Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

Which "conservative" are cheering Russia's "naked aggression?"

The ones liberals make up. Same ones who want Americans to die for lack of health insurance and environmental regulations.
Would you like to weigh in on Zhirinovsky, C3PO? Share your thoughts about it. I'd like to hear what a Russian has to say - who do the Russians want? Putin? Or Zhirinovsky?
So the US Army does it and that makes it OK? I didnt know they sold crack in Russia.
Putin is the modern Stalin, suppressing people and invading countries. Stalin was very popular in Russia too.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky is the future Stalin of Russia. Not Putin. Putin is playing a part that will be over once he attacks the United States of America. He'll be beaten back to the gates of Paris for that one and although Russia will become the predicted new leader over Europe he will be replaced by Zhirinovsky. Zhirinovksy supporters do not believe Putin is strong enough. These are the people looking for a return to the Soviet days. Imagine the outrage of the world when they see America going up in smoke. Putin will be out and Zhirinovsky will pick up the torch and cross the finish line he wrote about in his book. Zhirinovsky was over in the Ukraine the other day giving a speech. The people adore him. He holds a 90% approval rating among his own party in Russia. The word is Putin is afraid of him.
"Zhidinovsky" is a clown.

They do not call him Mad Vlad because he is a clown. They call him that because he is dangerous. Some people believe he is going to be ruling Russia when they lead the islamic nations to invade Israel. He actually wrote a book about it long ago. Its call Final March to the South. ( Israel is directly South of Russia )
Who will replace Putin then, C3PO? You cannot possibly expect Putin to remain in power once he attacks the USA can you? The world will despise him for such a genocide! What will the Russian people do? They will distance themselves from him because the world will demand it. This is chess, not checkers. Look at the exit strategy on this one. Putin is the fall guy! It's a guarantee! - Jeremiah
Would you like to weigh in on Zhirinovsky, C3PO? Share your thoughts about it. I'd like to hear what a Russian has to say - who do the Russians want? Putin? Or Zhirinovsky?

Zhirinovsky never choose for president, it is necessary only to make it more fun to watch the news. Funny swears. Putin do not like much, but at the moment I would have done the same. Again, only the Crimea! Ukrainian fascists let them live as they want.
And yet, we do not need democracy. U.S. example too many games in it with money.
Listen up, you brainwashed scum, you crossed a line calling me a traitor. I am not siding with Putin or against America. I don't like Putin or our corrupt Government. Opposing the actions of the American Government does not make me a traitor. Opposing foreign intervention in other sovereign nations like Ukraine and opposing George Soros funded anti-christian feminist groups like Pussy Riot does not make me a traitor. The corrupt US government and it's allies like Soros are not the people, do you understand that?

Putin may be the enemy of the globalists, as he threatens their hegemony with his own imperialist ambitions, but he is not my enemy. Putin isn't the one eroding our Constitution, putting us in unending wars, or facilitating the theft of this nations wealth by Wall Street, it is the US Government.

You are just buying into government created bogeymen. For the Republicans during Bush, it was evil Saddam and Taliban and the "muslim terrorists". Now for the Obama Regime the threat is the "fascist" and "sexist" Russians and the domestic threat is "right wing extremists" who are pro constitution and pro life. All this is is a distraction from the crimes of D.C to justify perpetual war and the growing police state. It is literally 1984 being played out in real time. You are buying into the con hook line and sinker.

I didn't cross the line at all.

You are a traitor. And anti-American theocratic scum. Like Putin. Or the fucks in Saudi Arabia that run that fucked up place.

You're basically useless.
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. I oppose my country being destroyed, looted, and used for the agenda of globalists and the megarich(Wall Street, Military Industrial Complex etc).

And it is a laugh, you calling me anti-American, my family has been here since before America even existed, and fought for it's independence, they didn't die to see it become a police state, sucked dry by super-billionaires, and a tool of an imperialist agenda. They fought against these things in fighting Great Britain, they would have opposed such things. You are the anti-American scum.

