Conservative SCOTUS Justices FAIL: Backdoor Legislating by Marriage Attrition

Well, you knew it was coming....a rant from the middle. :blowup:

I disagree that there is a middle.

The middle is for fence-sitters who know naught of the underlying, opposing, political philosophies.

But that was not the gist of your thread, and I don't mean to derail an otherwise excellent post. But I was compelled to make the point.

The middle now makes up the largest voting bloc of all!
The middle now makes up the largest voting bloc of all!

Correct. And they are the most intelligent and the most pragmatic. That's why they're going to see this move on behalf of the conservative Justices who had enough votes to take up gay marriage appeals and give them a voice in the process, turning down that voice as an affront. As a slap in the face.

Very poor timing I might add.
The middle now makes up the largest voting bloc of all!

Correct. And they are the most intelligent and the most pragmatic. That's why they're going to see this move on behalf of the conservative Justices who had enough votes to take up gay marriage appeals and give them a voice in the process, turning down that voice as an affront. As a slap in the face.

Very poor timing I might add.

The middle largely supports gay marriage.

Only the extremist rightwing religious homophobes like yourself are taking it as an "affront".
The middle now makes up the largest voting bloc of all!

Correct. And they are the most intelligent and the most pragmatic. That's why they're going to see this move on behalf of the conservative Justices who had enough votes to take up gay marriage appeals and give them a voice in the process, turning down that voice as an affront. As a slap in the face.

Very poor timing I might add.

Again, the majority of folks are in favor of gay marriage by a pretty clear margin. A greater share of moderates support gay marriage than of conservatives. Why then would moderates take judicial action in line with their beliefs as a 'slap in the face'.

Is it possible you're projecting your beliefs onto the middle....just as you projected your beliefs onto the justices in the past?
I am sure that that the Conservative Justices will be quite sad if you vote against them...........
Similarly, while just 33 percent of conservatives support gay marriage, that’s up by 23 points from nine years ago. Support encompasses more than seven in 10 liberals and moderates alike, with the greatest growth among moderates, 31 points higher now than in 2004.

Poll Tracks Dramatic Rise In Support for Gay Marriage - ABC News

Silo, I think you're confusing moderates for conservatives. Its conservatives that overwhelmingly oppose gay marriage. Among moderates and liberals, support is about 70%.
Well let us with all the SCOTUS rulings the far left seems to ignore 9 of the most important ones.

The SCOTUS has ruled 9 times, 9 - 0 on the constitutionality of Obama policies (the most in history) showing that he is the most unconstitutional president in history. Yet the far left still support this unconstitutional president.
Yet marriage is the central institution by which all children are formed as fledged adult people. So who is marriage more important to society for? Gays or children?

Then why aren't the marriages of the infertile, the old, or the childless invalidated among straight couples? Yuo're not applying the same standards to straights. Which is an instant 14th amendment violation.

And clearly marriage isn't necessary for procreation:

Preliminary data indicate that 40.7 percent of all 2012 births were out-of-wedlock, which is appalling, and there are vast differences among racial and ethnic groups. Among non-Hispanic blacks, the figure is highest, at 72.2 percent; for American Indians/Alaska Natives, it’s 66.9 percent; 53.5 percent for Hispanics; 29.4 percent for non-Hispanic whites; and a mere 17.1 percent for Asians/Pacific Islanders.

Latest Statistics on Out-of-Wedlock Births National Review Online

Fucking preceded state recognized marriage by quite a few years. And followed it, for that matter.
The SCOTUS has ruled 9 times, 9 - 0 on the constitutionality of Obama policies (the most in history) showing that he is the most unconstitutional president in history. Yet the far left still support this unconstitutional president.

And how did they rule on Obama's policies? Take...Obamacare. How did that ruling go? Lets see....

The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld President Obama’s health care overhaul law, saying its requirement that most Americans obtain insurance or pay a penalty was authorized by Congress’s power to levy taxes. The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joining the court’s four more liberal membe

So Obama is an unconstitutional president because Obamacare was found to be constitutional?

You might want to sit down and think that through again. Because I don't think you're quite clear on 'constitutionality'.
The middle largely supports gay marriage.

Only the extremist rightwing religious homophobes like yourself are taking it as an "affront".

No, absolutly false. A complet pile of :bsflag: Read the poll results here: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 163 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum 82% didn't just say "no" to gay marriage making inroads into the base of society [morality/religion] They said "oh HELL NO!" to it.

