Conservatives, clean out your house

TDS will do strange things to the left. While the crazies assault old folks for wearing a freaking hat their puppet masters in foreign intelligence agencies feed left wing blogs with the post 'o the day and they lap it up like Pavlov dogs.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.
Although I'm a democrat, I believe control of the republican party by real conservatives instead of these alt right crazies is the key to restoring saneness. The further to right republicans go, the further to the left democrats go. The result is a situation in which there is no middle ground, everything is radically right or radically left. That is not good. We need government to function based on reality, not ideology.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.
Although I'm a democrat, I believe control of the republican party by real conservatives instead of these alt right crazies is the key to restoring saneness. The further to right republicans go, the further to the left democrats go. The result is a situation in which there is no middle ground, everything is radically right or radically left. That is not good. We need government to function based on reality, not ideology.

Yeah, the republicans need to send in their white flags as they have always done. It has worked brilliantly.

We need more people who are more afraid of being called racists than death.
I definitely see some of the issues. However conservatives in general are not to blame. Us conservatives haven't changed all that much. It's the those in Congress that are the problems. They no longer hold to true conservative ideals. Most of them go left as soon as they can. The ones that stay conservatve are few and far between. We conservatives are still for smaller limited government. Yet so many in Congress that are supposed to be on our side, continually vote for bigger government and bigger budgets. Whatever happened to repealing Obama Care. Remember when we were promised that? That's just one example of the failures of Congress. What about the wall? Conservatives are generally for the wall. Did we see that in Congress. Nope.
Everything is THEIR fault.

THOSE guys, over THERE.

MY side is beautiful and pristine, and needs no improvement.

I didn't say that but these right wing extremists are the problem no matter what you think.

