Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

So to be a real American you need to support the NATO/EU/IMF coup in Ukraine and support the degenerate pussy riot? Are you joking?

Being a blind follower of this government doesn't make you patriotic buddy.

Siding up with the enemy does make you a traitor..buddy.

Advocating for the beating and imprisonment of political dissenters does make you against the values of Americans..buddy.

Pick up a copy of the United States Constitution.

Read it.

It's not very long.

And you might even understand why Putin is everything an American should hate.
Listen up, you brainwashed scum, you crossed a line calling me a traitor. I am not siding with Putin or against America. I don't like Putin or our corrupt Government. Opposing the actions of the American Government does not make me a traitor. Opposing foreign intervention in other sovereign nations like Ukraine and opposing George Soros funded anti-christian feminist groups like Pussy Riot does not make me a traitor. The corrupt US government and it's allies like Soros are not the people, do you understand that?

Putin may be the enemy of the globalists, as he threatens their hegemony with his own imperialist ambitions, but he is not my enemy. Putin isn't the one eroding our Constitution, putting us in unending wars, or facilitating the theft of this nations wealth by Wall Street, it is the US Government.

You are just buying into government created bogeymen. For the Republicans during Bush, it was evil Saddam and Taliban and the "muslim terrorists". Now for the Obama Regime the threat is the "fascist" and "sexist" Russians and the domestic threat is "right wing extremists" who are pro constitution and pro life. All this is is a distraction from the crimes of D.C to justify perpetual war and the growing police state. It is literally 1984 being played out in real time. You are buying into the con hook line and sinker.
Don't worry about it. Sallow was one of the more vocal traitorous dogs on this forum during the Bush years, often siding with unpatriotic individuals who were focused on aiding America's enemies by citing and spreading seditious propaganda. Hell, he probably still does, but only when a Republican is speaking. Otherwise, all the things he rails against when an R is in office, are perfectly acceptable to him now.

The US has no business interfering with an internal matter with Russia. Not that I don't think that our military could not defeat the Russians, but that war would be so costly that in truth, no one could be declared a victor. There would just be dead bodies, everywhere.

The new Ukrainian regime is as corrupt as the previous, if not more so. The US has been trying to engineer a secession from the Russians for years now and would amount to Russia trying to get Florida to join them over the USA.

The problem we have right now, is that the Russian President is a man, much like most of OUR Presidents used to be. But the current occupant is an effete snob who can't even be secure in his own beliefs and sexuality. Is it any wonder that a true leader puts him in a bad light. But we 'll soon be rid of this woman, and will have a new President soon. Maybe one that is twice the man Obama is....Like Hillary.
someone want links?

Is Putin one of us?

And it's been going on for some time:

Rachel Maddow Deflates GOP 'Man Crush' on Vladimir Putin | Mediaite

September 14th, 2013

After playing a montage of conservatives praising Putin this week, she compared it to the “NC-17″-style love they used to feel for Sarah Palin. But unlike Palin, or President Ronald Reagan, Maddow told the right that Putin is “not that into you.”

“Seriously, I know you guys hate President Obama, so it feels good to have a man crush on somebody else,” Maddow concluded, “but this guy is a president of Russia. Zip it up, you guys, seriously. Have some respect.”

Obama should go to Russia

5 Right-Wing Media Stars On Team Putin - The National Memo

In their never-ending quest to discredit President Barack Obama, many prominent members of the right-wing media have found a surprising new champion: Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Although Russia has long been the subject of the right’s paranoia and scorn, ever since Putin and Obama found themsleves on opposite sides of the debate over what to do in Syria, Putin has suddenly become an object of affection for Fox News and the rest of the Republican media. The longer the crisis drags on, the more glowing the reviews of Putin are becoming — at this pace, the Russian president will probably be the odds-on favorite in the next CPAC straw poll.

