Conservatives, the fight is not over!

You're no different than the leftists fawning over obama. Your response it the same: attack the source, mock andor ignore the content.
:YAWN: Your link doesn't prove any flip flops, its nothing but a headline grabbing attention seeking dupe that you seem ot have fallen for. The video on your link was an utter fail. It showed Trump talking about allowing F Student Visas to stay here while Megan Kelly tried to play "gotcha" in talking about H1B visas. So who really screwed the pooch there? Trump didn't flip flop on anything in that video.\

It tries to claim that Trump will work with Dreamers and then shows him stating to send them back with their parents and that we may need to work with them to get them out of here. Where's the flip flop in that?

The Wall,fence, barrier was already passed into law, Obama stopped it short of the total length, Trump will finish it to its mandated distance as required by law.
No, they haven't.

Read. Learn.

Here's a list of Trumps constantly changing positions.

Here Are All of Donald Trump's Flip-Flops on Big Issues
Oh yes the Liberal web sites that accuse a Republican of flip flopping. OK. SMFH

Poor thing, can't even go to the link and read/watch Trump's own words.
Oh, I have. Nothing but soundbites claiming to be flip flops, got to love politics. SMFH

So Trump's own words contradicting himself are sound bites? Good God, you've lost it.
Trumps own words? The video from your link doesn't show any flip flops. In fact the Megan Kelly question regarding "high skilled workers" she was referring to Trump wanting to keep F Visa Students here verse sending them back. Megan tried to play a gotcha with it by inferring H1B visas, but oh well.

They show nine different videos plus the text of his ever contradicting positions.

1. H-1B visas are bad for American workers.

Trump's immigration plan was published on his website in July: it opposed the H-1B program, which allows non-immigrant visas for specialty occupations, arguing then that it was bad for American workers.

2. H-1B visas are good.

At the CNBC debate in October, Trump denied that he'd been critical about the program. "I am all in favor of keeping these talented people here so they can go to work in Silicon Valley," he said.

3. H-1B visas are still bad, according to Trump's unchanged website.

At the Fox News debate on March 3, some five months later, Fox News host Megyn Kelly pressed Trump on which of these conflicting views he supports.

4. H-1B visas are necessary: 'I'm changing.'

"I'm changing. I'm changing. We need highly skilled people in this country. If we can't do it, we will get them in. And we do need in Silicon Valley, we absolutely have to have. So we do need highly skilled," he said.

5. H-1B visas are definitely bad.

His campaign later released a statement reversing this shortly after the March 3 debate ended.

"Megyn Kelly asked about highly skilled immigration. The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: These are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay," Trump wrote in a statement. "I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions."

He reaffirmed this position in the GOP debate on March 10, one week later, vowing to end the program that he noted he uses himself as a businessman.

They're: bad, no good, no bad, hmm not sure changing, changing, no they're bad, they're bad and I'll end them ... even though I use them.

lol, flip flop. Oh, and he's a hypocrite too.
Not going through each vid/words of Trump. You're a lost cause.

Oh yes the Liberal web sites that accuse a Republican of flip flopping. OK. SMFH

Poor thing, can't even go to the link and read/watch Trump's own words.
Oh, I have. Nothing but soundbites claiming to be flip flops, got to love politics. SMFH

So Trump's own words contradicting himself are sound bites? Good God, you've lost it.
Trumps own words? The video from your link doesn't show any flip flops. In fact the Megan Kelly question regarding "high skilled workers" she was referring to Trump wanting to keep F Visa Students here verse sending them back. Megan tried to play a gotcha with it by inferring H1B visas, but oh well.

They show nine different videos plus the text of his ever contradicting positions.

1. H-1B visas are bad for American workers.

Trump's immigration plan was published on his website in July: it opposed the H-1B program, which allows non-immigrant visas for specialty occupations, arguing then that it was bad for American workers.

2. H-1B visas are good.

At the CNBC debate in October, Trump denied that he'd been critical about the program. "I am all in favor of keeping these talented people here so they can go to work in Silicon Valley," he said.

3. H-1B visas are still bad, according to Trump's unchanged website.

At the Fox News debate on March 3, some five months later, Fox News host Megyn Kelly pressed Trump on which of these conflicting views he supports.

4. H-1B visas are necessary: 'I'm changing.'

"I'm changing. I'm changing. We need highly skilled people in this country. If we can't do it, we will get them in. And we do need in Silicon Valley, we absolutely have to have. So we do need highly skilled," he said.