Hard to call the biggest poll in USMB history on a thread that's gotten over 33,000 views with an 82% "Oh HELL NO!" weigh in on gay marriage "the majority support gay marriage." That is a statement that is utterly fabricated out of thin air. Again, most of the posters who voted on that huge poll here didn't voice their opinions in the thread. As the majority out in the world doesn't either for fear of persecution or social discomfort. They simply voted and disappeared back into the shadows.

Strategists get out your note pads and jot that down...
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The middle largely supports gay marriage.

Only the extremist rightwing religious homophobes like yourself are taking it as an "affront".

No, absolutly false. A complet pile of Read the poll results here: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 163 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum 82% didn't just say "no" to gay marriage making inroads into the base of society [morality/religion] They said "oh HELL NO!" to it.

Hard to call the biggest poll in USMB history on a thread that's gotten over 33,000 views with an 82% "Oh HELL NO!" weigh in on gay marriage "the majority support gay marriage." That is a statement that is utterly fabricated out of thin air. Again, most of the posters who voted on that huge poll here didn't voice their opinions. As the majority doesn't either for fear of persecution or social discomfort. They simply voted and disappeared back into the shadows.

Strategists get out your note pads and jot that down...

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
The SCOTUS has ruled 9 times, 9 - 0 on the constitutionality of Obama policies (the most in history) showing that he is the most unconstitutional president in history. Yet the far left still support this unconstitutional president.

And how did they rule on Obama's policies? Take...Obamacare. How did that ruling go? Lets see....

The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld President Obama’s health care overhaul law, saying its requirement that most Americans obtain insurance or pay a penalty was authorized by Congress’s power to levy taxes. The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joining the court’s four more liberal membe

So Obama is an unconstitutional president because Obamacare was found to be constitutional?

You might want to sit down and think that through again. Because I don't think you're quite clear on 'constitutionality'.

Yes the far left is so desperate to defend Obama that they cherry pick to uphold their messiah.

Also once again showing that they do not have any clue in what they post, but it is the far left. It is like arguing with a two year old..

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Department of Justice’s Expansive View of Federal Power
SCOTUS unanimously rejects Obama Administration’s arguments for expanded federal power nine times.
Hard to call the biggest poll in USMB history on a thread that's gotten over 33,000 views with an 82% "Oh HELL NO!" weigh in on gay marriage "the majority support gay marriage."

140 votes is not even a statistical note.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55
Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%
Nearly eight in 10 young adults favor gay marriage

Won't be long before those who oppose same gender marriage look as odd to the majority as those who oppose interracial marriage.
The middle largely supports gay marriage.

Only the extremist rightwing religious homophobes like yourself are taking it as an "affront".

No, absolutly false. A complet pile of :bsflag: Read the poll results here: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 163 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum 82% didn't just say "no" to gay marriage making inroads into the base of society [morality/religion] They said "oh HELL NO!" to it.

Hard to call the biggest poll in USMB history on a thread that's gotten over 33,000 views with an 82% "Oh HELL NO!" weigh in on gay marriage "the majority support gay marriage." That is a statement that is utterly fabricated out of thin air. Again, most of the posters who voted on that huge poll here didn't voice their opinions in the thread. As the majority out in the world doesn't either for fear of persecution or social discomfort. They simply voted and disappeared back into the shadows.

Strategists get out your note pads and jot that down...


When a USMB poll is all you've got left as an argument, it's really time to pack in it and go home. I could take the time to explain exactly how stupid it is to give any credence to a non - random voluntary survey based on a completely non representative sample group, but I'm pretty sure it would be lost on you.

You've already lost this war. I know, it's hard to accept, but you have - and the longer you spend making a complete and utter fool of yourself, the harder it will be for anyone to ever take you seriously again.
No, absolutly false. A complet pile of :bsflag: Read the poll results here: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 163 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum 82% didn't just say "no" to gay marriage making inroads into the base of society [morality/religion] They said "oh HELL NO!" to it.

Um, your poll doesn't ask any questions about the legality of gay marriage. Not one. It asks "Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings."

You're getting a little desperate, bud.

Hard to call the biggest poll in USMB history on a thread that's gotten over 33,000 views with an 82% "Oh HELL NO!" weigh in on gay marriage "the majority support gay marriage."

Same problem as last time. Your poll doesn't ask about the legality of gay marriage.

shows support for gay marriage leading by a margin of 12 points. And Kosh offered us a superb resource...his source Polling

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Sept. 12-15, 2014. N=1,009 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.

"Do you think it should be legal or not legal for same-sex couples to marry?"

Legal: 56%
Not Legal: 37%

Civil Rights

That's a spread of 18 points in favor.