What you want is a return to self-serving RINO's willing to give head to any Democrat, like John McShitstain, at a beckon call.
You fool no one!
I definitely see some of the issues. However conservatives in general are not to blame. Us conservatives haven't changed all that much. It's the those in Congress that are the problems. They no longer hold to true conservative ideals. Most of them go left as soon as they can. The ones that stay conservatve are few and far between. We conservatives are still for smaller limited government. Yet so many in Congress that are supposed to be on our side, continually vote for bigger government and bigger budgets. Whatever happened to repealing Obama Care. Remember when we were promised that? That's just one example of the failures of Congress. What about the wall? Conservatives are generally for the wall. Did we see that in Congress. Nope.
The term "conservative" is so slippery it is easy for conservatives to blame their failures on people who only called themselves conservative when in fact they were somehow liberal. Owning up to conservative failures and learning from them is probably the best thing the right could do right now.
I definitely see some of the issues. However conservatives in general are not to blame. Us conservatives haven't changed all that much. It's the those in Congress that are the problems. They no longer hold to true conservative ideals. Most of them go left as soon as they can. The ones that stay conservatve are few and far between. We conservatives are still for smaller limited government. Yet so many in Congress that are supposed to be on our side, continually vote for bigger government and bigger budgets. Whatever happened to repealing Obama Care. Remember when we were promised that? That's just one example of the failures of Congress. What about the wall? Conservatives are generally for the wall. Did we see that in Congress. Nope.
The term "conservative" is so slippery it is easy for conservatives to blame their failures on people who only called themselves conservative when in fact they were somehow liberal. Owning up to conservative failures and learning from them is probably the best thing the right could do right now.
Why is the slippery left concerned about conservative values? Don't they have enough on their plate with the clown car of "socialists" or "liberals" or freaking commies?
I definitely see some of the issues. However conservatives in general are not to blame. Us conservatives haven't changed all that much. It's the those in Congress that are the problems. They no longer hold to true conservative ideals. Most of them go left as soon as they can. The ones that stay conservatve are few and far between. We conservatives are still for smaller limited government. Yet so many in Congress that are supposed to be on our side, continually vote for bigger government and bigger budgets. Whatever happened to repealing Obama Care. Remember when we were promised that? That's just one example of the failures of Congress. What about the wall? Conservatives are generally for the wall. Did we see that in Congress. Nope.
The term "conservative" is so slippery it is easy for conservatives to blame their failures on people who only called themselves conservative when in fact they were somehow liberal. Owning up to conservative failures and learning from them is probably the best thing the right could do right now.
Why is the slippery left concerned about conservative values? Don't they have enough on their plate with the clown car of "socialists" or "liberals" or freaking commies?
Truly understanding your political opposites is crucial to defeating them. While conservatives sit around telling each other how liberals are we are studying your innermost fears and hopes.
Conservatives don't question the methods and motives of other conservatives. Why do liberals care so much when the democrat party is sliding into the pit of socialism?
Conservatives don't question the methods and motives of other conservatives. Why do liberals care so much when the democrat party is sliding into the pit of socialism?
What kind of authoritarian blind following bullshit is that? Questioning motives and methods is otherwise known as a policy discussion.
I definitely see some of the issues. However conservatives in general are not to blame. Us conservatives haven't changed all that much. It's the those in Congress that are the problems. They no longer hold to true conservative ideals. Most of them go left as soon as they can. The ones that stay conservatve are few and far between. We conservatives are still for smaller limited government. Yet so many in Congress that are supposed to be on our side, continually vote for bigger government and bigger budgets. Whatever happened to repealing Obama Care. Remember when we were promised that? That's just one example of the failures of Congress. What about the wall? Conservatives are generally for the wall. Did we see that in Congress. Nope.
The term "conservative" is so slippery it is easy for conservatives to blame their failures on people who only called themselves conservative when in fact they were somehow liberal. Owning up to conservative failures and learning from them is probably the best thing the right could do right now.
Why is the slippery left concerned about conservative values? Don't they have enough on their plate with the clown car of "socialists" or "liberals" or freaking commies?
Truly understanding your political opposites is crucial to defeating them. While conservatives sit around telling each other how liberals are we are studying your innermost fears and hopes.
Primarily rightwing fear – fear of change, fear of diversity, fear of inclusion, and fear of expressions of individual liberty.
I definitely see some of the issues. However conservatives in general are not to blame. Us conservatives haven't changed all that much. It's the those in Congress that are the problems. They no longer hold to true conservative ideals. Most of them go left as soon as they can. The ones that stay conservatve are few and far between. We conservatives are still for smaller limited government. Yet so many in Congress that are supposed to be on our side, continually vote for bigger government and bigger budgets. Whatever happened to repealing Obama Care. Remember when we were promised that? That's just one example of the failures of Congress. What about the wall? Conservatives are generally for the wall. Did we see that in Congress. Nope.
The term "conservative" is so slippery it is easy for conservatives to blame their failures on people who only called themselves conservative when in fact they were somehow liberal. Owning up to conservative failures and learning from them is probably the best thing the right could do right now.
Why is the slippery left concerned about conservative values? Don't they have enough on their plate with the clown car of "socialists" or "liberals" or freaking commies?
Truly understanding your political opposites is crucial to defeating them. While conservatives sit around telling each other how liberals are we are studying your innermost fears and hopes.
Primarily rightwing fear – fear of change, fear of diversity, fear of inclusion, and fear of expressions of individual liberty.

You may be right, not everybody wants to live in a tent and shit in the street...dumbass.
I don't know what either side is for anymore, other than against whatever the other side wants. Conservatives used to be for fiscal restraint, but not now. Liberals used to be for the poor and middle-class citizens, but now they're for the illegal immigrants. Nobody seems to give a damn about the best interests of the country, it's all about getting re-elected and gaining or keeping political power for your party. The country is coming in at best 3rd place. It's hard to see anything other than a full-on catastrophe changing the way things are, and in the meantime the debt grows larger and the SSA and Medicare funds get closer to insolvency. This is not the situation we want to leave for future generations, they're going to wonder WTF we were thinking. I'm kinda wondering that myself.
This is a lie.

