Conservatives, the fight is not over!

What's wrong with "looking at minimum wage"?

Because... Like Trump said in the debates... Increasing the MW KILLS JOBS! What in the fuck man? Have you suffered head trauma or something? It's boilerplate conservatism... we do not subscribe to the left-wing liberal lunacy of increasing the FEDERAL MW! OR... the left wing Socialist-Marxist CLASS WARFARE argument that we TAX THE RICH! We don't tax wealth in America.. we tax incomes and the top marginal income earners are MOSTLY small businesses. When did half our fucking party turn into liberal socialists?
Do you even know what the federal minimum wage is? It is less than almost every states own minimum wage is. Do you know employers must pay the higher of the 2.

Where is Trump taxing the rich? He is lowering their taxes as well as he stated. You don't seem to really know much about any of his positions or what he has proposed, you're too ideologically blind to reality.
Your posts are so funny sometimes... I wonder, have you ever tried stand-up? No, seriously... you should take that shit on the road! A Fascist would have nationalized GM, a Maoist would have executed the capitalists. RINOs and Liberals just fork over billions of taxpayer dollars on "too big to fail" only to watch it fail anyway.

Except GM didn't fail. It thrived. So your argument, as usual, is specious, Cleetus.

Wow, I wish you people would make up your minds what you think... One minute I'm reading how Cruz being defeated marks an end to the old white christian male dominance in the GOP... then it's white christian male resentment that nominated Trump. So I guess it was old white christian males vs. resentful white christian males? I guess we need to persecute white christian males along with the jews so we can get rid of all our problems, eh Joe?

Now you are babbling; I'd explain my point to you using smaller words, but I figure you still won't get it.

Oh, I am quite sure you will spin it that way. Fact remains, most conservatives are just going to stay home and not vote. Some will peel off and vote for Trump to keep Hillary out of office and some might consider Gary Johnson or a write-in candidate. That's the thing about most conservatives... they do their own thing... they don't march in lockstep like a bunch of sheep. They typically stand for this thing we call "principles" which, I know, is totally Greek to you.

So what you are admitting is that nothing you can really do at this point would actually be measurable. So we will see you guys talk about a third party that will do nowhere, and then most of you will get behind Trump, he'll STILL lose badly, and then you will go out and claim that he wasn't a "real conservative" and that's why he lost.

Point was, your movement couldn't put Cruz over the top with the full backing of the GOP establishment.
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

Very persuasive. But no one suggested voting for Hillary, and you do NOT get to ignore us telling you for months that we weren't going to vote for him, and then blame US for doing exactly what we said we were going to do, instead of what you assumed we'd knuckle under and do.

YOU nominated him, with this exact same "I will have my way, FUCK YOU!" attitude. YOU get him elected. And if you can't, then YOU are to blame for President Hillary, not the people you mistakenly assumed owed you something.

And good luck getting him elected with THAT attitude. "You have to vote for my candidate, OR ELSE, now do it!!!" always works so well. :clap:
What "constitutional Conservative principles" is Trump not following? What are the constitutional conservative principles according to you?

According to What do you believe in? Trump aligns with almost everyone of them.

We really don't know what Trump believes. He changes positions like some people change underwear. It all depends on who is talking to and who he is trying to appeal to. For a guy who isn't a politician he sure has the talking out of both sides of his mouth thing down pat.

The day after securing the nomination, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, he admits that he will look at raising the minimum wage... just a couple months ago he stood on the debate stage and said wages were too high and he didn't favor a MW increase. Yesterday, in an interview on CNBC he was questioned about his tax cut proposal with the standard left-wing class warfare argument that the bulk of it goes to the top wage earners.. he now says he is "not a big fan" of this key part of his own tax plan. Then goes on to say that he thinks we should "tax the rich more" just as if he were a liberal class warfare democrat. So there's two things in two days and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. Seems every time a liberal asks him about something he has proposed, he backs down.

He has also said that he wants to replace Obamacare with "something better" and indicates this would include single payer and universal coverage. So I guess what he really wants to do is change the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare... and that makes it all better?

