"Conservatives" take top spot on Most Admired Men in America

Haha WAPO calls Obama conservative.
For the record neither Trump nor Obama is a conservative.

Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019

Obama spent less than Trump, so he is relatively conservative compared to Comrade Donald.

Trolling again I see...
Obama is an elitist. His obvious belief system is where a very small number of elites controls everything. At the same time, he is also a corporatist.
Trump is neither. A basic opportunist and populist. He lacks convictions, and is someone who will shift their beliefs based on popular thought. And because of this he is difficult to predict, and THAT makes him very unpopular with the elitist and the establishment. On both sides.
Trump and Obama are almost complete opposites in every way on a personal level, and extremely different in policy as well with the exception of spending.
Billy Graham took top billing with 33% more votes than either Trump or Obama, both of whom finished outside the top 10. LOL
And Reagan barely edged out Jimmah for no.2, which I found a little surprising, but there's no denying Jimmah's goodness of spirit.

Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019

Haha WAPO calls Obama conservative.
For the record neither Trump nor Obama is a conservative.

Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019

Obama spent less than Trump, so he is relatively conservative compared to Comrade Donald.

Trolling again I see...
Obama is an elitist. His obvious belief system is where a very small number of elites controls everything. At the same time, he is also a corporatist.
Trump is neither. A basic opportunist and populist. He lacks convictions, and is someone who will shift their beliefs based on popular thought. And because of this he is difficult to predict, and THAT makes him very unpopular with the elitist and the establishment. On both sides.
Trump and Obama are almost complete opposites in every way on a personal level, and extremely different in policy as well with the exception of spending.

Well said

Haha WAPO calls Obama conservative.
For the record neither Trump nor Obama is a conservative.

Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019

Obama spent less than Trump, so he is relatively conservative compared to Comrade Donald.

Trolling again I see...
Obama is an elitist. His obvious belief system is where a very small number of elites controls everything. At the same time, he is also a corporatist.
Trump is neither. A basic opportunist and populist. He lacks convictions, and is someone who will shift their beliefs based on popular thought. And because of this he is difficult to predict, and THAT makes him very unpopular with the elitist and the establishment. On both sides.
Trump and Obama are almost complete opposites in every way on a personal level, and extremely different in policy as well with the exception of spending.

neither Obama nor the Oranguton is a conservative, was the point

Haha WAPO calls Obama conservative.
For the record neither Trump nor Obama is a conservative.

Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019

Obama spent less than Trump, so he is relatively conservative compared to Comrade Donald.

Trolling again I see...
Obama is an elitist. His obvious belief system is where a very small number of elites controls everything. At the same time, he is also a corporatist.
Trump is neither. A basic opportunist and populist. He lacks convictions, and is someone who will shift their beliefs based on popular thought. And because of this he is difficult to predict, and THAT makes him very unpopular with the elitist and the establishment. On both sides.
Trump and Obama are almost complete opposites in every way on a personal level, and extremely different in policy as well with the exception of spending.

Trump was very pro-choice, right up to the 9th month of pregnancy. Donor to left wing causes. Big donor to pro-abortion Democrats. Donor to the Clinton Foundation. Personal friend of the Clintons. Wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq. Wanted Bush impeached for lying about WMDs.

Trump is also a serial adulterer, which Obama is not. Trump lies 20 times a day. He is also a traitor.

Trump committed fraud against his investors and stole the retirement nest eggs from seniors at his fake university.

Give me an "elitist", whatever the fuck that is, over a piece of shit scumbag like Trump any day.

Haha WAPO calls Obama conservative.
For the record neither Trump nor Obama is a conservative.

Obama, Trump Tie as Most Admired Man in 2019

Obama spent less than Trump, so he is relatively conservative compared to Comrade Donald.

Trolling again I see...
Obama is an elitist. His obvious belief system is where a very small number of elites controls everything. At the same time, he is also a corporatist.
Trump is neither. A basic opportunist and populist. He lacks convictions, and is someone who will shift their beliefs based on popular thought. And because of this he is difficult to predict, and THAT makes him very unpopular with the elitist and the establishment. On both sides.
Trump and Obama are almost complete opposites in every way on a personal level, and extremely different in policy as well with the exception of spending.

Trump was very pro-choice, right up to the 9th month of pregnancy. Donor to left wing causes. Big donor to pro-abortion Democrats. Donor to the Clinton Foundation. Personal friend of the Clintons. Wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq. Wanted Bush impeached for lying about WMDs.

Trump is also a serial adulterer, which Obama is not. Trump lies 20 times a day. He is also a traitor.

Trump committed fraud against his investors and stole the retirement nest eggs from seniors at his fake university.

Give me an "elitist", whatever the fuck that is, over a piece of shit scumbag like Trump any day.

And yet... Trump shows no sign of causing as much harm as Obama. The negative effects of Obama's Presidency is unparalleled in modern times.
Almost every single major facet in America on virtually every aspect got worse under his reign. Culturally and socially, he was poison. Race relations, the political divisions among us etc. EXPLODED under Obama. And Jesus Christ the lying and deception of him was almost complete. Most to this day, especially his supporters, have no idea of any of it because he was very much protected by the media.
And again, the opposite of Trump.
Jimmy Carter said so himself that Trump's treatment by the press is the worst he seen in his lifetime, including Nixon. Obviously Jimmy Carter is no fan of Trump. And the even still expanding political divisions in this country, unlike Obama, Trump is not at fault. The left media and the left entertainment industry work tirelessly to pound Trump into the ground any chance they get.
I am not a fan of Trump. But he isn't half as bad as he is made out to be. And Obama is 100 times worse than the glorification the left continues to give him.
The blob is loved by his subjects. Anyone who hasn’t drank the kool-aid knows he’s shit
I’d take Trump over Obama any day. Trump is wildly unpredictable, but he doesn’t have Marxist tendencies
I’d take Trump over Obama any day. Trump is wildly unpredictable, but he doesn’t have Marxist tendencies

Obama deported more than Trump.

National healthcare isn't necessarily Marxist.

Not that Obamacare is National healthcare, it's actually linked with Capitalism, its actually a Republican plan first implemented by Republican Romney.

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