No one is ‘for’ illegal immigrants.

Unlike most on the right, liberals understand and respect the rule of law, that because an immigrant might be undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal,’ and that all persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law – including those undocumented.

Indeed, this is what liberals are for – respecting the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law; respecting and defending our democratic institutions; and advocating for the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

Reactionary conservatives are for fear and ignorance, they are purveyors of hate and division, conservatives oppose inclusion, diversity, and dissent and seek to compel conformity through force of law.

It’s the bane of conservativism that places America’s future in jeopardy.
No one is for illegal immigrants... however some are for free health care for illegal immigrants.
I don't know what either side is for anymore, other than against whatever the other side wants. Conservatives used to be for fiscal restraint, but not now. Liberals used to be for the poor and middle-class citizens, but now they're for the illegal immigrants. Nobody seems to give a damn about the best interests of the country, it's all about getting re-elected and gaining or keeping political power for your party. The country is coming in at best 3rd place. It's hard to see anything other than a full-on catastrophe changing the way things are, and in the meantime the debt grows larger and the SSA and Medicare funds get closer to insolvency. This is not the situation we want to leave for future generations, they're going to wonder WTF we were thinking. I'm kinda wondering that myself.
This is a lie.

No one is ‘for’ illegal immigrants.

Unlike most on the right, liberals understand and respect the rule of law, that because an immigrant might be undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal,’ and that all persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law – including those undocumented.

Indeed, this is what liberals are for – respecting the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law; respecting and defending our democratic institutions; and advocating for the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

Reactionary conservatives are for fear and ignorance, they are purveyors of hate and division, conservatives oppose inclusion, diversity, and dissent and seek to compel conformity through force of law.

It’s the bane of conservativism that places America’s future in jeopardy.

Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.
Project much? Democrats took innocent concervative elected men, tried to build a criminal House of Cards around numerous prominent Republicans, not a blemish in sight, and turned your own Congress into a minefield of calumny. You tapped a helpless old man, who happened to be the richest man in the world, to fund the largest criminal hoax in American history against the BEST men in the world, and here you are again, slinging feces at the best President in America's fiscal history because your politicians are so vacuous and corrupt all that they have left is you to continue on, paid well and steeped in your atheists' religion of casting spells on people you cannot beat down with the old one-two anymore.

Go fling your damn feces someplace else. Your ugly, nasty, lying Clintonistas have been examined and found to be dealing from the bottom of the deck, perverting tax money into pocket-liners to augment your Soros gleanings.

What sick, pathetic, nasty rotton people would go after more innocent men who've done nothing except try to fight you with volunteer armies of conservatives barely able to pay their bills after you send your minions out to kicks us in our homes, through high taxes on property, expropriation of our resources, destruction of people with your army of not-a-soul-among-them lawyering who bring up the same hoaxes six deep now, monitoring bank accounts to make certain they're empty and no longer able to pay fees without selling the American dream it took them a lifetime of honest hard work to earn.

What a bunch of god damn Communists you are, forcing people who defended this nation to go broke after living a sterling life of hard work and devotion to God and country. You make me sick, IM2. You're going on ignore.

Got a link for what democrats did to the poor innocent righteous republicans? In the last 50 years the republicans have been the bad boys beginning with Nixon. Then of course there was Reagan with a most corrupt administration, on and on. Then there's the child molestors like Haster and Foley. Trump's been in hot water since day one and is a world champion liar as well as having a big turnover of low lifes, unlike Obama, who had a very pristine eight years in comparison. Looks like trump's lost another corrupt cabinet member yesterday by the way. You folks have been sold a bill of goods by right wing propaganda.