Here are five right-wing media stars who can’t seem to get enough of Vladimir Putin:

With a Vid!
Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter

During a September 9 appearance on Fox News’ Hannity, the host gushed over Putin’s ability to “embarrass” President Obama and referred to him as “the great peacemaker out there.” Meanwhile, Coulter repeatedly gloated that Putin has made Obama his “monkey.”

also with a vid:

Ralph Peters

Last week, the Fox News military analyst made the laughable claim that Russia’s economy is stronger than America’s, and praised Putin as a “tough” “He-Man”:

and there's more from McFarland and Limpballs
You get your "news" from Rachael Maddow. That pretty much explains a whole bunch. Why anyone listens to that ugly dyke is beyond me. And in fact, not many do.
There is an American police state, and the American government has sided with Corporatism over the People. That part of what he said is true, but this all happened well before Obama. In my opinion, the last real American President had his head blown off in Dallas, but the Fascist takeover began long before that.

Germany lost World War II but Fascism won. The US government actually imported Nazis after the fall of Berlin to fundamentally transform the US war machine. It was called Project Paperclip, named for the paperclips which held the Nazi scientists' documents together. This, coupled with renewed Cannabis prohibition and increased corporate favoritism, the US was set on a path of corporate power and import dependency. It has grown increasingly worse over the decades, recently exponentially increased by the PATRIOT Act and NDAA. Fascism in America is now to a point where corporate criminals can confess to treason against our soldiers during war and their only punishment is to pay a fine equal to 2 months' revenue for the company, because to prosecute them for their crimes would topple the fictional global corporate system that they have built for themselves.

Putin is scum, no doubt, and to Hell with anyone who has a problem with Pussy Riot. Americans, both left and right, should be against any police whipping young women for singing.


I never understand how such bold and confident predictions can be made in situations like this. There's no way of knowing what's going on behind the scenes, and there's several international players, agendas and games involved.

On the other hand, at least it'll be fun watching the "side" that turns out to be wrong trying to spin their way around it!

I am from Russia. I'm sorry, I do not speak in English.

I read this discuss, and I want to say.
What would you do if your mother feared for her life out of the house?
We have a lot of native people living in the Crimea, we do not need in the western part of Ukraine, there are many fascists who want to kill the Russian people. What would you do if your parents living in Arizona for example, threatened with death? Crimea for us is the same as that for you to Arizona second home.
We do not want war, we are evil and cruel, but it just seems to hunger and poverty. And we will defend their native people, whatever it may cost us. So it was always in history.
Do not listen to the dirty politicians, listen to your heart. We suffered a lot because of the mud.
Many of my friends died in the war because of the dirty games. In the WW that does not happen. All will die. We live in a swamp, we have nothing, we have nothing to lose.

PS Pussy Riot- provocation, we do not beat women. They paid, on movies not the police! Police arrested them for it!
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You know Matthew, you and I have agreed to disagree many times, but I'm with you on this one.

I heard this clip today of Kerry in a montage of statements he has made and I was screaming at the radio "what the hell are you thinking? STFU!!!!!"

Calling out Putin by saying he's weak and desperate is so not going to go over well.

“That’s not the act of somebody who’s strong, “ Kerry added, saying Putin is acting out of “weakness” and “desperation.”


It's best not to start a war with a nation that could reach out in touch us. At least not if you can help it, Common sense. Rather at least attempt a peaceful approach first.

Then why the fuck did Obama go on national television and talk about consequences if Russia actually brought the military into the Ukraine? Did anyone with a working brain actually think that Russia wouldn't call his bluff?

Exactly. Putin has already seen Obama make this aggressive condemnation ploy before, the fact he is continuing to flex his military muscle to further his aggression demonstrates his ability to call the United States bluff and not take anything this president has to say seriously. Obama has dug a pretty big hole for himself, as he should have taken the time to choose his words and the situation more carefully. Putin in turn reacts to the situation as having nothing to lose, and a sees a president who is proven inexperienced in holding his own against any foreign aggressor he faces. It's going to take more than public speeches for this president to be seen as a relevant leader in the eyes of some in the world.
I am from Russia. I'm sorry, I do not speak in English.

