Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

Speaking of Russian mothers....... I'm sure the Russian soldiers based down in Mexico, the Russian soldiers in Alaska ( that presently outnumber American troops ) have mothers who know where they are and why they are here. It is doubtful the Russian / Chinese invasion of the United States of America that has been agressively under way for at least a decade - is a big secret. Chinese citizens know of it, why not the Russian people?

It does disturb me to think that some Russians actually believe no one in America knows of their plans. If the Russians / Chinese are waiting for American citizens to be disarmed they'll be waiting a very long time. It isn't going to happen. There are over 75 million registered hunters in the US alone. Add those with registered guns & new gun buyers and it easily goes to 150 million. Add in these gun owners own more than one gun usually and can give one gun to a neighbor if the Russians / Chinese were to invade us. Now you are looking at possibly over 200 million. Do Americans stand a chance against an invasion? Yes. So long as they do not surrender their 2nd amendment rights I believe they can fend them off. A 200 million man army is a pretty formidable force. (even a civilian one) Ask China.

Isokoku Yamamoto said: I would never invade the United States of America. There would be a gun behind every blade of grass.

Good point, Yamamoto. I agree!
The far right reactionaries are holding Putin up as a model to follow.

They want the Senate to stay Democratic obviously.

You have to be the worse of the worse. How much did you get paid to post that little bit of lying smear? If you can't post a quote or a link then what you post is just your paid repeating of liberal talking points.
They are in the thread.

Check this one:

He isn't wishing the Russians win or go back to Soviet rule. He is saying our President is weak.

We need to stand up and make Russia back down, not the other way around. Russia and Putin need bitch slapped.


He's saying he'd rather have Putin.

And I dunno how one "bitch slaps" a country with nuclear missiles.

I thought "bitch slapping" was off the table when it would lead to total destruction of the biosphere.
I am not saying I'd rather have Putin, just acknowledged that we are seriously outmatched. Pajama boy against a black belt is not going to cut it.
Thank you for your response. Zhirinovsky may be last but in this case the last is going to become first - its being played out the opposite of what it is. It is Andersson style chess - Kasperov tipped us off with the latest move when he made his comment about Reagan. Gorbachov said Putins time was over right before he returned as president. Lies are to be expected. Was Mednedev ever really in control of anything over there? Things are not what they appear to be in your region of the world, C3P0.. make room for that too.

Putin, Medvedev, you're right, but not Zhirinovsky. You should be Russian to understand.
On the matter of Russians only being bloodthirsty when fighting for their mothers. This is what they are told. It sounds so noble it could almost bring you to tears. In reality when your comrades invade the USA they will be fighting for a bloodthirsty, philandering wife beating sociopath who stole billions from legitimate businessmen because he didn't have the ability to earn it straight up and murdered his political opponents in the most vicious way because he couldn't win without cheating. That's about it in a nutshell. Thanks for reading. - Jeremiah

It was revenge for the burning of the cityes in 1945. Everything has changed. We have nothing you have to do if we did not attack first, we have one person per square mile, we do not need a foreign land.

You're right. You don't. Your ally, China does. According to the Chinese military commander statement killiing 200 million Americans in an invasion on the USA is justifiable because the Chinese are a superior race and as he said.........CHINA NEEDS THE LAND OF AMERICA FOR HER PEOPLE.

As they see it, due to our debt? They hold the mortgage. They are getting ready to take possession and Russia is leading the way. They will have to come in as it is because no one is giving up their arms in America. Obama wouldn't dare suggest Americans disarm now. With the military cuts it would be utter suicide. - J.
Which conservatives are cheering Putin's entry in Ukraine? The OP is full of crap. We do have a treaty, along with the EU and eastern Ukraine apparently is pro Russia so it isn't a simple matter. Obama's problem is that he believes his media hype and thinks his words are still relevant on the world's stage. You only get so many chances. Someone needs to school him on reality but I think many around him live in the same bubble.

What the OP thinks is conservatives cheering Putin on is conservatives saying "We told you so" about Obama. Community organizing and stirring up shit for political points doesn't translate into effective leadership.

I think what we should be worried about is an over reaction from Obama. The kid that always got bullied going home an getting a gun to show how big he really is.
You're thinking about the Hannity forum. Remember know..when all you big bad conservatives were going to show up and kick our liberal butts in the boxing ring?

Only people that showed up was Stephen and Terry..and of course..your dog.

But that's another story.

And not once did I side with a foreign leader against Bush.

I was against the invasion of Iraq..and many of Bush's policies..and said so.

Even though you and your cronies bought into the line "You are either with us or with the Terrorists".

You guys were pro-torture, pro-Patriot Act, pro unlimited detention with no trial..heck you were in with that whole Bush doctrine thing, hook line and sinker.

That was REALLY un-constitutional by the way.
I never heard anything about a boxing match. I question that happned, but i do remember Okiefest....

Not once? I remember those days as well, when you all were siding with the phrench against Bush. There were others as well, though they've been deposed now...Might have been that Eye-tallian fuck..can't recall his name...

