Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

Nobody is cheering for that you ignorant fuck. What we are seeing is the pathetic response by our president. Nobody is cheering for Putin you dumb ass, we are complaining about our pathetic president.

It's not treason to realize we have an absolute pathetic fool in the office of president. That's called reality. Not treason.

No it's called treason.

This guy had no love for Bush.

[ame=]Rangel Responds to Chavez - YouTube[/ame]

Threads like this are pretty fucked.
To show that the opposition to Obama is entirely partisan (or racist), the Teabaggers gave a pass to George W. Bush for 8 years no matter how badly that chimp fucked up, and the Teabaggers hated Barack Obama before he was even sworn in.

It doesn't have anything to do with his policies or Obamacare or Ukraine. For simple-minded Teabaggers, it is simply about hating a black Democrat.
I think Obama knows to be careful messing with Putin in Ukraine, or he might get the treatment Pussy Riot did, lol.

You're laughing about this? :eek:

About Putin beating Obama in geopolitics or the cossacks putting these feminist, degenerate, anti-christian activists in their proper place?

Just amazing.


I don't really know why you folks live in this country.

You are free to leave it and go to Russia.

You'd seem a lot happier there.
You're laughing about this? :eek:

About Putin beating Obama in geopolitics or the cossacks putting these feminist, degenerate, anti-christian activists in their proper place?

Just amazing.


I don't really know why you folks live in this country.

You are free to leave it and go to Russia.

You'd seem a lot happier there.

So to be a real American you need to support the NATO/EU/IMF coup in Ukraine and support the degenerate pussy riot? Are you joking?

Being a blind follower of this government doesn't make you patriotic buddy.
About Putin beating Obama in geopolitics or the cossacks putting these feminist, degenerate, anti-christian activists in their proper place?

Just amazing.


I don't really know why you folks live in this country.

You are free to leave it and go to Russia.

You'd seem a lot happier there.

So to be a real American you need to support the NATO/EU/IMF coup in Ukraine and support the degenerate pussy riot? Are you joking?

Being a blind follower of this government doesn't make you patriotic buddy.

Siding up with the enemy does make you a traitor..buddy.

Advocating for the beating and imprisonment of political dissenters does make you against the values of Americans..buddy.

Pick up a copy of the United States Constitution.

Read it.

It's not very long.

And you might even understand why Putin is everything an American should hate.
No one is cheering Russia's naked aggression. We're cheering President Putin's making a fool out of Chicken Kiev obama. The ordinary person under obama's tyranny can't do it. Thankfully someone is.

No, Katz. WE aren't cheering Putin for ANYTHING because WE are Team USA not Team Communist Russia! I have never agreed with lifting Putin up for anything. The man is a despicable monster. He's planning our destruction and WE should not be cheering him on for anything.
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Just amazing.


I don't really know why you folks live in this country.

You are free to leave it and go to Russia.

You'd seem a lot happier there.

So to be a real American you need to support the NATO/EU/IMF coup in Ukraine and support the degenerate pussy riot? Are you joking?

Being a blind follower of this government doesn't make you patriotic buddy.

Siding up with the enemy does make you a traitor..buddy.

Advocating for the beating and imprisonment of political dissenters does make you against the values of Americans..buddy.

Pick up a copy of the United States Constitution.

Read it.

It's not very long.

And you might even understand why Putin is everything an American should hate.
Listen up, you brainwashed scum, you crossed a line calling me a traitor. I am not siding with Putin or against America. I don't like Putin or our corrupt Government. Opposing the actions of the American Government does not make me a traitor. Opposing foreign intervention in other sovereign nations like Ukraine and opposing George Soros funded anti-christian feminist groups like Pussy Riot does not make me a traitor. The corrupt US government and it's allies like Soros are not the people, do you understand that?

Putin may be the enemy of the globalists, as he threatens their hegemony with his own imperialist ambitions, but he is not my enemy. Putin isn't the one eroding our Constitution, putting us in unending wars, or facilitating the theft of this nations wealth by Wall Street, it is the US Government.

You are just buying into government created bogeymen. For the Republicans during Bush, it was evil Saddam and Taliban and the "muslim terrorists". Now for the Obama Regime the threat is the "fascist" and "sexist" Russians and the domestic threat is "right wing extremists" who are pro constitution and pro life. All this is is a distraction from the crimes of D.C to justify perpetual war and the growing police state. It is literally 1984 being played out in real time. You are buying into the con hook line and sinker.
No one is cheering Russia's naked aggression. We're cheering President Putin's making a fool out of Chicken Kiev obama. The ordinary person under obama's tyranny can't do it. Thankfully someone is.

