Conservatives, the fight is not over!

"I am a Constitutional Conservative and I stand for core Constitutional Conservative principles and millions upon millions of Americans are with me.... we don't need organizing."

That's exactly how we got where we are now. The founders never intended for the rabble to be anywhere near the levers of power. All that tripe about liberty and God ordained equality was reserved for affluent land holding white males alone. No women, no working class folk, no poor folk, none of that. And that's before we even get into the fictional social construct of race.

All real progress in America has always come though the gathering of mass movements that push the power structure in directions it would never have gone via the political process. We will get the president Wall Street allows us until some critical mass of the population straightens its back. We will continue to borrow to maintain a level of empire and consumption this society can no longer afford, wages will continue to fall, poverty will continue to spread, permanent war of empire will continue unabated, privatized prison system mass incarceration will continue and spread in our post industrial society, human beings will continue to be commoditized regardless of “which” political party wins the presidency, and the public will continue to get 90% of what they see and hear from a half dozen corporations spewing a false perceptual reality (thanks for deregulating the FCC Mr. Clinton) while judicial fiat continues to be leveraged to strip citizens of basic constitutional rights. The system will do to us whatever we allow.
“You know, when you put out a tax plan, you are going to start negotiating,” he said. “You don’t say, ‘OK, this is our tax plan, lots of luck, folks.’ There will be negotiation back and forth. And I can see that going up, to be honest with you.”

But you're NOT NEGOTIATING YET, Mr. Trump! You're not even to the general election yet! All that happened was a liberal goofball reporter confronted you about your tax plan and you BAILED!

They will excuse anything he says. It's like 2008 and obama all over again.

Sure it is! Absolutely. You nailed it!
Do you really have that hard of a time at comprehending the basic English language? Is this really that hard to understand? you people are so ideoligically ignorant that you fail to comprehend much of anything, other than Cruz should have won, Trump stole it from Cruz, Cruz is who I whack off too before I go to sleep, yada, yada, yada. SMFH

Yep, your a fucking genius! :clap2:
It's hard to understand why someone would come to a forum and ejaculate his nonsense and think he'd be taken seriously. You've only impressed yourself. Try to be less of an asshole and make a coherent point.
Wow, maybe you should try reading this thread from the beginning, and then start over. SMFH
If someone needs to read the thread to understand your point then the problem isn't with the someone else.
Not only should you have read the thread, but you should have comprehended what was stated, or you should have kept your brown nose out of my asshole. Do you need a napkin to get that chunk off? :dunno:
Your asshole? I thought I had my dick in your mouth, it was located above your chin, oh well.

Just learn to articulate a bit better, trying to squeeze that much hate into a few words muddies the message.
From what I gather you had your dick in your own ass.

I don't need to learn to "articulate" better, you should learn to comprehend English better or better yet don't put your nose somewhere it had no business being. SMFH
"I am a Constitutional Conservative and I stand for core Constitutional Conservative principles and millions upon millions of Americans are with me.... we don't need organizing."

That's exactly how we got where we are now. The founders never intended for the rabble to be anywhere near the levers of power. All that tripe about liberty and God ordained equality was reserved for affluent land holding white males alone. No women, no working class folk, no poor folk, none of that. And that's before we even get into the fictional social construct of race.

All real progress in America has always come though the gathering of mass movements that push the power structure in directions it would never have gone via the political process. We will get the president Wall Street allows us until some critical mass of the population straightens its back. We will continue to borrow to maintain a level of empire and consumption this society can no longer afford, wages will continue to fall, poverty will continue to spread, permanent war of empire will continue unabated, privatized prison system mass incarceration will continue and spread in our post industrial society, human beings will continue to be commoditized regardless of “which” political party wins the presidency, and the public will continue to get 90% of what they see and hear from a half dozen corporations spewing a false perceptual reality (thanks for deregulating the FCC Mr. Clinton) while judicial fiat continues to be leveraged to strip citizens of basic constitutional rights. The system will do to us whatever we allow.
Utter horseshit. The 3/5th rule for blacks came about as a compromise to get slave holding states onboard unity of the nation. They were products of their day and women didn't have power, didn't live as independents so it's easy to look back with 21st century eyes and make value judgments. Otherwise citizens could vote for a representative, the common man shared the same rights.