5. H-1B visas are definitely bad.

His campaign later released a statement reversing this shortly after the March 3 debate ended.

"Megyn Kelly asked about highly skilled immigration. The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: These are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay," Trump wrote in a statement. "I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions."

He reaffirmed this position in the GOP debate on March 10, one week later, vowing to end the program that he noted he uses himself as a businessman.

They're: bad, no good, no bad, hmm not sure changing, changing, no they're bad, they're bad and I'll end them ... even though I use them.

lol, flip flop. Oh, and he's a hypocrite too.
Do you even know what the F visa is and Trumps position on it? Those are the ones he was talking about keeping here and working in Silicon Valley. And as I stated Megan Kelly tried to play gotcha with her question, referring to H1B visas when Trump had already stated a position on them and claimed to have used them.

It doesn't take much research to understand or comprehend what and who Trump was talking about. You want to call it a flip flop, that's your choice, reality says otherwise. Again you offer nothing but soundbites and claim them to be flip flops. :YAWN:

Here's the complete quote showing Trump talking about the F visas and not the H1B visa:

"We're losing some of the most talented people. They go to Harvard; they go to Yale; they go to Princeton. They come from another country and they are immediately sent out. I am all in favor of keeping these talented people here so they can go to work in Silicon Valley."​

So now the context of your quote has completely changed as to whom Trump was talking about. You see H1B visas are work visas for people who come simply for the job, they didn't go to Harvard, Yale, or Princeton, those would be F visa holders, i.e. Foreign Students.
Last edited:
Why don't you shut the fuck up and get the hell out of our thread? You have no business even being involved in this conversation. You should be trying to figure out how you can limp Hildabitch over the finish line against the washed-up socialist who is kicking her ass!

Guy, I was working for Republican Candidates when you were... well, doing whatever it is you do for fun in Cleetusland.

Here's the thing. The Establishment could have won this thing with a sensible candidate like Kasich, Rubio or God help us, even Bush. Instead you nuts all went and supported the two most anti-social clowns you could find.

Now you are stuck with Trump. Enjoy it. You worked very hard to demolish your credibility as a political movement.
The Tea Party helped create the largest GOP midterm landslide in modern political history. Tea Party people took a lot of flack over it in the last couple of years by the hate mongers in the democrat party, the media and even fellow republicans including this forum. Everyone said the Tea Party movement was dead and not many people defended the Tea Party except for myself and a couple of others. Now all of a sudden we get lectures from people who claim to be conservatives about not supporting the presumed GOP candidate. Frankly I smell a rat. You can support a candidate or stay home but when you claim to be a conservative republican and take the time to try to convince other people not to support the GOP candidate it looks like a cheap Alinsky trick. Anyway they said the same thing about the big Hollywood lib who ran for president a couple of years ago but Reagan worked out pretty well.
The Tea Party helped create the largest GOP midterm landslide in modern political history. Tea Party people took a lot of flack over it in the last couple of years by the hate mongers in the democrat party, the media and even fellow republicans including this forum.

Well, it depends on what caused it. One could argue that apathy caused the "landslide", as we had the lowest voter turnout in 70 years in 2014. The fact is when voters show up, you guys tend to lose.

Everyone said the Tea Party movement was dead and not many people defended the Tea Party except for myself and a couple of others. Now all of a sudden we get lectures from people who claim to be conservatives about not supporting the presumed GOP candidate.

While I think the term "Conservative" has become meaningless, as it represents a coalition of Libertarians, Religious Zealots, Plutocrats and Neo-Con Imperialists, I see all of these groups having genuine reservations about the Trumpster. Trump's support comes from nativists. Other groups have glommed onto him because everyone loves a winner..

But the NeoCons are concerned that Trump has rejected the Bush Doctrine of projecting military force in the middle east and protecting the Zionist Entity.

The Plutocrats are concerned Trumps protectionist policies will hurt their ability to make money.

The Libertarians are genuinely concerned about Trump's willingness to use government force to acheive goals.

And "Values Voters" (assholes who want to impose their bronze age superstitions on the rest of us) are concerned Trump doesn't hate the gays and the abortions as much as they do... and he likes to have lots of sex with lots of women.

