Conservatives give more to charity than liberals, even though liberals generally earn more

No, it’s two separate things. We don’t “donate” and get religious services (and all related expenses to maintain them). We pay dues.

The donations are separate, and when we have charity drives, it always has a specific purpose attached. It’s either for a food drive for the community. Or money raised to help Ukranians who lost them homes. Or money raised to help support the Save-a-Heart Foundation.

You wrongly, as many liberals do, discount the money given to religious organizations by questioning their value as true charity.
I've seen so muchchurch corruption, I don't know what to think. OK.. some of that was sUPPOSED corruption but still.. I have my own experiences to draw on.. have had a few times in the past where I really needed some help.. didn't get it, but illegals did..

so going on experience alone.. I can u/stand people not trusting the Church w/ their $$

i think the novus ordo Francis Church is just another global institution. The True Catholic Church is the Society of St Pius X

but veryfew Catholics know that, it seems
How do they determine this stuff? Nobody offers their political affiliation when they donate to charity. The link offers no solid evidence, just apparently the opinion of someone named Dr. Land.
I have heard this from other sources.. that Rs give more than D

Still, i cannot defend a lot of 'churches"...

Conversely, I can't say they are all using the money for bad purposes either..
I've seen so muchchurch corruption, I don't know what to think. OK.. some of that was sUPPOSED corruption but still.. I have my own experiences to draw on.. have had a few times in the past where I really needed some help.. didn't get it, but illegals did..

so going on experience alone.. I can u/stand people not trusting the Church w/ their $$

i think the novus ordo Francis Church is just another global institution. The True Catholic Church is the Society of St Pius X

but veryfew Catholics know that, it seems
Well I can only speak for my synagogue, and my observations since childhood of the numerous charitable drives we had every year.
This one of the funnier aspects of showing their tax returns.......the left usually are quite cheap with charitable donations.
I mean, like, why do you show how cheap you are?
This one of the funnier aspects of showing their tax returns.......the left usually are quite cheap with charitable donations.
I mean, like, why do you show how cheap you are?
Yup. The Obamas were really cheap right up until they decided to run for office and knew the returns would be made public.

Another one is Al Gore, from a wealthy family. He had the money to give his daughter a $75,000 wedding (this was around 20 years ago, so figure around $150,000 today) but only donated a measly $300 to charity that year.
Even biker groups and biker gangs which historically are almost entirely republicans always give huge amounts to charity. Even a simple Google search of biker gang donations shows vast amounts of links to where bikers donate a lot and tend to do a lot of charity drives for kids.

Domcrats only tend to do charities that benefit themselves, or their own party specifically.
This one of the funnier aspects of showing their tax returns.......the left usually are quite cheap with charitable donations.
I mean, like, why do you show how cheap you are?
They are not cheap! Hush your mouth!

They are quite generous with the taxpayers' money! How could u forget?

And it is always for useful things like bridges to nowhere.. electric ferries that cost several million dollars when the old one works just fine.. and even though it's only a small -population island the ferry (in WA state) serves.. but hey, what's several million of the taxpayers' money to support an un-needed and un-wanted thing?
And not let’s forget Biden. In the 10 years leading up to his VP run, he and his wife averaged $369 a year. SHAMEFUL. Only generous with other people’s money.

maybe if they or the Rs solved the homeless problem (made much worse by Potato of course)

we wouldn't mind them spending taxpayer money

but somehow the money always ends up in the pockets of donors.. those already wealthy, already housed..

I have had.. (See Religion section) so many problems with the novus ordo (NO) Church and one of those is that I have no idea where their $$ is spent.. I was once in need years ago of assistance and did NOT get helped. Yet it seems they can always help illegals.

doesn't seem too Christian to help foreigners breaking the law and yet neglecting members of your own Church (used to be member).. just sayin
The OT is filled with advice to help the foreigners among you since Israelites were once foreigners themselves.
No, it’s two separate things. We don’t “donate” and get religious services (and all related expenses to maintain them). We pay dues.

The donations are separate, and when we have charity drives, it always has a specific purpose attached. It’s either for a food drive for the community. Or money raised to help Ukranians who lost them homes. Or money raised to help support the Save-a-Heart Foundation.

