Conservatives, the fight is not over!

It all depends on who he is talking to... If he's being interviewed by Hannity, he's going to appoint justices like Scalia... if he's talking to Wolf Blitzer, he's going to appoint a 'centrist-moderate' ...and we really don't know what he's going to appoint until he does so.
Trump doesn't get to appoint anybody, he can nominate a Supreme Court Justice and then Congress can either confirm it or deny it. It is Congress who will hold the power of the next SCJ.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser.
Semantics my ass. Big difference between nominating someone and appointing someone. watafuknmoron

So John Roberts wasn't a Bush appointment? Or Sotomayor and Kagen aren't maobama appointments?

Just so you have a clue how the system works, an appointment is made after consent is given by the Senate. A judge isn't automatically seated after Senate consideration.

Read and learn dumbass.

Appointment and confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look at you now backing up exactly what I stated all the while calling me a dumbass. watafuknmoron.

So now you agree with me that what Boss stated was incorrect and your claim of semantics is nothing but your own idiocy. :clap2:

I didn't back up on anything, nomination is the first step in the appointment process, just a nomination doesn't get anyone a seat on the court, just ask the dear leader.

From my link:
My bold

"he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the supreme Court..."
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​

No... he DID NOT have the majority of voters! Overall, he has less than 40% of the GOP votes. We had 17 candidates! It doesn't matter how many more than Romney or McCain he had... he's not running against Romney or McCain, is he? AND... Romney and McCain worked hard to UNIFY the party... to bring the rest of the party over to their side even after winning the nomination. I don't see that happening here... I see his supporters continuing to be belligerent little assholes who act like they don't give a shit about conservatism. I see him caving left and right (mostly left) on core conservative issues that he ran on in the primary! If he keeps this shit up he's not even going to get the votes he got in the primary... people just aren't going to vote for Trump because he's not Hillary.
Trump doesn't get to appoint anybody, he can nominate a Supreme Court Justice and then Congress can either confirm it or deny it. It is Congress who will hold the power of the next SCJ.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser.
Semantics my ass. Big difference between nominating someone and appointing someone. watafuknmoron

So John Roberts wasn't a Bush appointment? Or Sotomayor and Kagen aren't maobama appointments?

Just so you have a clue how the system works, an appointment is made after consent is given by the Senate. A judge isn't automatically seated after Senate consideration.

Read and learn dumbass.

Appointment and confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look at you now backing up exactly what I stated all the while calling me a dumbass. watafuknmoron.

So now you agree with me that what Boss stated was incorrect and your claim of semantics is nothing but your own idiocy. :clap2:

I didn't back up on anything, nomination is the first step in the appointment process, just a nomination doesn't get anyone a seat on the court, just ask the dear leader.

From my link:
My bold

"he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the supreme Court..."
:YAWN: you claimed semantics on what Boss stated, I proceeded to explain the difference between nominating a SCJ and the process verse simply appointing an SCJ, to which you have now backed up exactly what I stated after calling me a dumbass. :clap2:
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​

No... he DID NOT have the majority of voters! Overall, he has less than 40% of the GOP votes. We had 17 candidates! It doesn't matter how many more than Romney or McCain he had... he's not running against Romney or McCain, is he? AND... Romney and McCain worked hard to UNIFY the party... to bring the rest of the party over to their side even after winning the nomination. I don't see that happening here... I see his supporters continuing to be belligerent little assholes who act like they don't give a shit about conservatism. I see him caving left and right (mostly left) on core conservative issues that he ran on in the primary! If he keeps this shit up he's not even going to get the votes he got in the primary... people just aren't going to vote for Trump because he's not Hillary.
And now we have the excuse of he didn't have the majority of votes, yet he had the most to include having more than Romney and McCain over their entire Primary totals. SMFH

I'll ask again, what are your core conservative principles, since Trump falls in line with 9 out of 10 core conservative principles according to the GOP.