Funny how your opposing Iraq is not treason, but our opposing Syria, Libya, and now Ukraine is treasonous.

BTW....the torture wasn't exactly hair splitting stuff and it was done on the enemy, you know, those guys willing to kill us all? The Patriot Act? The one that the Democrats voted for, and have been modifying to use against political groups in the USA? And I remember right, both Liability and Myself were pretty much skeptical of the Patriot Act. We both said it was legal, but walked the razors edge and worried about it in the hands of a Democrat....turns out we were yet again, correct to fear that. But then, the made up and phoney Bush Doctrine thing was something that was tossed around a lot, but never proven.

So much for that....

The point is, for every vile and vitriolic thing you and the left said about Bush, you have zero room to complain when it is hurled (rightly) at Obama. Kettle, met pot.


I was actually there, bub.

You guys weren't at all "skeptical" about anything. And you still are endorsing torture.

And you can talk with Stephen (one of the nicest people I've ever met) about my visit.

None of you showed up. But you had a nice dog.
Well, I was never invited, nor did I see an invitation. So much for 'not showing up'.

You may have been there, but your perception of reality is a bit skewed. You still think that conservatives are rooting for Putin instead of making an obvious contrast of him against Obama. If you can't even get that right, who is to say what color your unicorn rainbows are.

A lot of us were skeptical, but it takes the ability of an 9th grader to comprehend some of the words that are spoken for torture...against our enemies?

I'm supposed to be ashamed of that? I've seen worse abuse in the Congress. When I am at war, I don't play nice. Fuck them.
Russian / Chinese invasion

This is not so. China is a disease here in Siberia, I have friends there. This is a cancerous tumor, and about any friendship do not say the contrary. We do not want them, China is the dirt and chaos.
I think you deliberately say around enemies. This is not so.
Obama wouldn't dare suggest Americans disarm now. With the military cuts it would be utter suicide. - J.

No, no disarm. But Crimea (Russian people) are not to blame. We should crush China, because he will always be small. China is very greedy. It will crush us billions of their soldiers, and then you.

Goodbye, my friends, it was nice to talk to, but I find it hard to write without knowing English. And now I need to walk with a hunting puppy. Unlikely to return. And never quarrel among themselves. If you want to say bad neighbor is not eshte one day and everything goes :)
We, Russian-friendly people and not offend each other. You can check this :)
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You have to feel sorry for the die hard Obama cult members

He's falling on his face not only with the people here at home but with foreign Policy, so that means it's conservative FAULT and they are accused of cheering it...

Did we not try TO WARN YOU PEOPLE?

, who didn't see this coming with this man who had no experience in ANYTHING but being loud mouth community Agitator

He is still one but now in the National spot light..and we are looking the fools for it..

good job all you who voted for him..It's no one's fault but yours
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I never heard anything about a boxing match. I question that happned, but i do remember Okiefest....

Not once? I remember those days as well, when you all were siding with the phrench against Bush. There were others as well, though they've been deposed now...Might have been that Eye-tallian fuck..can't recall his name...

Funny how your opposing Iraq is not treason, but our opposing Syria, Libya, and now Ukraine is treasonous.

BTW....the torture wasn't exactly hair splitting stuff and it was done on the enemy, you know, those guys willing to kill us all? The Patriot Act? The one that the Democrats voted for, and have been modifying to use against political groups in the USA? And I remember right, both Liability and Myself were pretty much skeptical of the Patriot Act. We both said it was legal, but walked the razors edge and worried about it in the hands of a Democrat....turns out we were yet again, correct to fear that. But then, the made up and phoney Bush Doctrine thing was something that was tossed around a lot, but never proven.

So much for that....

The point is, for every vile and vitriolic thing you and the left said about Bush, you have zero room to complain when it is hurled (rightly) at Obama. Kettle, met pot.


I was actually there, bub.

You guys weren't at all "skeptical" about anything. And you still are endorsing torture.

And you can talk with Stephen (one of the nicest people I've ever met) about my visit.

None of you showed up. But you had a nice dog.
Well, I was never invited, nor did I see an invitation. So much for 'not showing up'.

You may have been there, but your perception of reality is a bit skewed. You still think that conservatives are rooting for Putin instead of making an obvious contrast of him against Obama. If you can't even get that right, who is to say what color your unicorn rainbows are.

A lot of us were skeptical, but it takes the ability of an 9th grader to comprehend some of the words that are spoken for torture...against our enemies?

I'm supposed to be ashamed of that? I've seen worse abuse in the Congress. When I am at war, I don't play nice. Fuck them.

What a great idea. Using torture as a matter of course against our enemies. We got all sorts of wars and enemies. Who should we start torturing first?

Lets start out with drug dealers. We have a war on with them for years. We just haven't tortured enough I guess.

War on poverty. Who should we torture in this war?

Matter of fact, if torture such a good fucking idea, we should use it on everyone that is arrested.