And don't get me started on the theocrat nonsense. Since I don't support desecrating churches and the feminist extremism of pussy riot(which is financed by Soros to undermine the family and traditional values, see Femen which is in Russia and Europe as an example), I am a theocrat, get real, I am no such thing. I am not going to let you create a false frame. Pussy Riot and Femen are the radicals, the haters, the degenerates, not regular decent people(christian or non-christian) who oppose them.

You are just an idiot pawn. Certainly no patriot of any kind.

That's the thing about theocrats.

They never admit to it.

But they sure enough advocate for it.

As to the rest of your nonsense? It's just that.

Humping Putan's leg is our new national pastime.

Here's a picture of him without his shirt to give you wood.


Please wash hands and flush when finished.

If only America had an Alpha male leader like Putin. We have a pencil necked beta boy.

There's ALWAYS internet porn....
I am from Russia. I'm sorry, I do not speak in English.

I read this discuss, and I want to say.
What would you do if your mother feared for her life out of the house?
We have a lot of native people living in the Crimea, we do not need in the western part of Ukraine, there are many fascists who want to kill the Russian people. What would you do if your parents living in Arizona for example, threatened with death? Crimea for us is the same as that for you to Arizona second home.
We do not want war, we are evil and cruel, but it just seems to hunger and poverty. And we will defend their native people, whatever it may cost us. So it was always in history.
Do not listen to the dirty politicians, listen to your heart. We suffered a lot because of the mud.
Many of my friends died in the war because of the dirty games. In the WW that does not happen. All will die. We live in a swamp, we have nothing, we have nothing to lose.

PS Pussy Riot- provocation, we do not beat women. They paid ..

Adolph Hitler used the same logic to take over the Sudetenland.
Russia has deteriorated into a fascist state where reporters and dissenters are regularly killed. Putin is replaying the Cold War, sending troops to Ukraine just as the SOviets did to Afghanistan in 1979.

Once in a get it right.
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

Obama's base all wee-weed up and oh, go fuck yourself
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

[ame=]I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton - YouTube[/ame]
Warning RUSSIA not to intervene in UKRAINE was a STUPID STUPID MOVE.

The USA isn't going to do doodle squat about this.

If the world turns against RUSSIA, perhaps our complaints will make a difference, but that I highly doubt.

Ukraine is the SOUL of RussiaNESS.

Russia believes that Ukraine is Russia and Russia is Ukraine.

Putin believes he wants to add territory Russia lost.

USA has no power in this battle EXCEPT world opinion.

We could no more send troops there than we could send troops into Moscow.

Those of you demanding that Obama does this are dumber than bricks.
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Siding up with the enemy does make you a traitor..buddy.

Advocating for the beating and imprisonment of political dissenters does make you against the values of Americans..buddy.

Pick up a copy of the United States Constitution.

Read it.

It's not very long.

And you might even understand why Putin is everything an American should hate.
Listen up, you brainwashed scum, you crossed a line calling me a traitor. I am not siding with Putin or against America. I don't like Putin or our corrupt Government. Opposing the actions of the American Government does not make me a traitor. Opposing foreign intervention in other sovereign nations like Ukraine and opposing George Soros funded anti-christian feminist groups like Pussy Riot does not make me a traitor. The corrupt US government and it's allies like Soros are not the people, do you understand that?

Putin may be the enemy of the globalists, as he threatens their hegemony with his own imperialist ambitions, but he is not my enemy. Putin isn't the one eroding our Constitution, putting us in unending wars, or facilitating the theft of this nations wealth by Wall Street, it is the US Government.

You are just buying into government created bogeymen. For the Republicans during Bush, it was evil Saddam and Taliban and the "muslim terrorists". Now for the Obama Regime the threat is the "fascist" and "sexist" Russians and the domestic threat is "right wing extremists" who are pro constitution and pro life. All this is is a distraction from the crimes of D.C to justify perpetual war and the growing police state. It is literally 1984 being played out in real time. You are buying into the con hook line and sinker.
Don't worry about it. Sallow was one of the more vocal traitorous dogs on this forum during the Bush years, often siding with unpatriotic individuals who were focused on aiding America's enemies by citing and spreading seditious propaganda. Hell, he probably still does, but only when a Republican is speaking. Otherwise, all the things he rails against when an R is in office, are perfectly acceptable to him now.

