Conservatives, the fight is not over!

Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

A-GAIN.... I can make a website which states that Boss is for higher taxes on the wealthy... free college education for all... transgender equality... partial birth abortions out the wazoo... abolishing wall street... increasing entitlements... reparations for native americans and blacks... free sex therapy if you're lonely.... You think Liberals would believe me and accept my word on that?

Like I said... Two key conservative issues in two days the man has flipped on completely.... and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. He didn't cave due to intense negotiations or political pressure... just a liberal goob reporter confronting him... that's all she took.

This guy is a paper tiger... a wet toilet paper tiger at that.
Headlines claiming flip flop are hardly reliable, not everything you read is reality, but when you hold a grudge based on ideological ideals what would one expect?
I don't think this is a kick in the pants, I think it's a changing of the guard. The GOP electorate is old, and quite frankly dying off, being replaced by a shiny object crowd of regressives and isolationists who sew the seeds of fear at every turn. Blame the Right Wing media for a lot of this.
The GOP needs to rebuild from the ground up and take a hard line against the blithering idiot talking heads that damage the brand, and the whack jobs like Cruz, Santorum, King, Bachman, Palin, and the myriad other dumbasses that speak before they think, making headlines that make the GOP look like a bunch of unhinged escapees from an asylum. They also have to lay off the fake scandals and focus that time, money, and energy on real ideas instead of rehashing the same old disproven theories.
Harsh? Yeah, but that's what it's going to take to rebuild the brand.

I think trump is the definition of what you described being wrong with the gop
What "constitutional Conservative principles" is Trump not following? What are the constitutional conservative principles according to you?

According to What do you believe in? Trump aligns with almost everyone of them.

We really don't know what Trump believes. He changes positions like some people change underwear. It all depends on who is talking to and who he is trying to appeal to. For a guy who isn't a politician he sure has the talking out of both sides of his mouth thing down pat.

The day after securing the nomination, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, he admits that he will look at raising the minimum wage... just a couple months ago he stood on the debate stage and said wages were too high and he didn't favor a MW increase. Yesterday, in an interview on CNBC he was questioned about his tax cut proposal with the standard left-wing class warfare argument that the bulk of it goes to the top wage earners.. he now says he is "not a big fan" of this key part of his own tax plan. Then goes on to say that he thinks we should "tax the rich more" just as if he were a liberal class warfare democrat. So there's two things in two days and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. Seems every time a liberal asks him about something he has proposed, he backs down.

He has also said that he wants to replace Obamacare with "something better" and indicates this would include single payer and universal coverage. So I guess what he really wants to do is change the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare... and that makes it all better?

Just as I said with Romney and McCain... if the GOP is going to run a Liberal, the people are going to vote for the Democrat Liberal every time.
Imagine're gonna have to get Americans to work at your bistros.
What "constitutional Conservative principles" is Trump not following? What are the constitutional conservative principles according to you?

According to What do you believe in? Trump aligns with almost everyone of them.

Unless he doesn't. You never know where he stands on an issue from one day to the next.

He's policy-fluid.
He has stated where he stands, the issue is most seem to have the problem with is that he is willing to allow things to be placed into negotiations. His answers reflect the questions asked, in which 99 out of 100 times the question is based on statements that are taken out of context.
I think trump is the definition of what you described being wrong with the gop

The GOPe (establishment GOP) is what's wrong with Republicans. The old guard, the ones who said vote us back in and you'll see, we'll really do what you want. Then they didn't, they did what they wanted. Hey, how's that unfunded obamacare working out? How 'bout that budget? Yeah, Trump's rise is directly a result of being two-timed by the majority of the DC Rs. I get it.

