Conservative Superstar Nick Fuentes Says America Needs A Dictatorship

If you are addressing me you are seriously confused

These are my words:

“This is 2023 not 1955 and parents have a duty to protect their children from harmful sexual advances by homosexuals”

Are you illiterate, or just plain stupid?

I was not addressing you. I was addressing Stupidbadbrutha's response to you, and only quoting you to put Stupidbadbrutha's response in context, which ought to be obvious to any reader with better than a room-temperature IQ.

I am in 100% agreement with your words, which I quoted, but not at all in agreement with your apparent lack of reading comprehension,.
Then what would be the point of your earlier post, where you seem to be saying that for parents to be concerned about sick sexual perverts coming after their children is comparable to racist parents form earlier days being concerned about their children associating with different races?
Because that is what racist do, they try to create division and find issues to use to promote hate. You remember when you use to claim that ALL black men wanted to rape white women.
Are you OK with faggots going after children?
Nope, are you ok with racist teaching children racism?
Do you have a problem with parents not wanting faggots to go after their children?
Nope, do you have a problem with parents teaching their children to hate folks because of the color of their skin?
Are you illiterate, or just plain stupid?

I was not addressing you. I was addressing Stupidbadbrutha's response to you, and only quoting you to put Stupidbadbrutha's response in context, which ought to be obvious to any reader with better than a room-temperature IQ.

I am in 100% agreement with your words, which I quoted, but not at all in agreement with your apparent lack of reading comprehension,.
Mack not buying your bullshit Blob Blaylock.
Because that is what racist do, they try to create division and find issues to use to promote hate. You remember when you use to claim that ALL black men wanted to rape white women.

Nope, are you ok with racist teaching children racism?

Nope, do you have a problem with parents teaching their children to hate folks because of the color of their skin?
Bob has a problem with any people who arent straight white christians.. And that is proper christians, not those fags who believe in love and all that commie shit.
Because that is what racist do, they try to create division and find issues to use to promote hate. You remember when you use to claim that ALL black men wanted to rape white women.

I have never claimed any such thing.

Post a link to a post by me that says any such thing, or else admit that you're a lying piece of shit.

Nope, are you ok with racist teaching children racism?

Nope, do you have a problem with parents teaching their children to hate folks because of the color of their skin?

Absolutely not. And I've never posted anything that suggested that I was ever Ok with either of those.

Yet it is you who is equating those with a parent being concerned about a sick pedophilic faggot going after his children.

This is 2023 not 1955 and parents have a duty to protect their children from harmful sexual advances by homosexuals
Of course it does. In those days the racist were saying they had to protect their children from integration and their daughters mixing with black men.
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Are you illiterate, or just plain stupid?
One need look no further to sort that out. Again, here's what Mac-7 said:
These are my words:

“This is 2023 not 1955 and parents have a duty to protect their children from harmful sexual advances by homosexuals”
What difference could it make if it were 2023, 1955, or 1823? None. Parents would be equally duty bound to protect their children from all manner of boogie men, however real or imagined. One can always count on Mac-7 being "plain stupid."
I am in 100% agreement with your words, which I quoted
That should tell you something. Read it slow facing a mirror..
Are you illiterate, or just plain stupid?

I was not addressing you. I was addressing Stupidbadbrutha's response to you, and only quoting you to put Stupidbadbrutha's response in context, which ought to be obvious to any reader with better than a room-temperature IQ.

I am in 100% agreement with your words, which I quoted, but not at all in agreement with your apparent lack of reading comprehension,.
Never mind

I am not illiterate or stupid

But this is not worth fighting about
I have never claimed any such thing.

Post a link to a post by me that says any such thing, or else admit that you're a lying piece of shit.
White men in the South didn't claim that black men wanted to rape white women? Come on Blob, have you got amnesia all of a sudden.
Absolutely not. And I've never posted anything that suggested that I was ever Ok with either of those.

Yet it is you who is equating those with a parent being concerned about a sick pedophilic faggot going after his children.
No, I am equating them to a racist who always make racist posts on this forum.

White men in the South didn't claim that black men wanted to rape white women? Come on Blob, have you got amnesia all of a sudden.

You accused ME, personally, of saying that all black men wanted to rape white women.

These were your exact words, addressed to me.

You remember when you use to claim that ALL black men wanted to rape white women.

Now back up that accusation. Post a link to any post in which I said any such thing, or admit that you're a lying piece of shit.
Yet it is you who is equating those with a parent being concerned about a sick pedophilic faggot going after his children.
No, I am equating them to a racist who always make racist posts on this forum.

So, aside from your dishonest semantic games, you're admitting to exactly what I said, that you equate a parent being concerned about a sick pedophilic faggot going after his children with a racist who always make racist posts on this forum.

Your silly word games do not hide the apparent fact that you are on the side of child abusers.

I wonder why a guy who is a self-proclaimed white supremacist, Nazi sympathizer and holocaust denier is so bummed out that Republicans didn't have a Red Wave? Does he think the Republican party is on his side? Does he think his views and policy beliefs line up with Conservatives?

So since Republicans didn't do well in this election cycle he wants to abolish our democratic representative style of government and replace it with a dictatorship?? Sounds kinda fascist to me, but that can't be true because I was told by Republicans that Biden and the Dems are the fascists...hmmm...

Meaning white folks in America.

It's been backed up plenty of times, just study a little history.

So, you're a lying piece of shit, trying to hide behind moving the goalposts and playing absurd semantic games.

Nothing that any of is didn't already know about you, but thanks for proving it so clearly.
No, you are the lying POS.

Your words are there for all to see. You accused me, personally, of saying that all black men want to rape white women.

Called on that absurd lie, you're trying to play stupid semantic games to wriggle out of what you said, but your accusation is there for all to see.

You're a lying piece of shit for having made that accusation in the first place, and even more so for the dishonest semantic game behind which you are now trying to hide.

Again, here are your exact words, addressed personally to me:

You remember when you use to claim that ALL black men wanted to rape white women.

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