Just as I said with Romney and McCain... if the GOP is going to run a Liberal, the people are going to vote for the Democrat Liberal every time.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

Riiiiiight. Fuck the fact that he stands up in his speeches and interviews and directly contradicts his own platform. We should just ignore everything he says and cling to the ONE time he said what we wanted to hear.

You go with that, Chuckles. I personally don't find that at all convincing.
Contradicts his own platform? LMFAO you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

I could care less what you find convincing.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

A-GAIN.... I can make a website which states that Boss is for higher taxes on the wealthy... free college education for all... transgender equality... partial birth abortions out the wazoo... abolishing wall street... increasing entitlements... reparations for native americans and blacks... free sex therapy if you're lonely.... You think Liberals would believe me and accept my word on that?

Like I said... Two key conservative issues in two days the man has flipped on completely.... and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. He didn't cave due to intense negotiations or political pressure... just a liberal goob reporter confronting him... that's all she took.

This guy is a paper tiger... a wet toilet paper tiger at that.
Headlines claiming flip flop are hardly reliable, not everything you read is reality, but when you hold a grudge based on ideological ideals what would one expect?

"Hold a grudge based on ideological ideals". Is that another way of saying, "Voting based on principle, instead of joining the bandwagon"?
What "constitutional Conservative principles" is Trump not following? What are the constitutional conservative principles according to you?

According to What do you believe in? Trump aligns with almost everyone of them.

We really don't know what Trump believes. He changes positions like some people change underwear. It all depends on who is talking to and who he is trying to appeal to. For a guy who isn't a politician he sure has the talking out of both sides of his mouth thing down pat.

The day after securing the nomination, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, he admits that he will look at raising the minimum wage... just a couple months ago he stood on the debate stage and said wages were too high and he didn't favor a MW increase. Yesterday, in an interview on CNBC he was questioned about his tax cut proposal with the standard left-wing class warfare argument that the bulk of it goes to the top wage earners.. he now says he is "not a big fan" of this key part of his own tax plan. Then goes on to say that he thinks we should "tax the rich more" just as if he were a liberal class warfare democrat. So there's two things in two days and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. Seems every time a liberal asks him about something he has proposed, he backs down.

He has also said that he wants to replace Obamacare with "something better" and indicates this would include single payer and universal coverage. So I guess what he really wants to do is change the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare... and that makes it all better?

Just as I said with Romney and McCain... if the GOP is going to run a Liberal, the people are going to vote for the Democrat Liberal every time.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

Riiiiiight. Fuck the fact that he stands up in his speeches and interviews and directly contradicts his own platform. We should just ignore everything he says and cling to the ONE time he said what we wanted to hear.

You go with that, Chuckles. I personally don't find that at all convincing.
Contradicts his own platform? LMFAO you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yade, yada, yada. SMFH

I could care less what you find convincing.

Good. You and your fellow "Fuck you, you're stupid, I don't care if you vote for Trump, so THERE!" cultists go right ahead and elect him with just your votes, then.

The more you shitstains talk, the more I want to NOT vote for him just so you'll lose. I hate Trump and Hillary equally, but in less than a week, you Trumpettes cockholsters have convinced me to hate YOU way more than I hate Clintonistas.
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!

They've got this completely backwards. They think WE should come begging to them to be ALLOWED to vote for Trump, rather than understanding that THEY need to ASK. They're going to continue stomping around in their little Trumpertantrum, demanding that the world accommodate them, and then try to blame other people for their failure.
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​

Look up "majority", Trumpette. Your command of English is even worse than your Orange Messiah's, and God knows, my first-grader is more articulate than that white-trash-with-money slob.
He didn't cave on anything, you simply fail to comprehend what was stated. Claiming I'm making excuses is hilarious. Ethanol subsidies are to help corn farmers, all brought about by Republicans. Even Cruz supported Ethanol. LMFAO

No, Cruz did not support ethanol subsidies. And it doesn't matter if he did... it's a wasteful government spending program that benefits crony corporatists and doesn't help energy one single bit... we'd be doing more for energy if we fucking burned the money!