Just think of all the "confessions" that could be had from several sessions of waterboarding.
The hell with facts, torture till they confess.
Why didn't I think torture was a good idea before learning about how we need to use torture as a tool for our own satisfactions and revenge.

Thank you right wingers for setting me straight on this.

You all mind if we torture Dick Cheney? There are definitely things he knows that we should all be aware of. You think his heart can take a few days of water pouring down his nose and throat till he thinks he is gonna drown? I hope not.
So, I bothered to get some sleep last night.

Has anybody yet posted any link showing anyone openly cheering on Russia's aggression in Ukraine?

Nope, just people like Jake the Fake saying it is so.

I have yet to see many posts on anyone that really gives a crap other then to make it political fodder, which in itself is disgraceful.
Oh bag lady, what is it that you think the right wingers are all glad about concerning this situation with the Russians? Will you not admit you hate Obama? Will you not admit that Obama is your enemy?

And will you not embrace the idea that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

Sure you like that idea. All you with Obama derangement syndrome like that idea.

It does mean that you are cheering for Putin. And you are a traitor.

Other than that, who gives a fuck.
Oh bag lady, what is it that you think the right wingers are all glad about concerning this situation with the Russians? Will you not admit you hate Obama? Will you not admit that Obama is your enemy?

And will you not embrace the idea that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

Sure you like that idea. All you with Obama derangement syndrome like that idea.

It does mean that you are cheering for Putin. And you are a traitor.

Other than that, who gives a fuck.

horseshit !

Its none of our fuckin business. But, obama will manage to screw it up to our detriment and continue to make Putin look like a leader and himself to look like a buffoon.
I am from Russia. I'm sorry, I do not speak in English.

I read this discuss, and I want to say.
What would you do if your mother feared for her life out of the house?
We have a lot of native people living in the Crimea, we do not need in the western part of Ukraine, there are many fascists who want to kill the Russian people. What would you do if your parents living in Arizona for example, threatened with death? Crimea for us is the same as that for you to Arizona second home.
We do not want war, we are evil and cruel, but it just seems to hunger and poverty. And we will defend their native people, whatever it may cost us. So it was always in history.
Do not listen to the dirty politicians, listen to your heart. We suffered a lot because of the mud.
Many of my friends died in the war because of the dirty games. In the WW that does not happen. All will die. We live in a swamp, we have nothing, we have nothing to lose.

PS Pussy Riot- provocation, we do not beat women. They paid, on movies not the police! Police arrested them for it!

I do not believe for one second that anyones's mother is fearing for her life in h Crimea. Where are all these 'many fascists' - other than in the inventive mind of Mr Putin, seeking a pretext for reinforcing the already large numbers of Russian military already in the Crimea perfectly legally.

Which war did your friend die in? WWII? and were they killed by Hitler's or Stalin's murderers?
Oh bag lady, what is it that you think the right wingers are all glad about concerning this situation with the Russians? Will you not admit you hate Obama? Will you not admit that Obama is your enemy?

And will you not embrace the idea that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

Sure you like that idea. All you with Obama derangement syndrome like that idea.

It does mean that you are cheering for Putin. And you are a traitor.

Other than that, who gives a fuck.

horseshit !

Its none of our fuckin business. But, obama will manage to screw it up to our detriment and continue to make Putin look like a leader and himself to look like a buffoon.

aren't Obama cult followers such sweet and tolerant people?
speak of their Dear Leader failing in the eyes of everyone, they call you names like, bag lady... whatever the hell that is suppose to mean
Oh bag lady, what is it that you think the right wingers are all glad about concerning this situation with the Russians? Will you not admit you hate Obama? Will you not admit that Obama is your enemy?

And will you not embrace the idea that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

Sure you like that idea. All you with Obama derangement syndrome like that idea.

It does mean that you are cheering for Putin. And you are a traitor.

Other than that, who gives a fuck.

horseshit !

Its none of our fuckin business. But, obama will manage to screw it up to our detriment and continue to make Putin look like a leader and himself to look like a buffoon.

That is not what your right winger buddies on here say.

And thanks for proving that the Obama derangement syndrome is going full throttle.

Putin looking like a "leader" (your words) and Obama looking like a buffoon. (your words)

Who's side you on again?
Didn't obama define his enemies, several times, as Americans who disagree with him?
Oh bag lady, what is it that you think the right wingers are all glad about concerning this situation with the Russians? Will you not admit you hate Obama? Will you not admit that Obama is your enemy?

And will you not embrace the idea that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

Sure you like that idea. All you with Obama derangement syndrome like that idea.

It does mean that you are cheering for Putin. And you are a traitor.

Other than that, who gives a fuck.

horseshit !

Its none of our fuckin business. But, obama will manage to screw it up to our detriment and continue to make Putin look like a leader and himself to look like a buffoon.

That is not what your right winger buddies on here say.

And thanks for proving that the Obama derangement syndrome is going full throttle.

Putin looking like a "leader" (your words) and Obama looking like a buffoon. (your words)

Who's side you on again?

It's incredible that in one post Reddy so roundly contradicts himself.


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