Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

Oh bag lady, what is it that you think the right wingers are all glad about concerning this situation with the Russians? Will you not admit you hate Obama? Will you not admit that Obama is your enemy?

And will you not embrace the idea that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

Sure you like that idea. All you with Obama derangement syndrome like that idea.

It does mean that you are cheering for Putin. And you are a traitor.

Other than that, who gives a fuck.

horseshit !

Its none of our fuckin business. But, obama will manage to screw it up to our detriment and continue to make Putin look like a leader and himself to look like a buffoon.

That is not what your right winger buddies on here say.

And thanks for proving that the Obama derangement syndrome is going full throttle.

Putin looking like a "leader" (your words) and Obama looking like a buffoon. (your words)

Who's side you on again?

stating facts is not taking sides. I am on the side of the USA, always have been, always will be.

I am not on Obama's side because everything he has done is contrary to my beliefs and the constititution of the USA. He is a liar, a fraud, and incompetent in every aspect of the job.

I was actually there, bub.

You guys weren't at all "skeptical" about anything. And you still are endorsing torture.

And you can talk with Stephen (one of the nicest people I've ever met) about my visit.

None of you showed up. But you had a nice dog.
Well, I was never invited, nor did I see an invitation. So much for 'not showing up'.

You may have been there, but your perception of reality is a bit skewed. You still think that conservatives are rooting for Putin instead of making an obvious contrast of him against Obama. If you can't even get that right, who is to say what color your unicorn rainbows are.

A lot of us were skeptical, but it takes the ability of an 9th grader to comprehend some of the words that are spoken for torture...against our enemies?

I'm supposed to be ashamed of that? I've seen worse abuse in the Congress. When I am at war, I don't play nice. Fuck them.

What a great idea. Using torture as a matter of course against our enemies. We got all sorts of wars and enemies. Who should we start torturing first?

Lets start out with drug dealers. We have a war on with them for years. We just haven't tortured enough I guess.

War on poverty. Who should we torture in this war?

Matter of fact, if torture such a good fucking idea, we should use it on everyone that is arrested.

Just think of all the "confessions" that could be had from several sessions of waterboarding.
The hell with facts, torture till they confess.
Why didn't I think torture was a good idea before learning about how we need to use torture as a tool for our own satisfactions and revenge.

Thank you right wingers for setting me straight on this.

You all mind if we torture Dick Cheney? There are definitely things he knows that we should all be aware of. You think his heart can take a few days of water pouring down his nose and throat till he thinks he is gonna drown? I hope not.
Are you actually that naive? I'm 53 years old, and have believed all My life that life didn't owe you anything, and the world isn't fair. I also believe that if you start killing people, expect them to do their worst in return.

What was done down in club Gitmo could hardly qualify as torture, and our people have endured much more. Don't be such a pussy.

The reason we should be against war and work to avoid it is because it is messy and brutal. But if you are going to do war upon someone, then go all out and win the fucking thing, and that means by any means possible.

When your enemy fear you so much because of what you will do to them if they are stupid enough to attack you, you'll find that peace ensues.

Peace is not won through diplomacy, but through abject terror of what your enemy will do to you if you lose.

In fact, your enemies should fear that you won't kill them.....
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You wanted to see people cheering for the other side

You should of been here when the Iraqi threw a shoe at Bush

Man you lefties roared with glee then, now look at you whimpering like little lost lambs separated from your leader of the herd

Obama's sheep today
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horseshit !

Its none of our fuckin business. But, obama will manage to screw it up to our detriment and continue to make Putin look like a leader and himself to look like a buffoon.

That is not what your right winger buddies on here say.

And thanks for proving that the Obama derangement syndrome is going full throttle.

Putin looking like a "leader" (your words) and Obama looking like a buffoon. (your words)

Who's side you on again?

stating facts is not taking sides. I am on the side of the USA, always have been, always will be.

I am not on Obama's side because everything he has done is contrary to my beliefs and the constititution of the USA. He is a liar, a fraud, and incompetent in every aspect of the job.