I think the biggest issue you have is that hes not a "social conservative" but he is a "fiscal conservative".
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

A-GAIN.... I can make a website which states that Boss is for higher taxes on the wealthy... free college education for all... transgender equality... partial birth abortions out the wazoo... abolishing wall street... increasing entitlements... reparations for native americans and blacks... free sex therapy if you're lonely.... You think Liberals would believe me and accept my word on that?

Like I said... Two key conservative issues in two days the man has flipped on completely.... and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. He didn't cave due to intense negotiations or political pressure... just a liberal goob reporter confronting him... that's all she took.

This guy is a paper tiger... a wet toilet paper tiger at that.
Headlines claiming flip flop are hardly reliable, not everything you read is reality, but when you hold a grudge based on ideological ideals what would one expect?

No headlines... I heard the words coming straight out of his fucking pie hole!
You heard what you wanted to hear.

No... I heard him say he "will look at" raising the MW. Instead of the sound conservative argument he made in the debates about wages being too high and increasing the MW costing jobs. He was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. Yesterday on CNBC, he was asked a textbook liberal question regarding his tax cut proposal being targeted mostly at the wealthy and he said "I'm not a big fan of that" ...referring to HIS OWN TAX PLAN! He went on to say that he intends to "raise taxes on the rich" like he's goddamn Bernie Sanders! So not increasing the MW... off the table... His tax plan... off the table! All it took was TWO interviews with liberal reporters.
I am sure there are a lot of very disappointed conservatives out there who are just throwing up their hands today and saying... well, now what? Trump is the GOP nominee and once again, Conservative voters are left in the lurch without a candidate to support for president of the United States. Today, we're having to endure the sickening gloating of the Trump brigade as they parade around on their victory lap, taking their final pot shots and being the smug and arrogant assholes they've learned to be under their leader.

Fear not, the battle may be over but the war rages on. This isn't over by a damn sight and it won't be over regardless of who wins in November. Our focus must now shift to the congressional races where we stand to make great headway in the house and senate. Now more than ever, our strength and resolve becomes crucial. We can't abandon this fight... not now... not ever. We've suffered a setback, that's for sure. It hurts, I know. But we have to press on for the sake of our children, our grandchildren and this country we love so much.

Naturally, we want to know what went wrong. How did we end up on the short end of the stick in this primary which started with such high hopes? The answer is not simple but it can be summed up easily. The establishment GOP is getting their just rewards for abandoning conservative values. Us conservatives would have liked for that to have come in the form of a new conservative revival and for the first time in 40 years, a conservative choice for president. We came close but no one could have estimated the level of anger from those who are simply fed up with politics as usual in Washington. Too many were simply so fed up they weren't willing to give anyone a chance with a message other than "burn the place to the ground and shake it to the foundation because we're fed up." They didn't really care about messages, they just wanted someone who isn't a political insider because that's all they believe they can trust now. And... some of this can be blamed on actual conservatives who were sent to Washington to change things then abandoned their conservatism.

So maybe this is for the best... maybe we needed this? Granted, it's not what seems the best... it's worse than taking a dose of bad tasting medicine. But maybe we need to get this out of our system so we can return to a clean slate and then start to rebuild a true and strong coalition of conservative values? Once the real Donald Trump becomes known, there will be many who regret their choice. He may or may not defeat Hillary in November and some of us may feel obligated to support him even though he makes their blood boil. I can't tell you what is the right thing to do because I think it's a personal decision you'll have to make.

For me personally, I am not ready to support Donald Trump. I think he needs to unify this party and to do so he needs to advance core conservative principles. It's not our obligation to abandon our beliefs and move toward him, it's his duty as the GOP nominee to reassure the base that we can be united under principles we can all be proud to support in November. If he can't do that or his ego won't let him do that, or his supporters refuse to embrace such a concept, they will do so at their own peril. Clearly, this is out of the control of conservatives now, we can't do anything about what Trump does going forward, that's entirely his prerogative. But there are millions and millions of American conservative voters who are listening and waiting for a reason they should vote for this man in November.