You are just the type of asshole that the OP is about. The President is objecting to the naked aggression on the part of Russia. If he and the other leaders of the civilized nations of the world formulate a plan that backs the Russians up, you would oppose that because you want the US to lose as long as President Obama is President. That is damnably treasonous. No other word for it.

Actually there are a few other words for it. Boring. Typical. Slightly unhinged.
So to be a real American you need to support the NATO/EU/IMF coup in Ukraine and support the degenerate pussy riot? Are you joking?

Being a blind follower of this government doesn't make you patriotic buddy.

Siding up with the enemy does make you a traitor..buddy.

Advocating for the beating and imprisonment of political dissenters does make you against the values of Americans..buddy.

Pick up a copy of the United States Constitution.

Read it.

It's not very long.

And you might even understand why Putin is everything an American should hate.
Listen up, you brainwashed scum, you crossed a line calling me a traitor. I am not siding with Putin or against America. I don't like Putin or our corrupt Government. Opposing the actions of the American Government does not make me a traitor. Opposing foreign intervention in other sovereign nations like Ukraine and opposing George Soros funded anti-christian feminist groups like Pussy Riot does not make me a traitor. The corrupt US government and it's allies like Soros are not the people, do you understand that?

Putin may be the enemy of the globalists, as he threatens their hegemony with his own imperialist ambitions, but he is not my enemy. Putin isn't the one eroding our Constitution, putting us in unending wars, or facilitating the theft of this nations wealth by Wall Street, it is the US Government.

You are just buying into government created bogeymen. For the Republicans during Bush, it was evil Saddam and Taliban and the "muslim terrorists". Now for the Obama Regime the threat is the "fascist" and "sexist" Russians and the domestic threat is "right wing extremists" who are pro constitution and pro life. All this is is a distraction from the crimes of D.C to justify perpetual war and the growing police state. It is literally 1984 being played out in real time. You are buying into the con hook line and sinker.

I didn't cross the line at all.

You are a traitor. And anti-American theocratic scum. Like Putin. Or the fucks in Saudi Arabia that run that fucked up place.

You're basically useless.
It's hard to believe a thug like Putin treating this whole thing so delicately. He could have turned off the power to Ukraine. He could tell the Americans on the space station to find their own way back. Or did you forget that when we abandoned space we outsourced transportation to Russia? He could let Assad use all the chemical weapons he never destroyed.

President Putin holds all the cards. obama has only two, The mouth card that has been overplayed and the race card which will be good for a chuckle or two.

Is it? Why? I find it perfectly understandable. Putin thought by handling it more delicately he would not tip off the world that Russia is no where near as weak and yesterdays news - as the KGB would have you believe. No. This is all the evidence anyone would ever need to prove the Russians were not even blinking when Obama gave a threat not to do it. Why? Because the truth is Russia has been fooling the Americans all along - the Cold War never ended. It was all a ploy. The Russian military force was building up all along. While we were disarming. ( decades of this, folks )

The greatest lesson the American people can glean from this is never listen to what your enemies are telling you... watch what they are doing. Not what they are saying. The Russians never warmed up to capitolism - these people are Soviets through and through! Putin is a monster. Keep it in mind because the day he invades the USA with China's help ( along with their allies Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuala ) you'll see with your own eyes what he's capable of.
So to be a real American you need to support the NATO/EU/IMF coup in Ukraine and support the degenerate pussy riot? Are you joking?

Being a blind follower of this government doesn't make you patriotic buddy.

Siding up with the enemy does make you a traitor..buddy.

Advocating for the beating and imprisonment of political dissenters does make you against the values of Americans..buddy.

Pick up a copy of the United States Constitution.

Read it.

It's not very long.

And you might even understand why Putin is everything an American should hate.
Listen up, you brainwashed scum, you crossed a line calling me a traitor. I am not siding with Putin or against America. I don't like Putin or our corrupt Government. Opposing the actions of the American Government does not make me a traitor. Opposing foreign intervention in other sovereign nations like Ukraine and opposing George Soros funded anti-christian feminist groups like Pussy Riot does not make me a traitor. The corrupt US government and it's allies like Soros are not the people, do you understand that?

