Conservatives must claim the Georgia runoffs were stolen

Do you live in one of the states that Trump and his campaign have been disputing? If not, your vote wasn't stolen.
I disagree

in an honest election trump would have won the electoral collage which was the primary purpose of my vote
Do you live in one of the states that Trump and his campaign have been disputing? If not, your vote wasn't stolen.
I disagree

in an honest election trump would have won the electoral collage which was the primary purpose of my vote

It's long past time to abolish the Electoral College. One person. One vote. Then you can't say your vote was stolen...unless you feel that isn't the purpose of voting.
This what rump call WINNING
It's long past time to abolish the Electoral College. One person. One vote. Then you can't say your vote was stolen...unless you feel that isn't the purpose of voting.
You might be one of the slower libs to catch on.

but liberal hate for the EC will fade as they realize that the mail in ballot voter fraud insures democrat victory in ever important election
Democrats know how to steal elections now. They just come up with all the fraudulent votes they need in Democrat controlled voting districts where they do the counting. Easy peazy.

Meanwhile the rest of us just sit and let them get away with it. Not only does that include the citizens but it includes the legislatures and the courts.

We are letting the Socialist filth steal this country. They have done it other countries and now they are doing it here.

America is over with now. We are no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. We will soon be a pathetic soulless dismal Socialist shithole like most of the rest of the world.

America was good while it lasted.
Lol what a drama queen.
Most of the states are run by Repubtards, as are the elections

So go bitch at your own brethren.
I have many times

my guess is that the republican governor and sec of state have no elected future in georgia
Trumpism ended tonight--Tomorrow will be like a deflated balloon--He sabotaged his own party which will linger and is unforgivable. It is over. {Thank the lord.}-EOM
“It is what it is”
So silly and still don't get it.

Trump is not and never was a real republican which is why Trump supporters like him.

The dems and the republicans are swamp creatures in bed together, but the nitwitted Trump haters still don't understand that a swamp creature from either party is always working to take down the US and to put their super rich puppet masters in charge whether it be corrupt billionaires like Soros and bloomberg, or corporations like Microsoft and their foundations, or foreign governments like China. There are psychopaths out there motivated purely out of greed and power who are looking to wipe out all the assets of the working class/smaller companies hoping to make the oligarth class and the peon class.
Stolen post
TRUMP is a pathological liar, egotist, vindictive bastard, climate denier, conspiracy theorist to push his agendas and has no shred of decency in his body. He lost the election fair and square and his phone call to Georgia was appalling. His warped legal team and others have tried to manufacture voter fraud with no success. He railed against voting by mail and said that will cause problems but problems were not found that would overturn the election. He claims he was way ahead after voting in person was counted and then all of a sudden he was losing after the mail in ballots started to be counted. His ploy didn't work and of the eligible voters in the United States that voted in a turnout that was the biggest in a 120 years with Biden getting 81,283,998 for 51.3% and Trump getting 74,222,958 for 46.8%. Trump lost the popular vote by over 7 million and was destroyed. He has promised retribution to anybody that doesn't support his trying to overturn a fair election and it won't happen and he will be rembered as the worst president ever. He has successfully wrecked the Republican party and I have a feeling we will soon see a new third party.
I don't see many claims of flipping voting machines and other kinds of fraud in Georgia.
If conservatives claim Democrats stole the November elections but fail to cry fraud about yesterday's runoffs, they will confuse the hell out of people.
Think about it. Allegedly, Democrats have this superpower that allows them to switch voting machines , issue "vote dumps", shred ballots , come up with fake ballots in mystery suitcase, issue more votes than people, and all kinds of alleged fraud.

But now all of a sudden these powerful fraudsters decided to play fair and square in the elections that could give them control of both chambers of Congress?

Maybe conservatives will claim that a Democrats only steal every other election, for some reason.

I see some conservatives either congratulating Democrats or lamenting the results without claiming fraud.. Get with the program. Be consistent.
It started before the voting was over.

Or, we can title this movie as, "How To Snatch Defeat From The Jaws of Victory". How do we do that?..Answer..Donald John Trump. Once again, the Don becomes his own (and Republicans) worst nightmare. These races should have been slam dunks. All the momentum Republicans gained on November 3rd gone..and worse.

Between completely blowing the response to the pandemic (response to vaccine rollout) and his indifference to the economic carnage that continues, you would think he would have tried for a little damage control so he could have at least had the option of running again in 2024. Now? Republicans aren't going to give him the time of day.
That being said, if things hold, I'm glad that hag Loeffler is gone. :)
Both of the DOP incumbents are being prosecuted for insider trading. Criminals should not even be able to run.

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