Forget about Trumps antagonistic and frenzied base of supporters... they really don't matter here. What they have to say doesn't matter. They are all giddy with excitement like they just won the championship football game and full of beans. They have already demonstrated they will support Trump no matter what he says or how many times he transitions from one side of a position to another. It's a proven quantity and we know that. What matters is what Trump does. He can either continue to alienate conservatives or he can attempt to bring them into the big tent. The course he takes will have a tremendous effect on his general election bid.
No. I could vote for McCain, although I hated him. I could vote for Romney, although he wasnt conservative. I could never vote for Trump. Even if I agreed with positions, whatever they are today, I couldnt vote for him.
That he trounced the best field of candidates I have seen in years says the party is over.
I am sure there are a lot of very disappointed conservatives out there who are just throwing up their hands today and saying... well, now what? Trump is the GOP nominee and once again, Conservative voters are left in the lurch without a candidate to support for president of the United States. Today, we're having to endure the sickening gloating of the Trump brigade as they parade around on their victory lap, taking their final pot shots and being the smug and arrogant assholes they've learned to be under their leader.

Fear not, the battle may be over but the war rages on. This isn't over by a damn sight and it won't be over regardless of who wins in November. Our focus must now shift to the congressional races where we stand to make great headway in the house and senate. Now more than ever, our strength and resolve becomes crucial. We can't abandon this fight... not now... not ever. We've suffered a setback, that's for sure. It hurts, I know. But we have to press on for the sake of our children, our grandchildren and this country we love so much.

Naturally, we want to know what went wrong. How did we end up on the short end of the stick in this primary which started with such high hopes? The answer is not simple but it can be summed up easily. The establishment GOP is getting their just rewards for abandoning conservative values. Us conservatives would have liked for that to have come in the form of a new conservative revival and for the first time in 40 years, a conservative choice for president. We came close but no one could have estimated the level of anger from those who are simply fed up with politics as usual in Washington. Too many were simply so fed up they weren't willing to give anyone a chance with a message other than "burn the place to the ground and shake it to the foundation because we're fed up." They didn't really care about messages, they just wanted someone who isn't a political insider because that's all they believe they can trust now. And... some of this can be blamed on actual conservatives who were sent to Washington to change things then abandoned their conservatism.

So maybe this is for the best... maybe we needed this? Granted, it's not what seems the best... it's worse than taking a dose of bad tasting medicine. But maybe we need to get this out of our system so we can return to a clean slate and then start to rebuild a true and strong coalition of conservative values? Once the real Donald Trump becomes known, there will be many who regret their choice. He may or may not defeat Hillary in November and some of us may feel obligated to support him even though he makes their blood boil. I can't tell you what is the right thing to do because I think it's a personal decision you'll have to make.

For me personally, I am not ready to support Donald Trump. I think he needs to unify this party and to do so he needs to advance core conservative principles. It's not our obligation to abandon our beliefs and move toward him, it's his duty as the GOP nominee to reassure the base that we can be united under principles we can all be proud to support in November. If he can't do that or his ego won't let him do that, or his supporters refuse to embrace such a concept, they will do so at their own peril. Clearly, this is out of the control of conservatives now, we can't do anything about what Trump does going forward, that's entirely his prerogative. But there are millions and millions of American conservative voters who are listening and waiting for a reason they should vote for this man in November.

Forget about Trumps antagonistic and frenzied base of supporters... they really don't matter here. What they have to say doesn't matter. They are all giddy with excitement like they just won the championship football game and full of beans. They have already demonstrated they will support Trump no matter what he says or how many times he transitions from one side of a position to another. It's a proven quantity and we know that. What matters is what Trump does. He can either continue to alienate conservatives or he can attempt to bring them into the big tent. The course he takes will have a tremendous effect on his general election bid.

I mostly agree, but it really boils down to one question. Do you want the hildabitch or sanders to be picking possibly the next 4 supreme court justices, that could easily be deciding the course of the country for the next 40+ years? If your answer is no, there's only one alternative.

Assuming you consider that an alternative, which I do not. I don't want Hillary, Bernie, OR the Orange Jesus picking the Supreme Court justices.
I am sure there are a lot of very disappointed conservatives out there who are just throwing up their hands today and saying... well, now what? Trump is the GOP nominee and once again, Conservative voters are left in the lurch without a candidate to support for president of the United States. Today, we're having to endure the sickening gloating of the Trump brigade as they parade around on their victory lap, taking their final pot shots and being the smug and arrogant assholes they've learned to be under their leader.

