Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Frankly kid, you don't care. Not one bit. These girls are Christians, and as I can tell, far left types like you hate Christians. Why are these girls worth the effort? They aren't. They exist only for you to exploit for political reasons. If you truly cared, you wouldn't be trying to bait people into responses by saying they don't care. I care, but not because I care for Obama. I value the sanctity of life and freedom, not the political reputation of the man I foolishly voted for.

You? You're genuinely pathetic.

All you care about is your hatred for Obama so cram it again you racist bastard.
I'm old and out of shape. Make no mistake if I were younger and had a chance to do things differently I would gladly sign up for this.

Ya see that's the difference between you & I. You just can't fathom that someone would risk their life for a stranger while I realize that America is full of heros. Just because I am not one of them doesn't mean I can't publicly support or talk of such actions.

You are nothing more than a troll. I have offered THE ONLY REAL SOLUTION to this issue and rather than comment on it you get personal. That makes you a troll and a loser.

Fuck off

Every cons says wants to fight "if only things were different" :lol:

Yeah like if you had balls, or was as tough as you type to be, or if you werent a pussy

Like I said you get personal. Not surprising considering you're just an empty shell. You can't dispute the validity of my solution so you get personal. Course if we do send in a few operatives to free the girls you will pretend we never had this conversation.

I know and you cant tell me why informing the public is bad but when it says #Benghazi then its suddenly good.
SOP for the GOP. Denigrate anything Obama. God forbid Faux would ever champion the idea that Congress should authorize the president taking some type of action to help those poor families.

This has nothing to do with the thread. Moreover, since when do hashtags free hostages? Hmm? Think about this for a moment, Obama has two black daughters, Sasha and Malia. If they were abducted or taken hostage by a lunatic, he would do everything in his power to get them freed, he wouldn't sit there and take to twitter saying #FreeSashaAndMalia. He would use the full force of American military power and jurisprudence to make sure they were freed!

But nevermind these Nigerian girls. They're not worth more than a simple twitter campaign. Heaven forbid we actually call forth an effort to rescue these girls beyond sending search teams and talking these terrorists to death 140 characters at a time.

You liberals make me sick. Obama makes me sick. He has two daughters there in the White House, of whom those poor Nigerian school girls should remind him of how precious they are to him. He should also know just how precious those school girls are to their families. This should be a moment where he as not just a president, but as a father, acts as their savior. Michelle Obama shouldn't have to be doing a photo-op holding up a damned sign saying #FreeOurGirls, he should be speaking out, ordering a rescue operation... something other than this halfhearted routine he calls foreign policy. His two daughters should be reminding him of what he should be fighting for!

You have a lot of gall telling us we don't care about these girls. I personally care for any child who gets abducted, killed, or abused. These girls don't deserve to be the subject of a political debate, such as the OP originally tried to make it out as. It is frankly insulting, friends, when instead of caring about the fate of these young girls, liberals in this thread sit here and make political sport out of it. How dare you? How dare you claim to care? All you can do is say "oh you don't care about these girls because you hate Obama and watch Faux(Fox) News."

Seriously? You liberals make my blood boil. Everyone on both sides of the aisle should care. What if those were your children being held hostage by Boko Haram? Have some freaking decency, dammit.

Right it's thread about the latest attempt by the Echo_Chambermaid to Bash the First Family in any way possible. A most despicable aspect of the rabid right.

Yeah, cuz you rabid Communists would never do that. Seriously, time to hop off your high horse. You know you'll be blaming DA BOOOOSH for this any minute now. ;)
Every cons says wants to fight "if only things were different" :lol:

Yeah like if you had balls, or was as tough as you type to be, or if you werent a pussy

Like I said you get personal. Not surprising considering you're just an empty shell. You can't dispute the validity of my solution so you get personal. Course if we do send in a few operatives to free the girls you will pretend we never had this conversation.

I know and you cant tell me why informing the public is bad but when it says #Benghazi then its suddenly good.

It's bad because it takes attention and energy away from solutions that might actually do something.
Every cons says wants to fight "if only things were different" :lol:

Yeah like if you had balls, or was as tough as you type to be, or if you werent a pussy

Like I said you get personal. Not surprising considering you're just an empty shell. You can't dispute the validity of my solution so you get personal. Course if we do send in a few operatives to free the girls you will pretend we never had this conversation.

