Conservatives should support Assad-right?

"Stay enslaved just a little while longer.
Because quick freedom is bad"

yes we just learned that in Iraq, Libya, Egypt Syria. It is the basic principle of Burke, Kirk and modern conservatism.

Modern conservatism says stay enslaved longer? You're a moron.

it says slow change like in China and England mostly works out better because it preserves what is working in a civilization and provides a foundation for moving forward. This was just confirmed in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt and previously by Burke and Kirk based upon their own studies of history..

"Stay enslaved just a little while longer.
Because quick freedom is bad"

yes we just learned that in Iraq, Libya, Egypt Syria. It is the basic principle of Burke, Kirk and modern conservatism.

Modern conservatism says stay enslaved longer? You're a moron.

it says slow change like in China and England mostly works out better because it preserves what is working in a civilization and provides a foundation for moving forward. This was just confirmed in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt and previously by Burke and Kirk based upon their own studies of history..

it says slow change like in China and England mostly works out better because it preserves what is working in a civilization

So Communism is working in China? Wow! You're even dumber than I first thought.
So Communism is working in China? Wow! .

actually China switched to Republican capitalism 40 years ago. Here are some books, after you read Burke and Kirk, to get you up to speed:
"Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics"

"How China Became Capitalist"

In his new book titled Markets over Mao: The rise of private businesses in China, Lardy argues that even though SOEs still enjoy monopoly positions in some key sectors in China, such as energy and telecommunications, their role in the overall economy has diminished significantly over the years. Here are some of the facts he presents to back his thesis: in 2011, China’s state-controlled firms only accounted for about a quarter of the country’s industrial output; and their share in exports has dropped to about 11% today; in 2012, state firms were only responsible for about one-tenth of fixed investment in manufacturing. And in terms of employment, SOEs employed about 13% of China’s labor force in 2011, a dramatic decline compared with the 60% figure recorded in 1999.
"Stay enslaved just a little while longer.
Because quick freedom is bad"

yes we just learned that in Iraq, Libya, Egypt Syria. It is the basic principle of Burke, Kirk and modern conservatism.

Modern conservatism says stay enslaved longer? You're a moron.

it says slow change like in China and England mostly works out better because it preserves what is working in a civilization and provides a foundation for moving forward. This was just confirmed in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt and previously by Burke and Kirk based upon their own studies of history..

it says slow change like in China and England mostly works out better because it preserves what is working in a civilization

What are they preserving in China that works?
That's the reason Xi Jinping forbids his party from playing golf; they are a Republican capitalist society. Are you for real??
So Communism is working in China? Wow! .

actually China switched to Republican capitalism 40 years ago. Here are some books, after you read Burke and Kirk, to get you up to speed:
"Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics"

"How China Became Capitalist"

In his new book titled Markets over Mao: The rise of private businesses in China, Lardy argues that even though SOEs still enjoy monopoly positions in some key sectors in China, such as energy and telecommunications, their role in the overall economy has diminished significantly over the years. Here are some of the facts he presents to back his thesis: in 2011, China’s state-controlled firms only accounted for about a quarter of the country’s industrial output; and their share in exports has dropped to about 11% today; in 2012, state firms were only responsible for about one-tenth of fixed investment in manufacturing. And in terms of employment, SOEs employed about 13% of China’s labor force in 2011, a dramatic decline compared with the 60% figure recorded in 1999.

What are they preserving in China that works?
much of the govt, social, cultural, educational, familial structures that are slowly changing to accommodate and support the new Western Republican capitalist ideas unlike Syria Iraq Libya Egypt France where everything was destroyed and the transition almost impossible.
That's the reason Xi Jinping forbids his party from playing golf; they are a Republican capitalist society. Are you for real??
I think the economy can still be mostly capitalist even if his party members cant play golf.

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