Conservative Talk Radio Host Glenn Beck admits he wanted to vote for Hilary in 2016

Are you stunned that people actually have the capability to change their minds over the course of four years? Or is that not allowed in your sphere of thinking?
If nothing else, this POS is a certified party hack...

Oh, he's certifiable alright. Never pay attention to anything from the "conspiracies are all around" crowd, and Beck is just an Alex Jones wannabe.
You’re such a divisive hack. Who cares about Glen Beck? Guess what, Marc. Doesn’t matter who is in office. You will still whine and claim to be a victim.
What's your advice on uniting?

Conservative Talk Radio Host Glenn Beck admits he wanted to vote for Hilary in 2016

HEY IMBECILE: your own link says nothing like that at all. Beck said that the movement that brought us Trump was created BY THE POLITICAL PARTIES and their constant lying to us! TRUE. Then he said that Trump concerned him enough that he THOUGHT about, weighed voting for Hillary instead. But he didn't. He didn't WANT to vote for Hillary, Schmuck, he just didn't want to vote for Trump either. But in the end, he did because Hillary was even worse.

And now we will find that Joe Biden is worse still, and an even bigger, more practiced LIAR.
You’re such a divisive hack. Who cares about Glen Beck? Guess what, Marc. Doesn’t matter who is in office. You will still whine and claim to be a victim.
What's your advice on uniting?

1) Stop with the labels. All whites aren’t racist and or privileged. All blacks aren’t victims.

2) Stop the systemic racism jargon. There is nothing you can’t legally do in the US that I can. Nothing. We are equals.

3) Stop listening to the trolls on social and standard media that are trying to divide us.

4) Pay it Forward as a human being.

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