I read this discuss, and I want to say.
What would you do if your mother feared for her life out of the house?
We have a lot of native people living in the Crimea, we do not need in the western part of Ukraine, there are many fascists who want to kill the Russian people. What would you do if your parents living in Arizona for example, threatened with death? Crimea for us is the same as that for you to Arizona second home.
We do not want war, we are evil and cruel, but it just seems to hunger and poverty. And we will defend their native people, whatever it may cost us. So it was always in history.
Do not listen to the dirty politicians, listen to your heart. We suffered a lot because of the mud.
Many of my friends died in the war because of the dirty games. In the WW that does not happen. All will die. We live in a swamp, we have nothing, we have nothing to lose.

PS Pussy Riot- provocation, we do not beat women. They paid ..

Adolph Hitler used the same logic to take over the Sudetenland.
Russia has deteriorated into a fascist state where reporters and dissenters are regularly killed. Putin is replaying the Cold War, sending troops to Ukraine just as the SOviets did to Afghanistan in 1979.
I am from Russia. I'm sorry, I do not speak in English.

I read this discuss, and I want to say.
What would you do if your mother feared for her life out of the house?
We have a lot of native people living in the Crimea, we do not need in the western part of Ukraine, there are many fascists who want to kill the Russian people. What would you do if your parents living in Arizona for example, threatened with death? Crimea for us is the same as that for you to Arizona second home.
We do not want war, we are evil and cruel, but it just seems to hunger and poverty. And we will defend their native people, whatever it may cost us. So it was always in history.
Do not listen to the dirty politicians, listen to your heart. We suffered a lot because of the mud.
Many of my friends died in the war because of the dirty games. In the WW that does not happen. All will die. We live in a swamp, we have nothing, we have nothing to lose.

PS Pussy Riot- provocation, we do not beat women. They paid ..

Adolph Hitler used the same logic to take over the Sudetenland.
Russia has deteriorated into a fascist state where reporters and dissenters are regularly killed. Putin is replaying the Cold War, sending troops to Ukraine just as the SOviets did to Afghanistan in 1979.

Godwin's law. Can't argue against that, lol. You are a brilliant one, clearly.
It's best not to start a war with a nation that could reach out in touch us. At least not if you can help it, Common sense. Rather at least attempt a peaceful approach first.

Then why the fuck did Obama go on national television and talk about consequences if Russia actually brought the military into the Ukraine? Did anyone with a working brain actually think that Russia wouldn't call his bluff?

Exactly. Putin has already seen Obama make this aggressive condemnation ploy before, the fact he is continuing to flex his military muscle to further his aggression demonstrates his ability to call the United States bluff and not take anything this president has to say seriously. Obama has dug a pretty big hole for himself, as he should have taken the time to choose his words and the situation more carefully. Putin in turn reacts to the situation as having nothing to lose, and a sees a president who is proven inexperienced in holding his own against any foreign aggressor he faces. It's going to take more than public speeches for this president to be seen as a relevant leader in the eyes of some in the world.

That last sentence is important.

I think we should remember that "public speeches" -- especially on the international stage -- and what's actually going on are often two entirely different things. Public comments are generally nothing more than posturing strategies to send a message, get someone specific's attention, or both.

They do not necessarily represent a glimpse into reality.

I am from Russia. I'm sorry, I do not speak in English.

I read this discuss, and I want to say.
What would you do if your mother feared for her life out of the house?
We have a lot of native people living in the Crimea, we do not need in the western part of Ukraine, there are many fascists who want to kill the Russian people. What would you do if your parents living in Arizona for example, threatened with death? Crimea for us is the same as that for you to Arizona second home.
We do not want war, we are evil and cruel, but it just seems to hunger and poverty. And we will defend their native people, whatever it may cost us. So it was always in history.
Do not listen to the dirty politicians, listen to your heart. We suffered a lot because of the mud.
Many of my friends died in the war because of the dirty games. In the WW that does not happen. All will die. We live in a swamp, we have nothing, we have nothing to lose.

