Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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How many times are you going to be lied to by Trump before you wake the fuck up.
This POS knows nothing and is led around by the nose by the NRA.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
Their job is to sell guns, and to inflate the gun manufacturers. They love to sell those military style assault weapons that are available to anyone who wants to kill kids or anyone else.
That is a terrorist organization!
Why are you making that baseless accusation
Why are you saying its baseless?

Conservatives hate kids? It's not only baseless, it's stupid.
Yes conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions. Yes you are stupid. I agree.

Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
Here’s your fucking NRA.
Why are you saying its baseless?

Conservatives hate kids? It's not only baseless, it's stupid.
Yes conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions. Yes you are stupid. I agree.

Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
So why do the survivors say that the cons what them gunned down?
How many times are you going to be lied to by Trump before you wake the fuck up.
This POS knows nothing and is led around by the nose by the NRA.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
Their job is to sell guns, and to inflate the gun manufacturers. They love to sell those military style assault weapons that are available to anyone who wants to kill kids or anyone else.
That is a terrorist organization!

Most NRA members are law abiding, most NRA members are not killing children or anyone else. How many of these mass shooters were NRA members?
Why are you saying its baseless?

Conservatives hate kids? It's not only baseless, it's stupid.
Yes conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions. Yes you are stupid. I agree.

Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
You’re a very sick woman who pushes the same talking points as those demogogues Hannity, Ingram, La Pierre and fat boy.
Seek help.
Fuck you. The AR 15 isn't an assault rifle so you can just can your bullshit buddy. Just lie lie lie that you just want "reasonable" gun laws.

All America has to do is duplicate what works for Israel. Since 1974 they have only had two attacks and both times the gunmen were taken out.

The answers are out there. But you don't want answers. You want to use dead childrens bodies that weren't even bagged up yet before you left wing whackos started your banning bullshit.

Fucking evil mother fuckers couldn't even wait till they were bagged up.

I gave you an answer the first time, fucktard. Maybe you didn't get the message, let me repeat -- Ban the AR-15 and other assault rifles.

I don't give a flying fuck about your deranged, simple-minded Repug musings about what is or is not an assault rifle. The bullets from an AR-15 destroy any organ or body part that it comes into close proximity with. The AR-15 is designed to cause maximum damage to the human body, it is a weapon of war. So go fuck yourself.

That's all complete bullshit. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You know nothing about guns. I already proved that.

What part is "bullshit", Repug goober. AR-15s don't cause total destruction of the human body? Are you that fucking stupid?

Look mother fucker. Handguns cause the most damage. Next up knives. THEN you have rifles and shotguns. FBI stats.

Stop the lies will you retread.

Look mother fucker. Handguns cause the most damage. Next up knives. THEN you have rifles and shotguns. FBI stats.

Stop the lies will you retread.

Absolutely wrong.

Obviously the rifle round has a much higher velocity. It literally explodes organs along the wound path.

What a bullet does to a human body

"There is a tremendous difference in the amount of energy associated with a bullet from an AR-15 rifle and that of a handgun, he said. Nikolas Cruz, the shooting suspect who opened fire on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people, used an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, according to local police.

If a bullet from a handgun strikes a liver, it injures the organ by poking a hole and causing tissue disruption around the path of the bullet. More specifically, a 9-millimeter handgun creates a hole that disrupts three quarters of an inch around the bullet's path, Smock said.

"But with a rifle round, you have massive tissue disruption," Smock said. "Rather than three quarters of an inch around the wound path, it is disrupted three to four inches around that same tissue."

That might be true of a hunting rilfe using bullets designed to mushroom or fragment, but an AR-15 has much less power than a hunting rifle. If you're using a NATO round, and many do because they are so plentiful and cheap, then it isn't going to mushroom.
Conservatives hate kids? It's not only baseless, it's stupid.
Yes conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions. Yes you are stupid. I agree.

Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
So why do the survivors say that the cons what them gunned down?

Well if they are saying that they are wrong, perhaps CNN scripted that for them also to say that Conservatives want them gunned down, you know like CNN scripted the Town Hall thing and one of the survivors said they scripted it and now he's being attacked by yes Leftists for saying CNN scripted it.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Trump before you wake the fuck up.
This POS knows nothing and is led around by the nose by the NRA.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
Their job is to sell guns, and to inflate the gun manufacturers. They love to sell those military style assault weapons that are available to anyone who wants to kill kids or anyone else.
That is a terrorist organization!

Most NRA members are law abiding, most NRA members are not killing children or anyone else. How many of these mass shooters were NRA members?

99.999% of NRA members are law abiding.
Conservatives hate kids? It's not only baseless, it's stupid.
Yes conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions. Yes you are stupid. I agree.

Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
You’re a very sick woman who pushes the same talking points as those demogogues Hannity, Ingram, La Pierre and fat boy.
Seek help.

