Conservatives call for charges against Biden after Trump indictment

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I wish it were, but it's not. If you study the history of democracies, the warning signs are there. The irony is that many of the people who are cheering this political vengeance on will not benefit from it.
I wish it were, but it's not. If you study the history of democracies, the warning signs are there. The irony is that many of the people who are cheering this political vengeance on will not benefit from it.
The demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie's MAIN PURPOSE is "political vengeance".
The neo-Bolsheviks have a score to settle, don't ya' know!

Democommie Stalinism must be CRUSHED.

So you are hopeful that because conservatives want someone indicted, that person will be indicted? Here's the last time they wanted that:
Now this is the show I've been waiting for. Fire up the popcorn machine.

WASHINGTON — Thursday’s indictment of former President Donald Trump has set a precedent enabling Republican prosecutors to seek criminal charges against President Biden, conservative legal experts told The Post Friday.

“All bets are off. You can expect grand jury indictments of leftist politicians like Biden, [former House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and [Senate Majority Leader Chuck] Schumer as surely as night follows day,” said Tom Fitton, president of the conservative legal group Judicial Watch.

“You can be sure that there are prosecutors across Florida and Texas right now who are looking for a state law hook into the Biden family,” he added. “And if they’re not, they’re not doing their jobs.”

“Republicans need to learn how to take off the gloves and put on the brass knuckles and break glass jaws — politically and legally, not physically,” Mike Davis, a former chief counsel for nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee and president of the Article III Project, told The Post.

“If New York can turn a routine settlement of a business dispute seven years ago into a felony, I think our Republican AGs and DAs should get creative,” added Davis, who briefly worked as a federal prosecutor before clerking for Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. “Two wrongs don’t make it right, but it makes it even.

“You just need probable cause. A grand jury can indict a ham sandwich. We just saw that in New York. And the Bidens actually committed real crimes. These are real crimes that the Bidens committed. There is smoking gun evidence that the Bidens were corruptly and illegally on Chinese and Ukrainian oligarchs’ payrolls.”

Conservatives call for charges against Biden after Trump indictment
So which law enforcement agency is going to press charges against Biden, the DOJ?
Don't forget Bubba Clinton Hoss, he looks like walking death.

Bill's syphilis is finally catching up with him.

Bill's syphilis is finally catching up with him.


Just because Bill isn't having botox, face lifts, and spray painting his face orange, doesn't mean he's in poor health.

Trump looked really rough when he left office. It's not like he coulooks a d take time off and have a touch up. He looks a L0T better since he went back to Florida - well "rested".


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