Putin may be the enemy of the globalists, as he threatens their hegemony with his own imperialist ambitions, but he is not my enemy. Putin isn't the one eroding our Constitution, putting us in unending wars, or facilitating the theft of this nations wealth by Wall Street, it is the US Government.

You are just buying into government created bogeymen. For the Republicans during Bush, it was evil Saddam and Taliban and the "muslim terrorists". Now for the Obama Regime the threat is the "fascist" and "sexist" Russians and the domestic threat is "right wing extremists" who are pro constitution and pro life. All this is is a distraction from the crimes of D.C to justify perpetual war and the growing police state. It is literally 1984 being played out in real time. You are buying into the con hook line and sinker.
You're saying some good stuff but then ruin it by saying that "right-wing extremists" are pro-Constitution and pro-life, as if right-wing pro-life fiscal conservatives weren't the ones originally frothing at the mouth for unending war and the American police state.

Left-wingers aren't the ones keeping Cannabis illegal.
Siding up with the enemy does make you a traitor..buddy.

Advocating for the beating and imprisonment of political dissenters does make you against the values of Americans..buddy.

Pick up a copy of the United States Constitution.

Read it.

It's not very long.

And you might even understand why Putin is everything an American should hate.
Listen up, you brainwashed scum, you crossed a line calling me a traitor. I am not siding with Putin or against America. I don't like Putin or our corrupt Government. Opposing the actions of the American Government does not make me a traitor. Opposing foreign intervention in other sovereign nations like Ukraine and opposing George Soros funded anti-christian feminist groups like Pussy Riot does not make me a traitor. The corrupt US government and it's allies like Soros are not the people, do you understand that?

Putin may be the enemy of the globalists, as he threatens their hegemony with his own imperialist ambitions, but he is not my enemy. Putin isn't the one eroding our Constitution, putting us in unending wars, or facilitating the theft of this nations wealth by Wall Street, it is the US Government.

You are just buying into government created bogeymen. For the Republicans during Bush, it was evil Saddam and Taliban and the "muslim terrorists". Now for the Obama Regime the threat is the "fascist" and "sexist" Russians and the domestic threat is "right wing extremists" who are pro constitution and pro life. All this is is a distraction from the crimes of D.C to justify perpetual war and the growing police state. It is literally 1984 being played out in real time. You are buying into the con hook line and sinker.
You're saying some good stuff but then ruin it by saying that "right-wing extremists" are pro-Constitution and pro-life, as if right-wing pro-life fiscal conservatives weren't the ones originally frothing at the mouth for unending war and the American police state.

Left-wingers aren't the ones keeping Cannabis illegal.

He's not saying any "good stuff".

This is a theocrat. He thinks religion should rule the roost.

Putin leads a country that was essentially bailed out by the United States.

Left out of the Reagan fairly tale was the fact that the Soviets couldn't afford their "Warsaw Pact" and were in deep shit financially..which was a major reason for the break up.

The US brokered this by promising to float their economy while it was happening.

It cost billions.

And what do these fucks do in appreciation?

Become a dictatorship, again.

Putin's not doing anyone any favors.

Least of all the Russian people who have to put up with this nonsense.
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.
This topic is so full of beans, you could plant a thousand acres of them.

Four Pinocchios and a naughty-naughty warning for you, Old Rocks: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:
Siding up with the enemy does make you a traitor..buddy.

Advocating for the beating and imprisonment of political dissenters does make you against the values of Americans..buddy.

Pick up a copy of the United States Constitution.

Read it.

It's not very long.

And you might even understand why Putin is everything an American should hate.
Listen up, you brainwashed scum, you crossed a line calling me a traitor. I am not siding with Putin or against America. I don't like Putin or our corrupt Government. Opposing the actions of the American Government does not make me a traitor. Opposing foreign intervention in other sovereign nations like Ukraine and opposing George Soros funded anti-christian feminist groups like Pussy Riot does not make me a traitor. The corrupt US government and it's allies like Soros are not the people, do you understand that?

Putin may be the enemy of the globalists, as he threatens their hegemony with his own imperialist ambitions, but he is not my enemy. Putin isn't the one eroding our Constitution, putting us in unending wars, or facilitating the theft of this nations wealth by Wall Street, it is the US Government.

You are just buying into government created bogeymen. For the Republicans during Bush, it was evil Saddam and Taliban and the "muslim terrorists". Now for the Obama Regime the threat is the "fascist" and "sexist" Russians and the domestic threat is "right wing extremists" who are pro constitution and pro life. All this is is a distraction from the crimes of D.C to justify perpetual war and the growing police state. It is literally 1984 being played out in real time. You are buying into the con hook line and sinker.

