Conservatives: how has your opinion on Trump changed in the last year?

Conservatives: how has your opinion on Trump changed in the last year?

  • a little. The ads are a bit much

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • we know the libs worship politics but his legal cases are... tiresome or...?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other candidates interest me (which ones?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • all the above

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yeah but Trump ain't the freaking president. What do democrats think about Hillary or Barry Hussein or Camila Harris? It looks like anything is better than focusing on the problems and continuing crisis in the current administration.
I don't get this

first you speak of Trump (I think). Then you say he is a 60s... democrat running in the GOP..

just don't get it
It has to do with the Overton window.....That a guy who would be a mid-20th century democrat in policy respects can today be a "right wing" republican, goes to show how far to the kook left that the conversation has evolved.
He is a close friend of McConnell and does whatever the Turtle wants...
oh my, that's bad.

I don't have access to C span, so I guess that explains my relative ignorance.

But do you agree or half agree w/ the poster who said that Trump has changed, that he started out not being a politician but now he is one?
It has to do with the Overton window.....That a guy who would be a mid-20th century democrat in policy respects can today be a "right wing" republican, goes to show how far to the kook left that the conversation has evolved.
I'm afraid I have no clue what the Overton window is?

again... can't watch news 24/7 (probably a big Gift from the Man Upstairs :)) LOL
DeSantis most likely.

Youngkin is making squeaking noises about getting in so if he runs I'll vote for him......We need another Virginia-born POTUS. ;)
why does the state of origin matter?

I'd vote for someone from Mars if he did what Trump did and... say, didn't have the baggage

which DeSantis does not seem to have, so..... :dunno:
Conservatives: how has your opinion on Trump changed in the last year?

I would never vote for a dim over Trump or even a flaming RINO. That is Numero Uno in my world.

This Q is mostly for those who can say the same: they like Trump but are leery about certain things. Please tell us what they are.
I will vote for whomever the GOP candidate is in 2024 because ANY other vote is a vote for Biden or some one like him or worse and four more years of the horrors he has brought upon this country. I am not at all confident we can survive that.

In 2016 Trump was not my first, second or third choice to be the nominee. But by the time he had demolished all his competition I had a glimmer of hope that he would carry through on a vision I very much shared with him. I thought if he did nothing more than save the Supreme Court from radical Marxist leftism, that would be worth my vote.

He exceeded my expectations.
--an economy that was helping everybody, even the hard core unemployed and most disadvantaged
--a majority of constitutionalists on the high court
--the closest thing to secure border any of us have ever seen
--energy independence which not only helped keep costs and inflation low but was a huge factor in American security
--greatly reduced unnecessary regulation and tax policy that was bringing good jobs back to America, even manufacturing jobs.
--respect of the world restored and our allies stepping up to do more for themselves instead of expecting us to do and pay for it all.
--the closest thing to world peace I have ever experienced in my lifetime.

Trump can be petulant, petty at times, obnoxious even and he irritates and annoys me no end. But I will put up with a hell of a lot of that to get the results he got. There is no question he put America first and that benefitted everybody. A strong, free, prosperous America helps everybody.

So if Trump is the nominee and, unless things change drastically between now and the primary elections, he will be, he has earned my vote in 2024.

I am grateful for this attribute you have:

You seem to support abortion in most situations (?) which is bad

But you vote for candidates who put what the left call "strict" restrictions on abortion..


I'm sure you're not alone in that... (Trump won by huge margins, esp 2020)
I will vote for whomever the GOP candidate is in 2024 because ANY other vote is a vote for Biden or some one like him or worse and four more years of the horrors he has brought upon this country. I am not at all confident we can survive that.

In 2016 Trump was not my first, second or third choice to be the nominee. But by the time he had demolished all his competition I had a glimmer of hope that he would carry through on a vision I very much shared with him. I thought if he did nothing more than save the Supreme Court from radical Marxist leftism, that would be worth my vote.

He exceeded my expectations.
--an economy that was helping everybody, even the hard core unemployed and most disadvantaged
--a majority of constitutionalists on the high court
--the closest thing to secure border any of us have ever seen
--energy independence which not only helped keep costs and inflation low but was a huge factor in American security
--greatly reduced unnecessary regulation and tax policy that was bringing good jobs back to America, even manufacturing jobs.
--respect of the world restored and our allies stepping up to do more for themselves instead of expecting us to do and pay for it all.
--the closest thing to world peace I have ever experienced in my lifetime.