PS Pussy Riot- provocation, we do not beat women. They paid ..

Adolph Hitler used the same logic to take over the Sudetenland.
Russia has deteriorated into a fascist state where reporters and dissenters are regularly killed. Putin is replaying the Cold War, sending troops to Ukraine just as the SOviets did to Afghanistan in 1979.

Godwin's law. Can't argue against that, lol. You are a brilliant one, clearly.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? No, of course not.
Then why the fuck did Obama go on national television and talk about consequences if Russia actually brought the military into the Ukraine? Did anyone with a working brain actually think that Russia wouldn't call his bluff?

Exactly. Putin has already seen Obama make this aggressive condemnation ploy before, the fact he is continuing to flex his military muscle to further his aggression demonstrates his ability to call the United States bluff and not take anything this president has to say seriously. Obama has dug a pretty big hole for himself, as he should have taken the time to choose his words and the situation more carefully. Putin in turn reacts to the situation as having nothing to lose, and a sees a president who is proven inexperienced in holding his own against any foreign aggressor he faces. It's going to take more than public speeches for this president to be seen as a relevant leader in the eyes of some in the world.

That last sentence is important.

I think we should remember that "public speeches" -- especially on the international stage -- and what's actually going on are often two entirely different things. Public comments are generally nothing more than posturing strategies to send a message, get someone specific's attention, or both.

They do not necessarily represent a glimpse into reality.


But you can't dismiss them as irrelevant either.
I am sure Obama is on the phone right now negotiating the future status of Anchorage in return for promises Russia will leave Ukraine.
Adolph Hitler used the same logic to take over the Sudetenland.
Russia has deteriorated into a fascist state where reporters and dissenters are regularly killed. Putin is replaying the Cold War, sending troops to Ukraine just as the SOviets did to Afghanistan in 1979.

USA army does so constantly! I do not need to talk about Hitler, you know too little about the war. Hitler - We have this strong insult.
Afghanistan, Iraq and the other is a dirty political game. In these countries, neither your nor our native people were not killed.

We do not want Ukraine, we need to keep our family were sleeping. If you now leave Ukraine, the consequences will be catastrophic. What need to Obama at our borders? Why we do not climb to USA?
Last edited:
Adolph Hitler used the same logic to take over the Sudetenland.
Russia has deteriorated into a fascist state where reporters and dissenters are regularly killed. Putin is replaying the Cold War, sending troops to Ukraine just as the SOviets did to Afghanistan in 1979.

USA army does so constantly! I do not need to talk about Hitler, you know too little about the war. Hitler - We have this strong insult.
Afghanistan, Iraq and the other is a dirty political game. In these countries, neither your nor our native people were not killed.

So the US Army does it and that makes it OK? I didnt know they sold crack in Russia.
Putin is the modern Stalin, suppressing people and invading countries. Stalin was very popular in Russia too.
Adolph Hitler used the same logic to take over the Sudetenland.
Russia has deteriorated into a fascist state where reporters and dissenters are regularly killed. Putin is replaying the Cold War, sending troops to Ukraine just as the SOviets did to Afghanistan in 1979.

USA army does so constantly! I do not need to talk about Hitler, you know too little about the war. Hitler - We have this strong insult.
Afghanistan, Iraq and the other is a dirty political game. In these countries, neither your nor our native people were not killed.

Listen, C3PO. It is a difficult life you have over there. No question. It is your country and you and your fellow Ukraine citizens will have to decide for yourselves what is best. Just remember that some of your fellow citizens do not trust Russia and with good reason. I do recall Putin telling Obama that his decisions concerning Syria were all based upon one thing - to let the people of the country decide for themselves who they want for a leader.

