Conservatives, clean out your house

You stop with you lies.

Yes they are. A concentation camp, by definition, is a place where you lock people up who are no danger to you whatsoever, just because you don't like them. You're locking up children in these camps who have family waiting for them in the USA, and who would care for these children at no cost to the taxpayers. Instead, Trump is gifting tax dollars - $700 a day for each child in detention, to the for-profit prison camps who donated to his "Inauguration Fund"
Who are these people who would care for these children? Why have they not come to get the children or petitioned the government to release the children into their care? If they have, why have the children not been released?

Why did these children end up in a detention center in the first place?

You're throwing out a ton of spin, but have not acknowledged the cause of this problem and the reason the children are stuck in the facilities. The people who brought them here put their lives is incredible danger. The people who MIGHT care for them are likely not capable of doing so. We're not simply going to release CHILDREN to any schmo on the street who shows up to take them. That would be doing the children a great disservice and could potentially endanger the children even MORE than the idiots who brought them here.

You stop with you lies.

Yes they are. A concentation camp, by definition, is a place where you lock people up who are no danger to you whatsoever, just because you don't like them. You're locking up children in these camps who have family waiting for them in the USA, and who would care for these children at no cost to the taxpayers. Instead, Trump is gifting tax dollars - $700 a day for each child in detention, to the for-profit prison camps who donated to his "Inauguration Fund"
Who are these people who would care for these children? Why have they not come to get the children or petitioned the government to release the children into their care? If they have, why have the children not been released?

Why did these children end up in a detention center in the first place?

You're throwing out a ton of spin, but have not acknowledged the cause of this problem and the reason the children are stuck in the facilities. The people who brought them here put their lives is incredible danger. The people who MIGHT care for them are likely not capable of doing so. We're not simply going to release CHILDREN to any schmo on the street who shows up to take them. That would be doing the children a great disservice and could potentially endanger the children even MORE than the idiots who brought them here.


No Bootney, those people bought their kids here to get out of bad conditions.
You stop with you lies.

Yes they are. A concentation camp, by definition, is a place where you lock people up who are no danger to you whatsoever, just because you don't like them. You're locking up children in these camps who have family waiting for them in the USA, and who would care for these children at no cost to the taxpayers. Instead, Trump is gifting tax dollars - $700 a day for each child in detention, to the for-profit prison camps who donated to his "Inauguration Fund"
Who are these people who would care for these children? Why have they not come to get the children or petitioned the government to release the children into their care? If they have, why have the children not been released?

Why did these children end up in a detention center in the first place?

You're throwing out a ton of spin, but have not acknowledged the cause of this problem and the reason the children are stuck in the facilities. The people who brought them here put their lives is incredible danger. The people who MIGHT care for them are likely not capable of doing so. We're not simply going to release CHILDREN to any schmo on the street who shows up to take them. That would be doing the children a great disservice and could potentially endanger the children even MORE than the idiots who brought them here.


No Bootney, those people bought their kids here to get out of bad conditions.

Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.

The term Conservative has been misued for decades.
It is supposed to mean keeping to the established norm.

As an extreme example, someone living in a socialist society who wants it to remain as it is is a conservative. One who wishes to see it changed is a radical.

I prefer to lable individuals based upon their view of and adherance to our constitution.

When Leftist radicals accuse our president of being a nationalist, what they are really calling him is a conservative who wishes to see the country run under the rules of the most radical document ever written, The United States Constitution.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.

Wow, the projection is strong in this one. Typical commie regressive, accuse the other side of everything you're doing. LMAO


Psychosis abounds in this one.

Really, why don't you provide examples of all your lame claims. I can easily provide examples of your side doing every one of them.

1. Expression, you commies are trying to force people to use their artistic talents to create your propaganda, or you try to put them out of business.
2. Peaceful Protest, you commies physically attack people trying to protest the removal of historical monuments.
3.Religious Liberty, you commies are trying to remove all mention of Christianity form the public square.
4. Free Speech, violent protests on college campuses to shut down conservative speakers.
5. Freedom of the press, commie organizations like Move On, Facebook, Twitter and politicians have been attacking and trying to shut down anyone who doesn't toe the party line.
6. Voter Suppression, is nothing but a commie invention, everyone is expected to play by the same rules.