Fear not, the battle may be over but the war rages on. This isn't over by a damn sight and it won't be over regardless of who wins in November. Our focus must now shift to the congressional races where we stand to make great headway in the house and senate. Now more than ever, our strength and resolve becomes crucial. We can't abandon this fight... not now... not ever. We've suffered a setback, that's for sure. It hurts, I know. But we have to press on for the sake of our children, our grandchildren and this country we love so much.

Naturally, we want to know what went wrong. How did we end up on the short end of the stick in this primary which started with such high hopes? The answer is not simple but it can be summed up easily. The establishment GOP is getting their just rewards for abandoning conservative values. Us conservatives would have liked for that to have come in the form of a new conservative revival and for the first time in 40 years, a conservative choice for president. We came close but no one could have estimated the level of anger from those who are simply fed up with politics as usual in Washington. Too many were simply so fed up they weren't willing to give anyone a chance with a message other than "burn the place to the ground and shake it to the foundation because we're fed up." They didn't really care about messages, they just wanted someone who isn't a political insider because that's all they believe they can trust now. And... some of this can be blamed on actual conservatives who were sent to Washington to change things then abandoned their conservatism.

So maybe this is for the best... maybe we needed this? Granted, it's not what seems the best... it's worse than taking a dose of bad tasting medicine. But maybe we need to get this out of our system so we can return to a clean slate and then start to rebuild a true and strong coalition of conservative values? Once the real Donald Trump becomes known, there will be many who regret their choice. He may or may not defeat Hillary in November and some of us may feel obligated to support him even though he makes their blood boil. I can't tell you what is the right thing to do because I think it's a personal decision you'll have to make.

For me personally, I am not ready to support Donald Trump. I think he needs to unify this party and to do so he needs to advance core conservative principles. It's not our obligation to abandon our beliefs and move toward him, it's his duty as the GOP nominee to reassure the base that we can be united under principles we can all be proud to support in November. If he can't do that or his ego won't let him do that, or his supporters refuse to embrace such a concept, they will do so at their own peril. Clearly, this is out of the control of conservatives now, we can't do anything about what Trump does going forward, that's entirely his prerogative. But there are millions and millions of American conservative voters who are listening and waiting for a reason they should vote for this man in November.

Forget about Trumps antagonistic and frenzied base of supporters... they really don't matter here. What they have to say doesn't matter. They are all giddy with excitement like they just won the championship football game and full of beans. They have already demonstrated they will support Trump no matter what he says or how many times he transitions from one side of a position to another. It's a proven quantity and we know that. What matters is what Trump does. He can either continue to alienate conservatives or he can attempt to bring them into the big tent. The course he takes will have a tremendous effect on his general election bid.
No. I could vote for McCain, although I hated him. I could vote for Romney, although he wasnt conservative. I could never vote for Trump. Even if I agreed with positions, whatever they are today, I couldnt vote for him.
That he trounced the best field of candidates I have seen in years says the party is over.

What worries me is the possibility that it says the COUNTRY is over.
"Conservatives, the fight is not over!"

This is very sad and telling, of course.

That conservatives perceive governance as a ‘fight,’ and their fellow Americans as ‘the enemy.’
Congratulations. You finally figured it out.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

A-GAIN.... I can make a website which states that Boss is for higher taxes on the wealthy... free college education for all... transgender equality... partial birth abortions out the wazoo... abolishing wall street... increasing entitlements... reparations for native americans and blacks... free sex therapy if you're lonely.... You think Liberals would believe me and accept my word on that?

Like I said... Two key conservative issues in two days the man has flipped on completely.... and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. He didn't cave due to intense negotiations or political pressure... just a liberal goob reporter confronting him... that's all she took.

This guy is a paper tiger... a wet toilet paper tiger at that.
Headlines claiming flip flop are hardly reliable, not everything you read is reality, but when you hold a grudge based on ideological ideals what would one expect?

