Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

And liberals gave us the horrors of communism and the welfare state. Your point is what?

Yeah right. So now we have a fascist president who wants to be like Kim Jung Un.
Do you even understand what a "fascist" is? What has Donald Trump done that even REMOTELY smacks of fascism?

Yep and that's why I say Trump is a fascist.

Madeleine Albright Sounds The Alarm On Fascism And Donald Trump | HuffPost

The Ghost of Fascism in the Age of Trump
Liberals are unembarrassed by lying and making shit up that's blatantly false. The first post in this thread for example.
You've made completely clear repeatedly you are a racist and you do hate whites.

That while the irony that you're a black hand under a white robe. The KKK couldn't do nearly as much as you do to destroy blacks by telling them to be subservient to the party that keeps screwing you. The latest being unchecked illegal immigration by people who keep poor blacks unemployed. Employment is the first step to becoming middle class. There is no path around it. And you cheer while Democrats keep poor blacks right where they are

I have done no such thing. I have to laugh at you republicans. You're racists and you stand opposed to everything that has helped blacks progress. Now explain to me how many blacks are losing jobs picking tomatoes or lettuce to illegal immigrants.

I'm not a Republican, I'm a libertarian. And yeah, I hate my wife and kids. Moron.

It's a simple fact. You advocate unlimited illegal immigration which hits blacks and black employment more than any other group. You're Bojangles to the clan.

Hey Bo, dance and help us kill jobs for blacks.

And you do ...

Blacks won't work for the wages illegal immagrants will work. I won't either. The difference is, I don't want to import poor people and screw my own poor. Employers should be forced to pay market rates

Actually Democrats don't advocate unlimited illegal immigration. So that's that for your lie.

Every action Democrats are taking is to enable illegal immigration. Do you pay ANY attention to the news? Or you just do what the Klan tells you and they never told you to think? Hey Bojangles, go out and tell blacks not to resist while Democrats import illegal aliens to take their jobs. And you do

I find it funny how you can't see that your assumptions where by you believe we can't think but must be told is racist. You claim to be libertarian, but that's just another republican party. Now as for immigration and jobs employers make the choice to hire. So if blacks are not getting hired the immigrants did not make that choice. Illegal immigrants aren't hiring themselves dumb fuck.

So you can suck my bojangles bitch.

As the 2016 election draws closer, the party’s views on immigration are becoming increasingly important. With a larger and larger percentage of voters being immigrants, these policies have the ability to make or break an election. Even non-immigrants are beginning to view this as a larger issue. A recent survey by the Pew Research Center found that 71 percent of Americans believe that there should be a road to amnesty for illegal immigrants who meet certain requirements.

The Democratic view on immigration is based on the idea that the United States is a country based on immigrants, and as such it should value and support its present and future immigrants. The 2012 Democratic Party Platform states, “the Democratic Party stands for comprehensive immigration reform that intelligently prioritizes our country’s security and economic needs.” Democrats believe that in order to embrace the diversity of our country, “we need to fix our broken immigration system.”

They believe in providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, especially those who were brought here as children. They wish to greatly reform the current immigration laws, stating that “today’s immigration laws do not reflect our values or serve our security, and we will work for real reform. The solution is not to establish a massive new status of second-class workers; that betrays our values and hurts all working people. Undocumented immigrants within our borders who clear a background check, work hard and pay taxes should have a path to earn full participation in America.” Democrats do not believe that just any illegal immigrant should be provided amnesty or a path to citizenship. They state that undocumented workers who “are in good standing must admit that they broke the law, pay taxes and a penalty, learn English, and get right with the law before they can get in line to earn their citizenship.” Democrats do, however, support strong repercussions for those who exploit illegal labor. This process undermines American workers, and Democrats believe that those who do so need to be held accountable.

Democratic View on Immigration | Republican Views

Your racist argument trying to pit blacks against Hispanics won't work here. If your punk ass is so concerned about blacks losing jobs to illegals, then stop whitey from hiring illegals .

Gotcha, so Republicans are against the war on drugs and the war on terror and think drugs, prostitution and gambling should be legal, oppose our military being overseas in all these wars and think we should slash military spending. You're such an idiot.