So carry on commie, projection becomes you. LMAO

Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.

you're way off base and you're not at the same time

clean house? ya think!

The whole global homo uni party needs to be brought down

Ethnic cleansing ?

I'm for eliminating all left wing nazis morns of every race, creed, and color .
Why not! they call for my death all the time I can call for theirs ..

We've only been bitching about spending forever ...Its gotten us no where ...see glob homo uni party inc

Up yours ****** slave! and go fuck your white progressive nazi massirs


Words out of the dictionary are forbidden
what a great age we live in :20:
digging through everything to piss on the grave of the founders ................hmmmmm

What motivates you to Dance on their graves lib.
You think I am lying?

How Thomas Jefferson Created His Own Bible | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian
I didn't call you a Liar...............I asked why you go out of your way to piss on the graves of the founding fathers.

What motivates you to do so.........and why do so many Liberals do the same........

That was my point and you know. it..........Do you hate the founding fathers..........Does your party hate them.............Because they trash talk them all the time...........kinda like they do to the Constitution while claiming they really care about it.
Jefferson did what I did for myself years ago. I realized that the message Jesus Christ brought was being obscured by a bunch of draconian Hebrew tribal law and superstition that has zero bearing on how we live in the modern era. I meant no disrespect to Jefferson whatsoever.

Your gospel--little g--is subtle and insidious but it is as deadly as a wolf in sheep's clothing. To yourself first, and to all who subscribe.

You said this: "I realized that the message Jesus Christ brought was being obscured by a bunch of draconian Hebrew tribal law and superstition...." etc.

If Jesus Christ was only about the MESSAGE He brought He could have come and delivered it, said, hey there you go, some bonny good teaching for you, dusted off his hands and gone back to His carpenter shop with his dad.

But He didn't.

He went all the way to the Cross. To die. And suffer for sins.

And then He rose again.

Why don't you be honest and say you don't believe in Jesus the CHRIST. You believe in Jesus the teacher ONLY--Jesus the human, but certainly not Jesus the God, Jesus who now sits at the Right Hand of God the Father. Which means you're not really a Christian.

Those of us who are, we are not fooled by your insidiously subtle message. Be warned: neither will God be. Your "good deeds" are as filthy rags. If you do not believe that Jesus THE CHRIST rose from the dead, it doesn't matter what you think of conservative Christians, whether you think you're better than them or not.

You will perish. We all will if our sins are not covered with the Blood of the Lamb.
So here I am saying "You will love your neighbor as yourself" and the religious zealots get angry. I guess some things never change. You seem to think the path to heaven is simply to believe in the resurrection while you go through life worshiping money and spitting on the unfortunate. If that's how it is then God is a monster unworthy of worship. I have been endowed with reason as have all humans. I can no more abandon reason than I can quit breathing. If it is reason itself that endangers my soul to hell then again God is a monster. i cannot bring myself to believe ludicrous superstition. I can and do believe in the inherent goodness of humanity and our ability to make the world a better place.

The Cross offends.

Always, and again.
I hate evil ideas. I really do. The Bible actually says, "hate what is evil". That is counter culture these days when nothing is thought "evil"--when the thought of evil is "evil"
The bible says a lot of things. It can be used to justify practically anything. I prefer the parts that tell us to be good to each other rather than the parts that can be used to justify everything from racism and sexism to war and mass murder.

Have you read the entire Bible? How many times have you read the Gospels or the NT?
I grew up in an excessively religious family, I had to read it. I completed my first cover-to-cover reading when I was 12. I did it twice more before I realized that Jesus really only cared about how we treat each other and that you can read everything he had to say in less than a day.