The massive Reagan Administration corruption
I definitely see some of the issues. However conservatives in general are not to blame. Us conservatives haven't changed all that much. It's the those in Congress that are the problems. They no longer hold to true conservative ideals. Most of them go left as soon as they can. The ones that stay conservatve are few and far between. We conservatives are still for smaller limited government. Yet so many in Congress that are supposed to be on our side, continually vote for bigger government and bigger budgets. Whatever happened to repealing Obama Care. Remember when we were promised that? That's just one example of the failures of Congress. What about the wall? Conservatives are generally for the wall. Did we see that in Congress. Nope.
The term "conservative" is so slippery it is easy for conservatives to blame their failures on people who only called themselves conservative when in fact they were somehow liberal. Owning up to conservative failures and learning from them is probably the best thing the right could do right now.
Why is the slippery left concerned about conservative values? Don't they have enough on their plate with the clown car of "socialists" or "liberals" or freaking commies?
Truly understanding your political opposites is crucial to defeating them. While conservatives sit around telling each other how liberals are we are studying your innermost fears and hopes.
Primarily rightwing fear – fear of change, fear of diversity, fear of inclusion, and fear of expressions of individual liberty.
Yes, very much ruled by fear. They have been living that way so long they think it's how it's supposed to be. Try having a discussion with them on the nature of courage. It quickly becomes clear they it's something that comes from the barrel of a gun.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.
Kill Whitey...

That'll fix it.

We don't have excess Government spending.

We have revenue deficit...

Antifa Rocks....YO...

Can you dig iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt!!!
Usual Liberal tactics here on this thread. Character Assassination.........

Assassinate the Character of everything or anyone who disagrees with them. And the Founding Fathers MOST DEFINITELY would disagree with them.

Why again you see them looking for ways to Character Assassinate their views.............

The Jefferson Bible really is a thing. Why are you being such a snowflake?
I could care less.............It is character assassination of a Founding Father..............Who helped this country be born......

Doesn't have a dang thing to do with what the far left have become in this country. Then these same animals try to say we are the bad ones..........LOL

Like I've said in many threads show me the proof of that..............

Your side can't so all you can do is point fingers at others and accuse them of what your side has become...........And we are calling your butts out for it.
The founding fathers were extraordinary men but at the end of the day they they were just men. Quit venerating them to the point that you can't even talk about them like a normal sane person.
I will circular file that comment.........because I believe in the principles of what founded this country.


You've wasted your life if you are as old as I think you are and you are still this stupid.
Coming from a liberal I'll take that as a compliment. Your side has perverted the Constitution and only agree with it when it suits your agenda. Then we go to the Establishment Career politicians who serve themselves and those who give them money over the people. We could go into the Federalist papers on exactly what the Founders warned us about and it rings true today.

But that would be a waste on you. I don't care if my opinion offends you Liberal.............We see what the Dems have become......and it isn't pretty.
I don't know what either side is for anymore, other than against whatever the other side wants. Conservatives used to be for fiscal restraint, but not now. Liberals used to be for the poor and middle-class citizens, but now they're for the illegal immigrants. Nobody seems to give a damn about the best interests of the country, it's all about getting re-elected and gaining or keeping political power for your party. The country is coming in at best 3rd place. It's hard to see anything other than a full-on catastrophe changing the way things are, and in the meantime the debt grows larger and the SSA and Medicare funds get closer to insolvency. This is not the situation we want to leave for future generations, they're going to wonder WTF we were thinking. I'm kinda wondering that myself.
This is a lie.

No one is ‘for’ illegal immigrants.

Unlike most on the right, liberals understand and respect the rule of law, that because an immigrant might be undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal,’ and that all persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law – including those undocumented.

Indeed, this is what liberals are for – respecting the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law; respecting and defending our democratic institutions; and advocating for the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

Reactionary conservatives are for fear and ignorance, they are purveyors of hate and division, conservatives oppose inclusion, diversity, and dissent and seek to compel conformity through force of law.

It’s the bane of conservativism that places America’s future in jeopardy.
Baloney.........Sanctuary cities............Illegals welcome...............Asylum laws that invites mass illegal immigration............It's crystal clear now that the left want open borders...............Actions speak louder than words...........and your actions make you.................well................a dang Liar.

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