Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

Leftists however, are the king of being wrong. That's why they are attempting to remove the word "wrong" from their ideology. Everything is upside down.

IM thinks that just because Blacks by far can't make it under Conservative Policies that said policies are "failures". The problem he and his "brothas" have is that Conservative Policies demand self discipline and hard work.

You stupid son of a bitch, blacks have worked harder and have had more discipline that any other group. Bitch we worked 24-7 for free for over 200 years. How much discipline did it take for blacks to fight overt white racism with non violence? Your pink ass couldn't do it. Stop talking about things your white ass has no clue about. Whites are the laziest most undisciplined group here. And when we consider all of what the government has given whites, people like you need to keep your mouths shut. Conservative policies fail because they suck. They are not based in reality.
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives.

Radicals who wanted low taxes and freedom. That makes them conservatives.

I thought we could not apply todays thinking to the past. After all you weren't there, you threw no tea into the harbor, so you have no claim to make.
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
it's a matter of opinion
If we look at modern times. IM2 is a black racist. Just review his posts and it's quite apparent.

I didn't experience much racism for 30 years, until Obama

Sans the McDuffie riots, I did experience that. Mister Johnson was ready to blow n1ggas heads off with a 30-.06 from the war.

They overturned a umm..lima-green Nova at the end of my street and set it on fire.

It had black splotches on it after that.

You're a liar.

There is nothing racist about my posts and this thread is not about race. So you are obsessed with race to such an extent that you are now making an issue about race that has been started in the politics section about an ideology blacks participate in.
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
it's a matter of opinion

Actually it is a matter of looking at the results of conservative policies since Reagan.
They believe in providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, especially those who were brought here as children. They wish to greatly reform the current immigration laws, stating that “today’s immigration laws do not reflect our values or serve our security, and we will work for real reform.

You SURE about this? Because when they are IN CHARGE, they sure don't cater to open borders and unlimited border crashing..

You conservatives are the ones saying that democrats are for unlimited open borders. I stated democrats weren't and got called bonjangles. So try going beyond one paragraph the next time..
And, FYI, lots of conservative Northerners supported ending slavery, and not all abolitionists were viewed as "Radicals." The ones who were viewed as Radicals were the ones who advocated violence and supported slave insurrections, an approach that even George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and John Adams condemned.

You might also be interested to know that the majority of Southerners supported gradual emancipation, including Robert E. Lee, Jeffferson Davis, Joseph E. Johnston, Judah Benjamin, Patrick Cleburne, Mark Kelly, and many others. In March 1865, the Confederacy began a gradual emancipation program.

Confederate Emancipation | Abbeville Institute

Wrong. And do you not understand how stupid you look for trying to make gradual emancipation something great?
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives.

Radicals who wanted low taxes and freedom. That makes them conservatives.

I thought we could not apply todays thinking to the past. After all you weren't there, you threw no tea into the harbor, so you have no claim to make.

I thought we could not apply todays thinking to the past.

You so rarely apply any thinking, so you've got that going for you.

After all you weren't there, you threw no tea into the harbor, so you have no claim to make.

Says the guy who wasn't a slave but still whines about it, 153 years after slavery ended.
They believe in providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, especially those who were brought here as children. They wish to greatly reform the current immigration laws, stating that “today’s immigration laws do not reflect our values or serve our security, and we will work for real reform.

You SURE about this? Because when they are IN CHARGE, they sure don't cater to open borders and unlimited border crashing..

You conservatives are the ones saying that democrats are for unlimited open borders. I stated democrats weren't and got called bonjangles. So try going beyond one paragraph the next time..

If you're not for open borders when your team is at the plate, what is the problem with ending catch/release and idiotic notions like the VISA lottery? Do you think it's fair to be suddenly, selectively irate and hysterical about children at the border when your "smartest woman in America" suggested sending them all home (after the Obama Admin allowed 100,000 or more orphans to come in) to their parents in 2014?

THIS -- is why I won't support EITHER party. They are BOTH playing power games. And they HAVE no principles, or scruples on damn near ANY issue.. And it reeks of clueless hypocrisy and callousness on BOTH sides of issues like this. Same with foreign policy. Same with the budget/deficit.
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

Leftists however, are the king of being wrong. That's why they are attempting to remove the word "wrong" from their ideology. Everything is upside down.

IM thinks that just because Blacks by far can't make it under Conservative Policies that said policies are "failures". The problem he and his "brothas" have is that Conservative Policies demand self discipline and hard work.

You stupid son of a bitch, blacks have worked harder and have had more discipline that any other group. Bitch we worked 24-7 for free for over 200 years. How much discipline did it take for blacks to fight overt white racism with non violence? Your pink ass couldn't do it. Stop talking about things your white ass has no clue about. Whites are the laziest most undisciplined group here. And when we consider all of what the government has given whites, people like you need to keep your mouths shut. Conservative policies fail because they suck. They are not based in reality.

Stuff it Jethro. Take yo Mod Edit: Do not bypass the word filter ass back to the bush. You are a lazy, hate filled piece of shit. As a Conservative the ONLY thing that embarrasses me is you calling yourself an American Nobody ever owned you, you were never a slave and the fact the you are appropriating the culture of those that were makes you one more dumbass xxxxxx. You are a disgrace to hard working blacks everywhere.