Trump can be petulant, petty at times, obnoxious even and he irritates and annoys me no end. But I will put up with a hell of a lot of that to get the results he got. There is no question he put America first and that benefitted everybody. A strong, free, prosperous America helps everybody.

So if Trump is the nominee and, unless things change drastically between now and the primary elections, he will be, he has earned my vote in 2024.
AMEN to this

I hope all Americans read this or something similar. I already knew about his accomplishments and again, will vote for him ENTHUSIASTICALLY if he is the nominee. I do see good in other candidates but it is too soon to say how I'll vote in the primary...

you should copy this and give it to..

whomever you meet



that will annoy some people but oh well... if truths annoy, that is their problem 100%

I voted for him twice, but at this point I am a solid, Meh.

He should just shut up for awhile and let Biden do all the talking, er babbling.
I voted for him twice, but at this point I am a solid, Meh.

He should just shut up for awhile and let Biden do all the talking, er babbling.
I don't think he should shut up at all


LOL... when he said to that CNN chick "you're a nasty woman"

Again, I hate phoniness... a lot of the R candidates tend to stuff their feelings all or most of the time...

boring (etc)

I am grateful for this attribute you have:

You seem to support abortion in most situations (?) which is bad

But you vote for candidates who put what the left call "strict" restrictions on abortion..


I'm sure you're not alone in that... (Trump won by huge margins, esp 2020)
I support the utility of abortion with guardrails.....Say 15 weeks.....I could give two shits about a woman's right to choose.

I also support the people being able to vote the issue up or down by state referendum to put it to bed for good and all instead of the gop getting beat over the head with it. Womenz be crazy.

Trump basically paid lip-service to the issue due to the law of the land at the time.....He won't be able to do that this go-round.
We know that a lot of opinions have changed on Joe Potatohead because the sonofabitch now has the highest disapproval rating of any President in the history of the Republic.

If 81 million people did vote for him (unlikely) then that means 20-30 million of them now realize they made a big mistake.
I don't think he should shut up at all


LOL... when he said to that CNN chick "you're a nasty woman"

Again, I hate phoniness... a lot of the R candidates tend to stuff their feelings all or most of the time...

boring (etc)
Can't disagree with your example and the general stuffiness of most politicians.
AMEN to this

I hope all Americans read this or something similar. I already knew about his accomplishments and again, will vote for him ENTHUSIASTICALLY if he is the nominee. I do see good in other candidates but it is too soon to say how I'll vote in the primary...

you should copy this and give it to..

whomever you meet



that will annoy some people but oh well... if truths annoy, that is their problem 100%

The problem we have is the the mostly hardcore leftist MSM did not and will not inform the public of all the good that happened in the Trump administration, nor do they inform the public of the serious harm and damage the Biden administration is doing. So far too many Americans only hear the radical left descriptions of Trump and don't know how bad Biden has really been.
The problem we have is the the mostly hardcore leftist MSM did not and will not inform the public of all the good that happened in the Trump administration, nor do they inform the public of the serious harm and damage the Biden administration is doing. So far too many Americans only hear the radical left descriptions of Trump and don't know how bad Biden has really been.
that's why we have to "evangelize"

things that you mention in your post..
that's why we have to "evangelize"

things that you mention in your post..
LOL. That's what I thought I was doing.

It usually falls on deaf ears though and gets me a lot of responses of 'fake news' and all manner of accusations and insults. But I always hold out hope that somebody here and there is not so thoroughly indoctrinated that he/she is capable of critical thinking and perhaps enough curiosity to really research it all outside of MSM leftist media.

For sure nobody that depends on a MSM that has become Biden and the Deep State's propaganda machine will ever be informed.
Conservatives: how has your opinion on Trump changed in the last year?

I would never vote for a dim over Trump or even a flaming RINO. That is Numero Uno in my world.

This Q is mostly for those who can say the same: they like Trump but are leery about certain things. Please tell us what they are.

Q was a LARP. If you haven't figured that out yes, that's so sad.

Trump should not be allowed to run again: he let the democrats cheat in the tens of millions column. Fauci, Barr, Krebs, Comey, Wray and a host of other should be in prison for 50 years
I support the utility of abortion with guardrails.....Say 15 weeks.....I could give two shits about a woman's right to choose.

I also support the people being able to vote the issue up or down by state referendum to put it to bed for good and all instead of the gop getting beat over the head with it. Womenz be crazy.

Trump basically paid lip-service to the issue due to the law of the land at the time.....He won't be able to do that this go-round.

Ok, I u/stood all but that last sentence.

please b splainin...


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