McClatchy-Marist Poll. Aug. 4-7, 2014. N=1,035 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally?

Strongly Favor, Favor: 54%
Strongly Oppose, Oppose: 38%

Civil Rights

That's a 16 point margin in favor of gay marriage.

ABC News/Washington Post Poll. May 29-June 1, 2014. N=1,002 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.5

Overall, do you support or oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally?

Support: 56%
Oppose: 38%

That's another 16 point spread in favor of gay marriage. ANd here's the Gallup Poll:

Gallup Poll. May 8-11, 2014. N=1,028 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4

Do you think marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages?"

Should: 55%
Should not: 42%
Civil Rights

That's a 13 point spread. Next, Bloomberg

Bloomberg National Poll conducted by Selzer & Company. March 7-10, 2014. N=1,001 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.1

"Do you support or oppose allowing same-sex couples to get married?"

Support: 55%
Oppose: 36%

Civil Rights

That's a 19 point spread in favor of gay marriage. Noticing a pattern yet? Here's the Pew poll:

Pew Research Center. Feb. 12-26, 2014. N=3,338 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 2.

Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose or strongly oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally?

Favor: 54%
Oppose: 39%

Civil Rights

That's a 15 point margin in favor of gay marriage. And you're gonna ignore them all?

Really? I can wrap my head around supporting an issue, Silo. But at this point you're just in denial.
Sil, perhaps you should discuss the accuracy of online voluntary polling with President Ron Paul .

Well, that. And the fact that his poll doesn't ask any question about the legality of gay marriage.
No, absolutly false. A complet pile of :bsflag: Read the poll results here: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 163 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum 82% didn't just say "no" to gay marriage making inroads into the base of society [morality/religion] They said "oh HELL NO!" to it.

Um, your poll doesn't ask any questions about the legality of gay marriage. Not one. It asks "Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings."

You're getting a little desperate, bud.

Hard to call the biggest poll in USMB history on a thread that's gotten over 33,000 views with an 82% "Oh HELL NO!" weigh in on gay marriage "the majority support gay marriage."

Same problem as last time. Your poll doesn't ask about the legality of gay marriage.

shows support for gay marriage leading by a margin of 12 points. And Kosh offered us a superb resource...his source Polling

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Sept. 12-15, 2014. N=1,009 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.

"Do you think it should be legal or not legal for same-sex couples to marry?"

Legal: 56%
Not Legal: 37%

Civil Rights

That's a spread of 18 points in favor.

McClatchy-Marist Poll. Aug. 4-7, 2014. N=1,035 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally?

Strongly Favor, Favor: 54%
Strongly Oppose, Oppose: 38%

Civil Rights

That's a 16 point margin in favor of gay marriage.

ABC News/Washington Post Poll. May 29-June 1, 2014. N=1,002 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.5

Overall, do you support or oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally?

Support: 56%
Oppose: 38%

That's another 16 point spread in favor of gay marriage. ANd here's the Gallup Poll:

Gallup Poll. May 8-11, 2014. N=1,028 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4

Do you think marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages?"

Should: 55%
Should not: 42%
Civil Rights

That's a 13 point spread. Next, Bloomberg

Bloomberg National Poll conducted by Selzer & Company. March 7-10, 2014. N=1,001 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.1

"Do you support or oppose allowing same-sex couples to get married?"

Support: 55%
Oppose: 36%

Civil Rights

That's a 19 point spread in favor of gay marriage. Noticing a pattern yet? Here's the Pew poll:

Pew Research Center. Feb. 12-26, 2014. N=3,338 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 2.

Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose or strongly oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally?

Favor: 54%
Oppose: 39%

Civil Rights

That's a 15 point margin in favor of gay marriage. And you're gonna ignore them all?

Really? I can wrap my head around supporting an issue, Silo. But at this point you're just in denial.

Those polls were taken of people ....and pay attention here because it's crucial....WHO WERE WILLING TO HONESTLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS OPENLY.

Now that little detail becomes important when you consider that the cult of LGBT has made some pretty deep inroads in threatening and beating up the general public on board such as these, lawsuits, news articles etc. etc. and media coverage and promotion of ANYONE for ANY REASON objecting to gay marriage as "a dirty rotten horrible disgusting dispicable homophobe, bigot"....and my personal favorite to shut down the conversation honestly..."a closeted homosexual"...

Those deterrants to an open conversation have not won the hearts of the people attention here...VOTE...but don't speak up publicly or even to a pollster [who they are almost certainly going to suspect is a pro-gay advocate] about "do you support gay marriage?"