And furthermore, technology is what forwarded social change, not progressive activists dreaming up goodness from their ivory towers. Factories made slavery unnecessary. Farm machinery finally made it unnecessary. Household appliances gave women more freedom to be engaged in politics and events of the day.

Maybe your perception of reality is distorted by corporations but you don't speak for me.
It's hard to understand why someone would come to a forum and ejaculate his nonsense and think he'd be taken seriously. You've only impressed yourself. Try to be less of an asshole and make a coherent point.
Wow, maybe you should try reading this thread from the beginning, and then start over. SMFH
If someone needs to read the thread to understand your point then the problem isn't with the someone else.
Not only should you have read the thread, but you should have comprehended what was stated, or you should have kept your brown nose out of my asshole. Do you need a napkin to get that chunk off? :dunno:
Your asshole? I thought I had my dick in your mouth, it was located above your chin, oh well.

Just learn to articulate a bit better, trying to squeeze that much hate into a few words muddies the message.
From what I gather you had your dick in your own ass.

I don't need to learn to "articulate" better, you should learn to comprehend English better or better yet don't put your nose somewhere it had no business being. SMFH
My business is right here telling you I was feeling a bit embarrassed by the needy gurgling sounds you were making. You really do need a boyfriend.
"I am a Constitutional Conservative and I stand for core Constitutional Conservative principles and millions upon millions of Americans are with me.... we don't need organizing."

That's exactly how we got where we are now. The founders never intended for the rabble to be anywhere near the levers of power. All that tripe about liberty and God ordained equality was reserved for affluent land holding white males alone. No women, no working class folk, no poor folk, none of that. And that's before we even get into the fictional social construct of race.

All real progress in America has always come though the gathering of mass movements that push the power structure in directions it would never have gone via the political process. We will get the president Wall Street allows us until some critical mass of the population straightens its back. We will continue to borrow to maintain a level of empire and consumption this society can no longer afford, wages will continue to fall, poverty will continue to spread, permanent war of empire will continue unabated, privatized prison system mass incarceration will continue and spread in our post industrial society, human beings will continue to be commoditized regardless of “which” political party wins the presidency, and the public will continue to get 90% of what they see and hear from a half dozen corporations spewing a false perceptual reality (thanks for deregulating the FCC Mr. Clinton) while judicial fiat continues to be leveraged to strip citizens of basic constitutional rights. The system will do to us whatever we allow.
Utter horseshit. The 3/5th rule for blacks came about as a compromise to get slave holding states onboard unity of the nation. They were products of their day and women didn't have power, didn't live as independents so it's easy to look back with 21st century eyes and make value judgments. Otherwise citizens could vote for a representative, the common man shared the same rights.

And furthermore, technology is what forwarded social change, not progressive activists dreaming up goodness from their ivory towers. Factories made slavery unnecessary. Farm machinery finally made it unnecessary. Household appliances gave women more freedom to be engaged in politics and events of the day.

Maybe your perception of reality is distorted by corporations but you don't speak for me.

Speak for you? Why I'd never. My bad, you're right of course.

No Anti-Tax Movement, no American Revolution, no Abolition Movement, no States' Rights Movement, no Women's Rights Movement, no Temperance Movement, no Labor Movement, no Civil Rights Movement, no Anti-War Movement, no Environmental Movement, no union strikes, no Workers Rights Movement, no Shay’s Rebellion, no Boston Tea Party, no Shay’s Rebellion, no Southeast Missouri Sharecroppers Strike, nonadat ever happened.
LMFAO the overwhelming majority of small business owners are not in the 1% you fucking idiot.

Of Earned Income Taxpayers, YES... they ARE!

Trump isn't talking about raising Earned Income Tax Brackets that. In fact he is talking about having only 4 tax brackets: 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven.

Again... No, he has recently said "I'm not a big fan" [of the majority of his tax cuts going to the top 1%] and he plans for their rate to go up. He has SAID... "We have to tax the rich more!" What he WAS talking about was fine... I liked his tax plan... I defended it here several times against stupid liberals who didn't get it. But he has now lurched left on it... he says we have to "raise taxes on the rich" like some kind of fucked-in-the-head liberal kook who doesn't understand the way our tax system works. "The Rich" aren't making their money through Earned Income and pay very little Earned Income Tax. Raising the top marginal earned income tax rates (what he said) is stupid and only hurts small businesses.