The US has no business interfering with an internal matter with Russia. Not that I don't think that our military could not defeat the Russians, but that war would be so costly that in truth, no one could be declared a victor. There would just be dead bodies, everywhere.

The new Ukrainian regime is as corrupt as the previous, if not more so. The US has been trying to engineer a secession from the Russians for years now and would amount to Russia trying to get Florida to join them over the USA.

The problem we have right now, is that the Russian President is a man, much like most of OUR Presidents used to be. But the current occupant is an effete snob who can't even be secure in his own beliefs and sexuality. Is it any wonder that a true leader puts him in a bad light. But we 'll soon be rid of this woman, and will have a new President soon. Maybe one that is twice the man Obama is....Like Hillary.

You're thinking about the Hannity forum. Remember know..when all you big bad conservatives were going to show up and kick our liberal butts in the boxing ring?

Only people that showed up was Stephen and Terry..and of course..your dog.

But that's another story.

And not once did I side with a foreign leader against Bush.

I was against the invasion of Iraq..and many of Bush's policies..and said so.

Even though you and your cronies bought into the line "You are either with us or with the Terrorists".

You guys were pro-torture, pro-Patriot Act, pro unlimited detention with no trial..heck you were in with that whole Bush doctrine thing, hook line and sinker.

That was REALLY un-constitutional by the way.
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

are you insane or just plain crazy...., aaah, do not reply, you will only confirm my suspicions. :up:

can you name some of those cheering "Conservatives" ? if not, then i openly accuse you of being a little bit treasonous ! :up:

you know what they say about a little bit pregnant, don't you :lmao:
Warning RUSSIA not to intervene in UKRAINE was a STUPID STUPID MOVE.

The USA isn't going to do doodle squat about this.

If the world turns against RUSSIA, perhaps our complaints will make a difference, but that I highly doubt.

Ukraine is the SOUL of RussiaNESS.

Russia believes that Ukraine is Russia and Russia is Ukraine.

Putin believes he wants to add territory Russia lost.

USA has no power in this battle EXCEPT world opinion.

We could no more send troops there than we could send troops into Moscow.

Those of you demanding that Obama does this are dumber than bricks.

Obama's not going to send troops.

It would be a monumentally stupid move only Bush would be capable of..

Economic sanctions? Now that might happen.

But I doubt that.
Why do you fight? You think about a lot of foreign countries, and you will not have any peace on earth and in the soul.
I do not want to offend anyone, but it is. This is not patriotism.
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

are you insane or just plain crazy...., aaah, do not reply, you will only confirm my suspicions. :up:

can you name some of those cheering "Conservatives" ? if not, then i openly accuse you of being a little bit treasonous ! :up:

you know what they say about a little bit pregnant, don't you :lmao:

I linked several threads in this one bub.
Would you like to weigh in on Zhirinovsky, C3PO? Share your thoughts about it. I'd like to hear what a Russian has to say - who do the Russians want? Putin? Or Zhirinovsky?

Zhirinovsky never choose for president, it is necessary only to make it more fun to watch the news. Funny swears. Putin do not like much, but at the moment I would have done the same. Again, only the Crimea! Ukrainian fascists let them live as they want.
And yet, we do not need democracy. U.S. example too many games in it with money.

He already ran twice before for president what do you mean he never chose to run for president? I have heard the disinformation before on Zhirinovsky being a joke, ect. That isn't the story on the inside about him though. You see, there were two members here who live in Russia and joined in a conversation here one day about Zhirinovsky. Both Russians rabidly hated Americans and one named himself after Stalingrad.. so one day I mention to them its obvious to see they are Zhirinovsky supporters. They said, how did you know? How do I know? Zhirinovksy has the same ideas they did. It wasn't hard to figure out. I told them about Zhirinovsky's plan to lead an Islamic army to take Israel and that the invasion is actually referred to in the bible. They couldn't resist asking me where is it and what does it say? They already had heard speeches from Zhirinovsky about the coming invasion. I thought maybe they got in trouble for saying too much. Not sure. What would be your guess? ( they disappeared from the board after that )
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So what now, Libs want American going back to being "arrogant, derisive and divisive"


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