Conservatives, clean out your house

Usual Liberal tactics here on this thread. Character Assassination.........

Assassinate the Character of everything or anyone who disagrees with them. And the Founding Fathers MOST DEFINITELY would disagree with them.

Why again you see them looking for ways to Character Assassinate their views.............

The Jefferson Bible really is a thing. Why are you being such a snowflake?
I could care less.............It is character assassination of a Founding Father..............Who helped this country be born......

Doesn't have a dang thing to do with what the far left have become in this country. Then these same animals try to say we are the bad ones..........LOL

Like I've said in many threads show me the proof of that..............

Your side can't so all you can do is point fingers at others and accuse them of what your side has become...........And we are calling your butts out for it.
Not possible, the "deplorables" own the republican party now. They have it pretty good too. Run-of-the-mill voters fear their wrath nearly as much as they fear the various boogymen used to keep them obedient. It must really suck to be so afraid.
Deplorables is just another fear based boogyman term.
It did so well last time, you should triple down on it.

You got it. Hillary nailed that one. It's so descriptive and accurate.
Hillary nailed it alright.
The last nail in the coffin carrying the death of her presidential ambitions.
Usual Liberal tactics here on this thread. Character Assassination.........

Assassinate the Character of everything or anyone who disagrees with them. And the Founding Fathers MOST DEFINITELY would disagree with them.

Why again you see them looking for ways to Character Assassinate their views.............

The Jefferson Bible really is a thing. Why are you being such a snowflake?
I could care less.............It is character assassination of a Founding Father..............Who helped this country be born......

Doesn't have a dang thing to do with what the far left have become in this country. Then these same animals try to say we are the bad ones..........LOL

Like I've said in many threads show me the proof of that..............

Your side can't so all you can do is point fingers at others and accuse them of what your side has become...........And we are calling your butts out for it.
The founding fathers were extraordinary men but at the end of the day they they were just men. Quit venerating them to the point that you can't even talk about them like a normal sane person.
Not possible, the "deplorables" own the republican party now. They have it pretty good too. Run-of-the-mill voters fear their wrath nearly as much as they fear the various boogymen used to keep them obedient. It must really suck to be so afraid.
Deplorables is just another fear based boogyman term.
It did so well last time, you should triple down on it.

You got it. Hillary nailed that one. It's so descriptive and accurate.
Hillary nailed it alright.
The last nail in the coffin carrying the death of her presidential ambitions.

Yeah, whatever, It still triggers Cult45. It's had great staying power so far.
"To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race." —Calvin Coolidge

Glad Silent Cal died before he witnessed FDR crapping on the Constitution.

conservatives only want to conserve the freedom of constant change!
Usual Liberal tactics here on this thread. Character Assassination.........

Assassinate the Character of everything or anyone who disagrees with them. And the Founding Fathers MOST DEFINITELY would disagree with them.

Why again you see them looking for ways to Character Assassinate their views.............

The Jefferson Bible really is a thing. Why are you being such a snowflake?
I could care less.............It is character assassination of a Founding Father..............Who helped this country be born......

Doesn't have a dang thing to do with what the far left have become in this country. Then these same animals try to say we are the bad ones..........LOL

Like I've said in many threads show me the proof of that..............

Your side can't so all you can do is point fingers at others and accuse them of what your side has become...........And we are calling your butts out for it.
The founding fathers were extraordinary men but at the end of the day they they were just men. Quit venerating them to the point that you can't even talk about them like a normal sane person.
I will circular file that comment.........because I believe in the principles of what founded this country.

Usual Liberal tactics here on this thread. Character Assassination.........

Assassinate the Character of everything or anyone who disagrees with them. And the Founding Fathers MOST DEFINITELY would disagree with them.

Why again you see them looking for ways to Character Assassinate their views.............

The Jefferson Bible really is a thing. Why are you being such a snowflake?
I could care less.............It is character assassination of a Founding Father..............Who helped this country be born......

Doesn't have a dang thing to do with what the far left have become in this country. Then these same animals try to say we are the bad ones..........LOL

Like I've said in many threads show me the proof of that..............

Your side can't so all you can do is point fingers at others and accuse them of what your side has become...........And we are calling your butts out for it.
The founding fathers were extraordinary men but at the end of the day they they were just men. Quit venerating them to the point that you can't even talk about them like a normal sane person.
I will circular file that comment.........because I believe in the principles of what founded this country.


You've wasted your life if you are as old as I think you are and you are still this stupid.
Not possible, the "deplorables" own the republican party now. They have it pretty good too. Run-of-the-mill voters fear their wrath nearly as much as they fear the various boogymen used to keep them obedient. It must really suck to be so afraid.
Bullshit. Demoncraps are the worst. Idiots all.
Usual Liberal tactics here on this thread. Character Assassination.........