Frankly I smell a rat. You can support a candidate or stay home but when you claim to be a conservative republican and take the time to try to convince other people not to support the GOP candidate it looks like a cheap Alinsky trick.

Frankly, a lot of the Conservatives I've argue with here for years like Rabbi and others are just as conservative as you are. Are you saying they cleverly pretended to be Conservatives for years here, just in case you got out there and decided to support a Reality TV Rodeo Clown?

Anyway they said the same thing about the big Hollywood lib who ran for president a couple of years ago but Reagan worked out pretty well.

You mean other than creating Al Qaeda, destroying the American Middle Class, and tripling the National debt?
Poor thing, can't even go to the link and read/watch Trump's own words.
Oh, I have. Nothing but soundbites claiming to be flip flops, got to love politics. SMFH

So Trump's own words contradicting himself are sound bites? Good God, you've lost it.
Trumps own words? The video from your link doesn't show any flip flops. In fact the Megan Kelly question regarding "high skilled workers" she was referring to Trump wanting to keep F Visa Students here verse sending them back. Megan tried to play a gotcha with it by inferring H1B visas, but oh well.

They show nine different videos plus the text of his ever contradicting positions.

1. H-1B visas are bad for American workers.

Trump's immigration plan was published on his website in July: it opposed the H-1B program, which allows non-immigrant visas for specialty occupations, arguing then that it was bad for American workers.

2. H-1B visas are good.

At the CNBC debate in October, Trump denied that he'd been critical about the program. "I am all in favor of keeping these talented people here so they can go to work in Silicon Valley," he said.

3. H-1B visas are still bad, according to Trump's unchanged website.

At the Fox News debate on March 3, some five months later, Fox News host Megyn Kelly pressed Trump on which of these conflicting views he supports.

4. H-1B visas are necessary: 'I'm changing.'

"I'm changing. I'm changing. We need highly skilled people in this country. If we can't do it, we will get them in. And we do need in Silicon Valley, we absolutely have to have. So we do need highly skilled," he said.

5. H-1B visas are definitely bad.

His campaign later released a statement reversing this shortly after the March 3 debate ended.

"Megyn Kelly asked about highly skilled immigration. The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: These are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay," Trump wrote in a statement. "I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions."

He reaffirmed this position in the GOP debate on March 10, one week later, vowing to end the program that he noted he uses himself as a businessman.

They're: bad, no good, no bad, hmm not sure changing, changing, no they're bad, they're bad and I'll end them ... even though I use them.

lol, flip flop. Oh, and he's a hypocrite too.

Do you even know what the F visa is and Trumps position on it? Those are the ones he was talking about keeping here and working in Silicon Valley. And as I stated Megan Kelly tried to play gotcha with her question, referring to H1B visas when Trump had already stated a position on them and claimed to have used them.

It doesn't take much research to understand or comprehend what and who Trump was talking about. You want to call it a flip flop, that's your choice, reality says otherwise. Again you offer nothing but soundbites and claim them to be flip flops. :YAWN:

Here's the complete quote showing Trump talking about the F visas and not the H1B visa:

"We're losing some of the most talented people. They go to Harvard; they go to Yale; they go to Princeton. They come from another country and they are immediately sent out. I am all in favor of keeping these talented people here so they can go to work in Silicon Valley."​

So now the context of your quote has completely changed as to whom Trump was talking about. You see H1B visas are work visas for people who come simply for the job, they didn't go to Harvard, Yale, or Princeton, those would be F visa holders, i.e. Foreign Students.

Sorry you're having trouble reading what was actually posted, which was all H1B that he flip flopped on.
The Tea Party helped create the largest GOP midterm landslide in modern political history. Tea Party people took a lot of flack over it in the last couple of years by the hate mongers in the democrat party, the media and even fellow republicans including this forum. Everyone said the Tea Party movement was dead and not many people defended the Tea Party except for myself and a couple of others. Now all of a sudden we get lectures from people who claim to be conservatives about not supporting the presumed GOP candidate. Frankly I smell a rat. You can support a candidate or stay home but when you claim to be a conservative republican and take the time to try to convince other people not to support the GOP candidate it looks like a cheap Alinsky trick. Anyway they said the same thing about the big Hollywood lib who ran for president a couple of years ago but Reagan worked out pretty well.

Nope. Just trying to open your eyes.
We don't tax the rich? Are you sure about that?

