Conservatives and Terrorists are going to be happy when Obama is gone.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010

The ISIS terrorist dubbed "Jihadi John", who oversaw the brutal executions of American and Western hostages, was hit by a U.S. air strike Thursday night and is believed to have been killed, U.S. officials told ABC News.

One official said the jihadist, Mohammed Emwazi, was thought to be hit as he left a building in Raqqa, Syria, and entered a vehicle. The official called it a "flawless" and “clean hit” with no collateral damage and that Emwazi basically "evaporated."

"U.S. forces conducted an airstrike in Raqqa, Syria, on Nov. 12, 2015 targeting Mohamed Emwazi, also known as 'Jihadi John,'" Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said.

"Emwazi, a British citizen, participated in the videos showing the murders of U.S. journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley, U.S. aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, and a number of other hostages," Cook said. "We are assessing the results of tonight's operation and will provide additional information as and where appropriate."

'Jihadi John' Believed Killed in US Drone Strike, US Officials Say

Another Republican/Conservative hero bites the dust.

The ISIS terrorist dubbed "Jihadi John", who oversaw the brutal executions of American and Western hostages, was hit by a U.S. air strike Thursday night and is believed to have been killed, U.S. officials told ABC News.

One official said the jihadist, Mohammed Emwazi, was thought to be hit as he left a building in Raqqa, Syria, and entered a vehicle. The official called it a "flawless" and “clean hit” with no collateral damage and that Emwazi basically "evaporated."

"U.S. forces conducted an airstrike in Raqqa, Syria, on Nov. 12, 2015 targeting Mohamed Emwazi, also known as 'Jihadi John,'" Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said.

"Emwazi, a British citizen, participated in the videos showing the murders of U.S. journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley, U.S. aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, and a number of other hostages," Cook said. "We are assessing the results of tonight's operation and will provide additional information as and where appropriate."

'Jihadi John' Believed Killed in US Drone Strike, US Officials Say

Another Republican/Conservative hero bites the dust.
The President has been whacking these pieces of shit one right after the other, and it just drives the nutters crazier.

You can bet the nutters were just hoping for some type of collateral damage so they could scream, "the President is killing innocent people"!

Outside of having no balls, they are no different than the scum the President continues to get rid of on a steady basis.
Liberals on Bin Laden's death:

Conservatives on Bin Laden's death:
this needs to in the Conspiracy forum. there is nothing about politics or debating with the title. flaming and the typical hate thread
And sure there is Step.
This is a debate about policy. Conservative policies have brought terrorism to our shores.
You notice how the left gets all happy over killings and turn into little warmongers when it's Obama/Democrats doing the wars and killings?

I guess when it's the Democrat killing them in the Middle east they aren't "creating more terrorist" that's just when they know it's a Republican doing it, don't ya know

The ISIS terrorist dubbed "Jihadi John", who oversaw the brutal executions of American and Western hostages, was hit by a U.S. air strike Thursday night and is believed to have been killed, U.S. officials told ABC News.

One official said the jihadist, Mohammed Emwazi, was thought to be hit as he left a building in Raqqa, Syria, and entered a vehicle. The official called it a "flawless" and “clean hit” with no collateral damage and that Emwazi basically "evaporated."

"U.S. forces conducted an airstrike in Raqqa, Syria, on Nov. 12, 2015 targeting Mohamed Emwazi, also known as 'Jihadi John,'" Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said.

"Emwazi, a British citizen, participated in the videos showing the murders of U.S. journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley, U.S. aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, and a number of other hostages," Cook said. "We are assessing the results of tonight's operation and will provide additional information as and where appropriate."

'Jihadi John' Believed Killed in US Drone Strike, US Officials Say

Another Republican/Conservative hero bites the dust.

The truth is President Obama has been offing our enemies at a frenetic pace with airstrikes, drone strikes, and special ops actions. When the number of enemy operators killed during this admin are finally tallied and reported people will be stunned.

It has been an avalanche.

The ISIS terrorist dubbed "Jihadi John", who oversaw the brutal executions of American and Western hostages, was hit by a U.S. air strike Thursday night and is believed to have been killed, U.S. officials told ABC News.

One official said the jihadist, Mohammed Emwazi, was thought to be hit as he left a building in Raqqa, Syria, and entered a vehicle. The official called it a "flawless" and “clean hit” with no collateral damage and that Emwazi basically "evaporated."

"U.S. forces conducted an airstrike in Raqqa, Syria, on Nov. 12, 2015 targeting Mohamed Emwazi, also known as 'Jihadi John,'" Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said.

"Emwazi, a British citizen, participated in the videos showing the murders of U.S. journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley, U.S. aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, and a number of other hostages," Cook said. "We are assessing the results of tonight's operation and will provide additional information as and where appropriate."

'Jihadi John' Believed Killed in US Drone Strike, US Officials Say

Another Republican/Conservative hero bites the dust.

That is a funny post…considering how he has allowed the spread of violent islam across the middle east and is allowing Iran to get a nuclear bomb…I would not be surprised if violent muslim terrorists tried to get our Constitution Changed to see if he could get another term.

The ISIS terrorist dubbed "Jihadi John", who oversaw the brutal executions of American and Western hostages, was hit by a U.S. air strike Thursday night and is believed to have been killed, U.S. officials told ABC News.

One official said the jihadist, Mohammed Emwazi, was thought to be hit as he left a building in Raqqa, Syria, and entered a vehicle. The official called it a "flawless" and “clean hit” with no collateral damage and that Emwazi basically "evaporated."

"U.S. forces conducted an airstrike in Raqqa, Syria, on Nov. 12, 2015 targeting Mohamed Emwazi, also known as 'Jihadi John,'" Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said.

"Emwazi, a British citizen, participated in the videos showing the murders of U.S. journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley, U.S. aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, and a number of other hostages," Cook said. "We are assessing the results of tonight's operation and will provide additional information as and where appropriate."

'Jihadi John' Believed Killed in US Drone Strike, US Officials Say

Another Republican/Conservative hero bites the dust.

The truth is President Obama has been offing our enemies at a frenetic pace with airstrikes, drone strikes, and special ops actions. When the number of enemy operators killed during this admin are finally tallied and reported people will be stunned.

It has been an avalanche.

No…..killing one or two off is not a frenetic pace as they spread all over the middle east…...

The ISIS terrorist dubbed "Jihadi John", who oversaw the brutal executions of American and Western hostages, was hit by a U.S. air strike Thursday night and is believed to have been killed, U.S. officials told ABC News.

One official said the jihadist, Mohammed Emwazi, was thought to be hit as he left a building in Raqqa, Syria, and entered a vehicle. The official called it a "flawless" and “clean hit” with no collateral damage and that Emwazi basically "evaporated."

"U.S. forces conducted an airstrike in Raqqa, Syria, on Nov. 12, 2015 targeting Mohamed Emwazi, also known as 'Jihadi John,'" Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said.

"Emwazi, a British citizen, participated in the videos showing the murders of U.S. journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley, U.S. aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, and a number of other hostages," Cook said. "We are assessing the results of tonight's operation and will provide additional information as and where appropriate."

'Jihadi John' Believed Killed in US Drone Strike, US Officials Say

Another Republican/Conservative hero bites the dust.

That is a funny post…considering how he has allowed the spread of violent islam across the middle east and is allowing Iran to get a nuclear bomb…I would not be surprised if violent muslim terrorists tried to get our Constitution Changed to see if he could get another term.
He didn't allow it.

It was encouraged by people like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.

This video will explain it for you.

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