They aren't facts.

They are your opinion.

And holding up the leader of an adversarial nation as better than our own is really bad form.
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

There's a difference in 'Cheering" and saying "I told you so". Learn it, Moron!!
It's all they have is Putin . They have no serious candidate to run ,the have lost the American people with all the horse shit that flows from GOP & tea party . Come next election the GOP will only have faux & Putin to back them .........good luck with that !
Well, I was never invited, nor did I see an invitation. So much for 'not showing up'.

You may have been there, but your perception of reality is a bit skewed. You still think that conservatives are rooting for Putin instead of making an obvious contrast of him against Obama. If you can't even get that right, who is to say what color your unicorn rainbows are.

A lot of us were skeptical, but it takes the ability of an 9th grader to comprehend some of the words that are spoken for torture...against our enemies?

I'm supposed to be ashamed of that? I've seen worse abuse in the Congress. When I am at war, I don't play nice. Fuck them.

What a great idea. Using torture as a matter of course against our enemies. We got all sorts of wars and enemies. Who should we start torturing first?

Lets start out with drug dealers. We have a war on with them for years. We just haven't tortured enough I guess.

War on poverty. Who should we torture in this war?

Matter of fact, if torture such a good fucking idea, we should use it on everyone that is arrested.

Just think of all the "confessions" that could be had from several sessions of waterboarding.
The hell with facts, torture till they confess.
Why didn't I think torture was a good idea before learning about how we need to use torture as a tool for our own satisfactions and revenge.

Thank you right wingers for setting me straight on this.

You all mind if we torture Dick Cheney? There are definitely things he knows that we should all be aware of. You think his heart can take a few days of water pouring down his nose and throat till he thinks he is gonna drown? I hope not.
Are you actually that naive? I'm 53 years old, and have believed all My life that life didn't owe you anything, and the world isn't fair. I also believe that if you start killing people, expect them to do their worst in return.

What was done down in club Gitmo could hardly qualify as torture, and our people have endured much more. Don't be such a pussy.

The reason we should be against war and work to avoid it is because it is messy and brutal. But if you are going to do war upon someone, then go all out and win the fucking thing, and that means by any means possible.

When your enemy fear you so much because of what you will do to them if they are stupid enough to attack you, you'll find that peace ensues.

Peace is not won through diplomacy, but through abject terror of what your enemy will do to you if you lose.

In fact, your enemies should fear that you won't kill them.....

That's alot of hooey.

We have a foundational document that is sure to condemn that attitude and roundly.

It's called the United States Constitution.

Try reading it.
It's all they have is Putin . They have no serious candidate to run ,the have lost the American people with all the horse shit that flows from GOP & tea party . Come next election the GOP will only have faux & Putin to back them .........good luck with that !

keep thinking that as you watch fat ass dried up old hillary go down in defeat.
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

There's a difference in 'Cheering" and saying "I told you so". Learn it, Moron!!

All one has to do is read ,moron !! The GOP are Russian sympathizer .....fucking scum bags :eusa_whistle:
It's all they have is Putin . They have no serious candidate to run ,the have lost the American people with all the horse shit that flows from GOP & tea party . Come next election the GOP will only have faux & Putin to back them .........good luck with that !

how can they be so bitter? :( OH!!! :shock: That's right. Fox/GOPTV sells hate & fear everyday. :tinfoil:
It's all they have is Putin . They have no serious candidate to run ,the have lost the American people with all the horse shit that flows from GOP & tea party . Come next election the GOP will only have faux & Putin to back them .........good luck with that !

keep thinking that as you watch fat ass dried up old hillary go down in defeat.

who are you people running?
Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

There's a difference in 'Cheering" and saying "I told you so". Learn it, Moron!!

