Conservative SCOTUS Justices FAIL: Backdoor Legislating by Marriage Attrition

I am not denouncing it- I am mocking your interpretation of the poll as having any significance.

No one with a rudimentary knowledge of statistics would make the claims you are making.

No one without an anti-gay agenda would make the claims you are making.
And no one with a rudimentary grasp on statistics would leave out the "afraid to voice their opinion for fear of being labelled a homophobe" variable in reporting the "margin of error factor" in any polling data they release...

No one who actually cared about facts or statistics would be making such things up.
I'd say of all the polls out there, folks should pay attention to those raw real-time ones and ignore the "sanitized versions". Remember how over a million "likes" hit the "Boycott A&E" Facebook page within 24 hours of it opening, in response to support for Phil Robertson's anti gay marriage stance?

And you'd be wrong, of course.

First, your poll doesn't ask any questions about the legality of gay marriage. Which is what you're falsely claim it does. Ending your entire argument immediately.

Silhouettes claims are a classic example "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." one with a rudimentary grasp on statistics would leave out the "afraid to voice their opinion for fear of being labelled a homophobe" variable in reporting the "margin of error factor" in any polling data they release...

No one who actually cared about facts or statistics would be making such things up.

People are in fear of the P-C brow beatings you see going on in the media every day. Yet they still line up to "vote" 82% vigorously opposed to gay marriage being forced on churches...and ostensibly also adoptions on church orphanages. And they show up over a million in number in 24 hours time to "like" Facebook's "Boycott A&E" page in support of Phil Robertson's stance against gay marriage; as memory serves I think they even crashed the site or were feared to from the response. And they showed up in lines wrapping around the block to eat at Chic Fil-a to show support for Cathy's stance to speak freely against gay marriage.

Remember how whenever someone speaks freely against gay marriage there is a bombastic and caustic "visible social punishment' of said person? That tends to squelch truth and skew polling data.. one with a rudimentary grasp on statistics would leave out the "afraid to voice their opinion for fear of being labelled a homophobe" variable in reporting the "margin of error factor" in any polling data they release...

No one who actually cared about facts or statistics would be making such things up.

People are in fear of the P-C brow beatings you see going on in the media every day. .

Which people are those Silhouette? Are you living in fear of expressing your opinion?

I certainly am not.
Silhouettes claims are a classic example "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

The straw poll he's citing doesn't even ask about the legalization of gay marriage. So how is it a measurement of the national opinion on the legalization of gay marriage.

That would be like having a poll on which is better, the Whopper or the Double Double....and then concluding that the results show support for PETA.
People are in fear of the P-C brow beatings you see going on in the media every day.

The dozens of scientific polls are anonymous. Making your 'retribution' claim impossible. For example, name anyone in the May 2014 Gallup poll on gay marriage.

You can't. You're done.

Yet they still line up to "vote" 82% vigorously opposed to gay marriage being forced on churches...and ostensibly also adoptions on church orphanages.

There's no mention of gay adoptions in the straw poll. There's no mention of the legality of gay marriage in the straw poll. You're literally this up as you go along.

Remember how whenever someone speaks freely against gay marriage there is a bombastic and caustic "visible social punishment' of said person? That tends to squelch truth and skew polling data..

Remember, in order to punish someone, you have to know who they are. And all of the scientific polls are anonymous. Ending yet another awkward, bizarre excuse you're using to ignore overwhelming evidence.
I'm far from "can't" and "done" Skylar. Fear of speaking out against gay marraige has skewed the conventional polls. That's why the church poll here at USMB, chic fil a and the Boycott A&E Facebook page are so compelling in comparison.
I'm far from "can't" and "done" Skylar

Oh, you're toast. You're clinging to a single straw poll on a random message board with a sampling size of 140 people that doesn't even ask about the legality of gay marriage as the sole and authoritative source in the country on the nation's sentiment on the legality of gay marriage.

That's just silly. And that's all you've got. You're done.

Fear of speaking out against gay marraige has skewed the conventional polls. That's why the church poll here at USMB, chic fil a and the Boycott A&E Facebook page are so compelling in comparison.

Save of course that the conventional polls are entirely anonymous. Meaning your latest piece of imaginary nonsense can't even make hypothetical sense.

That sharp, bitter smell that's just oozing off you're skin? That's desperation. Get used to it.
Save of course that the conventional polls are entirely anonymous. Meaning your latest piece of imaginary nonsense can't even make hypothetical sense.

