Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death?

Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?

We aim to reduce human suffering and death, which is why we oppose destructive left wrong-wing policies.

That may well be your reason. I don't for a minute believe that is the conservative members' of Congress, Trump's reason, and the reason of thousands, maybe millions, of other conservatives. I truly think they oppose all sorts of things merely because their political opponents support them. To wit, consider Trump's steadfast refusal to get fully informed about healthcare, foreign policy, and other stuff that, because he's POTUS, he needs to fully understand. Rather, the man is concerned only with understanding how the winds of popular opinion blow. That's not sage leadership. It's not rationally considering a proposal on its balance of merits and demerits. That's pandering and/or following, depending on how one behaves and remarks about the matter involved.
And you wonder why fewet and fewer Americans are taking your side seriously, or supporting your agenda. You put forth absurd policies, ostensibly based on good intentions, but which any rational person can clearly see will fail to produce the claimed benefits, and which will have net harmful consequences. And you are certain that those who oppose these destructive policies must do so out of sinister motives, rather than to prevent or mitigate the harm that your policies would cause.
Trump knows nothing about insurance, he thought his workers were on the ACA. He is so clueless , I mean this POS has never cared about anyone or anything but himself.
Conservatives fear the first amendment. You know , everyone being equal.
Penelope fears the 2nd amendment because when people are FREE to defend themselves, people like her, cant steal from those who are armed.

First of all I do not steal, and second of all, a person with a gun has the power of death in his trigger finger and many of you are unstable but we do not know it till they shoot someone.
did you vote for the first bi-racial, Homosexual, Muslim loving, community agitator, or not? If you did, then you did steal. Dumbass.
What is T going to do, defund Medicaid and subsidies and give tax cuts to the elites. Simple, that is his plan.

Yes people will get sicker and sicker, but then the elites only need slave laborers.

Just like in the old days, it was Southern White Democrats who needed slave laborers, and today it is still Democrats who need slaves to continue to be provided for, so those slaves will continue to vote for them. Right Pe?
Conservatives fear the first amendment. You know , everyone being equal.
Penelope fears the 2nd amendment because when people are FREE to defend themselves, people like her, cant steal from those who are armed.

First of all I do not steal, and second of all, a person with a gun has the power of death in his trigger finger and many of you are unstable but we do not know it till they shoot someone.
/----/ You Libs need to give up your cars so you won't commit vehicular homicide
What is T going to do, defund Medicaid and subsidies and give tax cuts to the elites. Simple, that is his plan.

Yes people will get sicker and sicker, but then the elites only need slave laborers.
/----/ Strawman argument
Conservatives fear the first amendment. You know , everyone being equal.
Penelope fears the 2nd amendment because when people are FREE to defend themselves, people like her, cant steal from those who are armed.

First of all I do not steal, and second of all, a person with a gun has the power of death in his trigger finger and many of you are unstable but we do not know it till they shoot someone.
/----/ You Libs need to give up your cars so you won't commit vehicular homicide

Especially the Asian libtards. We KNOW those fuckers live to kill a honky.
Trump knows nothing about insurance, he thought his workers were on the ACA. He is so clueless , I mean this POS has never cared about anyone or anything but himself.
/----/ As little as Trump knows about insurance, Obozo knew even less.
What is T going to do, defund Medicaid and subsidies and give tax cuts to the elites. Simple, that is his plan.

Yes people will get sicker and sicker, but then the elites only need slave laborers.
you watch a lot of "reality tv" drama don't you?
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?

We aim to reduce human suffering and death, which is why we oppose destructive left wrong-wing policies.

That may well be your reason. I don't for a minute believe that is the conservative members' of Congress, Trump's reason, and the reason of thousands, maybe millions, of other conservatives. I truly think they oppose all sorts of things merely because their political opponents support them. To wit, consider Trump's steadfast refusal to get fully informed about healthcare, foreign policy, and other stuff that, because he's POTUS, he needs to fully understand. Rather, the man is concerned only with understanding how the winds of popular opinion blow. That's not sage leadership. It's not rationally considering a proposal on its balance of merits and demerits. That's pandering and/or following, depending on how one behaves and remarks about the matter involved.
And you wonder why fewet and fewer Americans are taking your side seriously, or supporting your agenda. You put forth absurd policies, ostensibly based on good intentions, but which any rational person can clearly see will fail to produce the claimed benefits, and which will have net harmful consequences. And you are certain that those who oppose these destructive policies must do so out of sinister motives, rather than to prevent or mitigate the harm that your policies would cause.
you are certain that those who oppose these destructive policies must do so out of sinister motives

Well, of course I am. What do you expect me to do? Concur with or refute a position on the basis of one or several complete strangers' holding and/or espousing it? Not in this lifetime will I.

Take for example the discussion one encounters here. How often do you see present cogent, sound and well developed cases for their views? And here is a venue wherein written communication is the sole means of expression. If there's any venue wherein one can take the time to comprehensively express one or several ideas, it's here, not in a verbal conversation.

Look at the remarks made my myriad elected officials. How often do you see them (their staff) presenting a position paper containing a dialectical argument for their position and posting it on their website? There may be some who have/do, but none of the one's I've checked have. They, like many USMB members, merely state their conclusion as though it's an edit to which we should/must adhere.

Well, for me, that's BS. I will not be swayed by mere proclamations or the weight of numbers. So, if one is going to bother chiming in on a debatable matter, and one isn't going to also bother to carefully argue for one's position, then, yes, I'm going to presume that their motivations are other than sage and honorable. From where I stand, if a matter is worth opining upon, it's also worth presenting a strong and sound case for one's opinion, and when the matter doesn't warrant one's doing so, one should keep mum, which, BTW, is among the easiest things in the world to do.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?
I don't expect anyone to pay for my shit, and I don't want to pay for anyone else's shit...
it does not take a village, fuck the village. We are not all in this together, getting along is way overrated.
Conservatives fear the first amendment. You know , everyone being equal.
Penelope fears the 2nd amendment because when people are FREE to defend themselves, people like her, cant steal from those who are armed.

First of all I do not steal, and second of all, a person with a gun has the power of death in his trigger finger and many of you are unstable but we do not know it till they shoot someone.
Shit for brains... people kill people, firearms do not. Lol
Trump knows nothing about insurance, he thought his workers were on the ACA. He is so clueless , I mean this POS has never cared about anyone or anything but himself.
Who gives a shit? What some milk and cookies?
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?
No more immoral then people like you that support this: nearly 60 million abortions since 1973. You ok with that?
Screen Shot 2017-07-19 at 7.59.41 AM.png
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?
I am glad someone else started this topic. It is an ongoing issue, and the right wing is too used to me, "gadflying" about.

Only the right wing believes in any Thing that promotes the general warfare or the common offense.

No amount of logic and reason has yet convinced the right wing, that the term, promote, is Only used in specific regard to the general welfare and not the common defense.

The right wing believes in promoting the common defense, not the general welfare.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?
I am glad someone else started this topic. It is an ongoing issue, and the right wing is too used to me, "gadflying" about.

Only the right wing believes in any Thing that promotes the general warfare or the common offense.

No amount of logic and reason has yet convinced the right wing, that the term, promote, is Only used in specific regard to the general welfare and not the common defense.

The right wing believes in promoting the common defense, not the general welfare.
/----/ meanwhile the Liberals want to turn America into a communist slave state.

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