From YOUR link:
although I oppose government subsidies, I am a passionate supporter of a free and fair energy marketplace.

my tax plan ends all energy subsidies and mandates. No Washington favoritism for oil and gas, for wind, for solar, or for anyone else. We should phase out the Renewable Fuel Standard, end all energy subsidies, and ensure a level playing field for everyone.

So stop LYING through your teeth about Ted Cruz!
What "constitutional Conservative principles" is Trump not following? What are the constitutional conservative principles according to you?

According to What do you believe in? Trump aligns with almost everyone of them.

We really don't know what Trump believes. He changes positions like some people change underwear. It all depends on who is talking to and who he is trying to appeal to. For a guy who isn't a politician he sure has the talking out of both sides of his mouth thing down pat.

The day after securing the nomination, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, he admits that he will look at raising the minimum wage... just a couple months ago he stood on the debate stage and said wages were too high and he didn't favor a MW increase. Yesterday, in an interview on CNBC he was questioned about his tax cut proposal with the standard left-wing class warfare argument that the bulk of it goes to the top wage earners.. he now says he is "not a big fan" of this key part of his own tax plan. Then goes on to say that he thinks we should "tax the rich more" just as if he were a liberal class warfare democrat. So there's two things in two days and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. Seems every time a liberal asks him about something he has proposed, he backs down.

He has also said that he wants to replace Obamacare with "something better" and indicates this would include single payer and universal coverage. So I guess what he really wants to do is change the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare... and that makes it all better?

Just as I said with Romney and McCain... if the GOP is going to run a Liberal, the people are going to vote for the Democrat Liberal every time.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

Riiiiiight. Fuck the fact that he stands up in his speeches and interviews and directly contradicts his own platform. We should just ignore everything he says and cling to the ONE time he said what we wanted to hear.

You go with that, Chuckles. I personally don't find that at all convincing.
Contradicts his own platform? LMFAO you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yade, yada, yada. SMFH

I could care less what you find convincing.

Good. You and your fellow "Fuck you, you're stupid, I don't care if you vote for Trump, so THERE!" cultists go right ahead and elect him with just your votes, then.

The more you shitstains talk, the more I want to NOT vote for him just so you'll lose. I hate Trump and Hillary equally, but in less than a week, you Trumpettes cockholsters have convinced me to hate YOU way more than I hate Clintonistas.
Shitstains? So the party means nothing to you, you would rather hold your ideological stupidity over the possibility of the Republicans atleast being able to pick the direction of the country over the next 8-20 years. SMFH
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​
Boss is a Conservative.

Trumpettes think their leader took out a patent on conservatism and somehow magically made everyone who isn't them "liberal".

It helps if you're an imbecile who doesn't grasp the meaning of words.
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​

Look up "majority", Trumpette. Your command of English is even worse than your Orange Messiah's, and God knows, my first-grader is more articulate than that white-trash-with-money slob.
LMFAO, so all you have now are inept claims of "majority" and Trump didn't have the majority vote. LMFAO Yet he had millions more votes than Cruz. But you Cruz whackers claim it was about the delegates, to which Trump had more than Cruz also. SMFH
We really don't know what Trump believes. He changes positions like some people change underwear. It all depends on who is talking to and who he is trying to appeal to. For a guy who isn't a politician he sure has the talking out of both sides of his mouth thing down pat.

The day after securing the nomination, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, he admits that he will look at raising the minimum wage... just a couple months ago he stood on the debate stage and said wages were too high and he didn't favor a MW increase. Yesterday, in an interview on CNBC he was questioned about his tax cut proposal with the standard left-wing class warfare argument that the bulk of it goes to the top wage earners.. he now says he is "not a big fan" of this key part of his own tax plan. Then goes on to say that he thinks we should "tax the rich more" just as if he were a liberal class warfare democrat. So there's two things in two days and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. Seems every time a liberal asks him about something he has proposed, he backs down.

He has also said that he wants to replace Obamacare with "something better" and indicates this would include single payer and universal coverage. So I guess what he really wants to do is change the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare... and that makes it all better?