That sharp, bitter smell that's just oozing off you're skin? That's desperation. Get used to it.
The polls may be anonymous, but they still involve people asking people either on the phone or in person "do you support gay marriage". And if a society perceives an extremely negative attachment and reception by a VERY vocal and aggressive minority who are currently suing the pants off of anyone or destroying careers of anyone or stalking and giving out home addresses of anyone [county clerk of San Diego CA] who DARES to oppose gay marriage, you have an effective squelch on honesty.

So, I repeat, your polls vs chick fil-a, A&E Facebook Boycott in support of Phil Robertson and the 82% of the largest poll at USMB who said "oh HELL NO!" to forcing gay marraige on as to the true margin of error...
The polls may be anonymous, but they still involve people asking people either on the phone or in person "do you support gay marriage".

There's no consequence for expressing their opinions. No one's reputation can be harmed. No one can judge them. All of the negative effects you tried to argue would motivate someone from telling the truth don't apply.

And of course, every one of the conventional polls actually asks about the legality of gay marriage. Your straw poll never does. Or even mentions adoption.

You're done.

So, I repeat, your polls vs chick fil-a, A&E Facebook Boycott in support of Phil Robertson and the 82% of the largest poll at USMB who said "oh HELL NO!" to forcing gay marraige on as to the true margin of error...

Your straw poll doesn't ask about the legality of gay marriage.
Killing your entire argument.

Worse, its a straw poll. Which are notoriously unreliable as interested parties get to vote. And if you can create multiple handles, you can vote multiple times. Just take a look at any Ron Paul election. He won every straw poll. Lost every election. No pollster takes straw polls seriously. Random, anonymous polling where each person can only vote once are far more reliable.

Worse still, your polling sample is 140 people. That's ridiculously small, and utterly insufficient to get any credible polling data.

And astonishingly, it still gets worse. As your straw poll is singular. While the legion of conventional polls contradicting you number in the dozens. All of them show the same results in roughly the same range: support for gay marriage by a margin of 12 to 19 points. Your poll would be an outlier......that is, if it had actually asked about the legality of gay marriage. It didn't. So its what we call 'irrelevant'.

You're toast, buddy. The electorate solidly supports gay marriage. Among moderates, a group your ilk *desperately* need to win elections, support for gay marriage is 64%. Among liberals, its more than 70%. Among youth, 80%. Once again, the electorate is one side of an issue.....and you and yours are on the other.
There's no consequence for expressing their opinions. No one's reputation can be harmed. No one can judge them. All of the negative effects you tried to argue would motivate someone from telling the truth don't apply.....

There is a perceived consequence throughout the entire United States about expressing one's opinion on anything LGBT that might even slightly hint at not being 100% in support of 100% of every aspect of their agendas 100% of the time. Time and time again people have seen on the news people's careers being ruined, lawsuits filed, public mention of names, even addresses [the persecution of county clerk Dronenburg in San Diego by organized LGBT militants for daring to ask if he is following state law by allowing gays to marry is becoming epic and legendary, including publishing his home address]. The general public has had these images burned into their retinas over and over and over and over. The LGBT cult who plays the bird with the broken wing...the "poor poor victims of slurs and intolerance" are the most rabidly caustic, group-thugs hurling insults and pestulence at the slightest mention of any of their agendas being questionable.

It's a household phenomenon. Their tantrums and vitrole and hypocrisy in this regard are legendary...

So, people are going to be afraid to voice how they really feel about gay marriage. Long story short. And that fear shows up in huge chasms of difference between the chic fil-a phenomenon, Boycott A&E and the 82% of the largest poll ever at USMB who quietly tiptoed in to say "oh HELL NO!" to gay marriage [being forced on churches]. The difference between what you're reporting [55% support for gay marriage +/-] and what these things are reporting [82% against gay marriage +/-] is HUGE. You can argue that "some of that 82% are for gay marriage, just not making churches do it". And I say :bsflag:Because the one thing gay marriage advocates are not famous for is their willingness to lay down and compromise on certain aspects of it. Indeed we've seen them display what is similar to social-rabies about the topic. Besides, the answer wasn't merely "no" as I've said. It was "oh HELL NO!". And that emphasis discards the possibility that anyone who supports gay marriage as a general rule was saying "no" to it in churches. Typically on polls here at USMB when participants or viewers don't see questions worded just the way they like, they choose "other, see my post". And in fact that was one of the options....not chosen by the 82% group who said "oh HELL NO!"...
Actual polling data from credible institutions clearly do not matter to those blinded by their anti-gay narrative. Chick-fil-a, Duck Dynasty's Facebook page, and a thread poll from this forum are the only evidence you need concerning the public's view on gay marriage. lol

It is a shame we cannot harness desperation as an alternate energy source.
Actual polling data from credible institutions clearly do not matter to those blinded by their anti-gay narrative. Chick-fil-a, Duck Dynasty's Facebook page, and a thread poll from this forum are the only evidence you need concerning the public's view on gay marriage. lol

It is a shame we cannot harness desperation as an alternate energy source.
And yet the states' electorates keep voting down gay marriage, some with overwhelming majorities...over and over and over..

