Conservatives Rail "Insufficient Respect For Religion In America!"

Atheists can't stop babbling about religion. Strange

A liberated mind that can't stop thinking. About everything. Strange to those for whom thinking is a camping tent. To be taken out of storage once a year, dusted off for a few weeks, then put back for the rest of the year.

LOL You blabber much without really saying anything...must be that "liberated mind" BS
That’s bunk. In more places and instances than not, they get special accommodation and the benefit of the doubt. Because they talk of God, they’re assumed to be good. There’s a reluctance to besmirch them, an unwillingness to cross them.

“Spotlight” — a movie, chronicles the painstaking manner in which editors and writers at The Boston Globe documented a pattern of child sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests and the concealment of these crimes by Catholic leaders.

Respect is earned. You don't just get it because you think you're entitled to it. And if your religion makes a big deal about telling others how to be, you're not going to get ANY respect.
It's ironic but if all the church's transgressions against common people during the last 2000 years are considered all of them should already be in (their) hell.

They are. They have their reward already.

They worship an imaginary three for the price of one God, they pray to and eat a lifeless matzoh for spiritual life, they believe in things that never actually happened, have absolutely no inkling about what is actually taking place, await with deranged anticipation for things that will never occur, and for them reality itself is a daily torment like an eternal fire that will never go out..

And the irony of it is that the only reason that 2000 year old ancient god worship is still around is childhood brainwashing. An innocent child can be taught that anything is right.
It's ironic but if all the church's transgressions against common people during the last 2000 years are considered all of them should already be in (their) hell.

They are. They have their reward already.

They worship an imaginary three for the price of one God, they pray to and eat a lifeless matzoh for spiritual life, they believe in things that never actually happened, have absolutely no inkling about what is actually taking place, await with deranged anticipation for things that will never occur, and for them reality itself is a daily torment like an eternal fire that will never go out..

And the irony of it is that the only reason that 2000 year old ancient god worship is still around is childhood brainwashing. An innocent child can be taught that anything is right.

Agreed. its criminal if you ask me...and in the eyes of God, whether he exists or not, it would amount to murder.
Atheists can't stop babbling about religion. Strange

A liberated mind that can't stop thinking. About everything. Strange to those for whom thinking is a camping tent. To be taken out of storage once a year, dusted off for a few weeks, then put back for the rest of the year.

LOL You blabber much without really saying anything...must be that "liberated mind" BS

Yes liebschum, it does require thought. No need to worry yourself. Gilligan's Island is on you can go watch!
That’s bunk. In more places and instances than not, they get special accommodation and the benefit of the doubt. Because they talk of God, they’re assumed to be good. There’s a reluctance to besmirch them, an unwillingness to cross them.

“Spotlight” — a movie, chronicles the painstaking manner in which editors and writers at The Boston Globe documented a pattern of child sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests and the concealment of these crimes by Catholic leaders.
It may require some respect for Tradition.
That’s bunk. In more places and instances than not, they get special accommodation and the benefit of the doubt. Because they talk of God, they’re assumed to be good. There’s a reluctance to besmirch them, an unwillingness to cross them.

“Spotlight” — a movie, chronicles the painstaking manner in which editors and writers at The Boston Globe documented a pattern of child sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests and the concealment of these crimes by Catholic leaders.
It may require some respect for Tradition.

"Because we've always done it that way" is no reason for respect but it IS the reason religion continues to exist.

If one person were to suddenly say that although there is no evidence of it, there is a magical and invisible super being up in the sky who created all that we know, he would be hauled off in a straight jacket.

We've become accustomed to hearing that the bible (copied from other religion's holy books) is true because the bible says its true.
That’s bunk. In more places and instances than not, they get special accommodation and the benefit of the doubt. Because they talk of God, they’re assumed to be good. There’s a reluctance to besmirch them, an unwillingness to cross them.

“Spotlight” — a movie, chronicles the painstaking manner in which editors and writers at The Boston Globe documented a pattern of child sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests and the concealment of these crimes by Catholic leaders.
It may require some respect for Tradition.

"Because we've always done it that way" is no reason for respect but it IS the reason religion continues to exist.

If one person were to suddenly say that although there is no evidence of it, there is a magical and invisible super being up in the sky who created all that we know, he would be hauled off in a straight jacket.

We've become accustomed to hearing that the bible (copied from other religion's holy books) is true because the bible says its true.
I am using the term respect in a positive connotation.

Considering that its you RWNJs who say children should starve on the street and that priests should have access to more children and that rapists should have access to the women they raped and the resultant -

Its you vile, vicious, nasty, children haters who should be neutered.

You are one of the most foul and worthless people I've ever read on line but I would never want you to "shut up".

Like my oft-used kkk comparison, you add nothing to any discussion but I am totally committed to the principle of free speech. Besides, gotta love how you can't help buy make an ass of yourself with every single post.

Bet you're in favor of Drumpf's threat to "guarantee" that we all say "merry christmas".
Atheists can't stop babbling about religion. Strange

Right wingers keep babbling about religion. It would be nice if Christians actually went by what Christ taught.

Yep. I agree with what the OP said about. They spout that they're "good christians", like Drumpf did, but we can always count on them to behave the opposite way from what Jesus taught.

And then they'll tell they they know what "god" wants.

What is sad for me personally is that I used to trust "christians". Now I know the fake christians will lie, cheat and steal so I never turn my back on one and always keep hold of my wallet. Never ever trust someone who tells you they are a "good christian" like they do on this board.

Your problem is I really don't care what a Godless Liberal thinks. I'm just laughing at atheists that go on and on and on about religion. Run along now

We like to annoy folks who continue to worship ancient gods. People who believe they will meet a ghost floating on a cloud then fly off to live in bliss behind pearly gates while I burn in eternal hell fire can squat down and put a big juicy smooch on my East Tennessee, Big Orange, Volunteer Arse!!!
Atheists can't stop babbling about religion. Strange

Right wingers keep babbling about religion. It would be nice if Christians actually went by what Christ taught.

They don't turn the other cheek

They don't love their neighbors

They don't love their enemies

They don't pray for those who curse and despise them

They don't voluntarily throw in their cloak after they've been sued in court for their coat

If they tithe they decide whether it's their net or their gross to base it on...most pick net, many don't even pretend to do it

Matthew 19:
23"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, "a rich man shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 5:
48 "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect"
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