted showing that gay marriage was one of the least important issues for voters...supposedly...

Then look at the poll at the top of this page: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 155 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

150 people voted on that poll here at USMB. It's one of the largest ever at USMB. A poll here at USMB is lucky to have a dozen responders. The thread has 33,000 of the most-viewed threads I've seen here. The answer that got 82% response doesn't just say "no" to "do you think churches should have to marry gays". The answer actually says "oh HELL no!". And as such would not be voted on by the LGBT faithful. They are if nothing else, excruciatingly careful on internet websites to paint nothing but a picture of total acceptance of their deviant sex cult in every single nook and cranny of human society. Their smoke-and-mirrors propaganda machine demands nothing less. Just to put to bed the argument going on there that somehow *suddenly* gays are all about supporting people's right to refuse them long as it's a church dontcha-know...

So on the one hand we have your poll that anyone could create using photoshop, or canvassing people in San Francisco or Boy's Town Chicago. On the other hand we have a real live poll here at USMB that one would have to create dozens of sock puppets in order to skew with "carefull canvassing". I think I'll buy into the data that reflects more oversight in how that data is collected...where people can actually see the questions asked and the subtle differences between "no" and "oh HELL NO!"... And the amount of interest in the topic [33,000 views] etc.
Sil is unhappy because the off kilter thread is put into proper perspective by supposed spammers.
Off kilter thread? Read my last post if you want to talk about "off kilter"..

You gays and gay propagandists have been engaged so deeply in the art of LYING about supposed support for your deviant-sex-legally-accessing-adoptable-orphans cause that you're screwing up the strategists on both sides of the aisle when it comes to platforms to sell at election time.

I suppose next you're going to claim that the polls showing a favoritism towards [what we thought were] conservative values in the GOP from middle voters in this race has nothing whatsoever to do with how bizarro-world is advancing on the solid mores of flyover country?
You are off kilter: the American people as a whole, and the courts in particular, don't support your silly dreams.
You are off kilter: the American people as a whole, and the courts in particular, don't support your silly dreams.
Yet 82% of the poll in my post above's link say they do support how I feel. Let's LGBT smoke and mirror's lie vs what people can click on with their mouse and look at....

...hmmm....which to believe?.....:cuckoo:
They support how almost all of us feel : religious institutions and private association are supported.

In no way can it be surmised that 82% of America oppose marriage equality.
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They support how almost all of us feel : religious institutions and private association are supported.

I no way can it surmised that 82% of America opposes marriage equality.

Complete > :bsflag:What were all those lawsuits against bakers, photographers and florists all about then? You'll be suing the crap out churches and the orphanges they run before the ink is dry on your conservative-fostered "legislating via attrition" SCOTUS de facto "Decision of limbo" to hold your gay weddings and surrender those kids to your gay marriages.

You can set your watch by it. Spin all day Jakey. Not one reader besides your little cloister of LGBT spindoctor regulars here will say they buy it.
"All those law suits" are by a small minority, nutcake, not supported by 82%: try and make the connection.

Hint: you can't.
"All those law suits" are by a small minority[/B], nutcake, not supported by 82%: try and make the connection.

Hint: you can't.

One lawsuit is all that is needed to set a legal precedent by which all others are mandated to follow. Lying, deceptive manipulator. Once you set legal precendent with just one person, the churches will be forced by all other judges to come to their knees when the cult of LGBT and their lawyers crack their whips and demand those orphans and those marriage cermonies. It's all just a matter of time. And we have the LGBT legal blueprint right in front of us to "devine" just exactly where all this is heading.
Now you are manipulatively and selectively moving the goal posts.

All it took was one case, that in Utah, to pull the pins from under the false world of hetero fascism.

Tough to be you.

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