I didn't cross the line at all.

You are a traitor. And anti-American theocratic scum. Like Putin. Or the fucks in Saudi Arabia that run that fucked up place.

You're basically useless.
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. I oppose my country being destroyed, looted, and used for the agenda of globalists and the megarich(Wall Street, Military Industrial Complex etc).

And it is a laugh, you calling me anti-American, my family has been here since before America even existed, and fought for it's independence, they didn't die to see it become a police state, sucked dry by super-billionaires, and a tool of an imperialist agenda. They fought against these things in fighting Great Britain, they would have opposed such things. You are the anti-American scum.

And don't get me started on the theocrat nonsense. Since I don't support desecrating churches and the feminist extremism of pussy riot(which is financed by Soros to undermine the family and traditional values, see Femen which is in Russia and Europe as an example), I am a theocrat, get real, I am no such thing. I am not going to let you create a false frame. Pussy Riot and Femen are the radicals, the haters, the degenerates, not regular decent people(christian or non-christian) who oppose them.

You are just an idiot pawn. Certainly no patriot of any kind.
When it comes to the Russians we financed our on demise on that deal, Sallow. They played us. Our greatest mistake was not allowing Patton to go in and take them down when he was ready to do it. The other mistake was not protecting his first cousin, Democrat Congressman Larry McDonald - who was one of the most brilliant strategists of our time.

He was on his way to becoming president when the Russians shot down the commercial airplane he was a passenger on. When we lost McDonald it became a downhill slide because the IMF / World Banksters had their golden boy - Newt Gingrich - already groomed and ready to take McDonalds seat as a Georgia Congressman. NGO Bilderberg wanted Gingrich in that seat. ( they made sure Gingrichs name was not on the membership of Bilderberg - a point Gingrich loves to bring up when asked if he is a puppet for the NGO's) Congressman McDonald warned us about Gingrich's associations to communists in Russia and Europe but people didn't heed the warning. The entire time Gingrich was Speaker of the house ( when GOP had both house and Senate ) he made sure not a single thing he promised would be accomplished. He didn't keep a single promise including his promise for term limits. He is going down in history as one of the biggest quislings ever to betray the USA. Karl Rove's name will be right next to his. If it isn't? It should be!
There is an American police state, and the American government has sided with Corporatism over the People. That part of what he said is true, but this all happened well before Obama. In my opinion, the last real American President had his head blown off in Dallas, but the Fascist takeover began long before that.

Germany lost World War II but Fascism won. The US government actually imported Nazis after the fall of Berlin to fundamentally transform the US war machine. It was called Project Paperclip, named for the paperclips which held the Nazi scientists' documents together. This, coupled with renewed Cannabis prohibition and increased corporate favoritism, the US was set on a path of corporate power and import dependency. It has grown increasingly worse over the decades, recently exponentially increased by the PATRIOT Act and NDAA. Fascism in America is now to a point where corporate criminals can confess to treason against our soldiers during war and their only punishment is to pay a fine equal to 2 months' revenue for the company, because to prosecute them for their crimes would topple the fictional global corporate system that they have built for themselves.

Putin is scum, no doubt, and to Hell with anyone who has a problem with Pussy Riot. Americans, both left and right, should be against any police whipping young women for singing.
I await the response of the Pro EU/IMF scum that wants to debt rape Ukraine, and use NATO if necessary. It's supposedly the pro-American position according to this idiot Sallow, lol.
Well, it is quite obvious no matter what our President does, you assholes will object to it. If he were to have a way to interject our military into the situation, he is a warmonger. If he and the EU resort to sanctions and economic measures, he is weak.

However, the situation remains. Do we let Putin start the re-establishment of the old Soviet empire? Apperantly, you people think this is a good idea, and are cheering Putin as one of your own.

Obama's next move should be to convince old Soviet Bloc countries to have the US set up military bases within their borders so that they will never have to fear Russia taking over their countries in the future. This would also send a clear message to Putin that we aren't fucking around anymore. The best thing about it is that there isn't really anything Putin could do to counteract such a move. It would most likely put an eventual end to his grip on power.
Obama couldn't convince the Olympic Committee to stage the games in Chicago. What skill has he shown that he could convince countries to allow American bases on their soil? Those bases would invite Russian aggression and Obama has already shown he would sell them out to Russia in a heartbeat. They'd be fools to take that bargain.

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