I am POSITIVE about that, jackass.. and MOST Conservative are as well. "Tax the Rich!" is a Socialist-Marxist Class Warfare propaganda tool... TOOL!

In the United States, we do not tax wealth!

The "Top 1% of Wealthy People" pay virtually no personal income tax. They are no longer earning incomes, they are rich... remember? They have no need to earn income... they are trying to find ways to spend income they already earned becoming rich. That's a real big problem in a free market capitalist free enterprise system like ours.... but we live with it.

The "Top 1% Taxpayer" is NOT generally a "uber-wealthy" person. They may live in a nice house and drive a nice car... they may have a boat or a vacation home... but they aren't Kanye West. They are primarily small business, free market entrepreneurs. Restaurant owners, Flower shop ladies, Landscaping companies... things like that. THOSE make up the overwhelming majority of this proverbial "Top 1%" of actual Earned Income Taxpayers. They also provide about 76% of the JOBS in this country. And do you understand the dynamics of what happens when they have to pay more in taxes? .....This is just Textbook Conservative Economics... Isn't it? ....or what am I missing??? Someone? :dunno:
Oh, I have. Nothing but soundbites claiming to be flip flops, got to love politics. SMFH

So Trump's own words contradicting himself are sound bites? Good God, you've lost it.
Trumps own words? The video from your link doesn't show any flip flops. In fact the Megan Kelly question regarding "high skilled workers" she was referring to Trump wanting to keep F Visa Students here verse sending them back. Megan tried to play a gotcha with it by inferring H1B visas, but oh well.

They show nine different videos plus the text of his ever contradicting positions.

1. H-1B visas are bad for American workers.

Trump's immigration plan was published on his website in July: it opposed the H-1B program, which allows non-immigrant visas for specialty occupations, arguing then that it was bad for American workers.

2. H-1B visas are good.

At the CNBC debate in October, Trump denied that he'd been critical about the program. "I am all in favor of keeping these talented people here so they can go to work in Silicon Valley," he said.

3. H-1B visas are still bad, according to Trump's unchanged website.

At the Fox News debate on March 3, some five months later, Fox News host Megyn Kelly pressed Trump on which of these conflicting views he supports.

4. H-1B visas are necessary: 'I'm changing.'

"I'm changing. I'm changing. We need highly skilled people in this country. If we can't do it, we will get them in. And we do need in Silicon Valley, we absolutely have to have. So we do need highly skilled," he said.

5. H-1B visas are definitely bad.

His campaign later released a statement reversing this shortly after the March 3 debate ended.

"Megyn Kelly asked about highly skilled immigration. The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: These are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay," Trump wrote in a statement. "I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions."

He reaffirmed this position in the GOP debate on March 10, one week later, vowing to end the program that he noted he uses himself as a businessman.

They're: bad, no good, no bad, hmm not sure changing, changing, no they're bad, they're bad and I'll end them ... even though I use them.

lol, flip flop. Oh, and he's a hypocrite too.

Do you even know what the F visa is and Trumps position on it? Those are the ones he was talking about keeping here and working in Silicon Valley. And as I stated Megan Kelly tried to play gotcha with her question, referring to H1B visas when Trump had already stated a position on them and claimed to have used them.

It doesn't take much research to understand or comprehend what and who Trump was talking about. You want to call it a flip flop, that's your choice, reality says otherwise. Again you offer nothing but soundbites and claim them to be flip flops. :YAWN:

Here's the complete quote showing Trump talking about the F visas and not the H1B visa:

"We're losing some of the most talented people. They go to Harvard; they go to Yale; they go to Princeton. They come from another country and they are immediately sent out. I am all in favor of keeping these talented people here so they can go to work in Silicon Valley."​

So now the context of your quote has completely changed as to whom Trump was talking about. You see H1B visas are work visas for people who come simply for the job, they didn't go to Harvard, Yale, or Princeton, those would be F visa holders, i.e. Foreign Students.

Sorry you're having trouble reading what was actually posted, which was all H1B that he flip flopped on.
Sorry you haven't a clue as to what Trump was referring to. SMFH He talked about F visas remaining here, Megan referred to H1B visas. I suggest you learn the differences in visas.
We don't tax the rich? Are you sure about that?

I am POSITIVE about that, jackass.. and MOST Conservative are as well. "Tax the Rich!" is a Socialist-Marxist Class Warfare propaganda tool... TOOL!

In the United States, we do not tax wealth!

