Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
Conservatives hate kids....unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions.

"Conservatives hate kids....unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions."

What a totally hysterical comment, where are you getting this bizarro stuff from?
From the cons anti-abortion and pro assault weapon stance.

So what about the Leftists Pro-Abortion and Anti-Gun stance? How can Leftists be saying they want to outlaw assault weapons to save lives and at the same time say they support Abortion on Demand that takes up to one MILLION lives a year?
Probably because Leftists are more concerned with the life thats already here not something that isnt even fully formed yet.
Instead of listening to an uninformed reality TV host who received $30,000,000 from the gun lobby, let’s ask our first responders if they want to enter a chaotic, lethal crime scene with a bunch of armed, terrified teachers.
Havent you heard? If you carry a concealed weapon you turn into a navy seal complete with a decade of training.
Indeed. Only idiots think our gun problem can be rectified with more guns.
Our teachers get paid a pittance of what they deserve so our asshole president’s solution: give them more responsibility.
Oh? There’s roughly 50 million students attending “government schools.” Another 20 million in higher education.

That’s a gamble?

Yes, a huge one. Parents should seriously consider all education alternatives. Government Schools are only gonna get worse.
Nah, it’s looking like some significant gun reform is coming. That will help.

"Gun Control" ain't gonna save the Government School System. It has much more problems than that. The Government School System is in rapid steep decline. Parents will need to seek education alternatives in the future.
Suuure, ok.

Still running that lying video are you? What part of insane are you?
Your diseased brain is rotted — I posted no video in this dialog.
Trump is adopting the exact same measures supported by the NRA... which means it’s business as usual.... more school massacres to follow.
If you clicked this link from Post # 876, and read the whole OP, instead of quickly jumping in here mindlessly, you would know that what the NRA and Trump have supported, is useful to STOP school shootings, which are mostly caused by liberal created "gun-free zones.

Is Trump Being Unfairly Attacked About Gun Control ?
How many times are you going to be lied to by Trump before you wake the fuck up.
This POS knows nothing and is led around by the nose by the NRA.

Poor Reasonable, so hate addled you can't see straight. You have so many boogeymen. Rush, Hannity, rump, Fox, in fact you are terrified of anyone who dares to disagree with you, hence your quickness to attack and denigrate.
Your bullshit and inane posts are very easily attacked due to principle.
You’re a full fledged Trump whore who has zero common sense and reason.

Sure, that's why I live under your skin. Hey look at it this way though, you can thank me that you don't get banned as often, you learned it from me. If you mean that my "principles" are different than yours you are correct. I have integrity and I am honest, you are neither of those things. Careful, Rush and Rump are right behind you ;) You are asleep and still playing their games are too emotional for this stuff. When/if you ever wake up to the truth you'll stop letting them play you.
View attachment 178644
Trump was caught holding these notes, which reminded him to say:

“I hear you.”

You know who would have never needed that reminder?

Barack Obama

Young people have helped lead all our great movements. How inspiring to see it again in so many smart, fearless students standing up for their right to be safe; marching and organizing to remake the world as it should be. We've been waiting for you. And we've got your backs.

Barack Obama

LOL, the "Teleprompter Kid"? That's hilarious.

Yes, the teleprompter kid who used to teach Constitutional law. The teleprompter kid who on his worst day is 500 times smarter and wiser than Trump.

That's the person your unremarkable ass is attempting to ridicule. Good job, Repug goober.

Your "boy" is an affirmative Action Community Organizer. He visited all 57 States and acknowledged a "Corpseman". Obama like ALL other Presidents was a handpicked puppet. He worked for the same Bankers that they all work for.
Link ??? he got into Harvard vis affirmative action.
We both know you’re lying because I’ve caught you in dozens of them.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
Conservatives hate kids....unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions.

"Conservatives hate kids....unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions."

What a totally hysterical comment, where are you getting this bizarro stuff from?
From the cons anti-abortion and pro assault weapon stance.

So what about the Leftists Pro-Abortion and Anti-Gun stance? How can Leftists be saying they want to outlaw assault weapons to save lives and at the same time say they support Abortion on Demand that takes up to one MILLION lives a year?
Probably because Leftists are more concerned with the life thats already here not something that isnt even fully formed yet.

So morally that makes it okay then because a life isn't fully formed yet it's okay to just kill it? At the same time screaming about how they want to save lives.
Trump is adopting the exact same measures supported by the NRA... which means it’s business as usual.... more school massacres to follow.
If you clicked this link from Post # 876, and read the whole OP, instead of quickly jumping in here mindlessly, you would know that what the NRA and Trump have supported, is useful to STOP school shootings, which are mostly caused by liberal created "gun-free zones.

Is Trump Being Unfairly Attacked About Gun Control ?

The entire world should be a gun free zone.
Trump is adopting the exact same measures supported by the NRA... which means it’s business as usual.... more school massacres to follow.
If you clicked this link from Post # 876, and read the whole OP, instead of quickly jumping in here mindlessly, you would know that what the NRA and Trump have supported, is useful to STOP school shootings, which are mostly caused by liberal created "gun-free zones.

Is Trump Being Unfairly Attacked About Gun Control ?
How many times are you going to be lied to by Trump before you wake the fuck up.
This POS knows nothing and is led around by the nose by the NRA.