Describe what you mean by "excessively religious family"
My childhood traumas are mine to bear and I am not going into detail. A childhood of religiously motivated beatings and bible toting pedophiles left a mark on me that will never go away.

Based on your last post I don't believe this.
I didn't call you a Liar...............I asked why you go out of your way to piss on the graves of the founding fathers.

What motivates you to do so.........and why do so many Liberals do the same........

That was my point and you know. it..........Do you hate the founding fathers..........Does your party hate them.............Because they trash talk them all the time...........kinda like they do to the Constitution while claiming they really care about it.
Jefferson did what I did for myself years ago. I realized that the message Jesus Christ brought was being obscured by a bunch of draconian Hebrew tribal law and superstition that has zero bearing on how we live in the modern era. I meant no disrespect to Jefferson whatsoever.

Your gospel--little g--is subtle and insidious but it is as deadly as a wolf in sheep's clothing. To yourself first, and to all who subscribe.

You said this: "I realized that the message Jesus Christ brought was being obscured by a bunch of draconian Hebrew tribal law and superstition...." etc.

If Jesus Christ was only about the MESSAGE He brought He could have come and delivered it, said, hey there you go, some bonny good teaching for you, dusted off his hands and gone back to His carpenter shop with his dad.

But He didn't.

He went all the way to the Cross. To die. And suffer for sins.

And then He rose again.

Why don't you be honest and say you don't believe in Jesus the CHRIST. You believe in Jesus the teacher ONLY--Jesus the human, but certainly not Jesus the God, Jesus who now sits at the Right Hand of God the Father. Which means you're not really a Christian.

Those of us who are, we are not fooled by your insidiously subtle message. Be warned: neither will God be. Your "good deeds" are as filthy rags. If you do not believe that Jesus THE CHRIST rose from the dead, it doesn't matter what you think of conservative Christians, whether you think you're better than them or not.

You will perish. We all will if our sins are not covered with the Blood of the Lamb.
So here I am saying "You will love your neighbor as yourself" and the religious zealots get angry. I guess some things never change. You seem to think the path to heaven is simply to believe in the resurrection while you go through life worshiping money and spitting on the unfortunate. If that's how it is then God is a monster unworthy of worship. I have been endowed with reason as have all humans. I can no more abandon reason than I can quit breathing. If it is reason itself that endangers my soul to hell then again God is a monster. i cannot bring myself to believe ludicrous superstition. I can and do believe in the inherent goodness of humanity and our ability to make the world a better place.

What "conservative Christians" fail to take into account is that belief alone doesn't cut it.

James 2:16-18.
If one of you tells him, “Go in peace; stay warm and well fed,” but does not provide for his physical needs, what good is that? 17
So too, faith by itself, if it is not complemented by action, is dead. 18But someone will say, “You have faith and I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.…

The main problem with what Sue has said is that it's wrong. Jesus told us how to get to heaven before he shed one drop of blood.

Matthew 7:21
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. ”

We may claim to “believe”, and we may confess Jesus as “Lord” but claiming to believe is not the same as truly believing, and calling Jesus Lord is not the same as being a servant of Jesus, someone truly under His divine authority.

Matthew 25:33-40
33He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.
35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,
36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
37"Then the righteous will answer him, 'LORD, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?
38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?
39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
40"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

These words were spoken before he was put on the cross. This is how we get to heaven. THIS is what God stands for. Sue is being misled.

You might put it this way: "belief will out".

The thief on the Cross believed in the last few moments and the outward manifestation was only a confession. And yet Jesus said, "Today you will be with me in Paradise"
The bible says a lot of things. It can be used to justify practically anything. I prefer the parts that tell us to be good to each other rather than the parts that can be used to justify everything from racism and sexism to war and mass murder.

Have you read the entire Bible? How many times have you read the Gospels or the NT?
I grew up in an excessively religious family, I had to read it. I completed my first cover-to-cover reading when I was 12. I did it twice more before I realized that Jesus really only cared about how we treat each other and that you can read everything he had to say in less than a day.