Just as I said with Romney and McCain... if the GOP is going to run a Liberal, the people are going to vote for the Democrat Liberal every time.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

Riiiiiight. Fuck the fact that he stands up in his speeches and interviews and directly contradicts his own platform. We should just ignore everything he says and cling to the ONE time he said what we wanted to hear.

You go with that, Chuckles. I personally don't find that at all convincing.
Contradicts his own platform? LMFAO you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yade, yada, yada. SMFH

I could care less what you find convincing.

Good. You and your fellow "Fuck you, you're stupid, I don't care if you vote for Trump, so THERE!" cultists go right ahead and elect him with just your votes, then.

The more you shitstains talk, the more I want to NOT vote for him just so you'll lose. I hate Trump and Hillary equally, but in less than a week, you Trumpettes cockholsters have convinced me to hate YOU way more than I hate Clintonistas.
Shitstains? So the party means nothing to you, you would rather hold your ideological stupidity over the possibility of the Republicans atleast being able to pick the direction of the country over the next 8-20 years. SMFH

The party means nothing to me? Excuse me? I'M not the one who metaphorically laid on the floor, kicking and screaming and demanding Donald Trump for all these months because the "establishment" needed to be "destroyed", and the GOP needed to be "burned down". Trump's candidacy was ALL about anger at the party and smashing it, and now you have the unmitigated GALL and hypocrisy to come to me and and accuse ME of not caring about the party enough and demanding I fall in and goosestep up to the party line to accommodate you?

There is not enough "fuck yourself with a barbed wire dildo and die" in the world to express my opinion of you. "Shitstain" was clearly so inadequate as to be a compliment.
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​

Look up "majority", Trumpette. Your command of English is even worse than your Orange Messiah's, and God knows, my first-grader is more articulate than that white-trash-with-money slob.
LMFAO, so all you have now are inept claims of "majority" and Trump didn't have the majority vote. LMFAO Yet he had millions more votes than Cruz. But you Cruz whackers claim it was about the delegates, to which Trump had more than Cruz also. SMFH

Trump didn't have a majority, Noah Webster. And just as you don't understand the meaning of "majority", you clearly don't understand the meaning of "inept", if you think it means "Knowing what words mean instead of just going with your feelz".

Majority doesn't mean "more", you clueless mouthbreathing jizzwad Trumpette. It means "most". Look it the fuck up. You're connected to the Internet, and contrary to your obvious belief, the Internet is good for more than just porn and Trump videos.
OK then, tell everyone who your going to vote for if not Trump, or Crooked Clinton?
Write in Ted Cruz, not vote, someone else///I'd like to hear how you have any other choice than the 2 major candidates in the running.
Do you even know what the federal minimum wage is? It is less than almost every states own minimum wage is. Do you know employers must pay the higher of the 2.

Where is Trump taxing the rich? He is lowering their taxes as well as he stated. You don't seem to really know much about any of his positions or what he has proposed, you're too ideologically blind to reality.

Well first and foremost, we do not tax the rich. That's the liberal class warfare argument. We tax top marginal incomes. Those are mostly not wealthy people but rather, small businesses who file as individuals on their tax returns. But Trump has basically conceded that argument to the liberals and he hasn't even started the race for president yet. He said "I'm not a big fan of that"... referring, not to Paul Ryan's tax plan, not to Conservative's tax plan, to HIS OWN tax plan! A tax plan, by the way, I supported and thought was good. He said "I plan to raise taxes on the rich!"

In the debates, he said "wages are too high... I wouldn't raise the MW because it kills jobs." The next day on USMB, I joined many Trump supporters in defending his statement vociferously because he was absolutely 100% right! It is STUPID to raise the MW because it KILLS JOBS!

BUT NOW... Trump says he "will look at" raising the MW!

I'm not "ideologically blind" to any goddamn thing... I am watching reality happen and you are living in complete denial of it! You've been fooled by a Big Government Liberal who is now the GOP nominee... and you expect me to march in lockstep behind him because he ain't Hillary!

Guess what... you can go fuck a duck!