Poor Reasonable, so hate addled you can't see straight. You have so many boogeymen. Rush, Hannity, rump, Fox, in fact you are terrified of anyone who dares to disagree with you, hence your quickness to attack and denigrate.
Your bullshit and inane posts are very easily attacked due to principle.
You’re a full fledged Trump whore who has zero common sense and reason.

Sure, that's why I live under your skin. Hey look at it this way though, you can thank me that you don't get banned as often, you learned it from me. If you mean that my "principles" are different than yours you are correct. I have integrity and I am honest, you are neither of those things. Careful, Rush and Rump are right behind you ;) You are asleep and still playing their games are too emotional for this stuff. When/if you ever wake up to the truth you'll stop letting them play you.
You think my lack of interest in this dump is from “ getting banned.”
Every time you address me I rip you a new asshole because I deal with facts and you focus on propaganda.
You’re a quack.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Trump before you wake the fuck up.
This POS knows nothing and is led around by the nose by the NRA.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
Another thread... poor Doc can’t back up his lies. He just changes the subject like a typical deplorable.
Conservatives hate kids....unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions.

"Conservatives hate kids....unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions."

What a totally hysterical comment, where are you getting this bizarro stuff from?
From the cons anti-abortion and pro assault weapon stance.

So what about the Leftists Pro-Abortion and Anti-Gun stance? How can Leftists be saying they want to outlaw assault weapons to save lives and at the same time say they support Abortion on Demand that takes up to one MILLION lives a year?
Probably because Leftists are more concerned with the life thats already here not something that isnt even fully formed yet.

So morally that makes it okay then because a life isn't fully formed yet it's okay to just kill it? At the same time screaming about how they want to save lives.
I didnt say anything about morals. I said conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to stop women from having abortions.
"Conservatives hate kids....unless they can use them to keep women from having abortions."

What a totally hysterical comment, where are you getting this bizarro stuff from?
From the cons anti-abortion and pro assault weapon stance.

So what about the Leftists Pro-Abortion and Anti-Gun stance? How can Leftists be saying they want to outlaw assault weapons to save lives and at the same time say they support Abortion on Demand that takes up to one MILLION lives a year?
Probably because Leftists are more concerned with the life thats already here not something that isnt even fully formed yet.

So morally that makes it okay then because a life isn't fully formed yet it's okay to just kill it? At the same time screaming about how they want to save lives.
I didnt say anything about morals. I said conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to stop women from having abortions.

Why are you making that baseless accusation
How many times are you going to be lied to by Trump before you wake the fuck up.
This POS knows nothing and is led around by the nose by the NRA.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.
From the cons anti-abortion and pro assault weapon stance.

So what about the Leftists Pro-Abortion and Anti-Gun stance? How can Leftists be saying they want to outlaw assault weapons to save lives and at the same time say they support Abortion on Demand that takes up to one MILLION lives a year?
Probably because Leftists are more concerned with the life thats already here not something that isnt even fully formed yet.

So morally that makes it okay then because a life isn't fully formed yet it's okay to just kill it? At the same time screaming about how they want to save lives.
I didnt say anything about morals. I said conservatives hate kids unless they can use them to stop women from having abortions.

Why are you making that baseless accusation
Why are you saying its baseless?
View attachment 178644
Trump was caught holding these notes, which reminded him to say:

“I hear you.”

You know who would have never needed that reminder?

Barack Obama

Young people have helped lead all our great movements. How inspiring to see it again in so many smart, fearless students standing up for their right to be safe; marching and organizing to remake the world as it should be. We've been waiting for you. And we've got your backs.

Barack Obama

LOL, the "Teleprompter Kid"? That's hilarious.

Yes, the teleprompter kid who used to teach Constitutional law. The teleprompter kid who on his worst day is 500 times smarter and wiser than Trump.

That's the person your unremarkable ass is attempting to ridicule. Good job, Repug goober.

Your "boy" is an affirmative Action Community Organizer. He visited all 57 States and acknowledged a "Corpseman". Obama like ALL other Presidents was a handpicked puppet. He worked for the same Bankers that they all work for.
Link ??? he got into Harvard vis affirmative action.
We both know you’re lying because I’ve caught you in dozens of them.

LOL< you've have never once "caught" me in a lie kid. First, I don't lie, and second you aren't smart enough.
A number of businesses have decided to publicly break off their relationships with the National Rifle Association, ending discount programs they offered to NRA members. Car rental company Hertz, Cybersecurity company and Lifelock owner Symantec, MetLife, and security company Simplisafe have decided to part ways with the lobbying group. Other companies—ranging from backers of the NRA credit card, backers of the NRA Carry Guard insurance card, car rental companies, and hotel chains—have also recently announced that it would not seek contract renewals with the NRA. This comes as the NRA has been increasingly scrutinized after the Parkland school shooting over its strong gun lobbying operation, and after the NRA has been on the defensive against these attacks at events like the CNN town hall and the Conservative Political Action Conference.


You think my lack of interest in this dump is from “ getting banned.”
Every time you address me I rip you a new asshole because I deal with facts and you focus on propaganda.
You’re a quack.
Do you have the "facts" regarding how many innocent people have been killed as a result of idiotic liberal-created "gun-free zones" ? (ex. Fort Hood, TX, San Bernardino social service center, Pulse Clube, MSDHS, etc )

Why don't you reveal THOSE facts to us ?.
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