Conservative Superstar Nick Fuentes Says America Needs A Dictatorship

if the American people are corrupt, which they currently are, that means the more democracy we have, the worse the government we have

I wonder why a guy who is a self-proclaimed white supremacist, Nazi sympathizer and holocaust denier is so bummed out that Republicans didn't have a Red Wave? Does he think the Republican party is on his side? Does he think his views and policy beliefs line up with Conservatives?

So since Republicans didn't do well in this election cycle he wants to abolish our democratic representative style of government and replace it with a dictatorship?? Sounds kinda fascist to me, but that can't be true because I was told by Republicans that Biden and the Dems are the fascists...hmmm...

When a guy is called a "Conservative Superstar," and 99% of conservatives don't know who the hell he is.....this thread may be a lame ass joke....
For someone Trumpers on here claim to not know -- he sure has a lot of prominent Trumpers flocking to him...
He speaks for many of them. They long for a strongman type to "follow".

They're so desperate for someone like that, that they're willing to sell their soul to a flamboyant, hypersensitive metrosexual New York City billionaire.

That's how fucked up their thought processes are from decades of MAGA media.
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I wonder why a guy who is a self-proclaimed white supremacist, Nazi sympathizer and holocaust denier is so bummed out that Republicans didn't have a Red Wave? Does he think the Republican party is on his side? Does he think his views and policy beliefs line up with Conservatives?

So since Republicans didn't do well in this election cycle he wants to abolish our democratic representative style of government and replace it with a dictatorship?? Sounds kinda fascist to me, but that can't be true because I was told by Republicans that Biden and the Dems are the fascists...hmmm...

Either you are lying about the positions that this person is taking, or else you are lying about him being a conservative.

No conservative would take those positions, nor support them.
Never heard of him but then again I don't spend endless time searching the web for fringe wack jobs to use a broad brush for an entire group. I have what do you call it oh right a life.

What is funny is when someone on the left wrong goes to so much trouble to dig up an example that they can claim is a conservative whack job in order to try to smear conservatives in general by association; yet the left wrong openly associates and aligns with much, much, much worse scum, including homosexuals, transsexuals and other forms of depraved sexual perverts, child molesters/groomers, violent criminals and terrorists, abortionists, foreign invaders, and so on.

We on the right have no trouble at all, when some LIbtARd brings up some alleged right-wing fringe element, condemning that element, and saying that it does not represent who we are.

Just try to get any LIbtARd to similarly condemn and dissociate with faggots, trannies, and all the other subhuman filth with which they associate.
What is funny is when someone on the left wrong goes to so much trouble to dig up an example that they can claim is a conservative whack job in order to try to smear conservatives in general by association; yet the left wrong openly associates and aligns with much, much, much worse scum, including homosexuals, transsexuals and other forms of depraved sexual perverts, child molesters/groomers, violent criminals and terrorists, abortionists, foreign invaders, and so on.

We on the right have no trouble at all, when some LIbtARd brings up some alleged right-wing fringe element, condemning that element, and saying that it does not represent who we are.

Just try to get any LIbtARd to similarly condemn and dissociate with faggots, trannies, and all the other subhuman filth with which they associate.
Fuentes dines with trump. That isnt an accident.Own it.
He is little more than a media whore hoping to make a living off being a media whore. He's basically doing the same thing as the radio talk show jock does when he argues to trade the teams best starting pitcher. It's done to get attention and a reaction.

Now in real life is he a belly crawling racists? Most likely as you can not say the things he does even for attention if you your self aren't OK with it.

Now inviting him for dinner? I don't understand that but other than that, he is the equivalent of getting gum on your shoe.

I wonder why a guy who is a self-proclaimed white supremacist, Nazi sympathizer and holocaust denier is so bummed out that Republicans didn't have a Red Wave? Does he think the Republican party is on his side? Does he think his views and policy beliefs line up with Conservatives?

So since Republicans didn't do well in this election cycle he wants to abolish our democratic representative style of government and replace it with a dictatorship?? Sounds kinda fascist to me, but that can't be true because I was told by Republicans that Biden and the Dems are the fascists...hmmm...

I share Fuentes’ horror over modern lib culture

But I dont think there is a Jewish conspiracy and I dont think the solution to liberal insanity is a conservative dictatorship

Nor do I think the fact that Fuentes exists entitles to left to have a counter dictatorship based on Marxism and hedonism
He speaks for many of them. They long for a strongman type to "follow".

He just shares the conservative distaste for where freaks on the left are taking this country

A place that you really cant deny

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