Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

"To work against the interests of the United States, and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort."

First, when Obama kills Anwar Al-Awlaki without giving him his due process rights under the law, who was committing treason? Him or our president? When Obama sends money, weapons, and tanks to Syrian Rebels and Al-Qaeda terrorists; who was it committing treason? Who is it working against American interests?

And when Obama kills children with drone strikes, is he working in the best interests of the civilized world? When he works to weaken us militarily, is he working in our interests?

Keep your trap shut. You can't prove one way or another that conservatives are cheering for another country to slaughter another.

It's called war. Oh' yeah, you right wingers whine about us being too soft with our rules of engagement one second, just to whine about us killing terrorist the next. Like I said Obama can't win. No better then GEORGE BUSH bombing the shit out of Bagdad with jet fighters for years on end. How was that any better1?

War isn't about killing your own people.
"To work against the interests of the United States, and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort."

First, when Obama kills Anwar Al-Awlaki without giving him his due process rights under the law, who was committing treason? Him or our president? When Obama sends money, weapons, and tanks to Syrian Rebels and Al-Qaeda terrorists; who was it committing treason? Who is it working against American interests?

And when Obama kills children with drone strikes, is he working in the best interests of the civilized world? When he works to weaken us militarily, is he working in our interests?

Keep your trap shut. You can't prove one way or another that conservatives are cheering for another country to slaughter another.

It's called war. Oh' yeah, you right wingers whine about us being too soft with our rules of engagement one second, just to whine about us killing terrorist the next. Like I said Obama can't win. No better then GEORGE BUSH bombing the shit out of Baghdad with jet fighters for years on end. How was that any better1?

It's always Bush, isn't it? You can't accept that any criticism of Obama might be valid, can you? My gosh you Democrats sound like overprotective mothers who shield their mischievous children from the consequences of their behavior! You're right. Obama can't win. He doesn't want to win. He wants everything and everyone to be on the same level playing field.
Number 1 big mistake is to come out and threaten Putin publicly. And then let your Secretary of State come out and thump his chest and run off at the mouth.

That is not diplomacy.

That's the way we'd treat the Taliban, al Qaeda or some little nation. NOT a first world power with capability to send people into space. We'd best be ready for war as we talk as we want war.

You know Matthew, you and I have agreed to disagree many times, but I'm with you on this one.

I heard this clip today of Kerry in a montage of statements he has made and I was screaming at the radio "what the hell are you thinking? STFU!!!!!"

Calling out Putin by saying he's weak and desperate is so not going to go over well.

“That’s not the act of somebody who’s strong, “ Kerry added, saying Putin is acting out of “weakness” and “desperation.”


It's best not to start a war with a nation that could reach out in touch us. At least not if you can help it, Common sense. Rather at least attempt a peaceful approach first.
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"To work against the interests of the United States, and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort."

First, when Obama kills Anwar Al-Awlaki without giving him his due process rights under the law, who was committing treason? Him or our president? When Obama sends money, weapons, and tanks to Syrian Rebels and Al-Qaeda terrorists; who was it committing treason? Who is it working against American interests?

And when Obama kills children with drone strikes, is he working in the best interests of the civilized world? When he works to weaken us militarily, is he working in our interests?

Keep your trap shut. You can't prove one way or another that conservatives are cheering for another country to slaughter another.

It's called war. Oh' yeah, you right wingers whine about us being too soft with our rules of engagement one second, just to whine about us killing terrorist the next. Like I said Obama can't win. No better then GEORGE BUSH bombing the shit out of Bagdad with jet fighters for years on end. How was that any better1?

War isn't about killing your own people.

The guy was a terrorist that wanted to kill other Americans.
It's called war. Oh' yeah, you right wingers whine about us being too soft with our rules of engagement one second, just to whine about us killing terrorist the next. Like I said Obama can't win. No better then GEORGE BUSH bombing the shit out of Baghdad with jet fighters for years on end. How was that any better1?

War isn't about killing your own people.

The guy was a terrorist that wanted to kill other Americans.

He was an American who deserved his due process rights! Just what have we come to? What are we now, vigilantes?
A self-proclaimed terrorist...he confessed...amazing the lengths the PPM will go to crucify Obama no matter what he people are a bad
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The real disgrace is the Pub Propaganda Machine that produces these ignorant hater dupes. Compare this administration to the last one- your beliefs are hilarious...

You're assuming the folks that don't like the current SOB, liked the last one. Just proves how ignorant you are.
You never voted for Boosh or listened to Fox, Rush, Beck, Savage, etc etc, eh- you're even farther out...Ok I'm only 90 per cent right, which is 90 per cent more than you lol...
Well, it is quite obvious no matter what our President does, you assholes will object to it. If he were to have a way to interject our military into the situation, he is a warmonger. If he and the EU resort to sanctions and economic measures, he is weak.

However, the situation remains. Do we let Putin start the re-establishment of the old Soviet empire? Apperantly, you people think this is a good idea, and are cheering Putin as one of your own.

Some of these twisted "patriots" would throw their own mothers under a bus if it would buy them an op to neg Obama somehow. Cheering on Putin they shed "conservative" camouflage to reveal the truly reptillian genus lurking just below a surface of simmering bigotry. Sick MoFo's. Thank god their breed is almost extinct.
I hate both sides. Both hypercritics that hates each other just to win...Damn the country as power is what matters to them. I bet when they get into power if they have any sense they will invest in America. They will then be attacked by the other side for something that makes sense....

See you can't win with the circle jerk.
I love how the left here loves to use the Obama Derangement Syndrome while at the same time still using Bush to justify Obama's decisions or lack of. This thread pretty good example.
Hey. Guess what? I have a new immigration reform idea. Because some of you have no idea where you are, you will never know the difference.
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

What a crock of shit. Conservatives aren't cheering it. They fall into two boats. Some think Obama and the US shouldn't do a damn thing. It's their neck of the wood and it's none of our business (my views) and some think Obama isn't doing enough to protect an "ally" of ours. However, no one is cheering him on! At least not on the conservative side.
I hate both sides. Both hypercritics that hates each other just to win...Damn the country as power is what matters to them. I bet when they get into power if they have any sense they will invest in America. They will then be attacked by the other side for something that makes sense....

See you can't win with the circle jerk.
Dems want to invest in America and its people, make the bloated rich pay their fair share, including themselves. Pubs want to cut their own taxes, screw the environment and their workers, and brainwash the chumps. End of story.
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To be able to understand why Putin had to move in to protect his people and his naval base in Crimea from the thugs that seized power illegally in Kiev is not to cheer him on.
The thief/dictator they threw out was elected in a sham, according to observers. The new guys certainly don't look like thugs- it's hardly an eu thing lol...
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Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

When President Obama has already shown his ability to stick his nose in and draw that red-line in the sand through a bold condemnation like we saw with Syria, only to later tuck tail in an attempt to maneuver his way back out as an attempt to satisfy his base, it's not called celebration ..... rather it's called expectation.

The world has already seen what a Commentator-in-Chief with empty rhetoric can do. If you are not willing to demonstrate that you can back up what you say, then keep your comments to yourself .... the world doesn't need to see any more acts that puts them in mind of another "beer summit".
The real disgrace is the Pub Propaganda Machine that produces these ignorant hater dupes. Compare this administration to the last one- your beliefs are hilarious...

both Bush and Obama have something in common Frankie.....they are both piss poor leaders.....

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