He is only talking about closing corporate loop holes:

No... In a totally different conversation about corporate taxation he has said that but he has not been specific about what "loopholes" he wants to close. A "loophole" in corporate taxation context, is basically a tax incentive that we have passed at one time or another in order to address some problem or issue facing many Americans. I can't sit here and defend them all, but every single one of them has a reason and purpose for existing and Congress held debates to argue why we should or should not have them. Personally, I am all for eliminating all the "loopholes" and lowering the tax rate to near zero for corporations, particularly if we can incentivize domesticity. You keep your money and jobs HERE and you can pay 5% corporate tax with no loopholes.

But Trump was NOT talking about corporate tax rates in the interview I raised questions with.
Wow, maybe you should try reading this thread from the beginning, and then start over. SMFH
If someone needs to read the thread to understand your point then the problem isn't with the someone else.
Not only should you have read the thread, but you should have comprehended what was stated, or you should have kept your brown nose out of my asshole. Do you need a napkin to get that chunk off? :dunno:
Your asshole? I thought I had my dick in your mouth, it was located above your chin, oh well.

Just learn to articulate a bit better, trying to squeeze that much hate into a few words muddies the message.
From what I gather you had your dick in your own ass.

I don't need to learn to "articulate" better, you should learn to comprehend English better or better yet don't put your nose somewhere it had no business being. SMFH
My business is right here telling you I was feeling a bit embarrassed by the needy gurgling sounds you were making. You really do need a boyfriend.
You had any sounds you think I was making confused with your own moans from having your dick up your own ass. You can keep your gay fantasies to yourself.

Maybe next time you should really try harder and think about where you put things, especially thinking you're going to get up into someone else's business based on your own inabilities. imjusayn
You a Free Market Conservative? Free Markets have nothing to do with tax rates you fucking idiot.

Yes, and obviously, you're NOT a free market conservative. Free markets have EVERYTHING to do with tax rates, you moron. Earned Income Tax applies to the profits made by free market capitalist entrepreneurs in every small business in America! Every free market conservative knows this intuitively, it's not in question at all. You sound like some fucked-in-the-head Keynesian idiot spewing utter nonsense out your blowhole.

And I have to say... it seems very apparent that others here see just how idiotic you are being because they are replying to you just as I have... you're swatting away left and right at those who are telling you what a moron you are... is that not making an impression on your stupid ass?
That's exactly how we got where we are now. The founders never intended for the rabble to be anywhere near the levers of power.

And you're totally full of kook wacko bullshit. What they never intended was to have mob rule where some dick-brain populist movement assumes power and starts dictating our constitutional liberties. No sooner than they GAVE us a Republic, progressives began trying to turn it into a Democracy.... they still are trying.
That's exactly how we got where we are now. The founders never intended for the rabble to be anywhere near the levers of power.

And you're totally full of kook wacko bullshit. What they never intended was to have mob rule where some dick-brain populist movement assumes power and starts dictating our constitutional liberties. No sooner than they GAVE us a Republic, progressives began trying to turn it into a Democracy.... they still are trying.

Yeah, democracy sucks.
LMFAO the overwhelming majority of small business owners are not in the 1% you fucking idiot.

Of Earned Income Taxpayers, YES... they ARE!
NO they ARE NOT!

Trump isn't talking about raising Earned Income Tax Brackets that. In fact he is talking about having only 4 tax brackets: 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven.

Again... No, he has recently said "I'm not a big fan" [of the majority of his tax cuts going to the top 1%] and he plans for their rate to go up. He has SAID... "We have to tax the rich more!" What he WAS talking about was fine... I liked his tax plan... I defended it here several times against stupid liberals who didn't get it. But he has now lurched left on it... he says we have to "raise taxes on the rich" like some kind of fucked-in-the-head liberal kook who doesn't understand the way our tax system works. "The Rich" aren't making their money through Earned Income and pay very little Earned Income Tax. Raising the top marginal earned income tax rates (what he said) is stupid and only hurts small businesses.
You see this is where your ignorance shines bright, thinking that small business owners are the 1%. You must be one of those fucked-in-the-head liberal kooks since what he has proposed would reduce tax rates on Earned Income (Net Profit - personal income). He never stated we should raise the top marginal earned income tax rates. SMFH

He is only talking about closing corporate loop holes:

No... In a totally different conversation about corporate taxation he has said that but he has not been specific about what "loopholes" he wants to close. A "loophole" in corporate taxation context, is basically a tax incentive that we have passed at one time or another in order to address some problem or issue facing many Americans. I can't sit here and defend them all, but every single one of them has a reason and purpose for existing and Congress held debates to argue why we should or should not have them. Personally, I am all for eliminating all the "loopholes" and lowering the tax rate to near zero for corporations, particularly if we can incentivize domesticity. You keep your money and jobs HERE and you can pay 5% corporate tax with no loopholes.

