Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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Why are you saying its baseless?

Conservatives hate kids? It's not only baseless, it's stupid.
Yes conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions. Yes you are stupid. I agree.
Conservatives love kids from conception til birth. Then they try to deny them healthcare, food stamps etc.

Actually they don't want the kids to be on the hook for some greedy liberal's benefits.

Get a job...
So it’s greedy to hold your POS president accountable for “ providing affordable healthcare and accessible to all? “
You got duped and you’re too stupid to know it.

Are you talking about Obama?

Oh yes, he detailed how we will save in health care, before the cost exploded.
The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
Their job is to sell guns, and to inflate the gun manufacturers. They love to sell those military style assault weapons that are available to anyone who wants to kill kids or anyone else.
That is a terrorist organization!

Most NRA members are law abiding, most NRA members are not killing children or anyone else. How many of these mass shooters were NRA members?

99.999% of NRA members are law abiding.

I know, the Leftists who are completely hysterical and unhinged literally think that not only is the NRA personally arming all these mass killers but are actually DIRECTING them to go and kill people, read most of Baz Ares OPs about this he repeatedly says this is what the NRA are doing. It's at the point where it's difficult to have any type of rational discussion with this crowd, they're just too far gone.
Rational discussion? Says the guy that just interjected a conspiracy theory. :rolleyes:

No the Conspiracy Theory is what Leftists are commenting that the NRA is basically personally arming all these mass killers so they can go out and kill people, the NRA are not doing that of course but Leftists being so totally unhinged now think they are.
Their job is to sell guns, and to inflate the gun manufacturers. They love to sell those military style assault weapons that are available to anyone who wants to kill kids or anyone else.
That is a terrorist organization!

Most NRA members are law abiding, most NRA members are not killing children or anyone else. How many of these mass shooters were NRA members?

99.999% of NRA members are law abiding.

I know, the Leftists who are completely hysterical and unhinged literally think that not only is the NRA personally arming all these mass killers but are actually DIRECTING them to go and kill people, read most of Baz Ares OPs about this he repeatedly says this is what the NRA are doing. It's at the point where it's difficult to have any type of rational discussion with this crowd, they're just too far gone.
Rational discussion? Says the guy that just interjected a conspiracy theory. :rolleyes:

No the Conspiracy Theory is what Leftists are commenting that the NRA is basically personally arming all these mass killers so they can go out and kill people, the NRA are not doing that of course but Leftists being so totally unhinged now think they are.
No the conspiracy theory is claiming that CNN is scripting, the story about the shooting was on news sites before it actually happened, that the shooting never happened being a false flag, and the kids were actors. All illiterate right wing claims.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Trump before you wake the fuck up.
This POS knows nothing and is led around by the nose by the NRA.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
They are a terrorists best friend

You do not know even what a terrorist is or you would not post such a stupid comment.

Why did the NRA block the addition of those on the Do Not Fly list to the list not to sell guns?

THE NRA wants to ensure the open flow of guns to terrorists

NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
Their job is to sell guns, and to inflate the gun manufacturers. They love to sell those military style assault weapons that are available to anyone who wants to kill kids or anyone else.
That is a terrorist organization!

Most NRA members are law abiding, most NRA members are not killing children or anyone else. How many of these mass shooters were NRA members?

99.999% of NRA members are law abiding.

I know, the Leftists who are completely hysterical and unhinged literally think that not only is the NRA personally arming all these mass killers but are actually DIRECTING them to go and kill people, read most of Baz Ares OPs about this he repeatedly says this is what the NRA are doing. It's at the point where it's difficult to have any type of rational discussion with this crowd, they're just too far gone.

They know they are full of shit, but they believe most people are too stupid to know it.
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How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
They are a terrorists best friend

You do not know even what a terrorist is or you would not post such a stupid comment.

Why did the NRA block the addition of those on the Do Not Fly list to the list not to sell guns?

THE NRA wants to ensure the open flow of guns to terrorists
You have them confused with Obama and the UN.
Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
You’re a very sick woman who pushes the same talking points as those demogogues Hannity, Ingram, La Pierre and fat boy.
Seek help.

It's you who needs to seek help, you are totally hysterical and lost the plot several pages ago.
The plot. Stop killing our children . But I guess it’s too difficult for u to understand since you’re part of the problem not the solution.

Leftists have no moral high ground at all.

"Stop killing our children ."

Says the crowd who fanatically support Abortion on Demand, the killing of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb. You don't give a crap about children if you did you would not support the mass killing of the most innocent approx 4,000 a day are killed in the womb, but then Leftists are so fucked up in the head you don't even think those lives are worth anything, Leftists are basic hypocrites and also basic Ghouls using dead children to push your disgusting political Agenda.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
They are a terrorists best friend

You do not know even what a terrorist is or you would not post such a stupid comment.

Why did the NRA block the addition of those on the Do Not Fly list to the list not to sell guns?

THE NRA wants to ensure the open flow of guns to terrorists
The "no-fly" list is not compiled using any kind of due process. Therefore, taking anyone's rights away because they appear on this list is a violation of the 5th Amendment. We realize you goose stepping Nazi snowflakes don't give a shit about anything as trivial as the Bill of Rights, but some of us do.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
They are a terrorists best friend

You do not know even what a terrorist is or you would not post such a stupid comment.