Describe what you mean by "excessively religious family"
My childhood traumas are mine to bear and I am not going into detail. A childhood of religiously motivated beatings and bible toting pedophiles left a mark on me that will never go away.

Based on your last post I don't believe this.
I don't care if you believe it or not. Churches are awesome places for horrible people to cover their crimes with a veneer of respectability.
Have you read the entire Bible? How many times have you read the Gospels or the NT?
I grew up in an excessively religious family, I had to read it. I completed my first cover-to-cover reading when I was 12. I did it twice more before I realized that Jesus really only cared about how we treat each other and that you can read everything he had to say in less than a day.

Describe what you mean by "excessively religious family"
My childhood traumas are mine to bear and I am not going into detail. A childhood of religiously motivated beatings and bible toting pedophiles left a mark on me that will never go away.

Based on your last post I don't believe this.
I don't care if you believe it or not. Churches are awesome places for horrible people to cover their crimes with a veneer of respectability.

Interesting how you were so willing to use Jesus' message when it suited your purpose. Now, look what happened when I mentioned the Cross of Christ...

This is not an accident

BTW that's all I did--mention the Gospel, in true form. Jesus died for our sins, suffered on the Cross, was buried and rose again.

Now you're losing your mind
I grew up in an excessively religious family, I had to read it. I completed my first cover-to-cover reading when I was 12. I did it twice more before I realized that Jesus really only cared about how we treat each other and that you can read everything he had to say in less than a day.

Describe what you mean by "excessively religious family"
My childhood traumas are mine to bear and I am not going into detail. A childhood of religiously motivated beatings and bible toting pedophiles left a mark on me that will never go away.

Based on your last post I don't believe this.
I don't care if you believe it or not. Churches are awesome places for horrible people to cover their crimes with a veneer of respectability.

Interesting how you were so willing to use Jesus' message when it suited your purpose. Now, look what happened when I mentioned the Cross of Christ...

This is not an accident

BTW that's all I did--mention the Gospel, in true form. Jesus died for our sins, suffered on the Cross, was buried and rose again.

Now you're losing your mind
What the hell are you talking about? You called me a liar and I told you I didn't care. Neither of us said anything about Jesus or anything like that.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.

No conservative in my lifetime has ever worked to emphasize on controlling excess government spending.

Conservatives are the biggest spenders we have.

Just look at the budgets, deficits and debt that all conservative presidents since Reagan have forced on the US.

Not one of them wrote a balanced budget. Not one of them did anything to decrease the debt or deficit.

Reagan took our national debt from around 800 bullion to just shy of 3 trillion.

The first bush took that nearly 3 trillion up to 5 trillion in just 4 years.

The bush boy took the national debt from 5.5 trillion up to 13 trillion.

trump has taken the national debt from just shy of 19 trillion up to nearly 22 trillion in just 2.5 years and will need to have the debt ceiling raised again soon.

Even though all of those men campaigned on the exact opposite of what they actually did.

Sure conservatives say they're fiscally responsible but that's all they do, say that they are. When it comes to actual reality, they do the exact opposite.
Not possible, the "deplorables" own the republican party now. They have it pretty good too. Run-of-the-mill voters fear their wrath nearly as much as they fear the various boogymen used to keep them obedient. It must really suck to be so afraid.
Deplorables is just another fear based boogyman term.
It did so well last time, you should triple down on it.

You got it. Hillary nailed that one. It's so descriptive and accurate.
conservatives believe that as government becomes more solicitous, it becomes less respected
Usual Liberal tactics here on this thread. Character Assassination.........

Assassinate the Character of everything or anyone who disagrees with them. And the Founding Fathers MOST DEFINITELY would disagree with them.

Why again you see them looking for ways to Character Assassinate their views.............

The Jefferson Bible really is a thing. Why are you being such a snowflake?

God, i'm having a meltdown reading this thread!
hard work doesn't guarantee success but it improves your chances! - JJ... that's my no.1 conservative principle

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