The "Top 1% of Wealthy People" pay virtually no personal income tax. They are no longer earning incomes, they are rich... remember? They have no need to earn income... they are trying to find ways to spend income they already earned becoming rich. That's a real big problem in a free market capitalist free enterprise system like ours.... but we live with it.

The "Top 1% Taxpayer" is NOT generally a "uber-wealthy" person. They may live in a nice house and drive a nice car... they may have a boat or a vacation home... but they aren't Kanye West. They are primarily small business, free market entrepreneurs. Restaurant owners, Flower shop ladies, Landscaping companies... things like that. THOSE make up the overwhelming majority of this proverbial "Top 1%" of actual Earned Income Taxpayers. They also provide about 76% of the JOBS in this country. And do you understand the dynamics of what happens when they have to pay more in taxes? .....This is just Textbook Conservative Economics... Isn't it? ....or what am I missing??? Someone? :dunno:
Jackass? You were the one that fails in knowing what is taxed verse what are tax brackets. SMFH

No shit, in the US we tax NET INCOME and CAPITAL GAINS, you do know what those are, right?

The top 1% pay tax on capital gains at the rate of at least 15% the remainder are those that make a NET income over $389K. SMFH

Small business doesn't make up the majority of 1%'ers. Small business owners pay personal income taxes on their share of business profits, not on the total gross of the business. You are arguing outside your scope of knowledge. Stephen Hayes is a moron. SMFH
Jackass? You were the one that fails in knowing what is taxed verse what are tax brackets. SMFH

No shit, in the US we tax NET INCOME and CAPITAL GAINS, you do know what those are, right?

The top 1% pay tax on capital gains at the rate of at least 15% the remainder are those that make a NET income over $389K. SMFH

Small business doesn't make up the majority of 1%'ers. Small business owners pay personal income taxes on their share of business profits, not on the total gross of the business. You are arguing outside your scope of knowledge. Stephen Hayes is a moron. SMFH

Shut up, twerp.. I know EXACTLY what I am talking about. Taxes, tax brackets... Earned Income Tax is virtually non-existent for a highly wealthy person. What little bit there may be, they don't care if you take it ALL! MOST of their income has already been earned... they look for ways to SPEND it. Capital Gains are NOT Earned Income and are not part of the Earned Income Individual Tax Rates that Trump is talking about increasing! You have a completely different form to fill out on what you owe in taxes for your Capital Gains. It has ZERO to do with your Earned Income.

Democrats are talking about increasing Cap Gains taxes to that of regular Earned Income... that is STUPID! It kills investment because the super-wealthy who pay the Cap Gains taxes are not interested in paying more taxes. Did you just fall off a turnip truck in front of the Republican tent or what?

Small business owners, as matter of Federal Tax law, report their business earnings on their individual tax returns. It is reported as Earned Income. The overwhelming majority of this "Top 1%" is simply small business owners reporting the profits earned from their small businesses. They are not "The Rich!"

Now... virtually ANY free market Conservative KNOWS these things for a FACT. The people who don't understand these things are idiots who watch reality TV. Apparently, that includes YOU!
Semantics, the last bastion of a loser.
Semantics my ass. Big difference between nominating someone and appointing someone. watafuknmoron

So John Roberts wasn't a Bush appointment? Or Sotomayor and Kagen aren't maobama appointments?

Just so you have a clue how the system works, an appointment is made after consent is given by the Senate. A judge isn't automatically seated after Senate consideration.

Read and learn dumbass.

Appointment and confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look at you now backing up exactly what I stated all the while calling me a dumbass. watafuknmoron.

So now you agree with me that what Boss stated was incorrect and your claim of semantics is nothing but your own idiocy. :clap2:

I didn't back up on anything, nomination is the first step in the appointment process, just a nomination doesn't get anyone a seat on the court, just ask the dear leader.

From my link:
My bold

"he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the supreme Court..."
:YAWN: you claimed semantics on what Boss stated, I proceeded to explain the difference between nominating a SCJ and the process verse simply appointing an SCJ, to which you have now backed up exactly what I stated after calling me a dumbass. :clap2:

OK child, you want to play a semantics game, let's play. So first let's see exactly what you said.

Trump doesn't get to appoint anybody, he can nominate a Supreme Court Justice and then Congress can either confirm it or deny it. It is Congress who will hold the power of the next SCJ.

