Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death?

Well, of course I am. What do you expect me to do? Concur with or refute a position on the basis of one or several complete strangers' holding and/or espousing it? Not in this lifetime will I.

Take for example the discussion one encounters here. How often do you see present cogent, sound and well developed cases for their views? And here is a venue wherein written communication is the sole means of expression. If there's any venue wherein one can take the time to comprehensively express one or several ideas, it's here, not in a verbal conversation.

Look at the remarks made my myriad elected officials. How often do you see them (their staff) presenting a position paper containing a dialectical argument for their position and posting it on their website? There may be some who have/do, but none of the one's I've checked have. They, like many USMB members, merely state their conclusion as though it's an edit to which we should/must adhere.

Well, for me, that's BS. I will not be swayed by mere proclamations or the weight of numbers. So, if one is going to bother chiming in on a debatable matter, and one isn't going to also bother to carefully argue for one's position, then, yes, I'm going to presume that their motivations are other than sage and honorable. From where I stand, if a matter is worth opining upon, it's also worth presenting a strong and sound case for one's opinion, and when the matter doesn't warrant one's doing so, one should keep mum, which, BTW, is among the easiest things in the world to do.

What language was that supposed to be? The individual words look English, but they do not appear to be arranged in any coherent manner, such as to form any meaning in English.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?
I am glad someone else started this topic. It is an ongoing issue, and the right wing is too used to me, "gadflying" about.

Only the right wing believes in any Thing that promotes the general warfare or the common offense.

No amount of logic and reason has yet convinced the right wing, that the term, promote, is Only used in specific regard to the general welfare and not the common defense.

The right wing believes in promoting the common defense, not the general welfare.
/----/ meanwhile the Liberals want to turn America into a communist slave state.
lol. with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care for everyone?
Well, of course I am. What do you expect me to do? Concur with or refute a position on the basis of one or several complete strangers' holding and/or espousing it? Not in this lifetime will I.

Take for example the discussion one encounters here. How often do you see present cogent, sound and well developed cases for their views? And here is a venue wherein written communication is the sole means of expression. If there's any venue wherein one can take the time to comprehensively express one or several ideas, it's here, not in a verbal conversation.

Look at the remarks made my myriad elected officials. How often do you see them (their staff) presenting a position paper containing a dialectical argument for their position and posting it on their website? There may be some who have/do, but none of the one's I've checked have. They, like many USMB members, merely state their conclusion as though it's an edit to which we should/must adhere.

Well, for me, that's BS. I will not be swayed by mere proclamations or the weight of numbers. So, if one is going to bother chiming in on a debatable matter, and one isn't going to also bother to carefully argue for one's position, then, yes, I'm going to presume that their motivations are other than sage and honorable. From where I stand, if a matter is worth opining upon, it's also worth presenting a strong and sound case for one's opinion, and when the matter doesn't warrant one's doing so, one should keep mum, which, BTW, is among the easiest things in the world to do.

What language was that supposed to be? The individual words look English, but they do not appear to be arranged in any coherent manner, such as to form any meaning in English.
don't try that with me, I am tired of it. either ask questions or you will be ceding the point and the argument.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?
I am glad someone else started this topic. It is an ongoing issue, and the right wing is too used to me, "gadflying" about.

Only the right wing believes in any Thing that promotes the general warfare or the common offense.

No amount of logic and reason has yet convinced the right wing, that the term, promote, is Only used in specific regard to the general welfare and not the common defense.

The right wing believes in promoting the common defense, not the general welfare.
/----/ meanwhile the Liberals want to turn America into a communist slave state.
lol. with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care for everyone?
/----/ if you weren't so thick you'd realize I was answering a strawman argument with one of my own. You imbecile
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?
I am glad someone else started this topic. It is an ongoing issue, and the right wing is too used to me, "gadflying" about.

Only the right wing believes in any Thing that promotes the general warfare or the common offense.