Why did the NRA block the addition of those on the Do Not Fly list to the list not to sell guns?

THE NRA wants to ensure the open flow of guns to terrorists
You have them confused with Obama and the UN.
NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
Their job is to sell guns, and to inflate the gun manufacturers. They love to sell those military style assault weapons that are available to anyone who wants to kill kids or anyone else.
That is a terrorist organization!

Most NRA members are law abiding, most NRA members are not killing children or anyone else. How many of these mass shooters were NRA members?

99.999% of NRA members are law abiding.
While they maintain the flow of guns to the non law abiding
How do they do that, by defending the 2nd Amendment?
The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
They are a terrorists best friend

You do not know even what a terrorist is or you would not post such a stupid comment.

Why did the NRA block the addition of those on the Do Not Fly list to the list not to sell guns?

THE NRA wants to ensure the open flow of guns to terrorists
You have them confused with Obama and the UN.
NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns

Thank you NRA
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
They are a terrorists best friend

You do not know even what a terrorist is or you would not post such a stupid comment.

Why did the NRA block the addition of those on the Do Not Fly list to the list not to sell guns?

THE NRA wants to ensure the open flow of guns to terrorists
The "no-fly" list is not compiled using any kind of due process. Therefor, taking anyone's rights away because they appear on this list is a violation of the 5th Amendment. We realize you goose stepping Nazi snowflakes don't give a shit about anything as trivial as the Bill of Rights, but some of us do.
Poor Snowflake

Don’t want to upset the terrorists do you?
NRA has trained you well
Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
So why do the survivors say that the cons what them gunned down?

Well if they are saying that they are wrong, perhaps CNN scripted that for them also to say that Conservatives want them gunned down, you know like CNN scripted the Town Hall thing and one of the survivors said they scripted it and now he's being attacked by yes Leftists for saying CNN scripted it.
I dont argue with conspiracy theories.

One of the survivors of that school shooting was interviewed and he refused to take part in the Town Hall thing because he said CNN had told him what they wanted him to say, it's not me commenting it it's him.

If you want to discuss Conspiracy Theories we could mention your insistance that Vikings were Black and the rest of all that crap about We Wuz Kangz , which is TOTALLY ridiculous but that's a different topic to the OP.
Conservatives hate kids? It's not only baseless, it's stupid.
Yes conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions. Yes you are stupid. I agree.

Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
So why do the survivors say that the cons what them gunned down?

Good lord, are you really this stupid? Are you TRULY stupid enough to say that anyone WANTS someone "gunned down"?
Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
So why do the survivors say that the cons what them gunned down?

Well if they are saying that they are wrong, perhaps CNN scripted that for them also to say that Conservatives want them gunned down, you know like CNN scripted the Town Hall thing and one of the survivors said they scripted it and now he's being attacked by yes Leftists for saying CNN scripted it.
I dont argue with conspiracy theories.

So you think the kid is lying?
Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
So why do the survivors say that the cons what them gunned down?

Well if they are saying that they are wrong, perhaps CNN scripted that for them also to say that Conservatives want them gunned down, you know like CNN scripted the Town Hall thing and one of the survivors said they scripted it and now he's being attacked by yes Leftists for saying CNN scripted it.
I dont argue with conspiracy theories.

The "town hall" meeting being scripted is not a theory. It's a proven fact.
Yes conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions. Yes you are stupid. I agree.

Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
So why do the survivors say that the cons what them gunned down?

Good lord, are you really this stupid? Are you TRULY stupid enough to say that anyone WANTS someone "gunned down"?

OF course he is. He's a snowflake.
Most NRA members are law abiding, most NRA members are not killing children or anyone else. How many of these mass shooters were NRA members?

99.999% of NRA members are law abiding.

I know, the Leftists who are completely hysterical and unhinged literally think that not only is the NRA personally arming all these mass killers but are actually DIRECTING them to go and kill people, read most of Baz Ares OPs about this he repeatedly says this is what the NRA are doing. It's at the point where it's difficult to have any type of rational discussion with this crowd, they're just too far gone.
Rational discussion? Says the guy that just interjected a conspiracy theory. :rolleyes:

No the Conspiracy Theory is what Leftists are commenting that the NRA is basically personally arming all these mass killers so they can go out and kill people, the NRA are not doing that of course but Leftists being so totally unhinged now think they are.
No the conspiracy theory is claiming that CNN is scripting, the story about the shooting was on news sites before it actually happened, that the shooting never happened being a false flag, and the kids were actors. All illiterate right wing claims.

So you think the kid that SAID CNN scripted his questions is lying?
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
So why do the survivors say that the cons what them gunned down?

Well if they are saying that they are wrong, perhaps CNN scripted that for them also to say that Conservatives want them gunned down, you know like CNN scripted the Town Hall thing and one of the survivors said they scripted it and now he's being attacked by yes Leftists for saying CNN scripted it.
I dont argue with conspiracy theories.

So you think the kid is lying?
He's disrespecting the victims!
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