You almost gotta laugh when liberals define historic conservatism. The dirty little secret is that the Founding Fathers were liberals and Lincoln was a liberal but they would roll over in their graves if they saw the state of liberalism in modern America. Liberalism used to be about the free exchange of ideas and opinions on college campuses. Today college campuses are closed to ideas and opinions that are deemed to be against the liberal status-quo. Everything is upside down in the liberal mind.
And Obama ran up more debt than all other presidents before him, combined.
No, he didn't. What a pity you rightards can't post without lying.

Barack Hussein Obama ................ 9,315,547,731,596.50
All other presidents combined ... 10,628,881,485,510.20

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

The last president who really did add more debt than all other presidents before him combined was Ronald Reagan.

What's a pity is that you think that makes Barry look good! Seriously?
Great, now quote me saying that makes him look good or you once again expose yourself as the lying con tool I routinely find you to be.........
Yep, Obama just about doubled the debt, thanks for posting facts backing that up!

And Obama said 10 trillion of debt was irresponsible. I guess 20 trillion is responsible?
Yep, Obama just about doubled the debt, thanks for posting facts backing that up!

And Obama said 10 trillion of debt was irresponsible. I guess 20 trillion is responsible?
So? Bush almost doubled the debt... let’s see your link to your post where you bitched about that.......
Yep, Obama just about doubled the debt, thanks for posting facts backing that up!

And Obama said 10 trillion of debt was irresponsible. I guess 20 trillion is responsible?
So? Bush almost doubled the debt... let’s see your link to your post where you bitched about that.......

Bush had the worst terrorist attack on US soil in its history.

Show me where Obama had the same.
Yep, Obama just about doubled the debt, thanks for posting facts backing that up!

And Obama said 10 trillion of debt was irresponsible. I guess 20 trillion is responsible?
So? Bush almost doubled the debt... let’s see your link to your post where you bitched about that.......

Bush had the worst terrorist attack on US soil in its history.

Show me where Obama had the same.
Obama was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression. And that recession cost our economy far more than 9.11 did.

No worries though. I accept this as you never once complained about Bush nearly doubling the debt. Thanks for showing the forum you’re a hypocrite.
I'm a hypocrite? Obama doubled the debt and you're quiet. Bush had a terrorist attack that he had to deal with and you bitch? Bush has been out of office over a decade, why is it always about Bush?

It definitely wasn't the worst economy since the great depression. OBAMA MADE IT THAT.

That's ok. A real president, Trump, has stepped up to the plate and the economy is busting 4 percent GDP. Record everything. We are rockin' along!
I'm a hypocrite? Obama doubled the debt and you're quiet. Bush had a terrorist attack that he had to deal with and you bitch? Bush has been out of office over a decade, why is it always about Bush?

It definitely wasn't the worst economy since the great depression. OBAMA MADE IT THAT.

That's ok. A real president, Trump, has stepped up to the plate and the economy is busting 4 percent GDP. Record everything. We are rockin' along!

Trump hasn’t had 4% GDP yet. And his first year came in at 2.3%, despite his prediction it would be as high as 6%.

And yes, you are a hypocrite. You demonstrated nearly doubling the debt meant nothing to you when Bush did it; but you cry like a bitch when Obama did it.

And the worst economy, with negative 8 percent GDP, 700,000 jobs lost in a month, and crashing stock market, housing markets and credit markets all occurred under Bush and was passed onto Obama; who turned that into positive GDP, longest streak of net jobs gained, and a record high stock market.
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

Leftists however, are the king of being wrong. That's why they are attempting to remove the word "wrong" from their ideology. Everything is upside down.

IM thinks that just because Blacks by far can't make it under Conservative Policies that said policies are "failures". The problem he and his "brothas" have is that Conservative Policies demand self discipline and hard work.

You stupid son of a bitch, blacks have worked harder and have had more discipline that any other group. Bitch we worked 24-7 for free for over 200 years. How much discipline did it take for blacks to fight overt white racism with non violence? Your pink ass couldn't do it. Stop talking about things your white ass has no clue about. Whites are the laziest most undisciplined group here. And when we consider all of what the government has given whites, people like you need to keep your mouths shut. Conservative policies fail because they suck. They are not based in reality.

Nah, you're no racist, IM2! What was I thinking about! (eye roll)
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

Leftists however, are the king of being wrong. That's why they are attempting to remove the word "wrong" from their ideology. Everything is upside down.

IM thinks that just because Blacks by far can't make it under Conservative Policies that said policies are "failures". The problem he and his "brothas" have is that Conservative Policies demand self discipline and hard work.

You stupid son of a bitch, blacks have worked harder and have had more discipline that any other group. Bitch we worked 24-7 for free for over 200 years. How much discipline did it take for blacks to fight overt white racism with non violence? Your pink ass couldn't do it. Stop talking about things your white ass has no clue about. Whites are the laziest most undisciplined group here. And when we consider all of what the government has given whites, people like you need to keep your mouths shut. Conservative policies fail because they suck. They are not based in reality.
So handouts and purposefully being kept dependent on the teat of the Gov. is how you think you are being best served. U ever talked about this or that individual in the black community as being an "Uncle Tom"... Examine their work ethic, their spirit in the face of adversity... Seems to me you could learn a lot from their example! Quite frankly, in a Nation where you can get an Associates even Bachelors degree for free, if you are hard working and unable to pay, you would do well to STFU and pour your energy into bettering yourself and others! It is quite obvious that you are well invested in your mantra of bitterness and hate.

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