Trump is a liberal in drag but his supporters don't seem to be paying attention to that part of him. They see him as an outsider and so, he's their go-to guy. Outsider? Big gov't and big business are in bed together; Trump has been in big business smoozing with big gov't his whole life. No clue how people see Trump as an outsider when he's half the equation.
I think trump is the definition of what you described being wrong with the gop

The GOPe (establishment GOP) is what's wrong with Republicans. The old guard, the ones who said vote us back in and you'll see, we'll really do what you want. Then they didn't, they did what they wanted. Hey, how's that unfunded obamacare working out? How 'bout that budget? Yeah, Trump's rise is directly a result of being two-timed by the majority of the DC Rs. I get it.

Trump is a liberal in drag but his supporters don't seem to be paying attention to that part of him. They see him as an outsider and so, he's their go-to guy. Outsider? Big gov't and big business are in bed together; Trump has been in big business smoozing with big gov't his whole life. No clue how people see Trump as an outsider when he's half the equation.
And you expected an outsider who needs insider contributions to run for president to run for president?
He has stated where he stands, the issue is most seem to have the problem with is that he is willing to allow things to be placed into negotiations. His answers reflect the questions asked, in which 99 out of 100 times the question is based on statements that are taken out of context.

He states where he stands? Bret Baier interviewed him the other night, asked him about defeating isis. In under a minute Trump changed his answer 6 or 7 times, going from they have many leaders to they have one head leader to cripes, I lost track of what the hell he was saying. So did he.

His track record is to the left, he only went full boar Republican about 5 years ago when he decided he wanted to run for potus. He's donated more to Ds than Rs from 1989-2011 ... then nearly exclusively to Rs only when he decided to run. Same with many of his positions ... abortion, gun bans, etc. He just changed his position on raising the min wage just the other day. I don't think he knows what his positions are, he just bellows. Seriously, it's like 2008 and obama all over again. His words of today may say "Hey, I'm with you guys, I'm conservative" (that just makes me shake my head), but his actions do not match his words. Actions speak louder than words.

Be careful what you vote for.
I think trump is the definition of what you described being wrong with the gop

The GOPe (establishment GOP) is what's wrong with Republicans. The old guard, the ones who said vote us back in and you'll see, we'll really do what you want. Then they didn't, they did what they wanted. Hey, how's that unfunded obamacare working out? How 'bout that budget? Yeah, Trump's rise is directly a result of being two-timed by the majority of the DC Rs. I get it.

Trump is a liberal in drag but his supporters don't seem to be paying attention to that part of him. They see him as an outsider and so, he's their go-to guy. Outsider? Big gov't and big business are in bed together; Trump has been in big business smoozing with big gov't his whole life. No clue how people see Trump as an outsider when he's half the equation.
And you expected an outsider who needs insider contributions to run for president to run for president?

I expect Trump isn't what he appears to be.
If the hildabitch wins, we'll most likely lose the senate also, making liberal judges a certainty. I'll take the chance that Trump will do what he said and appoint Scalia types to the court.

It all depends on who he is talking to... If he's being interviewed by Hannity, he's going to appoint justices like Scalia... if he's talking to Wolf Blitzer, he's going to appoint a 'centrist-moderate' ...and we really don't know what he's going to appoint until he does so.
Trump doesn't get to appoint anybody, he can nominate a Supreme Court Justice and then Congress can either confirm it or deny it. It is Congress who will hold the power of the next SCJ.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser.
Semantics my ass. Big difference between nominating someone and appointing someone. watafuknmoron

So John Roberts wasn't a Bush appointment? Or Sotomayor and Kagen aren't maobama appointments?

Just so you have a clue how the system works, an appointment is made after consent is given by the Senate. A judge isn't automatically seated after Senate consideration.

Read and learn dumbass.

Appointment and confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If the hildabitch wins, we'll most likely lose the senate also, making liberal judges a certainty. I'll take the chance that Trump will do what he said and appoint Scalia types to the court.