No amount of logic and reason has yet convinced the right wing, that the term, promote, is Only used in specific regard to the general welfare and not the common defense.

The right wing believes in promoting the common defense, not the general welfare.
/----/ meanwhile the Liberals want to turn America into a communist slave state.
lol. with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care for everyone?
/----/ if you weren't so thick you'd realize I was answering a strawman argument with one of my own. You imbecile
The right wing believes in promoting the common defense, not the general welfare.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?

Over 30,000 Americans died this year due to drugs trafficked into our country by illegals you people protect. OH SNAP!
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?

We aim to reduce human suffering and death, which is why we oppose destructive left wrong-wing policies.

That may well be your reason. I don't for a minute believe that is the conservative members' of Congress, Trump's reason, and the reason of thousands, maybe millions, of other conservatives. I truly think they oppose all sorts of things merely because their political opponents support them. To wit, consider Trump's steadfast refusal to get fully informed about healthcare, foreign policy, and other stuff that, because he's POTUS, he needs to fully understand. Rather, the man is concerned only with understanding how the winds of popular opinion blow. That's not sage leadership. It's not rationally considering a proposal on its balance of merits and demerits. That's pandering and/or following, depending on how one behaves and remarks about the matter involved.

It's Trump's fault that Obamacare is still in place?

Its Trump's fault that Dem's passed Obamacare without reading it and now its a giant mess?
Well, of course I am. What do you expect me to do? Concur with or refute a position on the basis of one or several complete strangers' holding and/or espousing it? Not in this lifetime will I.

Take for example the discussion one encounters here. How often do you see present cogent, sound and well developed cases for their views? And here is a venue wherein written communication is the sole means of expression. If there's any venue wherein one can take the time to comprehensively express one or several ideas, it's here, not in a verbal conversation.

Look at the remarks made my myriad elected officials. How often do you see them (their staff) presenting a position paper containing a dialectical argument for their position and posting it on their website? There may be some who have/do, but none of the one's I've checked have. They, like many USMB members, merely state their conclusion as though it's an edit to which we should/must adhere.

Well, for me, that's BS. I will not be swayed by mere proclamations or the weight of numbers. So, if one is going to bother chiming in on a debatable matter, and one isn't going to also bother to carefully argue for one's position, then, yes, I'm going to presume that their motivations are other than sage and honorable. From where I stand, if a matter is worth opining upon, it's also worth presenting a strong and sound case for one's opinion, and when the matter doesn't warrant one's doing so, one should keep mum, which, BTW, is among the easiest things in the world to do.

What language was that supposed to be? The individual words look English, but they do not appear to be arranged in any coherent manner, such as to form any meaning in English.

What language was that supposed to be? The individual words look English, but they do not appear to be arranged in any coherent manner, such as to form any meaning in English.

That post has several typos/grammatical errors that are not readily "read around." I can understand, therefore, why you were uncertain about what I was trying to communicate.

I've, in the "re-quote" below, corrected them using red (not maroon) text coloring. I hope that helps for it's as much as I'm going to do barring your asking specific non-loaded/non-leading questions about what I've written.

Well, of course I am. What do you expect me to do? Concur with or refute a position on the basis of one or several complete strangers' holding and/or espousing it? Not in this lifetime will I.

Take for example the discussion one encounters here on USMB. How often does one see members present cogent, sound and well developed cases for their views? And USMB is a venue wherein written communication is the sole means of expression. If there's any venue wherein one can take the time to comprehensively express one or several ideas, it's here, not in a verbal conversation.

Look at the remarks made by myriad elected officials. How often does one see them (their staff) present a position paper containing a dialectical argument for their position and post it on their website? There may be some who have/do, but none of the ones I've checked have. They, like many USMB members, merely state their conclusion as though it's an edict to which we should/must adhere.