No headlines... I heard the words coming straight out of his fucking pie hole!
You heard what you wanted to hear.

No... I heard him say he "will look at" raising the MW. Instead of the sound conservative argument he made in the debates about wages being too high and increasing the MW costing jobs. He was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. Yesterday on CNBC, he was asked a textbook liberal question regarding his tax cut proposal being targeted mostly at the wealthy and he said "I'm not a big fan of that" ...referring to HIS OWN TAX PLAN! He went on to say that he intends to "raise taxes on the rich" like he's goddamn Bernie Sanders! So not increasing the MW... off the table... His tax plan... off the table! All it took was TWO interviews with liberal reporters.
What's wrong with "looking at minimum wage"? Most states minimum wage requirements are more then the Federal govts minimum wage requirements. SMFH The states have the power to increase the minimum wage in their states.

You seem to really not know much about his actual tax plan or what he has been stating, it's just easier for you to claim you heard his tax cut proposal being targeted mostly at the wealthy and he said "I'm not a big fan of that" If you know what his tax plan is, then you would know that he is 100% correct in his response as he removes millions of low wage earners from the tax all together.
If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households – over 50% – from the income tax rolls. They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, “I win,” those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each.
He stated this in the beginning of his announcements to run. So does he help low wage earners or is he simply targeting the wealthy and only giving them cuts?
I mostly agree, but it really boils down to one question. Do you want the hildabitch or sanders to be picking possibly the next 4 supreme court justices, that could easily be deciding the course of the country for the next 40+ years? If your answer is no, there's only one alternative.

I have little faith in what kind of justices Trump will appoint, to be honest. You'd like to think he would appoint some wacko liberal to the court but what if he did and the mealy-mouth Republicans wanting to please the president put their rubber stamp on his pick along with the liberal democrats? It might be tougher for Hillary to get her picks approved and she might be forced to nominate a more centrist moderate than she would like, just to get them through Congress? I'm looking at this like we've already lost the battle for SCOTUS... we're never going to get another Antonin Scalia out of either candidate. The hopes of a true Constitutional Conservative went down the tubes with Ted Cruz and we're going to suffer regardless. So I can't let that be my reason for voting. I need to hear something from Trump to assure me he is going to at least adhere to some of our core conservative principles as president and if he doesn't give me that, I can't vote for the man. I'll stay home or vote for the Libertarian. If we end up with Hillary, we end up with Hillary.

Exactly. If Donny Boy and his cult think all they're going to have to do to get my vote and those of other #NeverTrump people is to sit back and say, "Well, you have to, because Trump isn't Hillary. Unite the party!" they're delusional. All their arrogance and hypocrisy is accomplishing right now is to make us that much more determined NOT to vote for Trump.

Time to stop coasting on the ability to thrill the gullible, and start learning to earn votes. Don't tell me who you're NOT and who I want to vote AGAINST; tell me who you ARE and why I want to vote FOR you.
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​

No... he DID NOT have the majority of voters! Overall, he has less than 40% of the GOP votes. We had 17 candidates! It doesn't matter how many more than Romney or McCain he had... he's not running against Romney or McCain, is he? AND... Romney and McCain worked hard to UNIFY the party... to bring the rest of the party over to their side even after winning the nomination. I don't see that happening here... I see his supporters continuing to be belligerent little assholes who act like they don't give a shit about conservatism. I see him caving left and right (mostly left) on core conservative issues that he ran on in the primary! If he keeps this shit up he's not even going to get the votes he got in the primary... people just aren't going to vote for Trump because he's not Hillary.
And now we have the excuse of he didn't have the majority of votes, yet he had the most to include having more than Romney and McCain over their entire Primary totals. SMFH

I'll ask again, what are your core conservative principles, since Trump falls in line with 9 out of 10 core conservative principles according to the GOP.

I think the biggest issue you have is that hes not a "social conservative" but he is a "fiscal conservative".