All one has to do is read ,moron !! The GOP are Russian sympathizer .....fucking scum bags :eusa_whistle:

Russian sympathizers...
because you say so...pfeesh go breath into a paper bag..get a grip keep hanging onto the Hillary skirt to come save your ass
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It's all they have is Putin . They have no serious candidate to run ,the have lost the American people with all the horse shit that flows from GOP & tea party . Come next election the GOP will only have faux & Putin to back them .........good luck with that !

keep thinking that as you watch fat ass dried up old hillary go down in defeat.

Hillary will mop the floor with the GOP & tea party tears ......:eusa_boohoo:
What a great idea. Using torture as a matter of course against our enemies. We got all sorts of wars and enemies. Who should we start torturing first?

Lets start out with drug dealers. We have a war on with them for years. We just haven't tortured enough I guess.

War on poverty. Who should we torture in this war?

Matter of fact, if torture such a good fucking idea, we should use it on everyone that is arrested.

Just think of all the "confessions" that could be had from several sessions of waterboarding.
The hell with facts, torture till they confess.
Why didn't I think torture was a good idea before learning about how we need to use torture as a tool for our own satisfactions and revenge.

Thank you right wingers for setting me straight on this.

You all mind if we torture Dick Cheney? There are definitely things he knows that we should all be aware of. You think his heart can take a few days of water pouring down his nose and throat till he thinks he is gonna drown? I hope not.
Are you actually that naive? I'm 53 years old, and have believed all My life that life didn't owe you anything, and the world isn't fair. I also believe that if you start killing people, expect them to do their worst in return.

What was done down in club Gitmo could hardly qualify as torture, and our people have endured much more. Don't be such a pussy.

The reason we should be against war and work to avoid it is because it is messy and brutal. But if you are going to do war upon someone, then go all out and win the fucking thing, and that means by any means possible.

When your enemy fear you so much because of what you will do to them if they are stupid enough to attack you, you'll find that peace ensues.

Peace is not won through diplomacy, but through abject terror of what your enemy will do to you if you lose.

In fact, your enemies should fear that you won't kill them.....

That's alot of hooey.

We have a foundational document that is sure to condemn that attitude and roundly.

It's called the United States Constitution.

Try reading it.
I have...long before you, and I understand it better than you do.

Tell Me, what part of the Constitution applies to a Bedouin in the Desert of the Sinai?

You can disagree if you want. I don't really care....What I do know is that General Pershing had it right.

He was the guy in WWI that when confronted with a bunch of muslims bent on killing Christrians, had all of them killed, gutted and stuffed with pork...all but one.

He then buried them head down in the ground and set the last one free with the message that should they think to continue the war, they can expect more of the same.

We weren't troubled by them for the next 50 years....It may be debatable that was the reasons, it may even be debatable that the incident even happened, but that is exactly what I call, "fighting to win".
It's all they have is Putin . They have no serious candidate to run ,the have lost the American people with all the horse shit that flows from GOP & tea party . Come next election the GOP will only have faux & Putin to back them .........good luck with that !

how can they be so bitter? :( OH!!! :shock: That's right. Fox/GOPTV sells hate & fear everyday. :tinfoil:

Yup , whip them into a frenzy and watch the morons go to work .:D
It's all they have is Putin . They have no serious candidate to run ,the have lost the American people with all the horse shit that flows from GOP & tea party . Come next election the GOP will only have faux & Putin to back them .........good luck with that !

keep thinking that as you watch fat ass dried up old hillary go down in defeat.

who are you people running?

Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.

Man..that will be fun!

That is not what your right winger buddies on here say.

And thanks for proving that the Obama derangement syndrome is going full throttle.

Putin looking like a "leader" (your words) and Obama looking like a buffoon. (your words)

Who's side you on again?

stating facts is not taking sides. I am on the side of the USA, always have been, always will be.

I am not on Obama's side because everything he has done is contrary to my beliefs and the constititution of the USA. He is a liar, a fraud, and incompetent in every aspect of the job.

They aren't facts.

They are your opinion.

And holding up the leader of an adversarial nation as better than our own is really bad form.

NOT WHEN POINTING IT OUT IS TRUE!! Obama is destroying America!

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