After watching the invasion of the Ukraine come about so quickly I am wondering does Putin ever take his own advice? :eek:
Adolph Hitler used the same logic to take over the Sudetenland.
Russia has deteriorated into a fascist state where reporters and dissenters are regularly killed. Putin is replaying the Cold War, sending troops to Ukraine just as the SOviets did to Afghanistan in 1979.

USA army does so constantly! I do not need to talk about Hitler, you know too little about the war. Hitler - We have this strong insult.
Afghanistan, Iraq and the other is a dirty political game. In these countries, neither your nor our native people were not killed.

Listen, C3PO. It is a difficult life you have over there. No question. It is your country and you and your fellow Ukraine citizens will have to decide for yourselves what is best. Just remember that some of your fellow citizens do not trust Russia and with good reason. I do recall Putin telling Obama that his decisions concerning Syria were all based upon one thing - to let the people of the country decide for themselves who they want for a leader.

After watching the invasion of the Ukraine come about so quickly I am wondering does Putin ever take his own advice? :eek:

You understand he's a Russian, not a Ukrainian, right? Not a very bright one either.
Adolph Hitler used the same logic to take over the Sudetenland.
Russia has deteriorated into a fascist state where reporters and dissenters are regularly killed. Putin is replaying the Cold War, sending troops to Ukraine just as the SOviets did to Afghanistan in 1979.

USA army does so constantly! I do not need to talk about Hitler, you know too little about the war. Hitler - We have this strong insult.
Afghanistan, Iraq and the other is a dirty political game. In these countries, neither your nor our native people were not killed.

So the US Army does it and that makes it OK? I didnt know they sold crack in Russia.
Putin is the modern Stalin, suppressing people and invading countries. Stalin was very popular in Russia too.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky is the future Stalin of Russia. Not Putin. Putin is playing a part that will be over once he attacks the United States of America. He'll be beaten back to the gates of Paris for that one and although Russia will become the predicted new leader over Europe he will be replaced by Zhirinovsky. Zhirinovksy supporters do not believe Putin is strong enough. These are the people looking for a return to the Soviet days. Imagine the outrage of the world when they see America going up in smoke. Putin will be out and Zhirinovsky will pick up the torch and cross the finish line he wrote about in his book. Zhirinovsky was over in the Ukraine the other day giving a speech. The people adore him. He holds a 90% approval rating among his own party in Russia. The word is Putin is afraid of him.
Ukraine and Crimea is a different countryю Just let us promise not to kill our, living in Crimea. But behind this revolution dollars paid, so Russian people will remain only in the Crimea. Ukraine let the rolls to the devil.
USA army does so constantly! I do not need to talk about Hitler, you know too little about the war. Hitler - We have this strong insult.
Afghanistan, Iraq and the other is a dirty political game. In these countries, neither your nor our native people were not killed.

So the US Army does it and that makes it OK? I didnt know they sold crack in Russia.
Putin is the modern Stalin, suppressing people and invading countries. Stalin was very popular in Russia too.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky is the future Stalin of Russia. Not Putin. Putin is playing a part that will be over once he attacks the United States of America. He'll be beaten back to the gates of Paris for that one and although Russia will become the predicted new leader over Europe he will be replaced by Zhirinovsky. Zhirinovksy supporters do not believe Putin is strong enough. These are the people looking for a return to the Soviet days. Imagine the outrage of the world when they see America going up in smoke. Putin will be out and Zhirinovsky will pick up the torch and cross the finish line he wrote about in his book. Zhirinovsky was over in the Ukraine the other day giving a speech. The people adore him. He holds a 90% approval rating among his own party in Russia. The word is Putin is afraid of him.
"Zhidinovsky" is a clown.
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

Which "conservative" are cheering Russia's "naked aggression?"
Ukraine and Crimea is a different countryю Just let us promise not to kill our, living in Crimea. But behind this revolution dollars paid, so Russian people will remain only in the Crimea. Ukraine let the rolls to the devil.

All your bases are belong to us.

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