I know and you cant tell me why informing the public is bad but when it says #Benghazi then its suddenly good.

I never said it was bad dumbass. I said it was pointless.
Like I said you get personal. Not surprising considering you're just an empty shell. You can't dispute the validity of my solution so you get personal. Course if we do send in a few operatives to free the girls you will pretend we never had this conversation.

I know and you cant tell me why informing the public is bad but when it says #Benghazi then its suddenly good.

I never said it was bad dumbass. I said it was pointless.

And #Benghazi is effective. Got it
Has Obama expressed an opinion on it? Don't think so.

Obama doesnt need Congressional authorization to send troops. Why isnt he doing it? Doesnt he care about those girls??

If he did propose some kind of action the Chambermaids would be told to oppose it and we'd be talking about the ridiculous posts condemning his plans to help. A show of support would be a nice gesture. Impossible in the USA today of course. How do you know there isn't something in the work to help them?

It is just amazing. You know things you couldn't possibly know, like the future. And are totally ignorant of things everyone else knows about.
Why isn't Obama sending troops to Nigeria to help? Why isnt there a campagin to send troops to fight Boko Haram? What is the Left afraid of?

The GOP's playbook on the Obama's has been published so predicting future behavior is easy.
Frankly kid, you don't care. Not one bit. These girls are Christians, and as I can tell, far left types like you hate Christians. Why are these girls worth the effort? They aren't. They exist only for you to exploit for political reasons. If you truly cared, you wouldn't be trying to bait people into responses by saying they don't care. I care, but not because I care for Obama. I value the sanctity of life and freedom, not the political reputation of the man I foolishly voted for.

You? You're genuinely pathetic.

Digging up the girls' religion? Really? And then in the same breath talking about exploiting them for political reasons? Think about it.

Uhh, its a widely known fact they are Christian, Pogo. And Far Left Liberals like kidrocks and BlindBoo have made it clearly evident that they don't care too much for Christians.

However, I'm even more surprised to see you here in this thread participating in this circus. Before you lecture me, think about what you're doing first. You thanked Boo's post which suggested that people in our party would block an effort to rescue these girls. He uses terms like "chambermaids" to describe them. Do you really believe that we don't care about the plight of others?

What is more of a mockery? Turning a life or death situation into a political bludgeon? Or mentioning the religious affiliation of the hostages? You tell me.
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We are not prepared to do anything about Boko Haram. Even if 100 Americans die in a successful rescue it won't end the kidnappings or killings. What needs to be done is an extermination. No one is behind American genocide of an entire muslim sect no matter how violent. Victory has been removed from the American lexicon. It's fight until the opposition gets bored and they never get bored. We get bored and then go home. Why bother rescuing these girls? There will be another 300 in a few days.
Frankly kid, you don't care. Not one bit. These girls are Christians, and as I can tell, far left types like you hate Christians. Why are these girls worth the effort? They aren't. They exist only for you to exploit for political reasons. If you truly cared, you wouldn't be trying to bait people into responses by saying they don't care. I care, but not because I care for Obama. I value the sanctity of life and freedom, not the political reputation of the man I foolishly voted for.

You? You're genuinely pathetic.

All you care about is your hatred for Obama so cram it again you racist bastard.

Really now? All you can do is play the race card. Can it.

This has nothing to do with the thread. Moreover, since when do hashtags free hostages? Hmm? Think about this for a moment, Obama has two black daughters, Sasha and Malia. If they were abducted or taken hostage by a lunatic, he would do everything in his power to get them freed, he wouldn't sit there and take to twitter saying #FreeSashaAndMalia. He would use the full force of American military power and jurisprudence to make sure they were freed!

But nevermind these Nigerian girls. They're not worth more than a simple twitter campaign. Heaven forbid we actually call forth an effort to rescue these girls beyond sending search teams and talking these terrorists to death 140 characters at a time.