Assassinate the Character of everything or anyone who disagrees with them. And the Founding Fathers MOST DEFINITELY would disagree with them.

Why again you see them looking for ways to Character Assassinate their views.............

The Jefferson Bible really is a thing. Why are you being such a snowflake?
I could care less.............It is character assassination of a Founding Father..............Who helped this country be born......

Doesn't have a dang thing to do with what the far left have become in this country. Then these same animals try to say we are the bad ones..........LOL

Like I've said in many threads show me the proof of that..............

Your side can't so all you can do is point fingers at others and accuse them of what your side has become...........And we are calling your butts out for it.
The founding fathers were extraordinary men but at the end of the day they they were just men. Quit venerating them to the point that you can't even talk about them like a normal sane person.
I will circular file that comment.........because I believe in the principles of what founded this country.


You've wasted your life if you are as old as I think you are and you are still this stupid.
Stupid is voting demoncrap.
I don't know what either side is for anymore, other than against whatever the other side wants. Conservatives used to be for fiscal restraint, but not now. Liberals used to be for the poor and middle-class citizens, but now they're for the illegal immigrants. Nobody seems to give a damn about the best interests of the country, it's all about getting re-elected and gaining or keeping political power for your party. The country is coming in at best 3rd place. It's hard to see anything other than a full-on catastrophe changing the way things are, and in the meantime the debt grows larger and the SSA and Medicare funds get closer to insolvency. This is not the situation we want to leave for future generations, they're going to wonder WTF we were thinking. I'm kinda wondering that myself.
The Jefferson Bible really is a thing. Why are you being such a snowflake?
I could care less.............It is character assassination of a Founding Father..............Who helped this country be born......

Doesn't have a dang thing to do with what the far left have become in this country. Then these same animals try to say we are the bad ones..........LOL

Like I've said in many threads show me the proof of that..............

Your side can't so all you can do is point fingers at others and accuse them of what your side has become...........And we are calling your butts out for it.
The founding fathers were extraordinary men but at the end of the day they they were just men. Quit venerating them to the point that you can't even talk about them like a normal sane person.
I will circular file that comment.........because I believe in the principles of what founded this country.


You've wasted your life if you are as old as I think you are and you are still this stupid.
Stupid is voting demoncrap.
I kind of feel bad about saying that to the rage-filled geezer but I don't feel the need to be too kind to those who are here just to vent.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.
Links that prove any of your bullshit.

You don't link everything to prove what you say so don't ask for any.

I changed my mind.

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'll post links when I make serious allegations, you just seem to be pulling shit out of your fourth point of contact.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.

Well I will agree with you about this: there are a lot of white supremacist racists on this forum, a surprising amount. If you just go by this forum you would think that all conservatives are hiding racist tendencies. But then, if I went by this site I might think a lot of black people really hate and resent whites too, and I know that's not true.

It's the Internet.

So that's for starters.

As for enders: I don't think it's conservatism that has so worry about becoming "a joke". We currently have the presidency, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. Democrats have the House but by a tenuous thread--there's a vicious fight as you must know. Not only that, but you have a weak group of contenders for president here in 2020. So I really don't think conservatism is the "joke" here.

Conservatism couldn't even conserve women's bathrooms.

It's a joke indeed. First point ever that I have seen IM2 make that is even half correct.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.
What rights are conservatives trying to deny?
You almost gotta laugh that everyone is aware that liberalism has been hijacked by socialists. On the other hand why would lefties be concerned about "the true meaning of" conservatives? The dirty little secret of course is that democrats have come to the realization that the current clown car can't win and the best they can do is to try to split the republican base. It ain't likely but it's fun to see desperate liberals flounder around in their agenda that might have been promoted by foreign intelligence agents. .
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.
I'm with you 100%.

Muslims are the most conservative pricks on the planet.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.

Well I will agree with you about this: there are a lot of white supremacist racists on this forum, a surprising amount. If you just go by this forum you would think that all conservatives are hiding racist tendencies. But then, if I went by this site I might think a lot of black people really hate and resent whites too, and I know that's not true.

It's the Internet.

So that's for starters.

As for enders: I don't think it's conservatism that has so worry about becoming "a joke". We currently have the presidency, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. Democrats have the House but by a tenuous thread--there's a vicious fight as you must know. Not only that, but you have a weak group of contenders for president here in 2020. So I really don't think conservatism is the "joke" here.
I've noticed a double standard on what blacks can post on this forum and what whites cant.

I got a time out for post something that was a fraction of being as offensive as what the black racists here post.

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