It's you who needs to seek help, you are totally hysterical and lost the plot several pages ago.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Trump before you wake the fuck up.
This POS knows nothing and is led around by the nose by the NRA.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
Their job is to sell guns, and to inflate the gun manufacturers. They love to sell those military style assault weapons that are available to anyone who wants to kill kids or anyone else.
That is a terrorist organization!

Most NRA members are law abiding, most NRA members are not killing children or anyone else. How many of these mass shooters were NRA members?
The NRA puts these assault weapons in the hands of the mentally ill. They are accomplices.
I’m so happy the NRA sponsors are leaving them. Sanity is breaking out in this country after 1 year of insanity under this prez.
Yes conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions. Yes you are stupid. I agree.

Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
So why do the survivors say that the cons what them gunned down?

Well if they are saying that they are wrong, perhaps CNN scripted that for them also to say that Conservatives want them gunned down, you know like CNN scripted the Town Hall thing and one of the survivors said they scripted it and now he's being attacked by yes Leftists for saying CNN scripted it.
I dont argue with conspiracy theories.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
Their job is to sell guns, and to inflate the gun manufacturers. They love to sell those military style assault weapons that are available to anyone who wants to kill kids or anyone else.
That is a terrorist organization!

Most NRA members are law abiding, most NRA members are not killing children or anyone else. How many of these mass shooters were NRA members?

99.999% of NRA members are law abiding.
prove it.
Yes conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions. Yes you are stupid. I agree.

Wow, hate much? The truth is that it is the left that see's no value in kids. If you did you'd want fewer abortions.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
You’re a very sick woman who pushes the same talking points as those demogogues Hannity, Ingram, La Pierre and fat boy.
Seek help.

It's you who needs to seek help, you are totally hysterical and lost the plot several pages ago.
The plot. Stop killing our children . But I guess it’s too difficult for u to understand since you’re part of the problem not the solution.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Trump before you wake the fuck up.
This POS knows nothing and is led around by the nose by the NRA.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
They are a terrorists best friend
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
Their job is to sell guns, and to inflate the gun manufacturers. They love to sell those military style assault weapons that are available to anyone who wants to kill kids or anyone else.
That is a terrorist organization!

Most NRA members are law abiding, most NRA members are not killing children or anyone else. How many of these mass shooters were NRA members?

99.999% of NRA members are law abiding.

I know, the Leftists who are completely hysterical and unhinged literally think that not only is the NRA personally arming all these mass killers but are actually DIRECTING them to go and kill people, read most of Baz Ares OPs about this he repeatedly says this is what the NRA are doing. It's at the point where it's difficult to have any type of rational discussion with this crowd, they're just too far gone.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
Their job is to sell guns, and to inflate the gun manufacturers. They love to sell those military style assault weapons that are available to anyone who wants to kill kids or anyone else.
That is a terrorist organization!

Most NRA members are law abiding, most NRA members are not killing children or anyone else. How many of these mass shooters were NRA members?

99.999% of NRA members are law abiding.
While they maintain the flow of guns to the non law abiding
View attachment 178642
------------------------------------------------------------------- here you go Faun --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise --- see 'feinstein' as she speaks in the video Faun
Those are the same 3 you named before. You do realize you don’t keep adding another three every time you link that article, right? It’s always just going to be the same 3 people.

No offense intended, but you are what Lenin called a 'Useful Idiot.' You're helping advance the Communist Agenda. You may call yourself a 'Socialist' or 'Progressive', but you're a Communist. And you don't have to be a Useful Idiot your entire life. There's still time. You really should reconsider your loyalty to the Communists.
No offense taken as I consider conservatives to be actual idiots, liars and infantile. So naturally, I neither believe the names they call me nor care as I consider the source.

If cartoons were facts, you would be a fucking genius.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
Their job is to sell guns, and to inflate the gun manufacturers. They love to sell those military style assault weapons that are available to anyone who wants to kill kids or anyone else.
That is a terrorist organization!

Most NRA members are law abiding, most NRA members are not killing children or anyone else. How many of these mass shooters were NRA members?

99.999% of NRA members are law abiding.

I know, the Leftists who are completely hysterical and unhinged literally think that not only is the NRA personally arming all these mass killers but are actually DIRECTING them to go and kill people, read most of Baz Ares OPs about this he repeatedly says this is what the NRA are doing. It's at the point where it's difficult to have any type of rational discussion with this crowd, they're just too far gone.
Rational discussion? Says the guy that just interjected a conspiracy theory. :rolleyes:
How many times are you going to be lied to by Trump before you wake the fuck up.
This POS knows nothing and is led around by the nose by the NRA.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
They are a terrorists best friend

You do not know even what a terrorist is or you would not post such a stupid comment.
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