So this is why we have the poll here, where these folks can vote anonymously, weighing in at 82% "Oh HELL NO!" on gay marriage making inroads into the deepest strongholds of society [a church] vs the poll results you just put up.

It's the general public's fear to speak out. But that fear does not stop them from going behind the curtain of the voting booth.

Remember...the "church" thread has over 33,000 views. One of the most populated polls here at one of the most popular political websites on the net...of which 82% voted "oh HELL NO!" to gay marriage. And, MOST OF THOSE 82% didn't speak a peep about the topic on the thread....

They just tiptoed in.....voted...tiptoed out and back into the shadows.

Again, election strategists get out your pen and notepad.
No, absolutly false. A complet pile of :bsflag: Read the poll results here: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 163 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum 82% didn't just say "no" to gay marriage making inroads into the base of society [morality/religion] They said "oh HELL NO!" to it.

Um, your poll doesn't ask any questions about the legality of gay marriage. Not one. It asks "Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings."

You're getting a little desperate, bud.

Hard to call the biggest poll in USMB history on a thread that's gotten over 33,000 views with an 82% "Oh HELL NO!" weigh in on gay marriage "the majority support gay marriage."

Same problem as last time. Your poll doesn't ask about the legality of gay marriage.

shows support for gay marriage leading by a margin of 12 points. And Kosh offered us a superb resource...his source Polling

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Sept. 12-15, 2014. N=1,009 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.

"Do you think it should be legal or not legal for same-sex couples to marry?"

Legal: 56%
Not Legal: 37%

Civil Rights

That's a spread of 18 points in favor.

McClatchy-Marist Poll. Aug. 4-7, 2014. N=1,035 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally?

Strongly Favor, Favor: 54%
Strongly Oppose, Oppose: 38%

Civil Rights

That's a 16 point margin in favor of gay marriage.

ABC News/Washington Post Poll. May 29-June 1, 2014. N=1,002 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.5

Overall, do you support or oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally?

Support: 56%
Oppose: 38%

That's another 16 point spread in favor of gay marriage. ANd here's the Gallup Poll:

Gallup Poll. May 8-11, 2014. N=1,028 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4

Do you think marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages?"

Should: 55%
Should not: 42%
Civil Rights

That's a 13 point spread. Next, Bloomberg

Bloomberg National Poll conducted by Selzer & Company. March 7-10, 2014. N=1,001 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.1

"Do you support or oppose allowing same-sex couples to get married?"

Support: 55%
Oppose: 36%

Civil Rights

That's a 19 point spread in favor of gay marriage. Noticing a pattern yet? Here's the Pew poll:

Pew Research Center. Feb. 12-26, 2014. N=3,338 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 2.

Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose or strongly oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally?

Favor: 54%
Oppose: 39%

Civil Rights

That's a 15 point margin in favor of gay marriage. And you're gonna ignore them all?

Really? I can wrap my head around supporting an issue, Silo. But at this point you're just in denial.

Those polls were taken of people ....and pay attention here because it's crucial....WHO WERE WILLING TO HONESTLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS OPENLY.

Now that little detail becomes important when you consider that the cult of LGBT has made some pretty deep inroads in threatening and beating up the general public on board such as these, lawsuits, news articles etc. etc. and media coverage and promotion of ANYONE for ANY REASON objecting to gay marriage as "a dirty rotten horrible disgusting dispicable homophobe, bigot"....and my personal favorite to shut down the conversation honestly..."a closeted homosexual"...

Those deterrants to an open conversation have not won the hearts of the people attention here...VOTE...but don't speak up publicly or even to a pollster [who they are almost certainly going to suspect is a pro-gay advocate] about "do you support gay marriage?"

So this is why we have the poll here, where these folks can vote anonymously, weighing in at 82% "Oh HELL NO!" on gay marriage making inroads into the deepest strongholds of society [a church] vs the poll results you just put up.

It's the general public's fear to speak out. But that fear does not stop them from going behind the curtain of the voting booth.

Remember...the "church" thread has over 33,000 views. One of the most populated polls here at one of the most popular political websites on the net...of which 82% voted "oh HELL NO!" to gay marriage. And, MOST OF THOSE 82% didn't speak a peep about the topic on the thread....

They just tiptoed in.....voted...tiptoed out and back into the shadows.

Again, election strategists get out your pen and notepad.

You do understand that real, scientific polls are anonymous as well, right?

There's no "fear of retribution" for answering a pollster on the phone, no matter how much you really want there to be one.

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