He didn't cave on anything, you simply fail to comprehend what was stated. Claiming I'm making excuses is hilarious. Ethanol subsidies are to help corn farmers, all brought about by Republicans. Even Cruz supported Ethanol. LMFAO

No, Cruz did not support ethanol subsidies. And it doesn't matter if he did... it's a wasteful government spending program that benefits crony corporatists and doesn't help energy one single bit... we'd be doing more for energy if we fucking burned the money!

From YOUR link:
although I oppose government subsidies, I am a passionate supporter of a free and fair energy marketplace.

my tax plan ends all energy subsidies and mandates. No Washington favoritism for oil and gas, for wind, for solar, or for anyone else. We should phase out the Renewable Fuel Standard, end all energy subsidies, and ensure a level playing field for everyone.

So stop LYING through your teeth about Ted Cruz!
Cruz supported Ethanol mandates, I never stated he supported Ethanol Subsidies, not even Trump supported Ethanol Subsidies, Trump was for the RFS which puts more Ethanol into the fuel supply where as Cruz wants to phase out the RFS, now by 2022.

Donald Trump Turns to Ethanol to Fuel Fight With Ted Cruz

Mr. Cruz’s position on the issue has shifted over the years. He initially supported legislation repealing the mandate right away, as a co-sponsor of a bill in 2013. In 2014, Mr. Cruz introduced a separate bill that would overhaul several energy policies, including phasing out the mandate over five years and eliminating it by 2018.

While on the campaign trail over the past year, Mr. Cruz’s campaign has said he supports phasing out the fuel mandate and ending it by 2022, there years later than the bill he sponsored two years ago.​

You still don't seem to understand your own candidates positions, let alone Trumps.
OK then, tell everyone who your going to vote for if not Trump, or Crooked Clinton?
Write in Ted Cruz, not vote, someone else///I'd like to hear how you have any other choice than the 2 major candidates in the running.

I'm seriously considering Gary Johnson or not voting at all at this point.

I would LIKE to be able to vote for Trump. Let me say it again for the hard heads... I would LIKE to be able to vote for Donald Trump in the general election! I have nothing personal against the man. I have liked some of his ideas.... when he has remained consistent and conservative. But I have NO intention of just casting my vote for him because he's not Hillary Clinton. And if his smart ass supporters don't shut up and stop trying to intimidate me and ridicule me, I won't vote for Trump under ANY circumstance. You can kiss my fucking ass!

It's up to Donald Trump to WIN MY VOTE! It's not up to me to come over to his Liberal way of thinking and that's NOT going to happen here.
"Trump put out a tax plan last year that included major cuts to income, estate and business taxes for the ultra-wealthy along with far less generous cuts for the middle class. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimated his plan would cut the tax bill for the top 1 percent of earners by about $275,000 a year on average and for the top 0.1 percent by $1.3 million. The overall cost would be $9.5 trillion over a decade.

“I fight like hell to pay as little as possible,” Trump said at an event announcing his plan in September.

But that was the old Trump. Pressed by CNBC on Thursday as to how he could simultaneously brand himself as a populist who will take on wealthy elites while proposing sweeping tax cuts for billionaires, Trump backed away from his plan.

RELATED: Donald Trump’s rapidly changing policy positions

“I am not necessarily a huge fan of that,” he said. “I am so much more into the middle class who have just been absolutely forgotten in our country.”

Trump described his tax proposal, which was the most detailed policy paper he put out in the campaign, as merely a starting point for a future deal.

“You know, when you put out a tax plan, you are going to start negotiating,” he said. “You don’t say, ‘OK, this is our tax plan, lots of luck, folks.’ There will be negotiation back and forth. And I can see that going up, to be honest with you.”

It’s important to note that these disproportionately large cuts for the rich aren’t a minor side feature of his plan, they’re the heart of it. A whopping 67 percent of the overall cost of his individual tax cuts would go to toward benefiting the top 20 percent of earners and 35 percent of it would go to the top 1 percent, according to the Tax Policy Center’s analysis.

Trump’s abrupt dismissal of his own tax plan, which he regularly cited on the campaign trail, came a day after he signaled a willingness to raise the federal minimum wage, which would be a major reversal from his stance in the primaries."

Link to his original tax plan at site.

BREAKING. Donald Trump Renounces His Own Tax Plan | RedState

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