And I am telling you... in two days and two interviews with liberal goob reporters, he has CAVED on two strong conservative principles and ideas he ran in the primary on. You can make excuses for him all you like, he is not proving to be a very conservative candidate thus far. He favors expanding Ethanol subsidies... one of the most wasteful and useless crony corporatist welfare schemes and waste of taxpayer dollars that we have... so where is he going to slash Big Government? He favors federal land grabs from the state... another Big Government Liberal agenda item! He has flip-flopped on abortion more times than I can count.... He is pro-choice... no, pro-life... no... it's law of the land, can't do anything about it... women need to be punished for having abortions... no, women don't need punishing, just the abortionist... no...never mind, abortion is law of the land! Planned Parentood is a GOOD thing... no, it's a BAD thing... no, wait... who am I talking to today?
I mostly agree, but it really boils down to one question. Do you want the hildabitch or sanders to be picking possibly the next 4 supreme court justices, that could easily be deciding the course of the country for the next 40+ years? If your answer is no, there's only one alternative.

I have little faith in what kind of justices Trump will appoint, to be honest. You'd like to think he would appoint some wacko liberal to the court but what if he did and the mealy-mouth Republicans wanting to please the president put their rubber stamp on his pick along with the liberal democrats? It might be tougher for Hillary to get her picks approved and she might be forced to nominate a more centrist moderate than she would like, just to get them through Congress? I'm looking at this like we've already lost the battle for SCOTUS... we're never going to get another Antonin Scalia out of either candidate. The hopes of a true Constitutional Conservative went down the tubes with Ted Cruz and we're going to suffer regardless. So I can't let that be my reason for voting. I need to hear something from Trump to assure me he is going to at least adhere to some of our core conservative principles as president and if he doesn't give me that, I can't vote for the man. I'll stay home or vote for the Libertarian. If we end up with Hillary, we end up with Hillary.

If the hildabitch wins, we'll most likely lose the senate also, making liberal judges a certainty. I'll take the chance that Trump will do what he said and appoint Scalia types to the court.

That must have been a really short flip-flop when he said it, because I don't remember it. How fast did he contradict himself?
What's wrong with "looking at minimum wage"?

Because... Like Trump said in the debates... Increasing the MW KILLS JOBS! What in the fuck man? Have you suffered head trauma or something? It's boilerplate conservatism... we do not subscribe to the left-wing liberal lunacy of increasing the FEDERAL MW! OR... the left wing Socialist-Marxist CLASS WARFARE argument that we TAX THE RICH! We don't tax wealth in America.. we tax incomes and the top marginal income earners are MOSTLY small businesses. When did half our fucking party turn into liberal socialists?
Bond holders, they lent GM cash, are the ones that got hosed, according to bankruptcy laws they were supposed to made whole FIRST. Your dear leader violated the law and they got pennies on the dollar.

Guy, the purpose of the GM bailout was not to make sure that bad bets were covered. It was to make sure millions of Americans didn't lose their jobs and livlihoods.

Seriously, fuck the investors, bunch of fucking parasites, anyway.
If the hildabitch wins, we'll most likely lose the senate also, making liberal judges a certainty. I'll take the chance that Trump will do what he said and appoint Scalia types to the court.

It all depends on who he is talking to... If he's being interviewed by Hannity, he's going to appoint justices like Scalia... if he's talking to Wolf Blitzer, he's going to appoint a 'centrist-moderate' ...and we really don't know what he's going to appoint until he does so.

He also said he would give a by name list of people he would consider before the election. There's no doubt what you'll get if the hildabitch wins.

Yeah, but he said that while Cruz was still in the race. Now that he thinks he's waltzing to victory with no more effort required on his part, we'll have to see whether or not he bothers.
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​

No... he DID NOT have the majority of voters! Overall, he has less than 40% of the GOP votes. We had 17 candidates! It doesn't matter how many more than Romney or McCain he had... he's not running against Romney or McCain, is he? AND... Romney and McCain worked hard to UNIFY the party... to bring the rest of the party over to their side even after winning the nomination. I don't see that happening here... I see his supporters continuing to be belligerent little assholes who act like they don't give a shit about conservatism. I see him caving left and right (mostly left) on core conservative issues that he ran on in the primary! If he keeps this shit up he's not even going to get the votes he got in the primary... people just aren't going to vote for Trump because he's not Hillary.
And now we have the excuse of he didn't have the majority of votes, yet he had the most to include having more than Romney and McCain over their entire Primary totals. SMFH

I'll ask again, what are your core conservative principles, since Trump falls in line with 9 out of 10 core conservative principles according to the GOP.