But Trump was NOT talking about corporate tax rates in the interview I raised questions with.
What interview is it you think he stated to raise the top marginal earned income tax rates in? You seem to be projecting based on some other phrase that you are mis-interpreting. In a town-hall interview he was asked if he believed in raising taxes on the wealthy, to which he said he does, and his ideals are to close loopholes to do so, such as the Carried Interest loophole.

The biggest winners under Donald Trump's tax plan
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You must be one of those fucked-in-the-head liberal kooks since blah blah blah. Discussion over.
You a Free Market Conservative? Free Markets have nothing to do with tax rates you fucking idiot.

Yes, and obviously, you're NOT a free market conservative. Free markets have EVERYTHING to do with tax rates, you moron. Earned Income Tax applies to the profits made by free market capitalist entrepreneurs in every small business in America! Every free market conservative knows this intuitively, it's not in question at all. You sound like some fucked-in-the-head Keynesian idiot spewing utter nonsense out your blowhole.

And I have to say... it seems very apparent that others here see just how idiotic you are being because they are replying to you just as I have... you're swatting away left and right at those who are telling you what a moron you are... is that not making an impression on your stupid ass?
Free markets don't have anything to do with tax rates it has to do with fewer regulations. Free markets are based on the economy, supply and demand, and labor. What you should be exclaiming if you are truly a free market constitutional conservative is we should reduce government spending and lessen the tax burden. The only one talking out their blowhole is you.

OKTexas was discussing your inept claim that Trump would appoint a SCJ, I stated he couldn't do it unless the Senate confirmed the nomination.

Iceweasel jumped into his own mess putting his nose where it doesn't belong.
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You had any sounds you think I was making confused with your own moans from having your.............

Why don't you stop seeing how crude and obscene you can be and grow the fuck up?
Coming from you? Maybe if you idiots were able to quit with the profanity I would have had no need to respond in kind, but it's never your faults right? Maybe you should try again. imjusayn
"I am a Constitutional Conservative and I stand for core Constitutional Conservative principles and millions upon millions of Americans are with me.... we don't need organizing."

That's exactly how we got where we are now. The founders never intended for the rabble to be anywhere near the levers of power. All that tripe about liberty and God ordained equality was reserved for affluent land holding white males alone. No women, no working class folk, no poor folk, none of that. And that's before we even get into the fictional social construct of race.

All real progress in America has always come though the gathering of mass movements that push the power structure in directions it would never have gone via the political process. We will get the president Wall Street allows us until some critical mass of the population straightens its back. We will continue to borrow to maintain a level of empire and consumption this society can no longer afford, wages will continue to fall, poverty will continue to spread, permanent war of empire will continue unabated, privatized prison system mass incarceration will continue and spread in our post industrial society, human beings will continue to be commoditized regardless of “which” political party wins the presidency, and the public will continue to get 90% of what they see and hear from a half dozen corporations spewing a false perceptual reality (thanks for deregulating the FCC Mr. Clinton) while judicial fiat continues to be leveraged to strip citizens of basic constitutional rights. The system will do to us whatever we allow.
Utter horseshit. The 3/5th rule for blacks came about as a compromise to get slave holding states onboard unity of the nation. They were products of their day and women didn't have power, didn't live as independents so it's easy to look back with 21st century eyes and make value judgments. Otherwise citizens could vote for a representative, the common man shared the same rights.

And furthermore, technology is what forwarded social change, not progressive activists dreaming up goodness from their ivory towers. Factories made slavery unnecessary. Farm machinery finally made it unnecessary. Household appliances gave women more freedom to be engaged in politics and events of the day.

Maybe your perception of reality is distorted by corporations but you don't speak for me.

Speak for you? Why I'd never. My bad, you're right of course.

