CONSERVATIVES: If The Presidential Election Were Held Today, Who Would You Vote For?

CONSERVATIVES: If The Election Were Held Today, Who Would You Vote For?

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Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.
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This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will mock for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

Hard to say since it isn't known who all is running. I am going to vote for the one I think is the most conservative which would include Cruz, Carson, Paul, Gingrich....
This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will mock for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

Hard to say since it isn't known who all is running. I am going to vote for the one I think is the most conservative which would include Cruz, Carson, Paul, Gingrich....

I totally agree about Cruz and Carson, same with Lee and Gowdy, but it's unknown if they're running at this point, and I could vote for Paul too without much anxiety.

It's a "what if" poll.
None of the above.

Gun to my head, maybe Christie or Romney.
This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will mock for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

Hard to say since it isn't known who all is running. I am going to vote for the one I think is the most conservative which would include Cruz, Carson, Paul, Gingrich....

I totally agree about Cruz and Carson, same with Lee and Gowdy, but it's unknown if they're running at this point, and I could vote for Paul too without much anxiety.

It's a "what if" poll.

For the sake of the poll I voted for Cruz. But you bring up two more ideal candidates with Lee and Gowdy, either one would have my support if either of them were nominated.
ROFLMAO---forbid if someone trolled and was not a republican/teaparty.
Mock someone! That is what most of the right does on this board.
Mock me!
Like I give a shit.
Huckabee is the only one on that list I could even consider holding my breath and voting for. He's the closest thing to an actual Conservative on that list.
It's a toss up for me with Cruz and Carson.
I like both.

If either one decided to run, I would need to hear more about their platforms.
Open ended questions are the bane of conservatives. (Ask Sarah what she reads or Cruz where he gets his info) fail
That's a pretty sad list.

With that said, Christie would be my choice among those options.
This for CONSERVATIVES only, so WHO votes in this poll will be VISIBLE. Any leftists voting in this poll will be mocked for their stupidity and trolling if they vote. There is nothing stopping you leftists from starting your own poll on this with YOUR choices for president.

So this poll for CONSERVATIVES is very straight forward. Time to test the waters once again just to see which direction people are leaning, even though there is a long time before we really need to worry about it, most are already forming opinions on who they like. So, with that, "IF THE ELECTION WERE HELD TODAY, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?"

I think the list of choices is as comprehensive as it can be at this point. If someone you'd vote for isn't mentioned, sorry about that, mention them in your post.

I asked this same question a while back and got accused of 'data mining' for personal info.

A more interesting list would be

Who can win?

And that's a pretty sorry list of losers, wanabes, has beens and never was.
I will vote for Alan West in the primaries. I feel he is the one who represents conservative values the best
Yes, I am a psycho because I did not believe the lie that "Obama watched as they died" and then convince myself this whole Benghazi exercise is a search for truth. I am a psycho because I do not construct straw man fallacies. I am a psycho because I do not make up lies about the Left and because I believe the truth is a far superior weapon. I am a psycho because I think pointless gestures like repealing ObamaCare 40 times in the House are idiotic. I am a psycho because I demand better from conservatives than constant whining and pessimism and would like to see them show some guts and put some actual solutions on the table and defend them. I am a psycho because I was not in a totalitarian rage for eight years and did not suddenly wake up in January 2009 and only then discover the Constitution was being used as shit paper. I am a psycho because I don't buy into the Kenyan conspiracy theory. I am a psycho because I don't believe FEMA and the DHS and the US Army are stockpiling ammo and will be coming for us in, and I don't say these things while simultaneously sporting a SUPPORT OUR TROOPS tag on my vehicle.

Yeah, that's me. A psycho, surrounded by idiots with the memories of goldfish and the intellectual bandwidth of bumper stickers who have been completely destroying the conservative name.
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jmo but you should take off Christie's name, since he's going nowhere outside the possibility of the federal courts, and Jeb, since he endorsed amnesty. I'd possibly vote for Jeb. I would have certainly if not for his idgit brother, and the rise of neoconservativism. But, he doesn't have a chance in the primaries.
None of the above.

Gun to my head, maybe Christie or Romney.

Amazing you would choose the two least conservatives.

The two least insane, you mean. What passes for a "conservative" these days is way off brand.

None of the candidates listed is a conservative. I see demagogues, posers, and psychopaths.

Then you have no idea what a conservative truly is.

Romney with his romneycare, isn't conservative.

Christie supports weapon bans....not a conservative tent.

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