I think the biggest issue you have is that hes not a "social conservative" but he is a "fiscal conservative".

And I am telling you... in two days and two interviews with liberal goob reporters, he has CAVED on two strong conservative principles and ideas he ran in the primary on. You can make excuses for him all you like, he is not proving to be a very conservative candidate thus far. He favors expanding Ethanol subsidies... one of the most wasteful and useless crony corporatist welfare schemes and waste of taxpayer dollars that we have... so where is he going to slash Big Government? He favors federal land grabs from the state... another Big Government Liberal agenda item! He has flip-flopped on abortion more times than I can count.... He is pro-choice... no, pro-life... no... it's law of the land, can't do anything about it... women need to be punished for having abortions... no, women don't need punishing, just the abortionist... no...never mind, abortion is law of the land! Planned Parentood is a GOOD thing... no, it's a BAD thing... no, wait... who am I talking to today?
He didn't cave on anything, you simply fail to comprehend what was stated. Claiming I'm making excuses is hilarious. Ethanol subsidies are to help corn farmers, all brought about by Republicans. Even Cruz supported Ethanol. LMFAO

Cruz: I'm fighting for farmers against Washington

By this point in the campaign, many readers will have seen the furious coordinated effort being waged by Democrats and big-money lobbyists, who are together spending hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to convince Iowans that I oppose ethanol. Their charges are utter nonsense.
From the sounds of things you don't seem to politically knowledgeable, especially since your own candidate was for Ethanol.

Trump is for Planned Parenthood, as they do do some good things, yet he sated he wants no federal money going to abortion, whats wrong with that?
What's wrong with "looking at minimum wage"?

Because... Like Trump said in the debates... Increasing the MW KILLS JOBS! What in the fuck man? Have you suffered head trauma or something? It's boilerplate conservatism... we do not subscribe to the left-wing liberal lunacy of increasing the FEDERAL MW! OR... the left wing Socialist-Marxist CLASS WARFARE argument that we TAX THE RICH! We don't tax wealth in America.. we tax incomes and the top marginal income earners are MOSTLY small businesses. When did half our fucking party turn into liberal socialists?

When conservatives lost the battle for control of our education systems, and they started basically dumping their poison into the water supply, so to speak.
What "constitutional Conservative principles" is Trump not following? What are the constitutional conservative principles according to you?

According to What do you believe in? Trump aligns with almost everyone of them.

We really don't know what Trump believes. He changes positions like some people change underwear. It all depends on who is talking to and who he is trying to appeal to. For a guy who isn't a politician he sure has the talking out of both sides of his mouth thing down pat.

The day after securing the nomination, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, he admits that he will look at raising the minimum wage... just a couple months ago he stood on the debate stage and said wages were too high and he didn't favor a MW increase. Yesterday, in an interview on CNBC he was questioned about his tax cut proposal with the standard left-wing class warfare argument that the bulk of it goes to the top wage earners.. he now says he is "not a big fan" of this key part of his own tax plan. Then goes on to say that he thinks we should "tax the rich more" just as if he were a liberal class warfare democrat. So there's two things in two days and he hasn't even started running in the general election yet. Seems every time a liberal asks him about something he has proposed, he backs down.

He has also said that he wants to replace Obamacare with "something better" and indicates this would include single payer and universal coverage. So I guess what he really wants to do is change the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare... and that makes it all better?

Just as I said with Romney and McCain... if the GOP is going to run a Liberal, the people are going to vote for the Democrat Liberal every time.
Go to his web site and see for yourself.: DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS

Riiiiiight. Fuck the fact that he stands up in his speeches and interviews and directly contradicts his own platform. We should just ignore everything he says and cling to the ONE time he said what we wanted to hear.

You go with that, Chuckles. I personally don't find that at all convincing.

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