No Anti-Tax Movement, no American Revolution, no Abolition Movement, no States' Rights Movement, no Women's Rights Movement, no Temperance Movement, no Labor Movement, no Civil Rights Movement, no Anti-War Movement, no Environmental Movement, no union strikes, no Workers Rights Movement, no Shay’s Rebellion, no Boston Tea Party, no Shay’s Rebellion, no Southeast Missouri Sharecroppers Strike, nonadat ever happened.
I'm not going to hold your hand and try to make up for your lack of schooling and walk you through each step but the Revolution happened because Americans were doing well with their various businesses. England wasn't go to let the cash cow go without a good milking. I already covered slavery. The anti-war movement did what? Nixon got elected! They pissed off a lot of people like they do now. But the big picture is that technology is what drives social change, not malcontents creating a nuisance or the lofty ideals of progressives.
You a Free Market Conservative? Free Markets have nothing to do with tax rates you fucking idiot.

Yes, and obviously, you're NOT a free market conservative. Free markets have EVERYTHING to do with tax rates, you moron. Earned Income Tax applies to the profits made by free market capitalist entrepreneurs in every small business in America! Every free market conservative knows this intuitively, it's not in question at all. You sound like some fucked-in-the-head Keynesian idiot spewing utter nonsense out your blowhole.

And I have to say... it seems very apparent that others here see just how idiotic you are being because they are replying to you just as I have... you're swatting away left and right at those who are telling you what a moron you are... is that not making an impression on your stupid ass?
Free markets don't have anything to do with tax rates it has to do with fewer regulations. Free markets are based on the economy, supply and demand, and labor. What you should be exclaiming if you are truly a free market constitutional conservative is we should reduce government spending and lessen the tax burden. The only one talking out their blowhole is you.

OKTexas was discussing your inept claim that Trump would appoint a SCJ, I stated he couldn't do it unless the Senate confirmed the nomination.

Iceweasel jumped into his own mess putting his nose where it doesn't belong.
If you're going to post here it's everyone's business, you smug asshole. If you want a private conversation there are ways to do it. There is no such thing as "the" free market. Markets aren't pure, nothing is without restraint. A totally free market would be anarchy and no government would exist by definition. Pop your head out of your ass, you aren't impressing anybody.
We get it, you just don't give a flying fuck about the law which is why you've supported your dear leaders lawlessness over the last almost 8 years.

I care about results. As a wise man said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact". Since there was legislation that enabled the bailouts that gave the Executive Branch authority to administer the bailout, there really isn't an issue with 'the law' here except in your fetid imagination.

And the fact that Obama makes dumb ass inbred rednecks from Texas like you upset is just icing on the cake.
You a Free Market Conservative? Free Markets have nothing to do with tax rates you fucking idiot.

Yes, and obviously, you're NOT a free market conservative. Free markets have EVERYTHING to do with tax rates, you moron. Earned Income Tax applies to the profits made by free market capitalist entrepreneurs in every small business in America! Every free market conservative knows this intuitively, it's not in question at all. You sound like some fucked-in-the-head Keynesian idiot spewing utter nonsense out your blowhole.

And I have to say... it seems very apparent that others here see just how idiotic you are being because they are replying to you just as I have... you're swatting away left and right at those who are telling you what a moron you are... is that not making an impression on your stupid ass?
Free markets don't have anything to do with tax rates it has to do with fewer regulations. Free markets are based on the economy, supply and demand, and labor. What you should be exclaiming if you are truly a free market constitutional conservative is we should reduce government spending and lessen the tax burden. The only one talking out their blowhole is you.

OKTexas was discussing your inept claim that Trump would appoint a SCJ, I stated he couldn't do it unless the Senate confirmed the nomination.

Iceweasel jumped into his own mess putting his nose where it doesn't belong.
If you're going to post here it's everyone's business, you smug asshole. If you want a private conversation there are ways to do it. There is no such thing as "the" free market. Markets aren't pure, nothing is without restraint. A totally free market would be anarchy and no government would exist by definition. Pop your head out of your ass, you aren't impressing anybody.
Wow, your a fucking genius! Funny how it is BOSS talking about free markets and the tax rates being part of them and you attacking me over me explaining that tax rates have nothing to do with free markets, you fucking moron. SMFH

Oh, I get it now, you want to be BOSS's knight in shining armor, is that why you started your conversation with me about assholes? I won't give you mine so now you want BOSS's? LMFAO

You really should read this thread from the beginning, maybe then you might be able to follow along. imjusayn

If you wish to make it your business then you should really understand basic English comprehension first. You won't look so damned ignorant if you understood that one thing, but each to his own. :YAWN:

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