Well, for me, that's BS. I will not be swayed by mere proclamations or the weight of numbers. So, if one is going to bother chiming in on a debatable matter, and one isn't going to also bother to carefully argue for one's position, then, yes, I'm going to presume one's motivations are other than sage and honorable. From where I stand, if a matter is worth opining upon, it's also worth one's presenting a strong and sound case for one's opinion, and when the matter doesn't warrant one's doing so, one should keep mum, which, BTW, is among the easiest things in the world to do.​
Last edited:
What language was that supposed to be? The individual words look English, but they do not appear to be arranged in any coherent manner, such as to form any meaning in English.
don't try that with me, I am tired of it. either ask questions or you will be ceding the point and the argument.

I've, in the "re-quote" below, corrected them using red (not maroon) text coloring. I hope that helps for it's as much as I'm going to do barring your asking specific non-loaded/non-leading questions about what I've written.

Well, of course I am. What do you expect me to do? Concur with or refute a position on the basis of one or several complete strangers' holding and/or espousing it? Not in this lifetime will I.

Take for example the discussion one encounters here on USMB. How often does one see members present cogent, sound and well developed cases for their views? And USMB is a venue wherein written communication is the sole means of expression. If there's any venue wherein one can take the time to comprehensively express one or several ideas, it's here, not in a verbal conversation.

Look at the remarks made by myriad elected officials. How often does one see them (their staff) present a position paper containing a dialectical argument for their position and post it on their website? There may be some who have/do, but none of the ones I've checked have. They, like many USMB members, merely state their conclusion as though it's an edict to which we should/must adhere.

Well, for me, that's BS. I will not be swayed by mere proclamations or the weight of numbers. So, if one is going to bother chiming in on a debatable matter, and one isn't going to also bother to carefully argue for one's position, then, yes, I'm going to presume one's motivations are other than sage and honorable. From where I stand, if a matter is worth opining upon, it's also worth one's presenting a strong and sound case for one's opinion, and when the matter doesn't warrant one's doing so, one should keep mum, which, BTW, is among the easiest things in the world to do.​

Word salad - Wikipedia

Word salad is a "confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases", most often used to describe a symptom of a neurological or mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but are semantically confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from them. The term is often used in psychiatry as well as in theoretical linguistics to describe a type of grammatical acceptability judgment by native speakers, and in computer programming to describe textual randomization.
Word salad may describe a symptom of neurological or psychiatric conditions in which a person attempts to communicate an idea, but words and phrases that may appear to be random and unrelated come out in an incoherent sequence instead. Often, the person is unaware that he or she did not make sense. It appears in people with dementia and schizophrenia, as well as after anoxic brain injury.
No. Is it your goal to continue to post partisan idiocy through at least 2020?
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?
Most likely the goal of conservatives in politics i to get reelected. Anything beside this is of no importance to them.
like democrats are any different......
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?

We aim to reduce human suffering and death, which is why we oppose destructive left wrong-wing policies.

That may well be your reason. I don't for a minute believe that is the conservative members' of Congress, Trump's reason, and the reason of thousands, maybe millions, of other conservatives. I truly think they oppose all sorts of things merely because their political opponents support them. To wit, consider Trump's steadfast refusal to get fully informed about healthcare, foreign policy, and other stuff that, because he's POTUS, he needs to fully understand. Rather, the man is concerned only with understanding how the winds of popular opinion blow. That's not sage leadership. It's not rationally considering a proposal on its balance of merits and demerits. That's pandering and/or following, depending on how one behaves and remarks about the matter involved.

It's Trump's fault that Obamacare is still in place?
No, it's the perpetual back stabbing pols in Washingtons fault.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?

My goal is to make a lot of money. Any suffering or death caused because of that is just GRAVY.
I've, in the "re-quote" below, corrected them using red (not maroon) text coloring. I hope that helps for it's as much as I'm going to do barring your asking specific non-loaded/non-leading questions about what I've written.