Speaking of you being an idiot. I've also consistently advocated stiff fines and jail against companies that hire illegals. You on the other hand advocate unlimited poor who will work for practically nothing making poor black Americans unemployable. You're not a black man, you're a Democrat. I mean you're black and a man, but those are just attributes like your height and weight.

Your priority is being a Democrat and you throw blacks under a bus to do it. You are Bojangles to the Klan. You tell blacks to accept and blindly support the Democrat party who are making them unemployed. The damage you do to poor blacks would be a Klan wet dream
What was black unemployment under the half-black president Hussein Obama?
Let's take a look, shall we...?

Not too shabby, apparently. Took unemployment down 9 points from its post recession of 16.8% to 7.8% ... a 54% decrease.
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If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

Leftists however, are the king of being wrong. That's why they are attempting to remove the word "wrong" from their ideology. Everything is upside down.
And Obama ran up more debt than all other presidents before him, combined.
No, he didn't. What a pity you rightards can't post without lying.

Barack Hussein Obama ................ 9,315,547,731,596.50
All other presidents combined ... 10,628,881,485,510.20

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

The last president who really did add more debt than all other presidents before him combined was Ronald Reagan.
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If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

Leftists however, are the king of being wrong. That's why they are attempting to remove the word "wrong" from their ideology. Everything is upside down.

IM thinks that just because Blacks by far can't make it under Conservative Policies that said policies are "failures". The problem he and his "brothas" have is that Conservative Policies demand self discipline and hard work.
I disagree. Self government works great for those of us that apply it. It leads to prosperous economies like our current one, strong militaries, and decent human beings to help others without being forced to by the government
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

The article at the following link spells out the many failed years of Republican policies.

But, as your title of this thread states, Conservatives are un-embarrassed by a history of being wrong. And they will remain this way because their denial of facts won't allow the truth to sink in.

Every “Unified Republican Government” Ever Has Led to a Financial Crash


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The number of employed black Americans rose by 354,000 in the first 11 months under Trump. But that rise is dwarfed by the gains in the previous three years: 541,000 in 2016, 767,000 in 2015 and 710,000 in 2014.
So the downward trend actually began about two years into President Obama's 1st term, according to your chart.

I wonder why Trump keep trying to take credit for this I mean because what has he actually DONE that would create jobs? I remember during the debates he kept blaming China for taking away all of the jobs, seriously what act has he initiated that has made a difference?
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Oh. My. Goodness. When you base your ideology on myth, you end up with this kind of drivel and hilarity.
And, FYI, lots of conservative Northerners supported ending slavery, and not all abolitionists were viewed as "Radicals." The ones who were viewed as Radicals were the ones who advocated violence and supported slave insurrections, an approach that even George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and John Adams condemned.

You might also be interested to know that the majority of Southerners supported gradual emancipation, including Robert E. Lee, Jeffferson Davis, Joseph E. Johnston, Judah Benjamin, Patrick Cleburne, Mark Kelly, and many others. In March 1865, the Confederacy began a gradual emancipation program.

Confederate Emancipation | Abbeville Institute
They believe in providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, especially those who were brought here as children. They wish to greatly reform the current immigration laws, stating that “today’s immigration laws do not reflect our values or serve our security, and we will work for real reform.

You SURE about this? Because when they are IN CHARGE, they sure don't cater to open borders and unlimited border crashing..

If we look at modern times. IM2 is a black racist. Just review his posts and it's quite apparent.

I didn't experience much racism for 30 years, until Obama

Sans the McDuffie riots, I did experience that. Mister Johnson was ready to blow n1ggas heads off with a 30-.06 from the war.

They overturned a umm..lima-green Nova at the end of my street and set it on fire.

It had black splotches on it after that.
LATIMES is biased crap. They leave out the fact that a huge part of the liberal movement was against SS.

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Those are 3 different links.

One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.

One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.

Lmfao...what a burn.. :)

Too bad it's not based on fact.
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If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
Ronald Reagan

Donald Trump

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