Now let's pick apart your incorrect verbiage. The Senate can confirm on not, Congress which consist of two houses that have no collective say on the nomination, only the Senate gets a vote. Also the Senate either refuses to consider a nomination, withholds confirmation or confirms, they don't deny a nomination. After all a nomination is fact, how can you deny it. And like it says below, after the Senate confirms the president makes the APPOINTMENT.

"he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the supreme Court..."

And then there's that thing called a recess APPOINTMENT where the Senate gets no say until a new congress is seated. So maybe you should pick your words a bit more carefully before you try to nitpick someone else's. dumbass.
I am sure there are a lot of very disappointed conservatives out there who are just throwing up their hands today and saying... well, now what? Trump is the GOP nominee and once again, Conservative voters are left in the lurch without a candidate to support for president of the United States. Today, we're having to endure the sickening gloating of the Trump brigade as they parade around on their victory lap, taking their final pot shots and being the smug and arrogant assholes they've learned to be under their leader.

Fear not, the battle may be over but the war rages on. This isn't over by a damn sight and it won't be over regardless of who wins in November. Our focus must now shift to the congressional races where we stand to make great headway in the house and senate. Now more than ever, our strength and resolve becomes crucial. We can't abandon this fight... not now... not ever. We've suffered a setback, that's for sure. It hurts, I know. But we have to press on for the sake of our children, our grandchildren and this country we love so much.

Naturally, we want to know what went wrong. How did we end up on the short end of the stick in this primary which started with such high hopes? The answer is not simple but it can be summed up easily. The establishment GOP is getting their just rewards for abandoning conservative values. Us conservatives would have liked for that to have come in the form of a new conservative revival and for the first time in 40 years, a conservative choice for president. We came close but no one could have estimated the level of anger from those who are simply fed up with politics as usual in Washington. Too many were simply so fed up they weren't willing to give anyone a chance with a message other than "burn the place to the ground and shake it to the foundation because we're fed up." They didn't really care about messages, they just wanted someone who isn't a political insider because that's all they believe they can trust now. And... some of this can be blamed on actual conservatives who were sent to Washington to change things then abandoned their conservatism.

So maybe this is for the best... maybe we needed this? Granted, it's not what seems the best... it's worse than taking a dose of bad tasting medicine. But maybe we need to get this out of our system so we can return to a clean slate and then start to rebuild a true and strong coalition of conservative values? Once the real Donald Trump becomes known, there will be many who regret their choice. He may or may not defeat Hillary in November and some of us may feel obligated to support him even though he makes their blood boil. I can't tell you what is the right thing to do because I think it's a personal decision you'll have to make.

For me personally, I am not ready to support Donald Trump. I think he needs to unify this party and to do so he needs to advance core conservative principles. It's not our obligation to abandon our beliefs and move toward him, it's his duty as the GOP nominee to reassure the base that we can be united under principles we can all be proud to support in November. If he can't do that or his ego won't let him do that, or his supporters refuse to embrace such a concept, they will do so at their own peril. Clearly, this is out of the control of conservatives now, we can't do anything about what Trump does going forward, that's entirely his prerogative. But there are millions and millions of American conservative voters who are listening and waiting for a reason they should vote for this man in November.

Forget about Trumps antagonistic and frenzied base of supporters... they really don't matter here. What they have to say doesn't matter. They are all giddy with excitement like they just won the championship football game and full of beans. They have already demonstrated they will support Trump no matter what he says or how many times he transitions from one side of a position to another. It's a proven quantity and we know that. What matters is what Trump does. He can either continue to alienate conservatives or he can attempt to bring them into the big tent. The course he takes will have a tremendous effect on his general election bid.

I mostly agree, but it really boils down to one question. Do you want the hildabitch or sanders to be picking possibly the next 4 supreme court justices, that could easily be deciding the course of the country for the next 40+ years? If your answer is no, there's only one alternative.

Assuming you consider that an alternative, which I do not. I don't want Hillary, Bernie, OR the Orange Jesus picking the Supreme Court justices.

Well feel free to share with the rest of us what you consider a plausible alternative at this point in time.
I mostly agree, but it really boils down to one question. Do you want the hildabitch or sanders to be picking possibly the next 4 supreme court justices, that could easily be deciding the course of the country for the next 40+ years? If your answer is no, there's only one alternative.

