Conservative Superstar Nick Fuentes Says America Needs A Dictatorship


He just shares the conservative distaste for where freaks on the left are taking this country

A place that you really cant deny


In another episode of his podcast, Fuentes said his father, Bill Fuentes, would not take his family to certain restaurants because he believed they were associated with African Americans.

"We would be deciding where to go to eat. What are we going to get for dinner tonight? It was a running joke. Me and my sister would say Applebee's, and my dad would say we will never eat at Applebee's," Fuentes said.

"Not in a million years should you be caught dead," Fuentes said about Applebee's. "Go to a different restaurant, a local restaurant. No Applebee's. No Red Lobster. That is commonly known as black fare."

Racism Runs In Fuentes Family?

White people really need to get back to keeping themselves seperate.

In another episode of his podcast, Fuentes said his father, Bill Fuentes, would not take his family to certain restaurants because he believed they were associated with African Americans.

"We would be deciding where to go to eat. What are we going to get for dinner tonight? It was a running joke. Me and my sister would say Applebee's, and my dad would say we will never eat at Applebee's," Fuentes said.

"Not in a million years should you be caught dead," Fuentes said about Applebee's. "Go to a different restaurant, a local restaurant. No Applebee's. No Red Lobster. That is commonly known as black fare."

Racism Runs In Fuentes Family?

White people really need to get back to keeping themselves seperate.
Fuentes may be a racist

What does that have to with issues such as homosexual grooming of children in our rancid pop culture and schools?

Fuentes is “agin” that too you know

Am I expected to condone bad things just to prove that I’m not a nazi?
Fuentes may be a racist

No "may be" about it.

What does that have to with issues such as homosexual grooming of children in our rancid pop culture and schools?

Sorry, you have the schools confused with the Southern Baptists.

Fuentes is “agin” that too you know

Am I expected to condone bad things just to prove that I’m not a nazi?

I have said in the past, Nazi arguments are lame.
Fuentes may be a racist

What does that have to with issues such as homosexual grooming of children in our rancid pop culture and schools?

Fuentes is “agin” that too you know

Am I expected to condone bad things just to prove that I’m not a nazi?
This sounds just like the racist did in the 40s and 50s.
This is 2023 not 1955 and parents have a duty to protect their children from harmful sexual advances by homosexuals
Of course it does. In those days the racist were saying they had to protect their children from integration and their daughters mixing with black men.

It certainly sounds like you are intentionally implying that you do not see anything at all wrong with depraved perverts sexually grooming and exploiting children; that you see any objection to such as being exactly comparable to people of a few generations ago objecting to their children associating with different races.
It certainly sounds like you are intentionally implying that you do not see anything at all wrong with depraved perverts sexually grooming and exploiting children; that you see any objection to such as being exactly comparable to people of a few generations ago objecting to their children associating with different races.
You are way out in left field

Can you quote anything to back that up?


I wonder why a guy who is a self-proclaimed white supremacist, Nazi sympathizer and holocaust denier is so bummed out that Republicans didn't have a Red Wave? Does he think the Republican party is on his side? Does he think his views and policy beliefs line up with Conservatives?

So since Republicans didn't do well in this election cycle he wants to abolish our democratic representative style of government and replace it with a dictatorship?? Sounds kinda fascist to me, but that can't be true because I was told by Republicans that Biden and the Dems are the fascists...hmmm...

It's about there buttttt
Dick taster-ship
It certainly sounds like you are intentionally implying that you do not see anything at all wrong with depraved perverts sexually grooming and exploiting children; that you see any objection to such as being exactly comparable to people of a few generations ago objecting to their children associating with different races.
It certainly sounds like you are an idiot. Who in the hell wants to see children harmed by anyone, my point is since this country racist have found someone to make their enemy.
It certainly sounds like you are intentionally implying that you do not see anything at all wrong with depraved perverts sexually grooming and exploiting children; that you see any objection to such as being exactly comparable to people of a few generations ago objecting to their children associating with different races.
It certainly sounds like you are an idiot. Who in the hell wants to see children harmed by anyone, my point is since this country racist have found someone to make their enemy.

You certainly do not seem to have any objection to faggots and similar perverts going after children's. The whole of your earlier remark seems to be intended to imply that objecting to that is comparable to being a racist.

If you don't actually want children to be harmed, then at the very best, you are apparently OK with children being harmed, in order to promote a depraved agenda which you apparently support.
You certainly do not seem to have any objection to faggots and similar perverts going after children's. The whole of your earlier remark seems to be intended to imply that objecting to that is comparable to being a racist.
Spoken like the fucking moron you are, I don't want anyone coming after children. That would perverts, racist, etc. No my earlier remark stands as it is, racist have always found someone to come after.
If you don't actually want children to be harmed, then at the very best, you are apparently OK with children being harmed, in order to promote a depraved agenda which you apparently support.
Damn, Bob are you really that much of a moron.
Spoken like the fucking moron you are, I don't want anyone coming after children. That would perverts, racist, etc. No my earlier remark stands as it is, racist have always found someone to come after.

Then what would be the point of your earlier post, where you seem to be saying that for parents to be concerned about sick sexual perverts coming after their children is comparable to racist parents form earlier days being concerned about their children associating with different races?

This is 2023 not 1955 and parents have a duty to protect their children from harmful sexual advances by homosexuals
Of course it does. In those days the racist were saying they had to protect their children from integration and their daughters mixing with black men.

Are you OK with faggots going after children?

Do you have a problem with parents not wanting faggots to go after their children?
Then what would be the point of your earlier post, where you seem to be saying that for parents to be concerned about sick sexual perverts coming after their children is comparable to racist parents form earlier days being concerned about their children associating with different races?

Are you OK with faggots going after children?

Do you have a problem with parents not wanting faggots to go after their children?
If you are addressing me you are seriously confused

These are my words:

“This is 2023 not 1955 and parents have a duty to protect their children from harmful sexual advances by homosexuals”

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