It all depends on who he is talking to... If he's being interviewed by Hannity, he's going to appoint justices like Scalia... if he's talking to Wolf Blitzer, he's going to appoint a 'centrist-moderate' ...and we really don't know what he's going to appoint until he does so.
Trump doesn't get to appoint anybody, he can nominate a Supreme Court Justice and then Congress can either confirm it or deny it. It is Congress who will hold the power of the next SCJ.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser.
Semantics my ass. Big difference between nominating someone and appointing someone. watafuknmoron

So John Roberts wasn't a Bush appointment? Or Sotomayor and Kagen aren't maobama appointments?

Just so you have a clue how the system works, an appointment is made after consent is given by the Senate. A judge isn't automatically seated after Senate consideration.

Read and learn dumbass.

Appointment and confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look at you now backing up exactly what I stated all the while calling me a dumbass. watafuknmoron.

So now you agree with me that what Boss stated was incorrect and your claim of semantics is nothing but your own idiocy. :clap2:
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He has stated where he stands, the issue is most seem to have the problem with is that he is willing to allow things to be placed into negotiations. His answers reflect the questions asked, in which 99 out of 100 times the question is based on statements that are taken out of context.

He states where he stands? Bret Baier interviewed him the other night, asked him about defeating isis. In under a minute Trump changed his answer 6 or 7 times, going from they have many leaders to they have one head leader to cripes, I lost track of what the hell he was saying. So did he.

His track record is to the left, he only went full boar Republican about 5 years ago when he decided he wanted to run for potus. He's donated more to Ds than Rs from 1989-2011 ... then nearly exclusively to Rs only when he decided to run. Same with many of his positions ... abortion, gun bans, etc. He just changed his position on raising the min wage just the other day. I don't think he knows what his positions are, he just bellows. Seriously, it's like 2008 and obama all over again. His words of today may say "Hey, I'm with you guys, I'm conservative" (that just makes me shake my head), but his actions do not match his words. Actions speak louder than words.

Be careful what you vote for.
Because the responses aren't cookie cut phrases? His track record is to the left because of donations? SMFH He's talked at how many CPAC conventions? Hint: quite a few. He even supported McCain in 2008. His positions have been pretty consistent.
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Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
If you haven't gotten the message yet that there are not nearly enough hard Right Conservatives anymore to support your bistros, then there's no discussion left to have.
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​
Boss is a Conservative.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

A-GAIN.... I can make a website which states that Boss is for higher taxes on the wealthy... free college education for all... transgender equality... partial birth abortions out the wazoo... abolishing wall street... increasing entitlements... reparations for native americans and blacks... free sex therapy if you're lonely.... You think Liberals would believe me and accept my word on that?

Like I said... Two key conservative issues in two days the man has flipped on completely.... and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. He didn't cave due to intense negotiations or political pressure... just a liberal goob reporter confronting him... that's all she took.

This guy is a paper tiger... a wet toilet paper tiger at that.
Headlines claiming flip flop are hardly reliable, not everything you read is reality, but when you hold a grudge based on ideological ideals what would one expect?

No headlines... I heard the words coming straight out of his fucking pie hole!
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​
Boss is a Conservative.
Fully aware, he simply needs to accept Cruz wasn't the choice the voters wanted, but he blames Trump for denying Cruz the nomination for which he wasn't eligible to hold office for anyway.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

A-GAIN.... I can make a website which states that Boss is for higher taxes on the wealthy... free college education for all... transgender equality... partial birth abortions out the wazoo... abolishing wall street... increasing entitlements... reparations for native americans and blacks... free sex therapy if you're lonely.... You think Liberals would believe me and accept my word on that?

Like I said... Two key conservative issues in two days the man has flipped on completely.... and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. He didn't cave due to intense negotiations or political pressure... just a liberal goob reporter confronting him... that's all she took.

This guy is a paper tiger... a wet toilet paper tiger at that.
Headlines claiming flip flop are hardly reliable, not everything you read is reality, but when you hold a grudge based on ideological ideals what would one expect?

No headlines... I heard the words coming straight out of his fucking pie hole!
You heard what you wanted to hear.

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