I have little faith in what kind of justices Trump will appoint, to be honest. You'd like to think he would appoint some wacko liberal to the court but what if he did and the mealy-mouth Republicans wanting to please the president put their rubber stamp on his pick along with the liberal democrats? It might be tougher for Hillary to get her picks approved and she might be forced to nominate a more centrist moderate than she would like, just to get them through Congress? I'm looking at this like we've already lost the battle for SCOTUS... we're never going to get another Antonin Scalia out of either candidate. The hopes of a true Constitutional Conservative went down the tubes with Ted Cruz and we're going to suffer regardless. So I can't let that be my reason for voting. I need to hear something from Trump to assure me he is going to at least adhere to some of our core conservative principles as president and if he doesn't give me that, I can't vote for the man. I'll stay home or vote for the Libertarian. If we end up with Hillary, we end up with Hillary.

If the hildabitch wins, we'll most likely lose the senate also, making liberal judges a certainty. I'll take the chance that Trump will do what he said and appoint Scalia types to the court.

That must have been a really short flip-flop when he said it, because I don't remember it. How fast did he contradict himself?

I've heard him say it in a couple of interviews, one with Hannity for sure and I think the other was with O'Riley.
Bond holders, they lent GM cash, are the ones that got hosed, according to bankruptcy laws they were supposed to made whole FIRST. Your dear leader violated the law and they got pennies on the dollar.

Guy, the purpose of the GM bailout was not to make sure that bad bets were covered. It was to make sure millions of Americans didn't lose their jobs and livlihoods.

Seriously, fuck the investors, bunch of fucking parasites, anyway.

Right, fuck the law, regressives don't need no fucking law, they got their dear leader.
If the hildabitch wins, we'll most likely lose the senate also, making liberal judges a certainty. I'll take the chance that Trump will do what he said and appoint Scalia types to the court.

It all depends on who he is talking to... If he's being interviewed by Hannity, he's going to appoint justices like Scalia... if he's talking to Wolf Blitzer, he's going to appoint a 'centrist-moderate' ...and we really don't know what he's going to appoint until he does so.

He also said he would give a by name list of people he would consider before the election. There's no doubt what you'll get if the hildabitch wins.

Yeah, but he said that while Cruz was still in the race. Now that he thinks he's waltzing to victory with no more effort required on his part, we'll have to see whether or not he bothers.

Isn't that the case with any politician.
Then GOD DAMN IT, you fucking asshole HARD CORE conservatives, DON'T VOTE the fucking Trumpster, and vote for the c-unt that we all KNOW will continue to fuck up the country.... You assholes are ALMOST as stupid as the subversive scumbags in here...You have TWO choices now, what will it be, a guy that beat the shit out of a supposed HARD CORE conservative that a VAST amount of other Republicans voted for when given the choice, or a KNOWN LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDERING BITCH that will continue our march towards the ultimate end...COMMUNISM..... It's up to you! THINK about it, and THINK HARD!

That's exactly the way NOT to win my vote.

Look... your guy won the primary, congratulations... well done... but there were MORE republicans who voted for someone else in the primaries and it's NOT their obligation to automatically support YOUR guy in the general. It is up to YOUR guy to win over those voters, and while the hostile and nasty tone you're taking was useful in strong-arming your way through the primaries, it's useless in winning over true conservative voters. In fact, I would say it's COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

Now, if you don't want the lying, corrupt, criminal bitch to WIN... walk back this mean and vicious rhetoric and start acting like you actually WANT our votes! Otherwise, you're going to lose in a massive landslide. It's not asking much for you people to act like you've got a conservative bone in your body and at least TRY to assure people that Trump will adhere to core conservative principles. If you can't bring yourselves to do that... oh fucking well! I guess we'll get the Hildabitch!
Did Trump not win over the voters? He had the majority of voters, millions more than Cruz.

Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record

Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast. That’s already about 250,000 more than Romney earned in the entire 2012 primary season and 153,000 more than John McCain earned in 2008.​

Look up "majority", Trumpette. Your command of English is even worse than your Orange Messiah's, and God knows, my first-grader is more articulate than that white-trash-with-money slob.
LMFAO, so all you have now are inept claims of "majority" and Trump didn't have the majority vote. LMFAO Yet he had millions more votes than Cruz. But you Cruz whackers claim it was about the delegates, to which Trump had more than Cruz also. SMFH

Me thinks you've shaken your wittle head so much you're brain damaged, assuming you even have one that is.

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