You liberals make me sick. Obama makes me sick. He has two daughters there in the White House, of whom those poor Nigerian school girls should remind him of how precious they are to him. He should also know just how precious those school girls are to their families. This should be a moment where he as not just a president, but as a father, acts as their savior. Michelle Obama shouldn't have to be doing a photo-op holding up a damned sign saying #FreeOurGirls, he should be speaking out, ordering a rescue operation... something other than this halfhearted routine he calls foreign policy. His two daughters should be reminding him of what he should be fighting for!

You have a lot of gall telling us we don't care about these girls. I personally care for any child who gets abducted, killed, or abused. These girls don't deserve to be the subject of a political debate, such as the OP originally tried to make it out as. It is frankly insulting, friends, when instead of caring about the fate of these young girls, liberals in this thread sit here and make political sport out of it. How dare you? How dare you claim to care? All you can do is say "oh you don't care about these girls because you hate Obama and watch Faux(Fox) News."

Seriously? You liberals make my blood boil. Everyone on both sides of the aisle should care. What if those were your children being held hostage by Boko Haram? Have some freaking decency, dammit.

Right it's thread about the latest attempt by the Echo_Chambermaid to Bash the First Family in any way possible. A most despicable aspect of the rabid right.

Yeah, cuz you rabid Communists would never do that. Seriously, time to hop off your high horse. You know you'll be blaming DA BOOOOSH for this any minute now. ;)

So, how's that developing conspiracy theory of yours with the Nigerian oil going?
And #Benghazi is effective. Got it

One is for political gain & money. The other is for feelings and self worth. Are you so stupid you don't see the difference?

So hashtags are good only if its republicans that do it. Got it.

I never said that liar. I merely pointed out the difference. I don't tweet and have never been on twitter. I consider it a waste of energy. But please continue ignoring what I say if it helps you further your ridiculous argument

To Boko Haram


:lol: Holy Shite, this thread is pretty entertaining. Crackin me up.
SOP for the GOP. Denigrate anything Obama. God forbid Faux would ever champion the idea that Congress should authorize the president taking some type of action to help those poor families.

This has nothing to do with the thread. Moreover, since when do hashtags free hostages? Hmm? Think about this for a moment, Obama has two black daughters, Sasha and Malia. If they were abducted or taken hostage by a lunatic, he would do everything in his power to get them freed, he wouldn't sit there and take to twitter saying #FreeSashaAndMalia. He would use the full force of American military power and jurisprudence to make sure they were freed!

But nevermind these Nigerian girls. They're not worth more than a simple twitter campaign. Heaven forbid we actually call forth an effort to rescue these girls beyond sending search teams and talking these terrorists to death 140 characters at a time.

You liberals make me sick. Obama makes me sick. He has two daughters there in the White House, of whom those poor Nigerian school girls should remind him of how precious they are to him. He should also know just how precious those school girls are to their families. This should be a moment where he as not just a president, but as a father, acts as their savior. Michelle Obama shouldn't have to be doing a photo-op holding up a damned sign saying #FreeOurGirls, he should be speaking out, ordering a rescue operation... something other than this halfhearted routine he calls foreign policy. His two daughters should be reminding him of what he should be fighting for!

You have a lot of gall telling us we don't care about these girls. I personally care for any child who gets abducted, killed, or abused. These girls don't deserve to be the subject of a political debate, such as the OP originally tried to make it out as. It is frankly insulting, friends, when instead of caring about the fate of these young girls, liberals in this thread sit here and make political sport out of it. How dare you? How dare you claim to care? All you can do is say "oh you don't care about these girls because you hate Obama and watch Faux(Fox) News."

Seriously? You liberals make my blood boil. Everyone on both sides of the aisle should care. What if those were your children being held hostage by Boko Haram? Have some freaking decency, dammit.

Right it's thread about the latest attempt by the Echo_Chambermaid to Bash the First Family in any way possible. A most despicable aspect of the rabid right.

Lool. You're kidding me with this. How dishonest are you people? Not everything we do is because we hate Obama. That's frankly all you've got left. Obama is cornered on foreign policy as it is. This only makes matters worse. His healthcare plan blew up in his face. He has members of his own staff doctoring talking points regarding the death of four Americans. But all you can do is say "you hate Obama."

Please, try some different material.

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