Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag


We are NOT suggesting that they take the President's wife hostage.

Who the fuck died and left you boss. Go back to your Dugeons and Dragons.

I don't agree with you on the hostage part, but that ^^^^ made me Lolz.
I wonder who bankrolls his online game playing?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Doncha all get it?

That cardboard sword [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] waves around is what's really effective.
Frankly kid, you don't care. Not one bit. These girls are Christians, and as I can tell, far left types like you hate Christians. Why are these girls worth the effort? They aren't. They exist only for you to exploit for political reasons. If you truly cared, you wouldn't be trying to bait people into responses by saying they don't care. I care, but not because I care for Obama. I value the sanctity of life and freedom, not the political reputation of the man I foolishly voted for.

You? You're genuinely pathetic.

Sadly, you do make a valid point. Lefty wingnuts do have a weird obsession with hating Christians. I think once they realize these girls are Christians who were kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam, their Twitter rants will quickly fade away. And that includes the idiot First Lady.

Libs: Oh, OK never mind, we know the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Looks like there's 200 more bumps in the road

Yeah, Lefty nutters usually express an irrational loony hatred for Christians. So i just think they're too dumb to realize that it's Muslim Terrorists kidnapping Christian children and forcing them to convert to Islam. Once they realize that, their sympathies will change. They'll begin sympathizing more with the Terrorists. They can't help themselves. Their CDS (Christian Derangement Syndrome) will take over. Stay tuned.

To Boko Haram



We are NOT suggesting that they take the President's wife hostage.

Who the fuck died and left you boss. Go back to your Dugeons and Dragons.

Gats did when he gave me the Clubhouse.

But seriously. Folks such as yourself are why these liberals have so much ammo against us in elections. You seriously don't know how much damage you do to our party with such remarks.
That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

Whoa wait a minute. Are you saying hashtags dont free hostages?

Even if its just a way to feel good while bringing attention to the issue why is that a bad thing again?

If it is such a good thing why do people feel guilty when Fox points out how stupid it is?

How does one invalidate the other?
This thread has officially convinced me that I have been giving the whacky left way too much credit for intelligence.
They just don't get it at Fox News... do they?

Conservatives mock 'Bring Back Our Girls' hashtag | MSNBC

Fox News contributors on Sunday scoffed at the “Bring Back Our Girls” hashtag recently created in support of finding the nearly 300 missing schoolgirls in Nigeria.

The international community has taken to Twitter using #BringBackOurGirls to encourage the release of the teenage girls. Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants, attacked a school in Chibok nearly one month ago and kidnapped 276 individuals. Since, they took eight additional girls and threatened to “sell” them all on the market.

“I do not know how adults stand there facing a camera and say, ‘Bring Back Our Girls.’ Are these barbarians in the wilds of Nigeria supposed to check their Twitter accounts and say, ‘Uh-oh Michelle Obama is very cross with us, we better change our behavior?’” Will said on Fox News Sunday.

Fox News doesn't get it? Why don't you cry about the fact that MSNBC doesn't get it?

These scumbags have been out there for years, do you think they are going to surrender just because Michelle Obama sent out a Tweet? Did all that hastagging make a difference in 2012 with Kony? Or is all this hashtag activism just something to make useless assholes feel better about themselves?

The perils of 'hashtag activism' | MSNBC

If you want to convince me you care about those girls feel free to go to Nigeria and get in the face of the idiots that are kidnapping those girls and demand their return. If you want to remain a pathetic fuckwad keep whining about the fact that Fox thinks people like you are pathetic fuckwads.

This was never about Michelle Obama sending out a tweet or hashtags, this is about the "bring back our girls" campaign. About the Nigerian girls abducted.

You conservative shitheads are the ones bitching and moaning about imagined 'tweets' and hashtags.
Who the fuck died and left you boss. Go back to your Dugeons and Dragons.