Keep lying. Maybe the GOP will believe you and commit suicide to their party.
Actual polling data from credible institutions clearly do not matter to those blinded by their anti-gay narrative. Chick-fil-a, Duck Dynasty's Facebook page, and a thread poll from this forum are the only evidence you need concerning the public's view on gay marriage. lol

It is a shame we cannot harness desperation as an alternate energy source.
And yet the states' electorates keep voting down gay marriage, some with overwhelming majorities...over and over and over..

Keep lying. Maybe the GOP will believe you and commit suicide to their party.

What is the track record of the latest states that had referendums concerning gay marriage?

I don't need to lie to convince folks that my position is just. Besides, you social authoritarians do not need my help when it comes to the GOP committing suicide on this issue, ya'll are doing a bang up job all by your lonesome.

It must be getting pretty lonely on that anti-gay branch of yours.
Actual polling data from credible institutions clearly do not matter to those blinded by their anti-gay narrative. Chick-fil-a, Duck Dynasty's Facebook page, and a thread poll from this forum are the only evidence you need concerning the public's view on gay marriage. lol

It is a shame we cannot harness desperation as an alternate energy source.
And yet the states' electorates keep voting down gay marriage, some with overwhelming majorities...over and over and over..

Keep lying. Maybe the GOP will believe you and commit suicide to their party.

A decade ago margins of victory in SSCM bans were (IIRC) 23-76%.

By 2008/2009 it has shrunk to the point where a change of only 2.5% would have changed the outcome.

In 2012 all 4 ballot votes on SSCM held during the General Election went to the Marriage Equality side.

Those are facts no emotional ranting.

It must be getting pretty lonely on that anti-gay branch of yours.
I feel like I've got a lot of company. 82% is a pretty big number to vigorously oppose forcing gay marriage on churches...
It must be getting pretty lonely on that anti-gay branch of yours.
I feel like I've got a lot of company. 82% is a pretty big number to vigorously oppose forcing gay marriage on churches...

And I voted that churches shouldn't be forced to marry anyone against their wishes as well. You've decided to then take that pool and misrepresent it to claim it means 82% also oppose gay marriage. Using that faulty logic, I guess I oppose gay marriage despite being married to a dude. lol. You continually ignore every poll that showed you otherwise and have decided to focus on lines at Chick-fil-a, likes on Duck Dynasty's Facebook page, and a thread poll from these forums as your proof. Desperation, thy name is Silhouette.
There's no consequence for expressing their opinions. No one's reputation can be harmed. No one can judge them. All of the negative effects you tried to argue would motivate someone from telling the truth don't apply.....

There is a perceived consequence throughout the entire United States about expressing one's opinion on anything LGBT that might even slightly hint at not being 100% in support of 100% of every aspect of their agendas 100% of the time..

And you know

Are you telling us that you have gone to every corner and hut in America and asked people?

Because it appears you are just pulling that claim out of your posterior- like your interpretation of a poll that doesn't say what you say it says.
Actual polling data from credible institutions clearly do not matter to those blinded by their anti-gay narrative. Chick-fil-a, Duck Dynasty's Facebook page, and a thread poll from this forum are the only evidence you need concerning the public's view on gay marriage. lol

It is a shame we cannot harness desperation as an alternate energy source.
And yet the states' electorates keep voting down gay marriage, some with overwhelming majorities...over and over and over..

Keep lying. Maybe the GOP will believe you and commit suicide to their party.

A decade ago margins of victory in SSCM bans were (IIRC) 23-76%.

By 2008/2009 it has shrunk to the point where a change of only 2.5% would have changed the outcome.

In 2012 all 4 ballot votes on SSCM held during the General Election went to the Marriage Equality side.

Those are facts no emotional ranting.


None of that matters. Did you see how long those lines were at Chik-fli-a and all those "likes" on Duck Dynasty's Facebook Page. I mean, what more proof do you need that the public opposes gay marriage?! :badgrin:
It must be getting pretty lonely on that anti-gay branch of yours.
I feel like I've got a lot of company. 82% is a pretty big number to vigorously oppose forcing gay marriage on churches...

No you don't have a lot of company. You hate homosexuals. That is a smaller and smaller subsect of America.

Like most people- I oppose forcing churches to marry anyone.

And I support gay marriage.

Your 'interpretation' of this poll is just fiction you create because of your opposition to equal rights for homosexuals.

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