You wrongly, as many liberals do, discount the money given to religious organizations by questioning their value as true charity.
I'm only wondering if the dues you pay count towards the amount of charity you provide (not you but everyone in the US).
I'm only wondering if the dues you pay count towards the amount of charity you provide (not you but everyone in the US).
Religious people are more charitable, although you won’t face it. It is engrained in our psyche starting from nursery school. It is called tzedekah, and the first thing we did when we walked into the classroom was put a nickel in the tzedekah box that sat at the front of the room.
Religious people are more charitable, although you won’t face it.
Doesn't matter what I believe, the data say you're right.

It is engrained in our psyche starting from nursery school. It is called tzedekah, and the first thing we did when we walked into the classroom was put a nickel in the tzedekah box that sat at the front of the room.
It was a UNICEF box in my public school though I doubt it collected much except on Halloween.

I think one explanation is that religious and conservatives feel charity should be an individual choice while others, like myself, believe it should be a societal choice. I support government programs that help the needy.
Doesn't matter what I believe, the data say you're right.

Thank you.

It was a UNICEF box in my public school though I doubt it collected much except on Halloween.

I think one explanation is that religious and conservatives feel charity should be an individual choice while others, like myself, believe it should be a societal choice. I support government programs that help the needy.
The difference is that what you give to government programs is forced via taxation. Conservatives have to pay too.

But conservatives give more beyond that, with their own money,

And it’s the hypocrisy that bothers me. I was out to dinner with a liberal, and all she did was complain about how we need to give more assistance to the working poor. She was very demanding, and insisted they open up a section where she wanted to sit, even though they told her it was closed. The waiter had to work extra hard, and she complained and returned the food too.

Then the bill came. It was $22 each, and I put a $5 bill in the table. What are you doing, she asked? That’s way too much! All he gets is 15%! Then she pulled out her calculator, figured the tip, and left $3.30, including the quarter and nickel.

And I’ve had this happen with other liberals, too: complain about how cheap and uncaring Republicans are, and then count out the nickels when it comes from their own pocket.
Yes, many a "study" over the years (and they all seem to wind up being posted here) has "determined" that conservatives give more to "charities" than liberals... and they LOVE to brag about it... as if anyone cares.
Thank you.

The difference is that what you give to government programs is forced via taxation. Conservatives have to pay too.

But conservatives give more beyond that, with their own money,

And it’s the hypocrisy that bothers me. I was out to dinner with a liberal, and all she did was complain about how we need to give more assistance to the working poor. She was very demanding, and insisted they open up a section where she wanted to sit, even though they told her it was closed. The waiter had to work extra hard, and she complained and returned the food too.

Then the bill came. It was $22 each, and I put a $5 bill in the table. What are you doing, she asked? That’s way too much! All he gets is 15%! Then she pulled out her calculator, figured the tip, and left $3.30, including the quarter and nickel.

And I’ve had this happen with other liberals, too: complain about how cheap and uncaring Republicans are, and then count out the nickels when it comes from their own pocket.
I'm pretty sure not all conservatives are enormously generous or all liberals are so cheap and annoying. Maybe you should be more discriminating in the company you keep?
This is the way it's always been. The left wants the government to force people to give through taxes.
I'm pretty sure not all conservatives are enormously generous or all liberals are so cheap and annoying. Maybe you should be more discriminating in the company you keep?
It sure is revealing when these people reveal their tax records.........just sayin'

So much for the myth of liberals being "compassionate." But I have known for an awfully long time that they are not charitable people. They want big gov programs for the poor only for POLITICAL power. They want the poor vote.

Why don't the Rs go after the poor vote, by the way?

Do they just automatically figure the poor are not going to vote R? Defeatist attitude. I have met people on govt assistance who are R because of the pro-life issue and/or some other issue (s).

No American group should be written off as potentially voting for the party!

not one group. If such groups are written off, everyone will notice. I sometimes wonder how many people just .. shall we say carelessly vote for Ds just bc.. they KNOW someone on govt assistance and think maybe they are helping such people? I don't know.. never took any survey but u can't help but wonder about such..

That's been well-known for a long time.

It seems that in lieu of being willing to give any of what is rightfully their own to give, in support of causes that they deem worthy, LIbErals think that they can claim charity on the basis of supporting government-based theft from others, to support such causes.

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