I don't agree with you on the hostage part, but that ^^^^ made me Lolz.
I wonder who bankrolls his online game playing?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

It was a joke to lighten up the thread and piss off kidrocks, then TK comes in and acts like he speaks for all on the right. Douchenozzle

The joke was tasteless. I don't care if you are a conservative. Making jokes about taking a man's wife hostage is classless. Sure, give these liberals the ammunition they need to accuse us of hating women and being racist. That will work just fine come election day.
They just don't get it at Fox News... do they?

Conservatives mock 'Bring Back Our Girls' hashtag | MSNBC

Fox News doesn't get it? Why don't you cry about the fact that MSNBC doesn't get it?

These scumbags have been out there for years, do you think they are going to surrender just because Michelle Obama sent out a Tweet? Did all that hastagging make a difference in 2012 with Kony? Or is all this hashtag activism just something to make useless assholes feel better about themselves?

The perils of 'hashtag activism' | MSNBC

If you want to convince me you care about those girls feel free to go to Nigeria and get in the face of the idiots that are kidnapping those girls and demand their return. If you want to remain a pathetic fuckwad keep whining about the fact that Fox thinks people like you are pathetic fuckwads.

This was never about Michelle Obama sending out a tweet or hashtags, this is about the "bring back our girls" campaign. About the Nigerian girls abducted.

You conservative shitheads are the ones bitching and moaning about imagined 'tweets' and hashtags.

Yeah, let me know when pacifism saves lives. Okay?
I'm not going to waste my time reading 16 pages of this thread, but I will say: you all really expected Fox News/conservatives to understand the way the internet works? For shame.
I don't agree with you on the hostage part, but that ^^^^ made me Lolz.
I wonder who bankrolls his online game playing?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

It was a joke to lighten up the thread and piss off kidrocks, then TK comes in and acts like he speaks for all on the right. Douchenozzle

The joke was tasteless. I don't care if you are a conservative. Making jokes about taking a man's wife hostage is classless. Sure, give these liberals the ammunition they need to accuse us of hating women and being racist. That will work just fine come election day.

Oh they're gonna accuse you of that anyway. It's just a game. If you don't convert and become a Communist Democrat, you will be accused of those things. That's just the way it is. You need to accept that. It's not gonna change.
Frankly kid, you don't care. Not one bit. These girls are Christians, and as I can tell, far left types like you hate Christians. Why are these girls worth the effort? They aren't. They exist only for you to exploit for political reasons. If you truly cared, you wouldn't be trying to bait people into responses by saying they don't care. I care, but not because I care for Obama. I value the sanctity of life and freedom, not the political reputation of the man I foolishly voted for.

You? You're genuinely pathetic.

Digging up the girls' religion? Really? And then in the same breath talking about exploiting them for political reasons? Think about it.

You didn't know? You thought they were all the daughters of the super wealthy?
They just don't get it at Fox News... do they?

Conservatives mock 'Bring Back Our Girls' hashtag | MSNBC

Fox News doesn't get it? Why don't you cry about the fact that MSNBC doesn't get it?

These scumbags have been out there for years, do you think they are going to surrender just because Michelle Obama sent out a Tweet? Did all that hastagging make a difference in 2012 with Kony? Or is all this hashtag activism just something to make useless assholes feel better about themselves?

The perils of 'hashtag activism' | MSNBC

If you want to convince me you care about those girls feel free to go to Nigeria and get in the face of the idiots that are kidnapping those girls and demand their return. If you want to remain a pathetic fuckwad keep whining about the fact that Fox thinks people like you are pathetic fuckwads.

This was never about Michelle Obama sending out a tweet or hashtags, this is about the "bring back our girls" campaign. About the Nigerian girls abducted.

You conservative shitheads are the ones bitching and moaning about imagined 'tweets' and hashtags.

Pragmatism is a thing you will never grasp, you are locked in the mindset of a 12 year old kid.

The truth is that it wouldn't take much to solve this issue.

The REAL problem is keeping it from happening again.

The truth is this, there is no talking to these people, they understand only force.
What YOU will never understand is that they do NOT think like you.

They don't value your life.
They don't value their OWN lives......
and they don't value ANY life.

It simply has no real "western" meaning to them.

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