Well, of course I am. What do you expect me to do? Concur with or refute a position on the basis of one or several complete strangers' holding and/or espousing it? Not in this lifetime will I.

Take for example the discussion one encounters here on USMB. How often does one see members present cogent, sound and well developed cases for their views? And USMB is a venue wherein written communication is the sole means of expression. If there's any venue wherein one can take the time to comprehensively express one or several ideas, it's here, not in a verbal conversation.

Look at the remarks made by myriad elected officials. How often does one see them (their staff) present a position paper containing a dialectical argument for their position and post it on their website? There may be some who have/do, but none of the ones I've checked have. They, like many USMB members, merely state their conclusion as though it's an edict to which we should/must adhere.

Well, for me, that's BS. I will not be swayed by mere proclamations or the weight of numbers. So, if one is going to bother chiming in on a debatable matter, and one isn't going to also bother to carefully argue for one's position, then, yes, I'm going to presume one's motivations are other than sage and honorable. From where I stand, if a matter is worth opining upon, it's also worth one's presenting a strong and sound case for one's opinion, and when the matter doesn't warrant one's doing so, one should keep mum, which, BTW, is among the easiest things in the world to do.​

Word salad - Wikipedia

Word salad is a "confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases", most often used to describe a symptom of a neurological or mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but are semantically confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from them. The term is often used in psychiatry as well as in theoretical linguistics to describe a type of grammatical acceptability judgment by native speakers, and in computer programming to describe textual randomization.
Word salad may describe a symptom of neurological or psychiatric conditions in which a person attempts to communicate an idea, but words and phrases that may appear to be random and unrelated come out in an incoherent sequence instead. Often, the person is unaware that he or she did not make sense. It appears in people with dementia and schizophrenia, as well as after anoxic brain injury.
Okay....If that was unintelligible to you, well that's on you....I have nothing to say about it being so.
Okay....If that was unintelligible to you, well that's on you....I have nothing to say about it being so.

It's probably just as well that you don't. If you did, it would probably just be more word salad, as incoherent and incomprehensible as your previous posts.
Trump knows nothing about insurance, he thought his workers were on the ACA. He is so clueless , I mean this POS has never cared about anyone or anything but himself.
He may not be the traditional idea of a president but he runs businesses that have brought in millions of dollars. Businesses create jobs so if before he ran for president we had not heard of any problems in the enterprise that the President formerly ran how can people say that he is clueless or selfish? His policies may not reflect the Democratic agenda but that does not make him evil.
Trump knows nothing about insurance, he thought his workers were on the ACA. He is so clueless , I mean this POS has never cared about anyone or anything but himself.
He may not be the traditional idea of a president but he runs businesses that have brought in millions of dollars. Businesses create jobs so if before he ran for president we had not heard of any problems in the enterprise that the President formerly ran how can people say that he is clueless or selfish? His policies may not reflect the Democratic agenda but that does not make him evil.

You need to read his history. I'm a bit older than you, well a lot. Its good you are interested in politics at your age, I wasn't at that age.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?

We aim to reduce human suffering and death, which is why we oppose destructive left wrong-wing policies.

That may well be your reason. I don't for a minute believe that is the conservative members' of Congress, Trump's reason, and the reason of thousands, maybe millions, of other conservatives. I truly think they oppose all sorts of things merely because their political opponents support them. To wit, consider Trump's steadfast refusal to get fully informed about healthcare, foreign policy, and other stuff that, because he's POTUS, he needs to fully understand. Rather, the man is concerned only with understanding how the winds of popular opinion blow. That's not sage leadership. It's not rationally considering a proposal on its balance of merits and demerits. That's pandering and/or following, depending on how one behaves and remarks about the matter involved.

It's Trump's fault that Obamacare is still in place?

Its Trump's fault that Dem's passed Obamacare without reading it and now its a giant mess?

Since the GOP did all they could to make it fail since inception, its still going. Its time for the insurers to get back in the marketplace.

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